
Over 60s training.



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    JJ - that was not an easy 4 miles on Tuesday. I'm even surprised myself today with my 9 mile run.

    9 miles
    Average pace 10:37


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    Mick - hope that man cold clears up quickly, though as you say the enforced rest is leaving your legs feeling good. If you and Mrs. Mick6 decide on a cottage in Wales, give me a wave and a shout.

    Tracey - if it's parkruns maybe you could do them frequently and take pleasure in seeing your speed increasing gradually towards 9mm?

    Swimming this morning. Was very windy here (though BBC's forecast concentrated on Scotland and the eastern side of the country, didn't mention Wales at all); bits of twig and small branch all over the roads, so thick in places one had to slow right down to negotiate them. Calmed down a bit as the day went on. 

    Wondering whether JJ and TS are now going to get competitive about losing that extra 14 lbs they both claim to be carrying.

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    Columba - those two - competitiveimage Think it is good to have your swimming, adds variety.

    Meant to say the other day, my daughter is coming along nicely with her fitness. She has been doing long walks for some time now, with the idea in the back of her mind to do a marathon, but has realized she will be out for a very long time if she just walked. So she has started walk/running, and did a "magic" mile the other day to see where she is at. She did 2 and a half hours walk/running yesterday and was very happy. She runs with music, and I think that helps her.

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    Columba - can't to park run regularly.


    JJ - I don't want to be the slow bird at the back at parkrun. 

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    JJ - Aw shucks, why didn't I think of that?


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    Good morning

    7.15M; 1:41:50.1; 14:15/M; 4°C

    Slowest for yonks! Ha, ha, haaa, ssqquuuk...


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    good morning 

    and b*gger - just lost a longish post!!!!

    you will smash itimage!!

    good long run after your speedy tempo the day before - I am sure you will not be at the back of any Parkrun!!

    well chosen rest day!!

    we had some massive trees down around here blocking roads in town

    your daughter is doing very well - that was a long time on her feet. of course she has a great example in you  - and that looks like it includes jumping into marathons!!!
    Competitive - moi????  I'll have you know I let my g'daughter win at snakes and Ladders yesterday!!!
    It was the best of three however....................................

    is the race to gain the most or lose the most weight.
    I have some quality traiining coming up next week at Sharrow Bay Hotel



    Saddle of rabbit with potato and apple pancake, mustard cream sauce


    Ballantine of salmon, celeriac and apple with a burgundy sauce


    Rosé Champagne granita


    Noisette of venison, shallot tart tatin, juniper berry and rosemary sauce


    “Opera” cake - Spiced mousse layered with gingerbread served with poached pear in port and red wine and a chocolate sorbet


    Tea, Coffee and Petit Fours 

    That should give me the edgeimage

    bad day to go slow - see belowimage. You can't make any assumptions now.

    4.5 miles completed this morning in 64:52 (14:36m/m)

    1m 14:38
    2m 14:27
    3m 14:11
    4m 14:35
    .5m  7:02

    as a very hard pre dawn frost and crystal clear skies impelled me on to keep warm!!
    Only trouble is dog walkers sauntering along as their dogs run free through the woods thnk I have endless time to chat to them.
    I have enough to think about with keeping my spine extended, hips still, shoulders relaxed, arms swinging backwards rotating the torso, legs fully extending off the toes and keeping the right leg working properly to engage in conversation - no multi tasking, I'm a bloke!!!!!


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Good morning,
    I am still heavily congested and in no state to run, so yet another recovery day for me.
    Both aws and TS are faster than me.
    I have to go to a Christmas Party tonight as MrsMick6 has brought a new dress, this is not negotiable. I also have to go to the docs to have my lesion removed.
    I can hardly talk and I cannot hear anyone due to my congested sinus and I look sick.
    I can see I am going to be the bell of the ball.
    Man colds are hell.


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    Hope the visit to the doc's goes well
    you will be someone to avoid under the misletoe!!
    LOL at the new dress and the non - negotiation over accompanying, Been there, done that!!
    sounds like Canadian Club in large qauntities is the only way to go - even if you don't like itimage!!

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    One side effect of the gales - apart from blowing over the barbie, all the garden chairs and statutary - ws to bring down the last of the apples from the very large tree in vast quantities.
    Huge rosy Bramleys from the upper branches, where they receive masses of sunshine, so I now have another half dozen carrier bags filled with them.
    Only trouble is that they are so filled with sugars now that they do not keep as well as the green ones so I shall be looking for some good homes for them - the freezer already has more than its fair share!!!

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    whoops I may have spiked aws's intentions.......................image

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    Statutary? I just hope that's legal, or is it compulsory?

    I feel as though my intentions have been spiked, I also feel it's half a mixed metaphorimage

    Mick6 - Just don't ring any belles at the ball.image image



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    Tracey, good long run there. I remember you weren't looking forward to a long run so hope you enjoyed it.

    JJ, don't give up consecutive days for ever, just see how it goes. 

    Lovely winter's day here today. I wish there were more like them. Very cold, only just above freezing, but sunny and fairly still too. I did a 10.4 mile run on a country lane route I use once or twice a year. Plenty of icy bits on the roads but usually easily avoidable. My legs felt a bit tired throughout but didn't get worse. Average pace 8:42 and didn't want to go faster than that. 35 miles for the week, which is a bit more like it.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    do you think I got my bells mixed up?

    Thanks TS.

    Over this last 6 months I have have learnt a lot about leg stiffness in old men. With the advice from my physio I have been able to significantly reduce leg stiffness after runs. I did not really understand the difference between mobility and flexibility. Stretching by itself is not enough. 
    To reduce the load on your calves, quads and hamstrings you need to improve or regain the mobility in your hips and back so more of the load is shared. Once the mobility and flexibility are back you need to strengthen the gluts and hamstrings with lots of dead lifts, squats and lunges.
    It has taken about 6 months but it does work. I am still improving but have a ways to go in terms of strengthening.

    I had my skin lesion removed. Believe it or not it was quite a pleasant experience, sharing an intimate moment with two young attractive women, my doc and her student.


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    Mick - lol - all you have to do now is survive the party!  Interesting account of how to reduce leg stiffness in the elderly. I shall take due note, - I imagine it applies just as much to women as to men. 

    NZC - well done your daughter! What distance did she do in her 2 and a half hours run/walk?

    Tracey - surely you wouldn't be the "slow bird at the back"?

    TS - was all that 4.5 miles (with all the instructions to remember) more-or-less pain-free?

    Did another of those gruelling hill rep session today. Don't seem to be getting any faster, but maybe that's not the point.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭


    You daughter is doing the right thing in getting her legs used to being used for a couple of hours or so at a time.


    The wind did a lot of damage in your area. Your menu, as usual, sounds very mouth watering.


    I shall expect a demonstration of the standing on one leg and putting a sock on the other! I hope your Christmas party was FUN.


    A good longish run done with tired interval trained legs!


    Oh dear, you are in the wars, but it sounded as if there was some light relief experienced in the Dr's surgery! Hope you have survived the evening out with Mrs Mick's new dress. I guess there could be some local people who may be suffering as a result of dancing with you!!!!


    You are giving yourself a hard time with your gruelling hill sessions.


    You are coming on in leeps and bounds. Keep it up. How did your race go that you did with Andre?

    We sang today at Penshurst Christmas Market. Firstly we practised in the local Church, then outside at the entrance of the Village Hall where the Market was being held followed by another session inside standing on a balcony. It was a successful morning. It was a very busy market. What a beautiful village with Elizabethan buildings. I expect JJ knows it well. We shall be returning there in the spring to view the area properly.

    Tomorrow, we are going to my daughters for a late breakfast to celebrate grand daughters 12th Birthday.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    A pleasant evening was had by me and the dress and I politely declined to touch anyone.
    It seems there lots of side benefits from belonging to an active choir.

    Your more intense sessions will be worth it, it just seems to take a long long time at our age.
    I am not sure whether it is the same for women as men. I am confident that the priority of Mobility, then Flexibility, then Strength is right  but I think most older women are at a different place.
    We have a good mix of old people working out at the gym. Most of the men have the same issue, lack of mobility and flexibility in the hips and back, but the women do not seem to have that issue. To me it would seem they have poor strength conditioning. When I did the classes with them they are seemed to be very mobile but were weak.

    I went for an easy 7k today, lots of spluttering and my HR was a bit elevated, but not bad.
    There is a 5k Santa Run from my gym to the local hospital tomorrow and I was intending to run it, but I am still too congested. Even if I ran slow I will still be coughing and spitting which is not really very far on anyone else.
    I will still go and watch and make a donation. I will probably go for a run before the event.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I think my hips are more like male hips. Not much flexibility at all, but they do have strength there. Pity about your Santa race.
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    Women are more prone to arthritis than men are, so I would have expected them to be less mobile. Maybe the arthritic ones have given up altogether and just don't come to the gym!

    There's a Santa run very near here next Saturday, - 4 miles, open to walkers as well as runners. I shall attempt it, but I have never before tried running in a Santa costume.

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    good evening

    well doe on accessorising the dress so well - you will get bonus points for thatimage
    Pity you will have to miss the Santa Run - sounded fun.
    Good news that your lesions were removed under such pleasant circumstancesimage
    your physio was on the right track with the advice. One of the hardest things is to get the glutes to work fully when running and they seem to switch off with age. My physio, and it is good advice to JJ and anyone else to get the same done, performed a series of resistance tests on gym machines to measure the effectiveness and strength of each muscle group and then produced exercises and stretches to build up the recalterant ones the last time she rebuilt me.

    your singing sounded very enjoyable and got you to new places

    A good question - "pain free"??  simply because I block it out. I ran with some level of pain for many years and it just became part of the background noise. Now that my pain level has dropped from the 9 (out of 10 max ) in July to September to around 2-3 it's not a major inhibitor though it does build up a bit toward the end of a walk.
    the greater concern is that I still cannot get much feedback from my right foot which makes me a bit clumsy.
    This manifested itself in a most unfrotunate manner yesterday when I was performing my Domestic God duties. I had cleard the mahogony mantlepiece and polished it thoroughly in preparation for Christmas decorations and ws putting back in place various ornaments. As I placed one of a pair of particularly fine Worcester 19th century spill vases back I wasn't as close to he mantlepiece as I thought and missed with the vase!!
    My normal superb reflexes were not quite sufficient to catch it as it dropped onto the fireplace, getting fingers to it but not catching it. It now lies in a box in about a 100 pieces - uselessimage!!

    That mishap may just speed up the Swedish au pair's arrival.........................

    5.4 miles walked this morning in mild, breezy conditions in 78:10 (14:38m/m)

    1m 15:55
    2m 14:10
    3m 13:57 (oh yes!!)
    4m 15:10 (oh no!)
    5m 15:02 had enough really and hurting a bit
    .4m 4:55


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    Good morning

    5.09M; 1:11:05.1; 13:58/M; 5°C



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    The singing outing sounds very pleasant ceal. Nice to find somewhere you's like to explore further.

    Glad the lesion removal went smoothly Mick, and even had its pleasant side. Hope the coughing and spluttering disappears quickly.

    Wonder if your daughter will be bitten by the running bug in time NZC?

    I remember fighting to stay ahead of a pint of beer at my first ever race, the Reading Half, JJ. I was determined it wouldn't beat me, but only managed to get ahead at around 11 miles. As for the rhinos and caterpillars etc. which have passed me at the London marathon.......

    Lovely cross country run in the forest on Friday morning, then friends for dinner and overnight on Saturday, which wasn't ideal prep for my 10k on Sunday morning. At least it was an 11:00am start, and not far to drive, so I could have a decent breakfast, and felt a bit better by the time I got to the start line. The start itself was very congested, and in fact my official time was 28 seconds slower than the garmin time, which demonstrates that. Weather was ideal, cool, dry & bright, and the course very flat, so ideal apart from the start. Official time was 53:39, over 2 minutes quicker than Brighton in 2007, my previous best, so I was very satisfied with that.

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    TS and JJ - these days you're probably more likely to get Bulgarian or Romanian au pairs, I would think.

    Oh dear, oh dear about the vase.

    It was mild and sunny yesterday so I ran 7 and a half miles - some road, some trail, some grass, some muddy footpath, lots of undulations. Thought I'd got lost at one point, but then found myself emerging just where I had planned to emerge. If it's any comfort to Aws, my average mm time was just over 14.

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    good morning

    very well done despite getting all your excuses in first - late night, dinner with friends, congested start image!1
    Over 2 minutes quicker than 6 years ago - not many folk around here can say that!!!

    good navigation skillsimage

    you may not get to the sauna stage but you would certainly get into hot waterimage

    Very mild here this morning - 9C early on as I strolled 3.75 miles

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    TS, what some people will do to get out of future housework..

    Diana, a shiny new 10K PB, nice. Any by a good margin too. You're obviously doing something right.

    Columba, that sounds a good varied route and next time you'll not need to worry about getting lost.

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    Ceal - Andre really enjoyed the Santa Run, stressful for me thou. It took us 37:48 to run 3.03 miles

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