
Over 60s training.



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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Pantomime horse and fairy godmother - when I ran the Hastings half-mara I was beatedn by a rhino and (in the very last few yards) by a hospital bed complete with "patient" being pushed by a team of orderlies.

    Got back from London last Tuesday, only to discover my router had died. Rang BT and they sent me a new one, but it didn't arrive until yesterday afternoon so I'm only just catching up.

    I was in London primarily in order to look after my little grand-daughter on Sunday while her parents, who had been very fortunate in the ballot, went to Wimbledon. They also watched the highlights in the evening, with cries of "Look! I can see us! There's your hat!" Little Alice was very obliging, quite accepted the situation though was pleased to see her parents home again.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    I have read back. Not all, but most.

    Ceal - congratulations to Mandy. 30 lengths in a heated pool is all I can manage.

    Interested to read about walking technique. It almost sounds as though walking complements running, e.g. in stretching muscles that running tends to shorten. What do you wear on your feet for these fast walks?

    What is the latest on Chouette?

    TS - very sorry to hear about the nerve problem. Nerves take a long time to recover, - so I was told by a dr after the birth of Middle Son who (in the last month of the pregnancy) had been pressing on a nerve with resultant severe pain in my right buttock. I thought the pain would go as soon as he was born, but it didn't. Took about another month or 6 weeks to recover, though the cause of the problem had gone.

    Aws - loved the "chat online".

    Hello Busbar. Sorry to hear about the apparent decline. But it seems unlikely that it would happen so quickly if it was age-related; wouldn't that be more gradual? Try everything, you may well find something that works.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    I ran only once while I was in London, - at 8.00 a.m., a mere 3 miles, keeping as far as possible in the shade of the trees on Wandsworth Common.

    Having got home, am doing only early-morning runs (5.00 a.m., 6.00 a.m., nearly as early as Aws) to avoid the heat. Did 8 miles this morning, and it was overcast so not too hot; even had a tiny smattering of misty drizzle at one point. Sun came out later in the day and temperature soared.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭

    Morning all


    No running for me yesterday as have blood. They were running late due to people feeling faint????

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good morning,

    I don't remember a period of real summer for many a year, isn't it wonderful.

    Yesterday, in the shade in our garden the temps reached 33c and at the same time in the sun the temp was 47c! Last night was a little warm to say the least, but we would get used to it if it were to last long enough.


    I tend to disagree with you a little about doing training when the temps are cooler. If one has to race in the heat of the day then one must prepare ones body for the conditions. However, yes, speed intervals and long runs of 12 miles or more are better done in the early morning. Your sand holiday sounds just the job especially as you experienced the weather which goes with the beach perfectly.


    Did you daughter see the men's tennis finals? What a wonderful experience to be part of Murray's win. You asked about shoes and fast walking, trainers are fine, but even better are flat flexible shoes with a wide width at the forefoot of the shoe, to allow the feet and toes to spread. Chouette called me a few days ago. She starts her radiology and chemo on 5th August for 6 weeks. She will be staying near the hospital at a maison de parent (where patients can stay too) during this time, because Dijon is a good distance from her home, about two and half hours away.


    A walk to a pub sounds an excellent way to get some exercise, however, to get there without any cash indicates a serious senior moment!!!!! I can well understand you not wanting to have a DNF after your name and for not racing because of the possibility of doing more damage to yourself. But if you were feeling really conscientious you could enter, so the Club/organisers get the money.


    I think it is good to take part in previously not run races. But also good to include the odd one or two that you do know. I am always envious when I hear of your training on the Hayling Billy trail!


    I have read your dismal feeling posts a few times. The only thing I can pick up on is that you say that you have been training very hard. Well, I can only make one comment on that sentence. Maybe, just maybe, your body is still getting used to training hard again and that it will be a little while yet before you break through and run a fast race again. With regards to getting slower as one ages, I think 1 min a year slower is the normal response by ones's body. I, personally, think that in another 3 months or so you will be back to racing times only a tiny bit slower than you are used to. Remind me, I think you had tests at the Dr's after your Abingdon Mara. For instance did you have a blood count done?


    You are being very patient and it is apparent that you are moving in the faster direction.


    I am not surprised that you had to cut your 14 mile training run short.
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    Good morning

    5.08M; 1:07:16.6; 13:15/M; 18°C

    I gave up on checking every mile.

    I think Ceal is right about gradually getting used to the heat - we'll notice it if there's a sudden cold snap. Not sure about "1 min a year slower" though. Is that pace or distance related?


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I think a minute a year slower for a distance like 10 k. Sorry I didn't make that clear did I.
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    good morning

    can't recalll giving birth so it must be something elseimage 
    Great day out for your daughter and sinl - and some great time for you with g'daughter.
    I am getting to the stage that though it's lovely to see them it's nice to see them go home - comes from them all living so close!!

    there is also the question of demographics - to have a lot of 70+ runners in races nowadays implies that they were running 40- 50 years ago and that would be pre first mass running boom in the early 80s. It was very much a minority sport then for "serious" athletes- I use the terminology of the times deliberately!!

    have a holiday and a few beers - don't forget money!!!

    I can't even afford to take money ot the pub nowadaysimage!!
    Race permits are all about statistics - this is how many signed up, this is how many completed the race, this is how many were local runners etc - proving community need and support and that's before 'ealth n safety makes its appearance!!

    Had a thoroughly uncomfortable night with my hip so was up and out walking at 0600 - lovely and cool with a light dew on the  ground. Nerve travails have now spread down my leg into thigh, knee and calf which hopefully means it is going to disappear out of my big toe shortly - or my leg is going to drop off!!!
    Had to resort to some (lots of ) Cocodomal to keep the pain at bay which I don't like taking but needs must..............................

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    ..................a cloud has appeared!!!

    Does anyone else have large chunks of type suddenly disappear or find that what one has typed stops appearing in the text box for no apparent reason?

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    TS-Good advice a holiday and a few beers,will have to persuade the wife to loosen the purse strings.

    Ceal-Yes I did have blood test done and everything was spot on.Have the last race in the series tonight although there is no scoring on this one.The 2 divisions run what they the mob match its still competitive though.Tonights run is a 9km hilly course so will be a struggle but you don't have to push youself if you don't want to.

    love this weather we are having,seem to be taking three showers a day.Must be talk of a hosepipe ban soon if it keeps going. 

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    JJ-There does not seem to be the same hype surrounding chris froome as there was with wiggins last year.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Just relax and take it easy this evening. The time won't matter, a non conventional distance, hilly too. Try and enjoy it. Not that I would enjoy it!!!!


    Empathise with you re your nerve problem In the night. I don't blame you taking the

    pain killers at all. Lets hope your big toe suffer soon!

    Tee hee, I did a walking interval session this morning! Yea, one can walk intervals.


    It was a first. It wasn't as hard as speed intervals but it did make me work hard. Because one can only walk as fast as ones's legs will go unlike running when on can always run faster.

    Anyway, I warmed up for a mile which took me down to my not flat football pitch. I said 'hello' to it, and a 'long time no see' type of remark.

    I was determined that each 5 min interval would be faster than the preceding one.

    5 mins at 13.01 min milling

    5 mins at 12.40 min milling

    5 mins at 12.15 min milling.---- I do hope that there was part of my foot on the ground before the next one took off.

    I had 2 mins recover between each interval, but I think that was maybe a bit too long. But it was warm! No shade at all.

    Then I walked the mile home fairly slowly back home
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    I omitted from mentioning my Physio visit yesterday. I had acupuncture again on my knee. It is very possible that next week I shall be given some rehab exercises to do. Jack said he thinks I am ready. The fluid which is still around the joint, he called residual fluid, he didn't seem too concerned about it.
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    another post disappeared!

    it could be a hot one so scout out a suitable refreshment point for afterwards. Best bitter from the wood is recommended for replacing lost electrolytesimage


    How strange - I said almost the same thing this morning to the path where I run my intervals !!
    Folk who normally see me out running looked at me very strangely as I shambled around!!

    Your last interval took you to nearly 5mph - speedy!!! Just need someone to have videoed it and put it on YouTube as an example of British eccentricity in the hot weatherimage

    Good news from your physio - with all that walking you may not need many exercises to regain strength in the joint. Is there much fluid left  or just traces? the walking should have helped to break it down and disperse it

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    Busbar - Hi. Hosepipe ban????? SHHHH!! Don't write so loud!!!


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    To me there is a noticeable amount of swelling. Mainly on the inside of the knee pad. This is the area where the nerve pain was hitting me. I think the first exercises will be squats. I don't anticipate too many problems, but I may be surprised! My knee still doesn't bend to the full extent. About 1.5 inches short of normal maximum.

    I wish I could walk for 5 miles in an hour. At the moment my stride isn't long enough to achieve the sort of pace needed for longer than 5 mins. As for 10 min milling, the mind boggles, ' cause that is 6mph.
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    one legged squatsimage??
    I have just finished my third regime of exercises so far today!!

    It is hard to walk fast for any distance  - I think one gets out of the habit of doing it and it requires a completely different form of stride than when one runs. You do see more of the surrounding though!!

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    It's a while ago now, but MickC in particular was talking about stride length. I've just done a light track session and counted strides in the last 200m of a 600m interval. They came to exactly 150, so 1.33m or 4ft 4ins. This would be at about 10k race pace. I can't remember how this compares with other people here.

    Nothing back yet from my query about the Coastal Run 3rd place.


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    Graham - I know they count steps in orienteering, and I remember someone gauging how far he was behind someone by looking at lamp posts and seeing if he was gaining on someone that way, but I would hate to have to count my strides. Hope you get some joy from the race director.

    JJ - sounded like you had a lovey weekend with your grand children, and even was able to fit in some running on the sand dunes.

    Busbar - it just might be that you have been racing too much or that just like the rest of us, are just slowing down, it comes to all of us, I don't like it either. The group I run with on Wednesdays has all slowed down, especially the 74 maybe 75 year old man. He was still going great until recently. I think when he decided that he couldn't run the marathon anymore and stopped going into run at the club, his running started to become run/walking.

    Torque Steer - I'd hold on to that unblemished record of no dnfs if I were you, it's something that I can't say! Really hope you can get some massage or chiro treatment to release that nerve that seems to be trapped. Had to laugh about you forgetting to take some money to the pub.

    Ceal - you seem to be getting quite a bit of enjoyment from your walking - including adding intervals!

    I ran 9km with my mates yesterday - nice and easy.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    JJ - but no candy floss?

    Ceal, - yes, it was the men's tennis finals that daughter and s-i-l went to. By the time the day came along, they could have sold their tickets for thousands. But actually they couldn't have, because they had to show ID to prove they were the original ticket holders.

    Agree that if you're going to race in the heat of the day you need to train in the heat of the day. But personally I don't intend to race in the heat of the day (I did once - a 10-miler - and took a month off running afterwards!). If it's still like this in mid-September I shall be a DNS at the Lake Vyrnwy half.

    TS - Cocodamol - strong stuff - demonstrates just how much pain you must be experiencing. Hope it improves for you soon.

    Graham - that seems like very long strides. But then, you are very tall, are you not?

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Ran the 9k race in a time of 46-14 and it was pretty humid but not unbearable.No races till a hm in November so just easy pace running for a while.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good morning


    The easy running until Nov which follows a number of 10k races is probably all that is needed to put you back on the fast track.


    I hope you had a better night. I tried a couple and only a couple of very discreet two legged squats yesterday. My knee felt rather stiff and uncooperative!


    I have done LV half when it was hot, but not hot like it is at the moment. Because of all the water there was a heavy mist that the sun had to burn off. Also remember there is a lot of shade along the course. We were extremely lucky one year when e went to Wimbledon, the ladies had been rained off the previous day and we were treated to both finals. It was a excellent day.


    I don't think there was a wiggle in sight .

    We are going to a 6.00 performance, at middle g daughter's school, of a leaving play. She is going to big school in Sept. there will be walking to be done to get to the school so I just may not walk today. But then on the other hand I might. But time is going to be in short supply.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    7.50 am, temp on our patio is 33c already!
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    8.15 the temp in the sun is now 36c.

    It is going to be a HOT DAY!
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    good morning

    yup - it is going to be hot. At 0600 it was already 22C - it had hardly cooled down during the night and I woke early with the pain.

    wear out or rust out? I know what I prefer to do!!

    I believe stride/cadence and length only come into effecive worth over long distances to measure one's efficiency in running. On a long run try counting the strides taken in 1 minute of steady running. The magic number is 180image

    The stride length can be important over distance - if one can improve length by stretching, muscle building etc and therefore cover more distance for the same output then there is a big gain to be had.

    very dreamy stuff!!!

    sounds just right - perfect seaside - and fine weather as well

    it will hurtimage

    In my sojurns in the garden I have been re reading Bernard Cornwall's Sharpe series about 19th Century British army life. Not great literature but Cornwall gets his historical facts and background detail right with good insight.
    In one scene Sharpe is told to hurry up by his overbearing superior so, in an act of dumb insolence, he gets his light company of riflemen to double up which is their fastest marching pace comprising 5 paces march, 5 paces trot and soon leaves all behind him.

    Wot's that got to do with anything you say?

    I thought I would try it out today on my early morning walk once I had eased the creases out of my butt. First it is bl**dy hard and second it covers the ground at a quite remarkable pace!! I didn't do it for very long but as a variant of run/walk it could have possibilities.

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