
Over 60s training.



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    Columba - the Welsh tead sounds yummy!

    Graham - you are tall, and all those runners behind you - great pic!

    K2 - you really enjoyed it - I know, I've seen the picsimage

    Impey - that wasn't very pleasant news, bet you dropped your pace a bit and took things nice and quietly!

    JJ - nicely on the comeback!

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    Re Welsh cakes :
    When I was teaching one lovely mum brought in a box of Welsh cakes to give to the class as it was her daughter's birthday. When I gave her back the (empty) box I told her they'd been lovely and asked her what the secret was. I was lsightly taken aback when she said "A dead Welsh woman " but it turned out that she;'d inherited a griddle from one such and that was what she used to make the cake.  image

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Not a secret ingredient, then!

    Graham - good pic; you look really determined!

    Mick - deer flies - nasty - horse flies are quite bad enough.

    Aws - short and slow, good way to come back.

    5k done, - oh my, 5k is so hard! No respite, just go go go. Kept feeling: "3 more steps and then I'll probably drop dead", - and that was before I read Impey's post above!  As predicted, I came last. I don't have my exact finishing time (forgot to switch off Garmin immediately I'd staggered under the "Finish" banner) but think it will be around 32 minutes, which is moderately respectable and would be under 11 minute miling. Tea and home-made cakes back at the leisure centre were very welcome.


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Well done K2 & Columba on your 5k races????


    Got our 3rd inter club race on Tuesday off-road parkrun routI in local park. It will not be fast as we often run a loop of in on club runs.


    Am letting my breakfast go down before a 10 mile run.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    K2, better to be last and finish having enjoyed it than being further up the field and not have.

    Columba, you won't be the first to have finished a race so exhausted that you forgot to stop your watch. I know I've done it at least once, or pressed the wrong button.

    Tracey, enjoy your 10 miler. 

    Yesterday was a bit more cloudy here than it has been recently but the sun shone while I was doing a track session. I found the area around my ankles had got slight sunburn when I got home. Can't remember that happening on my legs since I was at school in short trousers!

    I took it a bit easier than usual and fitted in with what the other three runners had planned. So 4 x 1200m with 3-minute rests. Times were 4:54, 4:58, 4:58 and 4:52. It felt OK and no effects from the recent races. Still think I did the right think not training flat-out though.

    Next race is the Blaydon Race on Sunday, just under 6 miles. It's a very popular local race and fills up within hours.


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Only just looked at my race splitfit or Tuesdays off-road run.

    4.30 miles

    Average pace 9:44





    2:46 (for .30 mile at 9:09 pace)

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Now today's 10 mile rum.



    Average pace 10:31











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    Hi all

    I pop up here every now and again and report on progress.

    Anyway, in near perfect conditions I did my planned-for 10K last night in 43:11. My younger training partner just kind of blew-up about 200m from the finish.

    Anyway, when I set out on my journey back to running (racing) fitness a few months ago, I'd have settled for under 45, so am pleased. Funny though how you can still feel a bit dissatisfied. I guess this is what drives us on.

    Will do some more now: am bitten by the racing bug. My goodness: have a got a sub-40 in me?? (Only once did this about 25 years ago. Has anyone else re-captured the form of their younger days?)

    Can't imagine it in my wildest dreams - but you never know.............

    (Maybe a sub-20 5K which seems a lot 'easier'?)


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    John congratulation on your 10k time. I'm really pleased for you ????x

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Well done on a great time. If you feel that, as an over 60, you can go under 40 you should definitely go for it, that is a very classy time. I am afraid trying to capture the times of my youth would mean setting world records and I am not a Ceal.

    Very consistent running.

    I ran a progressive today and felt very strong the whole way. Very pleased with my HR profile.



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    impey, unpleasant news to hear. Well done on your parkrun pb.

    Stonking running from Graham, and a good photo too!

    TS, really hope that your injury is short-lived.

    Training seems to be going well Mick.

    Glad that you got back out again aws. Slow & steady return must be the way to go.

    Very good pace for off-road Tracey.

    Lovely to have all the family gathered ceal - sounds a lovely break.

    Well done on your respective 5ks, K2 & Columba. I may have to try making Welsh cakes!

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    Speedy chap John B!

    I had my inter-club off-road race last night, the 4th in the series (the 2nd we organised, so didn't run in). I finished further down the field than on the previous 2, despite being a second a mile quicker than last time, and even more than the first one. I think there were some quick ladies out last night who hadn't run before. I did beat two ladies who usually beat me though image

    Mile 4 I really slowed, though the course profile doesn't look all that much harder - just ran out of oomph I suppose. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/323444050

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Diana, sounds like a success to me if you were quicker than last time, even if your position wasn't as good. Nice to beat the two ladies too.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Away from running, has anyone a theory about something that's been puzzling me? The German word for kingfisher is Eisvogel, which means "ice bird". Why should that be so? I can't see any link between the bird and ice that would explain it being named that way.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Nor I. Wonder if it breaks the ice to fish in winter?

    The Welsh for dragonfly is "gwas y neidr", which means "servant of the snake" or "snake's boy" - I feel there must be a legend or something behind this, but I've never heard it.

    John B - 43 minutes for 10k is fantastic!

    Official time for the 5k was 33 mins exact. This gives me an age grading of 67% (or 66.9 something, but I'm rounding up). Quite respectable, but would be nice to creep up towards 70%.

    Another swimming lesson today. Last time I felt I was making no progress, this time I made a lot. Legs and one arm (the other hand holding a float), and managed to do a complete width like that, at least using right arm, and eventually also managed a complete width using left arm. Gasping for breath by the end of the width, even though swimming breast-stroke I can do 30 lengths without a pause. Obviously not using muscles efficiently at present. 

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    A knighthood to whoever developed the age-grsding system!

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    John B
    Nice time!


    I have entered the Robin Hood Half, Sept 29th or thereabouts. I have been struggling to get the motivation to train for 5k and this is a free place through work, plus I may be able to go and set up/trade on the Saturday and will meet people for other stores, which is what I miss most about my present situation.  My time from Tuesday gives me a Mcmillan estimate of 2:53 for a half so I'd better get a wiggle on with training.  image

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    good morning

    excellent track running - but beware the sprinter - there's always one!!!

    you are indeed getting there - do you know what the time difference is to reach 70% AG?
    Also getting there in the swimming - real progress in your efforts to learn front crawl which is always an energy inefficient system of swimming until one can get all the parts in synch

    you do operate at a very consistent pace - good effort

    now you wouldn't be looking for a race handicap time would youimage??

    excellent result from your 10K - well done. The theory of diminishing gains does start to creep in at some point but there is no reason as yet why you cannot still continue to improve though it does get harder to shave minutes, rather than seconds, off!!! 

    nice training effort - when is the next race?

    still looks like you are getting benefit from your running streak and your are improving against your regular competitors

    I am afraid the pain in the butt is still just that.and not responding too much to treatment or exercise though I continue with both on ITB and piriformis. The fact that I can do both without undue problem is probably a negative indicator that they are not the root problem image.
    On the bright side I have been so busy I would have had little time for running anyway. I did manage a 28K bike ride on Tuesday night on a borrowed bike as part of a Hash Bike trail which affected the hip not at all. It was rather strange waking up the next day and having no stiffness in the legs after such a distance - cycling is so easyimage 

    maybe its because the flash of blue looks like cold blue ice dropping into a mountain river? 

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    John, yes, AG is a great concept. So simple but a real motivating yardstick as our times decrease with age. Congratulations on your 10K time by the way. The sub-40 would be tough but why not aim high? As you say, a sub-20 5K would be a little easier. If you're already around 43 minutes after a few months training then you obviously have natural ability.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good day,

    We have unexpected rain, thunder and lightening here. Welcome for the garden but for not much else. Our garden is a picture this year, the late start seems to being having a late benefit!

    The rain at present if VERY VERY Heavy.

    John B6

    Well done again, you are going from strength to strength.


    Your swimming is progressing well. Has Alice been swimming yet?


    Do you think the word ice in German could be misinterpreted for the word iron which is the colour of the kingfisher. I am clutching at straws here!


    A half marathon is a huge jump from your shorter races, even though, it will, of course be run at a much slower pace.


    That was a very steady pace for your 10 miles.


    Hang onto your improvement for the pace of each mile rather than your finishing position,


    Pleased to hear that you are too busy to worry too much about your persistent hip problem. That was a good bike ride. You are so fit that i don't suppose it made you puff too much.


    I see a few little runs are being done, keep it up!

    I think we shall have local floods any minute now.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Update on my knee for anybody interested!

    Yesterday I had a NH scan on my knee. Not the most pleasant of radiologists, but she did tell me some of what she could see. She said that an ultra sound scan doesn't show very much at all. However, she could see a lot of fluid within the knee joint. (What a surprise)! She could see something about an inch wide near to the top of my femur, near to the joint. Not a typical Bakers cyst, more something as a result of a trauma. She said that a MRI scan is the only one which shows properly what is going on in the knee. I am to go and see my Dr in a week and see if they will refer me to have a MRI scan. (I have made an appointment with a different Dr to last time)!

    Of course our immediate though (Stewart and I) was to go to the surgery and demand a private referral after our last experience with the GP. But I said to him that first I would like to talk to the a Physio I saw on Tuesday.

    So called him and he listened and he said that he was not worried unduly about my knee and that in his opinion, hopefully, my knee will get better. Whatever is causing the swelling etc (bits and pieces in the joint, arthritis, whatever) needs the same treatment. Exercises of the correct nature and stretching the appropriate muscles to bring stability and movement back to the joint. But on the other hand he said to go along with whatever is suggested medically in the way of scans

    I would like to run again, but not if it is inappropriate. I am not keen to have any intervention surgery to my knee if I can get away without it. Because any intervention is indeed further trauma to the knee too.

    BUT I would like to have the choice of running or not if possible. Today I have been able to do a bit of a quad stretch which I have got been able to until today.

    I can walk 4 miles in a hour without much discomfort now. I was hoping to walk this morning, but the rain is far, far too heavy. The trail will be awash with mud and rain.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Cycling will induce pain but you have to do it a lot longer.
    I have been there with the butt pain and I did not find anything that really helped. It just took a couple of months.
    I have a time trial on a off road course next Tuesday evening, more fun than a race.
    My next serious race is on the 16th, a 10k. I have no hope of getting on the podium as it is a wider age group but I am using it to target improving my AG. I want to get over 76%.
    I have a 5k on July 1st, Canada Day, where I do have a chance to podium. It is a small race, around 500 runners, so I will know who I am up against.

    No update on your injury?

    Have you tried front crawl with the float under your thighs?
    Very respectable AG.

    Easy recovery run for me today, miserable weather, rain and cool.

    Running next week will be interrupted as we have some reno work going on in the kitchen and family room so I am house bound.
    Just firming up our holiday plans for September, we are renting a villa in the south of France for a couple of weeks.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Mind reading is clearly on your list skills.
    It all sounds a bit iffy and imprecise but it does sound like it is progressing on its own. I wish you the very best with it and sincerely hope that you chose to get back to running.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    K2 - Robin Hood half is a flattish one, isn't it?

    TS - 70% age grading - yes, would be good to know what sort of speed that is. I need a table showing a whole range of AGs. Will look for one in a minute.

    Hope you get to the bottom of that pain (pun not intended). Or hope it just goes away, like Mick's.

    Ceal - heavy rain? - blue sky and sunshine here, hope the rain isn't coming westwards; have gardening to do.

    Alice has been going swimming regularly from a very early age, - I think they'd bought her a special floaty jacket before she was even born! - or, were fretting about it because there didn't seem to be any choice beyond pink or blue, and they'd opted not to be told in advance whether they were expecting a girl or a boy.

    Mick - no, I haven't tried a float under my thighs. Would it stay there, I wonder? - next swimming lesson I'll see what the teacher thinks of the idea.

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    Not thinking of handicap times this year.  Getting round will be the main aim.

    I'm trying not to think too hard about the extra distance yet.  :-/

    Interesting about your knee. I realised last night that my knee/quads are much more flexible than they were a few months ago.

    I was showing our beginers how to do stretches, before anybody says anything.

    Whereabouts in the south of France?

    Yes, flattish. Supposed to be a pb course............. ho ho ho.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Mick - where in the South of France are you renting a villa?

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Tracey, K2,
    Just outside St. Remy de Provence


    When I did my Master classes, the instructor made me hold the float between my thighs to let me concentrate on getting my arm motion correct. 

    I ran a very slow recovery 5k in the rain today and hit a new PB, 55% avg WHR .

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    Great age grading Columba. I am also on the quest for 70%. The parkrun seems a good place to try & achieve it, but I can't seem to get out of volunteering at the moment. Hopefully a few more people will step forward  before too long.

    How annoying TS - do hope things start to improve before too long. Good that you can at least cycle.

    Mick, I love that part of the world. Pont du Gard definitely worth seeing, and both Avignon & Nimes lovely to wander around.

    Plenty of time to build up some mileage K2!

    We had thunder, lightning and very heavy rain - just at the time of our Friday group run. Got soaked to the skin, but the trail shoes are now pretty clean, if saturated!

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