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RW Forum Six - Sub 3:30



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    Chick: BA remembered that he had to pick me up, but not at which station (2 main stations in Bristol) or at what time! image  He said he was afraid to put his phone on in case Minni rang again!!  Eventually I rang a neighbour and sent her over to sort him out.

    KFC: we are house hunting at the moment and you sound the way I feel, excited but dreading the upheaval.  You just need to run the stress off.......image

    Simon:  sounds like things are starting to improve, you are due some good luck after the last few months.


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    sounds like lots of extra curricular training and rehydration going on. Well done folks!

    Long Tempo run for me Sunday (I wanted LSR but had to push the pace to keep with clubmates) and so did 15.2 at 8:22 pace. About 15s per mile quicker than recent marathon, so a nice step up.

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    Well done Minni image

    Chick - great to meet you too. Enjoy your run at lunchtime. 

    O4S - only you could have left yesterday and then gone and done a xcountry!, image

    Long run of the week banked : 8 miles image Foot seemed ok and even recovered ok after image

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    Excellent news, AA

    Extra points to Minni for getting up early.

    trendy 5 at lunchtime - beautiful day, included 20 mins. of steady hills image guess I better learn to love 'em before Boston ...

    top run, Jim image

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    col.col. ✭✭✭

    Looks like you all had a great weekend in Oxford with some good times at the parkrun followed by a very impressive drinking session.

    Shildon - well done on the 22m lsr. Well paced too.

    Iccle Jim - that's a fast 15m run. Looks like everything is going in the right direction.

    I got 14m in on Saturday. A 4m run to parkrun and then 7m afterwards.

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    AA-very pleased to see you making solid progress-its when you walk away feeling fine rather limping of in discomfort you know things have turned the corner..That ncswt works wonders.Another session for me on Friday.

    Chick-good trendsetting today. Im doing my hills tomorrow . Dont forget to do lots of downhills too as there is a lot of it from the start and the thighs get a real hammering before the big uphills from about 16-18miles.My US trip really got me in the Boston frame of mind

    Minni-after that marathon pub crawl a run at that time of day is impressive. Are you doing the 50k..Ive lost track of this?

    IJ-Nice progress

    O4S-good luck house hunting but is it a good idea if your OH has a tendency to get lost-will he know where to go?

    10k progressive run on the TM today average 7.30mm




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    I think I lost the prize list somewhere along the way sorry image

    Just been out and bought Phil Collins Greatest Hits. Can't get Easy Lover out of my head for some reason. image

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    Great to hear your foot survived another run AA image

    I'm impressed that you made it to the XC yesterday O4S!

    Well done getting a decent run in Simon.

    8 miles must be the order of the day as I did the same this morning.  Marathon training has begun image 

    I love my wooden spoon image

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    Carrot: wooden spoons are best for cake mixes image

    Tempo run tonight in preparation for an evening of wine tasting tomorrow!

    AA: great news re the foot, just take it gradually.

    Minni: impressive early start.......

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Ok so the list is lost.  Lets see what I can remember.  I might need some help...

    'Most Expensive Marathon' & 'Most Miles Run in a Year' Brolish

    'Most Improved Runner' Carrot 

    'Runner least likely to take any type of Recovery' O4S 

    'Queen of Halves' AA 

    'Worst Injury Luck' 'Fastest Training Runs While Injured' 2Old

    'Best Marathon Comeback following Injury' Freemers

    'Best Marathon Comeback following Illness' & 'Longest Distance travelled for the Forum' Chicka 

    'Longest Bike Ride', 'Worst None-Running Injury' & 'Least Amount of Miles Run' Simon 

    'Something connected with copious amounts of red wine...'  Daren 

    'Something connected to lots of ultra miles and IM wannabe' Spoons

    'Award for Tri-ing hard and cracking a great Marathon' KFC

    And as you know the SHiT trophy was awarded to Ant for doing it his own way and blowing that 3:30 out the water.  He really deserves it and we are all very proud of him.  Well done Ant.   

    (Does anyone have a photo of him with the trophy?)

    And as for the parkrun winners and losers....  We didn't get the full results through while we were away so we were unable to announce the winner. (the winner being the person who ran closest to their predicted time).  I will check the results and this will be announced.

    There was also a wooden spoon for the person with worst pacing. It was a tough call because really we all felt we deserved it but one person put forward a stronger case than all the others, and although she's a great runner on the day she was SHIT.  So well done to Carrot winning the wooden spoon!






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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Minni-great I know what a motley crew looks like. Brilliant awards,much better than the Oscars and all very appropriate 

    O4S- knew you would ..XC.

    Spoons- would love to see Phil on tour again

    Col-good combo run on Saturday 

    Shild- excellent LR at any time 

    miss2Old has a place in the Edinburgh marathon and I'm thinking I might do the HM-is it possible to do it and not miss her running the marathon ? Don't want to upset her but I hear its a fast one 




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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    2old - yes it will fit fine. The half starts about 8am, long before the marathon.  I might pop up myself (to watch not race) 

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Minni- thanks- I can see a plan developing . Should you watch,blink and you'll miss meimage

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    Minni - I think there's a pic of Ant accepting the trophy and flowers and bubby from a page 3 girl on FB

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    'ere we go image

    Ambitious race planning for next year, 2old! Boston, London and Edinburgh ... blimey.

    11 miles done - 8:19 pace. Getting there image




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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Chick-London maybe(will be?)image a deferral. Edinburgh will be a HM if I do it.Oh yes planning The Bad Dog 10k in Southport for Feb and Liverpool HM for March. I can hear my physio objecting already.11 miles at 8.19? Excellent run.Is that Ant accepting the trophy or taking a selfie?

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    Chick - excellent progress 

    thats Ant giving his 2 hour acceptance speech image

    18 miles on the bike followed by a gentle 2 mile run. 4th session of shotgun later image

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    AA-how many more shotguns? My consultant does them in batches of 3 then reviews before doing more.Another session on Friday for my left achilles though its the right that needs it more. Good brick session

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    image Yeah Ant's acceptance speech went on a bit. And all those tears...  image

     2Old - Edinburgh half course is a good one.

    50k - I've changed to the HM but I'm not going to race it.   Probably use it as a progressive run.

    AA - good to see you back running.

    Nice run Chick.

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    Afternoon All,

    Great pics from the weekend. I was so slow, i didn't even manage to get into the group photo!image

    Now that i've successfully completed a ykw, i'm planning to try to do a sub 3hr 10k... Maybe i'm aiming a bit high?image

    There was one other award but it appears to have been erased from my memory???image

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    Ah yes, my speech. It was worthy of recording for posterity but I think the video camera must have been turned off. image

    5 miles done at lunch today - first run since Oxford. I am taking this off season recovery VERY seriously image


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    2old - I'm only allowed 5, then they don't do it for at least 3 months. Which is a terrible shame because I think I'm addicted to it!!!image

    Ant - I've spent the last 5 months doing all of my runs at recovery pace image

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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    AA-addicted !!-I know what you meanimage. Ive spent since April recoveringimage

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    Evening all

    Congratulations to Ant for the SHiT award. Looks like a good weekend had by all. Hats off to you Minni drinking Jack Daniels. Nice photos & can put some names to faces but not all. Another time.

    2Old hope that you had a good trip to the USA.

    FRC Barry is doing ok - thank you for asking, he'll get there it's still early days.

    Went out for a refreshing Sunday morning 5 mile run along Blackpool's seafront & headed back along the beach. Took in the views of the lake district which were stunning as it was early.

    Back to work tomorrow & lunchtime running after an emotional trip away.




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    2Old2Old ✭✭✭

    Pink- it was very good thanks..never been to Texas or New Orleans before...definitely not dry states and interesting being there on the 50th anniversary of JFKs death.sorry to hear about your family's sad must be tough for you all. 

    Worked out a hilly route earlier to incorporate into my marathon schedule and gave it a go tonight. No Garmin and it felt pretty tough but managed 10.6 miles av 8.11 mm . Wonder what it will feel like at the end of March ?


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    kfc.kfc. ✭✭✭

    Sounds like a lovely run pink lady - running along the seafront always gives me a lift.

    2old - that will work out nicely at edinburgh to cheer on your daughter - the finish of the half is about 8M into the marathon, and also the finish of it so you'll be in a good place to cheer her twice.  There's a beer tent with nice ale too.  If you are really keen you could join in and pace her for the last 18M... 


    my "Week Of Speed" kicked off today with club speed session - 9x2mins, 1.20 recovery.  Still to come is 2.9M handicap on Thursday, YKW on Saturday, 10k on Sunday.  image


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    Pink - Nice run on Blackpool seafront. I'm just down the coast, so yes on a clear day you can see the mountains of 'the lakes' to the North, and Snowdonia to the Southimage.

    Kfc - Enjoy your week of pain, sorry speedimage.

    2old - Don't you slow down even for hilly routesimage?

    So I'm still struggling to do 1 sub 3:30 marathon, when I read an article about this guy

    oh, and apparently he's near 600 now, all sub 3:30. Hasn't he heard of daytime tvimage?

    Minni - I bet you paced him, or beat him, or went out with him, or went to school with him, or had his illegitimate child, or all of the above!image


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    Pyramid session for me last night - 2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 2 minute efforts. It hurt.... image

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