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RW Forum Six - Sub 3:30



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    Nice one, DD image. Does 3rd old bloke get you any bling?

    Had a horrible day at work yesterday and quickly skimmed over yesterday's posts. Seems like everyone is making 2013 plans image.

    Knee definitely on the mend. It barely hurts now. I will try a gentle run on it tomorrow. If I am able to get up that is. It's our office xmas pardee tonight image. So I expect a mahoosive hangover for tomorrow image. Anyway, I could do the running and puking and then feel great thing again image

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    Brolish wrote (see)

    How about a forum outing to the Thunder Run24? It's a cracking event and everyone can decide what sort of ratio of drinking to running they want to employ.  We did it last year with team Gazelle and had a great time.

    Im very keen! who wouldn't want to take part in a 24hr race on thier birthday! image

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    image  Mind you he was running a marathon a day!

    Thunder Run - there's a chance we might be entering a ladies team from my running club, I know a few are keen.  We would have to set up camp beside you guys.   I'll see if its going to go ahead....


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    oh jebus!  - that's not going to get competitive at all! image


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    2old - Are you mad doing a 2k sea swim in this weather, or have I missed that you're on holiday in the Maldives!

    DD - Nice race, only 3rd M50, I suppose you only won a Hummer for that!

    Ant - Go for it, it's only 20mins of pain.

    Chick - Glad the knee is on the mend.

    Minni - IACGMOOH Don't watch it, like BB, it's so last decade lol.

    O4S - Commuting in this weather must be a bit fresh.

    I'm off down the gym later for a steam, to try and get rid of the lurgy again.
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    M.r Zuvai wrote (see)

    is there some thinking behind the 3.35 target?

    Based on recent training and races. Obviously my fitness levels are massively lower than they were this time last year image

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    Hope you get delurgified soon, Simon. Your employer seems very strict in terms of sick days ...

    A marathon a day seems a tad excessive ... image mind you, just 30-50 mins exercise a day is booooring image. Hardly worth getting changed for!

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    image if we're to base predictions on current fitness then i should be targeting 6hrs!!

    come April you're going to be substantially fitter - and you wont have the VLM crowds to put up with..


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    Daren - Just looked at that New Years Day race you are racing next year. Bloody hell, the winner did it in 31 minutes last year! Doesn't anyone get pissed in Norfolk on NYE?! image

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    Daren, sure you could do Hadrians wall 67-69 miles. Just run it as 5 halfs? Simples. You peg each one, we catch you up.image

    DD, nice 5 miles, in km markers? Not sure what you mean about older & slower. You're plenty fast. Think you meant wiser.

    Ant - go for it. Get that sub 20 PB in 2012

    Brol, Thunder Run - our 2 teams are pretty crammed with OHs already if everyone returns plus other friends, but Mr Zuvai and a few others could squeeze in. kcs already interested a few pages back.
    Mr Zuvai, its for fun, not race. Minni If its a competitive team ideally you camp close to start line for fast change overs. We were a 10 minute walk away, furthest!

    2old, how do I recover? good question, still working on the answer image Think the circuits, S&C help, but i carefully watch my energy levels, my training probably not that different to Daren - but with marathons. Haven't used by HRM for ages, but have this week to gauge things.

    Did I mention the top field 10k at end of December I have entered? Last year top 28 all under 31 minutes, top 60 people under 33 minutes - Brownlee brother raced but 2nd. Fast! Winner Jonny Mellor I've done running bootcamps with - did it in 29.10. Got to be some running to get that sub 40 10k image

    Who is racing this weekend?

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    FRC - I can guarantee it will be a competitive team! image  but surely it doesn't matter where you camp?  I'd expect the next runner to be there ready and waiting for the previous one coming in. Or do you run to your tent?  Surely there is a change over line/spot?

    We've run a few relay races as a club (ladies):  Great Glen Crossing: From Fort William to , 4 or 5 times.  And the Monster Duathlon: Around Loch Ness, 2 times.    I love the long distance relays - waiting for the runners to come in, doing your best for your team.  Great fun.



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    FRC - wow, that sounds like a quality race. Which one is it?

    Ant P wrote (see)

    Daren - Just looked at that New Years Day race you are racing next year. Bloody hell, the winner did it in 31 minutes last year! Doesn't anyone get pissed in Norfolk on NYE?! image

    Of course not imageimage

    Much better run today, started very slow and gradually picked up the pace, all very comfortable.

    I'm thinking possibly about doing the Norwich YKW tomorrow. Not sure yet - forecast is a bit grim, very cold with I might wimp out! I'll see how I feel in the morning.  Sunday I'm planning around 15 miles - going to map out some new routes so might experiment a bit, just hope I don't get lost!

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    Freemers - out and back, you can't get lost like that! Well, less likely to anyway image 10 miles for me on the weekend only - I must be building up a little slower than you!

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    Spoons- loads of time to improve before Paris. What schedule are you using?

    Chick- I'm with you... 30-50min exercise per day??? That's not even a proper warm up...image

    FRC- let's not worry about having too many runners, we can have as many teams as we want- the more the merrier!

    Minni- yes, the next runner is supposed to be waiting for you (unless they're drunk and asleep in a tent) so it doesn't really matter where you camp.  It is logistically easier to be closer to the start line but also very crowded. Being a few min walk away worked for me last year.

    Free- glad to hear you had a good run today.  What's the target for YKW?

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    when do entries need to be in by?

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    Bro - well, my 10 year old nephew (Cheerful Dave Junior) has recently bettered my PB, so I need to take that right back off him, obviously image So I need to run 21.21 or faster (my PB is 21.28). Although knowing my luck he'll go out and smash it himself imageimage

    I'd love to start getting closer to 21 minutes, and on a better course I could do that - the trouble with Norwich is although it is flat there are a lot of sharp 90 degree turns and you just lose pace every time.

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    Excuse me!  He was 9 at the time. image

    He's not parkrunning tomorrow so you'll have at least a week on top.  He'll be pleased to know he's encouraging Auntie to run faster. image

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    I knew it wouldn't take you long to respond CD image

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    Minni, those seconds walking all add up, if you want to challenge the other ladies teams of 5 or 8.

    The race stops at 12pm after 24 hours, laps in progress continue. so if you swap over at 11.59.58, then you can get another lap in - and win?
    It is a 10k from start to finish line with a steel batton on your wrist, passed to next runner.. but if you're really competitive, the nearer you are to start,  if any mishaps people not turning up and also if you have some helpers coordinating things, maybe someone out injured? The really serious clubs were right on the nearest corners opposite the entrance , probably could roll out of their sleeping bags or even be shouted for - we were about a 7-8 min walk, which I did 20+ times... probably another 10k walked.

    Freemers, Ribble 10k in Blackburn direction... field is always strong. see report for last year[/url;]. Jonny Mellor has run with Mo, and is current UK 3000m indoor champion. He's a local lpool runner and lovely guy, sent me tips even, also regularly organises day running bootcamps with his gf for a fiver. His 10k PB is mid 28 mins, half marathon - he's only done one in 62 minutes. Ulp. Fast. Outside chance of Brazil even?
    Freemers, Go for it on the park run, give us a target!

    Brol, coordinating 3 or more teams.. messy. One was hard, two just about do-able with partners wanting to run, SS, mine and others after more laps? Places are going fast supposedly, last year still some in April, doubt it this. Mr Zuvai, team entry, not individual, will keep you in mind.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Freemers - we'll book the Newcastle Parkrun in when you're up next year. Its on the TM course but without the hill.  Simps.  

    Bro - if we put a competitve ladies team in I might be looking to poach you..... image


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    Freemers wrote (see)

    I knew it wouldn't take you long to respond CD image

    It's uncanny how often you've posted just before I check in.  It's like we're related or something.

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    DD -  Congrats on the PB. It is getting cold here, enjoy the warmth.

    Ant  - Might have to join you with a YKW before xmas, just worked out 16 week plan for VLM starts 30 Dec, have n't done a 5K race since Jul 2010. Nice consistent reps.

    Chick -  Enjoy the party, mind that knee if you are partying hard.

    Finally got to see Homeland, and it just gets better and better.




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    I am still lurgified and feeling fed up - started on 14th October and hasn't gone image

    Gets better for a while and then worse again - currently worse!!  Sneezing like that well-known dwarf, nose dripping like it needs a new washer and what Doctors tend to describe as a 'Productive' cough!! image

    Apart from all that I seem to be permanently knackered and it doesn't appear to make any difference whether I run or not - although I have decided not to try intervals for a while as the sound effects tend to scare the local children.

    Ran for an hour today and was OK at a slow pace until we had to go slightly uphill. I am down to race in the Gwent League Cross Country tomorrow and due to marshal for about 5 hours in the freezing cold, so not too excited about the weekend.  Was supposed to be racing a 10k on Sunday but have binned that - sadly I don't think binning tomorrow will be as easy, our Ladies Captain is a bit of a slave driver [think Minni squared] image

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    Just listened to this weeks marathon talk - top effort Brol!
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    Fit-Running-Cat wrote (see)

    Brol, coordinating 3 or more teams.. messy. One was hard, two just about do-able with partners wanting to run, SS, mine and others after more laps? Places are going fast supposedly, last year still some in April, doubt it this. Mr Zuvai, team entry, not individual, will keep you in mind.

    FRC- why would you want one person to coordinate 3 teams?image Surely each team can take care of organising themselves. Would be great to get a few teams together and I'm sure there will be a place for everyone as long as we don't leave it too late.

    Minni- tempting tempting...image

    Fit-M.r Zuvai wrote (see)
    Just listened to this weeks marathon talk - top effort Brol!

    Mr Zuvai- thanksimageimage

    O4S- image sounds like a bit of a nightmare.  Hope you feel better soon.

    I still haven't seen Homeland...Sounds like I need to get on with the programme.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Brol's right, surely one person would organise one team. 

    At least one of my running club will probably do the whole thing. 

    O4S - take care.  Its so cold and if you're not feeling 100% then racing isn't going to make you feel any better.  Good decision to ditch.

    Homeland - I've said this to my colleagues too:  Please can you all watch it on Sunday night at 9am then we can discuss!  Its no good when people are watching it at different times!! image

    What is going to happen next?  I still can't decide who is on what side, it twists and turns so much.

    I have a sesh to do tonight.  I'm ok once I get out but just hate looking out to blackness. image

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Rugby update.  There are going to be three interviews while the boys are training, going out live, so between 7 - 9am.  The boys will be training in the background.

    Zuvai - can you record then put it onto a disc?  image  I'm so not clued up!


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    Minni - is that due to be played on Skysports News? I've set the match to record, but can record sky sports news as well! I can make a plan to get a copy for you if needed but I can't be 100% sure of the quality

    O4S - hope you feel better soon! I agree with Minni - if you dont feel 100% then don't race

    Re thunder run - I wouldn't mind attempting a solo attempt at some point but deff not this year

    Good luck to all racers and YKW'ers this weekend

    I'm off to London for my sisters party! I foresee hangovers inthe short to medium future!
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    kfc.kfc. ✭✭✭
    Ant - not sure what YKW you've got in mind, but I'd recommend hackney marshes for a pb attempt - completely flat, the only places where you potentially lost speed is halfway at the 180 dead turn and the first and last 50m which are on grass which can be soggy if its been wet. As its an out and back you get an exact half way split too. I say just go out at your target pace and see what happens.

    Andy - welcome. Your times show the target is realistic, but its your long runs and endurance training that will get you the target - here's a good place to get motivated to do them!

    Thunder run - yes I'm keen.

    DD - a friend of mine did the wall run this year. Apparently its much more on road that it looks.
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