
Sub 3



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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Cripes you parkrun people (and those who went a little further, coro) -- I jogged about 50m in the park today to decide I'd be OK for a jog tomorrow, but that's about it.

    Coro -- until I tried to grab a screenshot, I didn't remember you were in shot with Mutai! Shame about the picture quality though -- maybe there is a point in HD TV after all -- maybe someone else recorded it in HD...

    Despite blowing up rather in the second half, I worked out I moved up from ~350 to 211 between half way and the finish, so about a third of those in front of me blew up more spectacularly than I did. (Who said "it is not enough to succeed... others must fail"? ; -)  ) Mind you, after streaming past loads until about 24 miles, the tables were then turned -- it would have been very ugly for me if I'd been required to run another mile or two.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    MtR - little slower than I would like to be but happy enough that I can build some specific sessions in now that I am not ultra training. Still running 30-50 miles a week but yes the bike is now No.1.
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    Mr Boat wrote (see)
    Just checked my 5K split positions: between 5k and 25k I gained 160 places and between 25k and the finish I lost 178 places...not a good feeling (can you tell I've got a bit of time on my hands at work today).
    Where do you get the split positions from? I can see split times on the results site but not positions.
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    Andy D: you need to go to the search and click on the drop down where it says 'finish time'. You then select which ever split you want. You then need to go looking for yourself. It's best to look at 100 places per page. that way you can find out easily, by counting back, or foward, your position for the selected split.. It's quite fiddely and time consuming, the sort of thing to do on a quiet day at work.
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    Cheers Mr B image

    That's a bit of a faff. Glad to see I hadn't missed some easy way of doing it though.

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    There is an easier way to do it. Get the 5k split on 1000 results per page then copy and paste into excel. Job done. I made over 460 places from 5k to finish but part of that was due to red start delay.
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    Ta. Done it now anyway. Actually lost 25 places between 5k and 10k but gained 426 places (net) between 5k and finish. Think the fastest segment was in the docklands when I wasn't too sure of my pacing so ran faster to compensate.
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    That's good going AD and JH1. I suppose if I look at it from 5k to finish I only lost 18 places....feel better already image
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    Moaning all.

    Excellent park running yesterday from BR, Hilly, Gobi and GAWD 

    HH excellent from you too: you seem to be hitting some real form

    Coro in addition to your excellent training post-VLM you have put up a classic picture. Hope you don't mind but I've nicked it for my facebook status. It absolutely shocks me how lardy many school pupils are, including in my school. The lack of an exercise mentality is incredible. And to be honest there's only about a handful of staff who do any kind of serious exercise in my school. Crap, especially when you consider the studies linking regular exercise to increased productivity and drop in days of sick.

    FR can't PM you (your setting doesn't permit) so just very briefly: after nearly a week off the idea is 30, 40, 30, 50, 30, 60 etc. all with HR < 75% max.

    I've slightly short-cut one of those runs by doing my 50 minuter or 6 miler today (hilly route hence slow pace). Legs almost back to normal which amazes me after yesterday's slightly stiff return. Felt really good. Berlin is 5 months today image

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    Mr B, don't forget the 30 or so who dropped out between 5k & the finish. They're included in the split time lists.
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    Just been reading back through. Thanks again to everyone for all of the advice.

    Charlie W - I think I would definitely benefit from making my longer runs that little bit longer, the longest I did this time around was just north of 20 miles and I really slowed towards the end, I didn't feel like I hit the wall, just that my legs were so battered due to lack of conditioning.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    55 miles on the bike this morning average page just over 19mph. This include 54mph down a big hill and 12.48 for miles 45 to 50. My run later will be pretty relaxed for sure.

    Anyone racing this weekend ?
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    Dan A - you're definitely not the only one. I'd have to include myself in that group most of the time ;o)

    Marmite - steady on. Let's just say if I was training exclusively for a marathon then I'd definitely be doing some longer runs with harder stuff in. Whether that's Casablanca or a more simplistic run 12miles at a decent pace (MP+60s?) then run like you stole something for half an hour I think the difference is probably less than people like to think. When we were popping out several sub210 marathoners in this country they just raced a bit and had a burn up a the club quite a bit didn't they?

    Hope you're all enjoying the sun.

    As you were.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    People must be training or doing family stuff as very little posting going on. Had a few mins at work and did a list up to 1st 1000 at London which was to 2:59. Of that only 67 neg splitted (Inc some guy who held Marders pole for a while ;o) ) and only a further 35 were within 1min of their 1st half.
    Anyone know when Wicks pulled out as it looks like he was at similar pace to Lemoncello?

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    Hail Hail

    Or working all bluddy weekend long JH1

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    All work and no play RB. That includes me as doing same which is a bummer in such nice weather.
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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭

    8 miles today making it, er, 8 for the week.  Off for a row this evening too in the double.

    Beautiful morning in Richmond Park.

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭
    I'm still at work...looking foward to this evening's recovery 7 though; should be pleasant down on the prom image
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    CW - cracking shot of Coro and Mutai. Guessing that Coro's last minute advice was something along the lines of "run hard until 20 miles then go freakin' nuts and destroy the field".

    DanA - 5M might not be 50M but it's definitley heading in the right direction. Easy does it mate and you'll be back to full force before long.

    Congrats on the park runs Hilly, Gobi and BR. Good to hear the post-mara recovery is going well for Brilly.

    HH - you're absolutely right, first rep felt as hard/fast as any of the first 6. Funny thing is that I never have this experience in a race. Good to see you return to form. What are your Spring/Summer racing plans? Your SEO is well quick, what are her preferred distances?

    CRAB - certainly people like Ron Hill were just churning out big miles, good amount of quality and racing frequently with no real taper most of the time.

    Didn't get the long run done until about 2:30pm. Did one of the regular hilly, mainly off-road routes on me tod. Progression run, with some quicker miles in the second half. 18M for the day and 81M for the week.

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭

    If you look at Mike Gratton's training plan (available on his 2:09 website) you will see that big miles and quality sessions were very much part of his training along with the burn ups on club nights and racing.

    Good to see marathon legs back on the roadimage

    Nice training Marmite.  Any races planned?

    10 miles today.  Lovely, except I still can't get rid of this stupid sciatica and while it doesn't stop me running the pain in the ar*se is annoying and quite painful.  I'm ok for the first few miles then it builds and affects my hamstring and groin.  I stretch it, but not sure what else I can do to rid this nuisance of a condition.  It won't beat me though, that's for sure!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    8 miles for me this afternoon, legs wanted to cycle not run.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Top bike miles Gobi. I'd have been bricking myself at 54 mph (as well as the tears-flowing-back-into-ears problem).

    Tried a gentle run this morning and it was awful -- my calves protested like hell, so I gave up after 2M at an exceedingly slow pace. Will try again tomorrow. How Coro did that fast 17.5M a few days ago I can't imagine. (I notice my DOMS is way worse than Abo, maybe because I overcooked it this time and was running on empty dead legs for the last couple of miles.)

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    coroniumcoronium ✭✭✭

    marmite - nice mileage! Sounds like you are running well - great to see. BTW you must have been on the start line to have overheard that conversation image Seriously, that image sums up why I love marathon running - what other sport can a rank amateur compete against the world's very best, at the same time, over the same exact route, same conditions, same kit? In my mind it was Coro vs Mutai and I lost very very badly!

    RWH - no problem at all, it is a publically accessible image. I did note that on my kids Easter egg a certain very well known chocolate company is an "official sponsor of the 2012 Olympics" - sigh.

    CharlieW - I find 7 days after a marathon I often have a stonker of a run where no matter how hard I push it feels aerobically 'easy' - today was that run. Knowing that I wanted to hammer a run I picked a tough'ish hilly off-road run; after an easy 6:30m/m uphill first mile I managed to complete the full 10M in sub 6:00 avg pace. This was midday and warm, yet I had hardly broken into a sweat by the end - very odd. I've had a similar run for the past 2 years. Won't happen again for another 12 months.

    40M for the week + 30M on the bike.

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    CW - do you think it has anything to do with doing low mileage?  I find that the higher mileage I do in training the quicker my legs recover after the marathon.
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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭

    Saw a few of the Devizes to Westminster racers today and had a chat with the marshals at Teddington Lock while I was out rowing.  A cruel race in that if you miss the tide you've got to wait 6 hours until the next one.  Although I could think of worse things than having to linger at Teddington Lock for 6 hours.

    Would still like to do that one day - it's tough to fit everything in, isn't it?  My kayak's a sit-on-top beach thing though, so suspect it's not really suitable and I'd have to join a club and do it properly.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Tmap - its a long way off and not a definite yet but where did youy stay in Barca for the marathon? did you manage to get somewhere near the start? I'm guessing there's a million hotels to choose from though.

    Hilly - nice 10 there

    Marmite - solid mileage, you're building a head of steam!!!!

    Nursing a hangover here but a manageable oneimage

    Ran for just over 1.25 yesterday with the club. Only three of us and just a very nice, easy paced run as the two others also ran London. The legs felt fine, I feel fine, no lingering disappointment or over analysis re the race. Having to get used to the new issue of avoiding swallowing flies on a run though, lol

    Also feels strange as this weather makes it feel like we're in summer already but I'm guessing we're in for a complete turnaround next month, haha. Enjoying it while it lasts though.

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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Hilly -- I don't know if my low-mileage regime makes recovery worse, as I've never succeeded in doing a high-mileage build-up. Though I was higher-mileage this time than Abo, when my legs were much better -- but I really dropped the mileage in the last few weeks.

    Coro -- I've been banging on about the very same point to all and sundry. I point out that I will never get a ride in the Grand National, nor play on Centre Court, nor be invited even onto the back of the F1 grid in my diesel Fusion, nor participate in the FA Cup final, etc etc... yet I really am permitted to race against the best in the world, and am given the same chance to win, on the same terms (if I only had the talent...). Which is special. And very impressive "recovery" training by the way (trademark 10M noted).

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    RSalter - if you are thinking of doing BCN marathon, bear in mind it is 3 weeks later next year. I provided loads of information on the BCN 2011 thread in events. It might take some finding, but happy to answer the basics again. Think TMAP was in the Torre Catalunya which is 400m from the start and the expo. He can give his thoughts on the hotel/race, but happy to answer anything else

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    A week on from the London Marathon when everyone has filed their race reports, I am back in Barcelona and can share mine:

     I started the campaign with a 2:57:xx marathon in the bag amd wanted to crack 2:45 but knew that I had to train for sub 2:40 to do this. I ran the previous marathons on a 40 mile average, so spent 18 weeks building up slowly from a 20 mile a week base to 60 miles which meant that I could then start the P&D 55-70 mile schedule. Building up the miles was no problem as it was summer and I was doing 9-10 milers regularly, but then when the schedule started the 15 mile midweek runs were tough as I had to do them before work normally. I travelled for each of the last 12 weeks as well which made things doubly difficult, but with this purpose, it amazed me that people made many allowances for my running.

     Half marathon PB came down from 1:19:03 to 1:16:23, but I think there is more to come and my 10k pb of 36:24 and 5k pb of 17:45 is years out of date. I even jogged a marathon PB of 2:56:xx at Barcelona which told me I was in good shape. Training maxed at 68 miles a week with a last 16 week average of 57 miles, so not massive miles, but way above what I had been doing. Most of the miles were solo miles as I run at awkward times and travel a lot.

    The London marathon went well for me. I found it a little hot and even broke a couple of my rules of not running through showers and not pouring water on my head. I set off too quickly and at halfway in 1:19:40, I was 50 seconds quicker than plan, but felt good. I think I paid for this in the 2nd half of the race where I ran 1:24:23 to finish in 2:44:03 which was only 2 mins slower than my A target and well within my 2:45:00 main goal. I'd always said this was to be my last marathon as the effort to get to this time was a lot. I'm not saying never again, but I need to take some time out and work out whether I really want it enough to be able to get down to 2:3X:xx. Right now I'll focus on 10k and rest as much as possible.

     I wanted to thank a number of people, firstly, the 2 guardian angels who have watched me on this thread but not posted, they massively helped and listened to my inane e-mail ramblings. (1 is sub 3 already and the other should join in!) Also this thread is an inspiration and a lesson in what is possible to fit into your life. How MtR fits in 80 miles and a family I don't know and there are many other stories which you know all too well Lastly a Thankyou to TJQ who kept me motivated and allowed us to put many Saturday nights on hold to fulfil our marathon ambitions Thanks to all who have replied to my posts and offered encouragement, it truly did help a lot

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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭
    RSalter wrote (see)
    Tmap - its a long way off and not a definite yet but where did youy stay in Barca for the marathon? did you manage to get somewhere near the start? I'm guessing there's a million hotels to choose from though.
    The Gran Torre Catalunya.  By Sants station, about 5/10 mins from the expo/start/finish.  Warmly recommended - it's a fairly bland business hotel, but they start breakfast early that day and allow you to wash/check out after the race, if you're leaving that day.
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