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RW Forum Six - Sub 3:30



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    MrZ- solo effort... Ugh. I like the idea of ultra running, but not necessarily the same 10k loop round and round for 24 hours...
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    kfc.kfc. ✭✭✭
    Calf update - saw physio #2 for a decent length session on wednesday. What it comes down to, is that 5 months off after not having more than 2 weeks off training since the age of 7 has made my body wither and die. Even though I thought I was getting back into it gradually, I've been asking my body to do things that I think should be easy, and cardio fitness wise are, but that my muscles and joints are not yet ready for - like lunchtime runs every day, or long days out on the bike.

    So, I'm getting reaquainted with core stability and stretching, which admittedly I've neglected for the last couple of years. Hoping to be back running soon, but looks like I'll need to take it easy, especially with building up the mileage again.
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    kfc - yeah i know hackney marshes - well flat, and sounds like a fab course image My PB attempt is going to be in Oakhill park cos I'm a 'burban boy nowadays and I have also roped in loads of my club to come along. Hopefully there should be quite a few of us aiming for a similar time. If anyone else fancies it, it's the 15 December. Just before the eating and drinking gets really serious image Take care of that calf

    Re thunder run, my club have also put in a couple a teams in the mix in the past, not sure if there is a plan for this year.

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    Minni, take Brol! That way the meteorite / rain / snowstorm & blistering hot sun will all be over your camp

    Leave Mr Brol for BBQ duties though. He he. Mr Brol is very fast, does he do any other races Brol?

    Brol, was more trying to accommodate 2 teams if OHs want to run, mr Brol & others more laps. Can't all fit in 1 team.

    One of Knowsley guys came second last year, 18 laps of 10k. Scary. He has PF too.

    O4S hope you feel better. Race & 5 hours marshalling doesn't ideal.
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    FRC- we dont have to stick to one team, we can always split if we go over 8. I think we should probably start the list and see who's seriously committed. Mr B hasn't been running much but knowing him he'll just show up and blast a 40m 10k with no training. Very annoyingimage
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    Should I change my forum name to Jinxed? Lol.
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    Kfc - Glad the calf is ok, sounds like you just need to be patient with the mileage.

    O4S - Sorry your lurgy is taking so long to go, and with your flood problem aswell. I know you've cut back to just racing one day this weekend, but have you ever thought of resting completely, as a solution.

    Minni - Looking forward to seeing you running up and down the touchline behind the camera.
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    Simon: No!!  Apart from anything else Mr O4S wouldn't be able to cope if I wasn't getting any exercise..................

    KFC - good luck with being patientimage

    Kiwi - how are things on your injury front?

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    O4S - Funnily enough I thought you might say that lol. Seriously I hope it clears up soon.
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    DD- Did I read your post correctly that it was raining in your race?? Great race in such appalling weatherimage

    Brolish- Can you put my name down for Thunder Run please. Lets hope the weather is nice to us again.

    Ant- Go for the sub 20 park run, What is your pb at the moment for a 5k?

    Freemers- go get that pb tomorrow.

    04S- Good luck with the 5hrs marshaling, make sure you wrap up warm.

    Mr Z- I think you can do the thunder run in pairs, FRC could join you???

    KFC- I think most of us neglect our core so I will put that one on my list, again! Did they say when you could start running?

    Minni- Will we see you on tv Saturday or Sunday???

    I was ill most of last week which gave me loads of time to think. I have not been enjoying running since October after Chester marathon. So I have decided not to be coached anymore and to go back to my running club and join in with others,which I have missed over these last 12 months. I hope to be able to keep up my weekly mileage but just do some runs with others. I hope I haven't acted in haste!


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    Are we allowed to mention CHRISTMAS yet on here?  It's the 1st December tomorrow and we can officially put our tree and decorations up yiipppeeee. It's not me that is excited, it's my 5 and 7 year old, Honest.....Just wrote all my Christmas cards ready to post in the morningimage

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Gazelle - I run with my club every week and I fit into my schedule. If its a recovery run I go with the slower group or if its a session I get them to do it with me. At the weekends I fit my long run in around when others are running and will meet them for some of the miles. My running club is a big part of my life so there's no way I'd give it up. But it sounds like you'll enjoy running for fun for a bit. image
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    Ant P wrote (see)

    Daren - Just looked at that New Years Day race you are racing next year. Bloody hell, the winner did it in 31 minutes last year! Doesn't anyone get pissed in Norfolk on NYE?! image

    I ran it this year and had to stop for 5 minutes half way round. I was very drunk on NYE image

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    Brolish wrote (see)

    Spoons- loads of time to improve before Paris. What schedule are you using?

    I have a coach called Kev. Or psycho mark 2.....

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Good luck to Freemers and Ant you know whating in the morning.  (but not together image)

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    Gazelle - I hope you find your mojo again, and as it's now 1st Dec it's ok to mention chrimbo, and change your name.
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    Well that was a cold one! A light dusting of snow, a bit of ice and some slushy puddles, but I zipped it up and nailed it. Sparkling new PB by 31 seconds - 20.57 image. I just hope they don't add 3 seconds on the official time...will find out later...
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Brilliant Feeemers! Well done. Fully recovered I'd say!image
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    Well done Freemers image

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    Excellent Freemers, 31 seconds is a great improvement over YKW.

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    Well done Freemers, that's a nice early Xmas prezzyimage well done.
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    Freemers - Well done, an extra prezzie under the tree, in tricky conditions.
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    Christmas is ages away.

    I'm looking at Christmas lights outside my window, listening to some awful brass band playing carols outside my front door and now Christmas has invaded my place of refuge, the RW forums. image

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    I'm with Spoons on this. Yesterday I had to explain to my flatmates why I hadn't bought an advent calendar and that I really couldn't care less if they decorate the tree without me (I also object to the tree going up already, but I pick my battles!). Even though I was v. diplomatic I still felt like I'd confessed to hating kittens.

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    Do you hate Kittens too?

    I like kitten pie with ketchup....

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    Afternoon all, not been around much this week so a quick skim over..

    Gazza - I know where you're coming from. Get back into enjoying running and find your mojo.

    Freemers - top run this morning.Well done. All looking good for your Srping training.

    Spoons - didn't you cancel Christmas last year??!image

    Kitten and chips for me image


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    Free- yey great time!!!image
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    I just got up image. I came home at 5:30 this morning ....   brilliant brilliant pardee image. Hangover is bearable but the CNBA fairy is with me today. Knee hurts a bit .... danced my socks off yesterday. My voice is gone too, much to the delight of Mr. chick.
    Ooooh, I love office x-mas dos image

    Freemers: well done !! Brilliant time image

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    Well done Freemers! Smashed that PB!

    Come on England! Brilliant first half! Are you watching Kiwi?image
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    Yay - official result is 20.56 image
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