
Sub 3



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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Hey Brian - very tense, have not moved for some time now :¬)
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Birmingham Half: 1.31.2x. Legs were pretty tired and although I was ok up to about 10 miles, once it got to the final few hills I lost a bit of time. Still, given how trashed my legs felt at the beginning of the week, and that it came at the end of a very busy week, work-wise, I'll take it. A significant improvement on Bristol, given the mileage I've been doing and the fact it was a much tougher course.
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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    Nice one Jools, sounds like you're getting stronger for the extra miles in training.

    CW: Hopefully you're turning the corner... fingers crossed.

    TR: my right hamstring played up about 5 weeks out from Abo. Felt like a big old lump in there but a couple of massage sessions totally shifted it in a week. May be worth chucking a couple of quid at.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    I did get beaten by a very fast banana (sub 75, I think, according to those who watched the tv coverage)...
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Jools - Jemma Steel mentioned she was happy to outrun the Banana

    Nice blog
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    Good run Jools, it was windy today as well so you must be pleased with that time.  Even Haile was complaining about the hills at the end.

    I ran a lot slower than Jools this weekend, did 18m yesterday and then 11m today to finish up on 70 for the week and I'm starting to feel the benefit of some consistent miles in.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Jools- taken down by a banana, that made me chuckle.

    MrB - chucking a few quid at it isnt going to happen though. There's no fizz/massage money in my sports budget.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    I noticed Haile complaining about that last hill - if it was a big ask for him, definitely a big ask for me!  It's quite a nice course, but not lightening quick by any stretch of the imagination!
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    Well done Joolska - sounds a great battling performance and excellent result by you.

    Some other great fred performances I see elswhere.

    In other (probably boring) news, there's the faintest glimmer of a chink of a distant shaft of a reflection off a beam of light. You get the drift. Saw consultant's report and I'm in for a hip arthogram on Tuesday week: MRI with injected dye. There's the smallest possibility that it could be soft tissue damage rather than the impingement we suspect, although there is a bump on the femur that needs checking and I still have a lot of pain with sideways movement. The bolshy side of me thinks, f-it: just run. Fortunately looks like I'll know soon.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Good effort Joolska, on tired legs (and tired mind by the sound of it).

    Day of watching sport today. Rugby final, then 2 footy derbys. I've had a week off running and it seems like a month. Will I be glad to don the trainers tomorrow lunchtime.

    HR, See it through. Fingers crossed the results come back favourable.

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    Nice one Joolska

    Rooting for you Home Run

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    Nice work in the half Jools, and likewise in your parkrun Gobi -- sounds like you're nicely tuned up for Snowdon.

    Hope your glimmer of hope comes true HR!

    Thanks MrB -- I ran again this morning and this time allowed myself to go a bit quicker; 3M @ 6:40/M. Immediately afterwards my left hip flexor is crampy, but it goes away after a bit -- it's just a phantom symptom of the sciatic irritation I think. Jolly glad to have sore feet and slightly stiff legs after 2 days' running, meaning some training effects should be had! But I was less cocky after being driven home from the in-laws, as a couple of hours' sat down left me limping a bit. (At home I'm using a steeply-raked kneely chair which puts no pressure on the back of my thigh, which works very nicely.) Still, definite progress.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    CW - are you having massage ?

    Apart from a lack of endurance and the fact I can't run down hills properly I am well ready for next weekend :¬)
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    So, Gobi, if Snowdon is a short, uphill course you've gorrit in the bag image

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    Gobi -- I had two proper physio sessions, and since then I've been doing about 40 mins assorted exercises, stretches, and tennis ball self-massages very morning. (Which has dealt with the spasmic piriformis quite nicely, presumed to be the original cause of my woes.) The tender nerve is new and strange to me though -- I have tried gently massaging it with it elevated to try and expel any surplus fluid in it. Will do more tonight while reclining in front of Spooks... the back of my thigh hurt first when I ran 0.5M @ 5:30/M as an experiment to see if I should race on it when my leg was still rubbery, and I should have backed off before finishing that stint. Live and learn. Sounds like you have something a bit related with your sciatic/hamstring interaction.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    CW - does sound similar. I have booked in for the long term with my Physio. :¬)

    HR - sounds promising

    Brian - I should be brilliant for about 6 miles :¬)
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    Gobi well done at parkrun there. And jools good run there really image
    Also good look on the last hill at snowdon you'll know what I mean as soon as you get into waunfawr at 21 mile make sure you leave something for that hill, two years ago I never gave it a second thought and paid the price finnishing in 4hrs 12 mins. not a good first marathon.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    AtD - I have run it before, jogged it in 3.55 in 2006 the day after running Beachy Head also in 3.55.

    I'm not planning to run 3.55 this time.
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    Well run Joolska in half marathon. Good run on tired legs.

    TR think you might be right about getting out early doors. It's just I work shifts and some weekends too and when I get the chance of a bit of a lie in on a Saturday morning its to hard to resist!! Weak I know.image

    Ran Sunday xc league race today and came 31st just got beat by one of my club mates who out kicked me in last 1/2 mile. He's a lot younger than me, that's my excuse any way. image

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    Good run Joolska. The guy dressed as a banana knew what he was doing running with the leading woman for maximum tv time. Not great tv overall though , it would have been nice to see some of the brits running rather than watching Haile easing his way to victory. I hope next weeks run down south is more of a race.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Jools - good effort, sounds like a solid race.

    tigerrunner - well done in the XC. More "mature" runners do tend to have less of a kick!

    Sunday League XC for me as well. I'd done a long run on Saturday and achilles/calves were feeling really sore. I cycled there (about an hour) and was on the verge of not running as it really hurt to jog, but we had a good team out so I didn't want to drop out. Anyway, once I got going the legs felt OK.

    Was well back after 800m with the usual number of people starting ridiculously fast, then moved gradually through to 3rd place after about 2M. Was catching the leading 2 (my clubmate and a usual rival), but just as I caught them they put in a burst and maintained the lead for the rest of the race. Turns out my clubmate was trying to slow the pace to let me catch up, so the fact that I was catching them was nothing to do with me running fast! Was way ahead of 4th so eased up a bit towards the end and finished in just under 28 minutes I think (wasn't wearing a watch but based on others' times) for 5.2M. Ride home was a bit painful but luckily had a bit of a tailwind!

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    XC Season again then. Well done to Tigerrunner and Padams, for getting out there and getting it done.

    Not really looking forward to it but XC for me too, first one 27th Nov.

    Jamesito, how do you feel? Have you been out for a run yet?

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Nice running Padams, no XC for me until November but I have said I will run this year having taken 2010 off.
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    Padams that's flippin fast going 5.2 xc miles run in under 28 minutes. I can only dream of those times.

     My kick is definitely getting less and less each year.

    Brian hope you're out the door soon and running in the glorious mud. I really enjoy it and think it helps with my winter marathon training.

    Went out early as TR suggested, so 7.8 miles in the bag in 60 minutes. Legs felt heavy after yesterdays race and hamstring was giving me a bit of grief!

    More stretching to do!

    Nice sunny day here in Derby so will bike to work in a bit and home again later.

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    Afternoon one and all,

    Some solid stuff as ever over the weekend. Padams and Jools performances caught my eye.

    Inspired by some solid long running too. My only running over the weekend was a 17 miler on Saturday morning which felt really good as it was run at a relaxed pace initially due to being uphill for 5 miles. Picked it up a little on the return home and felt good at the end. I just need to keep this kind of thing going up until Christmas. 

    I plan on increasing the mileage a little over the next block of 4 weeks as I've been averaging a paltry 40 mpw over the last 8 weeks. The long run and a mid-week 9 - 10 miler should achieve this without too much extra effort. 

    I missed the first Mcr area XC match due to going to LEGOland for sons birthday. I wasn't that impressed with LEGOland if I'm honest. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    well done Tiger, I dont have any choice other than early doors most days, if you snooze you lose (out) !

    I'm still not back up to 40 mpw yet SJ. I never rated Legoland either, luckily mine are too old now.

    luckily my XC days are long gone, unattached Harriers dont have any XC fixtures. 

    The U15s won 2-1 last week and 7-1 this week (since I've been doing the fitness training and some footy drills). As long as they believe that they are getting better then they are !

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    TigerRunner, Hate it to be honest, but do it cos it's a team thing, and I know it's good
    for the strength.
    TR, Good work with the U15s. Brings back memories, thats the age group my lad
    stopped playing.

    SJ, Whats your focus / long term goal?

    Did 25mins on the treadie this lunch, slightly tight left calf.
    Will foam roller tonight just incase.

    Seem to remember enjoying Legoland (with the kids), but I'm thinking it must've been 10 years ago.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Padams - different league. Literally.

    Jools - very good effort. I read that the banana was a Birmingham Uni runner. Don't worry most of us have been beaten by a variety of fancy dress. I can variously remember a cow, Postman Pat, Scooby Doo, various Superman/Spiderman, plus an assortment of fairies and other such nonsense. Even got overtaken by a blind runner at Comrades and I was pretty happy with my 8 hour time.

    Had a couple of days off after Abo but straight back into it. Clearly didn't try hard enough. 11 miles on Sat lunchtime, similar number of beers on Sat evening at a do where half of Serpentine club seemed to be present, then a punishment 16 miles on Sunday after the rugby once the hangover had abated a little.
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