
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    I have recieved cash before, I won argoose vouchers at the IoW and Gosport 1/2s, I just give them to the boss.

    CW - ha ha, you naughty boy. Christmas Day is a zero training day in my house, its  a family day after all.

    Padams - get on the phone to Dave Brailsford.

    60min turbo and a 2.4K swim for me today. Feel a bit beaten up from rolling around on the pavement y'day.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    PP.. congrats on becoming the Pied Piper & Train Driver of the sub 3 train!

    Nice double TR & good reps from Toro.

    TT.. sorry to hear about the family stuff.  One of the ladies on Mrs Wardi's side of the brood has been diagnosed with a brain tumour out of the blue, she might make it through Xmas.  One of my clubmates (& best mates) has recently been told he has prostate C though it is low risk and they are just monitoring him every 3 months.  All we can do is be supportive I suppose but I know it is always harder when it is close family.  Good to hear you're easing back into it (and Charlie!)

    Padams.. I'd take those readings if I were you, what's abit of calibration between friends! 

    Lots of things blowing around here today, recycling bins, bits of trees, one of our rose bushes etc.  Decided on a treadie tempo run in the interests of safety.  10m done with 5m @ 6:44 pace in the middle.  Pleased with that one.

    I once won £20 as 1st V50 and spent it all on bacon sandwiches for my clubmates before I left race HQ!

    Dids.. 'er indoors has decided to fly off to Lubeck in Germany for the weekend (Christmas Market) so I'm a free agent.  Should make the Park Run after all!  Hope daughter is going to wrap up warm if she's rowing on the Ouse on Saturday! 

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    CW - I go to parents in Stafford and love running on Cannock Chase (Stan Collymore's famous dogging wood) especially on Xmas day.  As we kids are all older my brother and I go after all are awake and before the lunchtime craziness begins.  My nipper is 2.5 now and may be a little excitable so we'll see this year.   

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    Joolska I'm glad it's not just me. When I, helpfully I thought, informed England Athletics (formerly UKA) that the new number 340000 they had given me must mean my old 29xxxxx number would be superseded I received back a pretty snotty email that bordered on obnoxious. I won't bore you with details of the palaver they then put me through, but they also made it seem as if somehow 'I' had done something wrong. And for my effort at informing them I had to send them another payment. I could have just kept quiet.

    It felt as if they had vaulted a fair distance up their own posteriors.

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    Cheers Wardi. Much appreciated. Likewise sorry to hear about your clubmate and your in-law.

    Cheers CW, and likewise glad to hear you're coming along.
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    Groan groan, training taking a back seat this week, had a decent 10 mile on Tuesday, then Wednesday was the first of 4 Xmas boozing related activities over the 10 days. Tonight = Xmas work party which will be messy. Wife is away all weekend, so might manage a few hangover miles in the morning before I collect kids from their sleepovers. Talking of hangover miles I did 5 yesterday morning and 7mins30 per mile was a pretty decent effort considering. Paris training to commence next Saturday proper. 


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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭

    Wardi, nice session. 9 with 4 quicker ones for me yesterday; saw 6:xx for the first time in a while ... mustn't start getting too excited.

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    Al_PAl_P ✭✭✭

    Morning all,

    It's good to see that TT and CW are gradually getting off the bench. Nice treadmill tempo run there Wardi and some good speedwork from Toro. Glad your high street commando/ninja roll antics didn't result in any serious damage TR.

    My own progress getting off the bench seems to be progressing in the right direction. Did 3.7M on Tuesday but started to get some complaints from my dicky tendon after 2 or so miles. Had Weds/Thurs with no running (in Paris for work, so very little time to run anyway), but managed to squeeze a bit of core stability work in. Cycled to work this morning (2.5+7M) and then did another v easy 4M test run doing 0.5M laps of the industrial estate I work on. The right tib.ant. was only a little bit stiff with no noticeable pain/discomfort image. The area around the tendon still has some (I guess) residual swelling, but hopefully that will disappear in the next few days. Won't be running the Christchurch Christmas 10k this Sunday as I don't want to tempt fate and make another nasty smell in the toaster.... I have got an entry for the Portsmouth Coastal Marathon, 2 weeks on Sunday, which was only entered for a bit of fun, so hoping that with a gradual return to running that might still be on. Doubt it will anything special time wise though after over 2 weeks off and a 6 day holiday in Switzerland next week image

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    Well Wardi - it's still on for tomorrow!

    Great news, after not running on sunday I have still managed to scamper quickly up the Strava league table for December and am currently the 19th greatest runner in the world. What a glorious year this has been.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Must be RW competetion time, Our thread is way down the page. I have zero time for those competition threads since a friends wife was selected and copped some bad behaviour off some jealous folks a few years back.

    Wardi - good pace, hopefully the quicker stuff will do you good.

    Al_P - hopefully you'll be back to it full bore again soon. I wont be joining you on 22nd December ! Enjoy your hols.

    intervals day for me. 60 min inc 8min intervals on the turbo early and 5M inc 20mins of 30sec intervals at lunch, set a new record for the distance covered in the 20min by decent chunk too.

    got to work the weekend again, so no long run or ride again.

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    Al_P -- definitely take it easy (like I'd know). Glad you're on the mend.

    TR -- you're a whole new af-leet, with intervals on the bike and on foot all the time now. I'm expecting something amazing in April after your recent flourish in shorter races, which surely show you're a changed man.

    A mercifully uneventful steady 10M + 3M double today. Bit of tightness still in the R. piriformis but I'm stretching it like mad. But I won't attempt to do anything silly at the weekend -- softly softly now.

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    CW - sounds like you're getting over your niggles well and building up the miles again.

    Very easy 3 miles today with a couple of short quicker bits, legs feeling good so just have to see how it goes tomorrow.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    CW - trouble is that concludes my running for the week and I have a total of 26M (5+8, 8, 5), so whilst I should be ok for my 10k in January, I need to get some miles in. Make sure that you dont stretch too much, things do need to be left to heal at times. 

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Pah.. Mrs Wardi left her car at her travelling mate's house over in Huddersfield en route to Manchester airport this morning.  Once in Germany she then realised she had left the car's passenger window fully open (in December??).  Anyway 40 miles each way with the spare key tonight should get me some brownie points.  Off for a beerio now to reward meself.

    Dids.. last week the long road (Knavesmire road) that heads towards the Park Run course was all coned 'no waiting' for some reason.  If It's the same just keep going until the road bends to the left then almost immediately turn right into the racecourse access road, you can park in there.

    All the best for tomorrow Bufo.

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    Wardi - thanks. Just had my 4 pints followed by 4 mile run home Friday night warm up. Feeling great.
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    Nice one Wardi! 

    Good to see some benchees easing back like CWAl_PTT and good luck with the south coast race preps Al in a fortnight.

    Also impressive to see the posts combining Crimbo booze with training. Keep them up please - great vicarious entertainment!

    Managed to smack my foot into a dais in an unfamiliar classroom yesterday. Felt sore but bagged an easy 7.5m. I hate these dark afternoons though. 

    Up for the Ashes. Dearie me.

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    Due to being ill and not able to run I haven't really been keeping up with the forums lately (just a cold, but a nasty and long lasting one). I've read back a bit and noted the discussion about race winnings being taxable. Er, really? I thought winnings were fair game. I've had a few cash prizes. £70 was the largest in actual cash, but there have been a couple of £10 - £30 prizes as well. More often I get vouchers though. So are you supposed to ring up HMRC and tell them you've won a tenner? Really?

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    Probably too late, but good luck bufo!

    Sounds like you, err, taught yourself a lesson there, HRimage

    CC2 -- as others have pointed out, if you looked at your athletics as a business, there would be a whole load of expenses to offset against the odd minor gain, so no way in my book.

    5M plod this morning, partly to try out the new shoes I got with a £115 (woo-hoo!) racce voucher a few weeks ago. Definitely too small though -- I think I'll have to eBay them. What a wasted opportunity.

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    HR, Joolska etc - all my dealings with UKA have been a pain in the arse over the last couple of years. They wouldn't let me join Winchester as they said I was still affliated with another club (I'm not) but they wouldn't tell me which one!! In the end my club had to register me with a full stop at the end of my first name!!

    Dids - sounds like my kind of preparation

    Rest day for me today - nice

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    Haha I love that Ryan.Snell image That's the sort of intransigence I was dragged into. It was done in such an obnoxious manner that really peed me off.

    Good luck Bufo

    God there's something outside that looks like daylight and I may be able to run in it. Still, given my journeyings these past few years I shouldn't moan, or perhaps that's why I am. I hate this time of year.

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    Toro: Mizuno Wave Sayonara, size 9. I was a greedy idiot, because they had a pair of size 9 Mizuno race shoes that suited me kind of OK, but I already have race shoes and wanted something more cushioned for training -- and it seemed "a waste" not to get something closer to the £115 voucher value! Hence I got them to order these instead, and then a return seemed awkward as I was getting them free, and I convinced myself wrongly that they were OK. Looks like I could get £30-£50 on eBay with a bit of luck.

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    CW - bit risky for me as I'm a 9 but recently seem to take a 9.5 For some reason. Good luck - sell now to catch Xmas buyers or wait till Jan to sell? Newbies starting resolutions etc.

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    Ah genius, the New Year resolution market sounds perfect, top tip!

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    Good morning out of York Park Running with Wardi then supping and eating in a pub on the Ouse, whilst an endless stream of uni rowers puffed and panted past.

    Charity pub crawl tonight, but want to do a long run tomorrow as I'm on the verge of Strava top 10 greatness. Decisions, decisions.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    HR - ashes indeed ! I was hoping the teh Aussies fought back a bit this series, but it could be 3-0 by the end of next weekend, we cant handle the pace of Johnson and the pitch gets faster next match.

    CW - you have big feet for a little fella, none meant but I cant see that sale going well........"......one pair of running shoes, for sale. Seller is the most consistently injured amateur athlete around...."

    been at work from early again, just squeezed in a quick turbo - which is a bit naughty on a Saturday at 4pm.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Nice to meet up with Dids & 'me Julie' Mrs Dids at York this morning.  I think we represented the thread reasonably well, 8th for Dids & 22nd for me out of 201 runners.  Light winds compared to last week which was probably why I knocked nearly a minute off last week's time in 19:58.  Winning time was 15:34 which is shifting a bit.  I couldn't claim 1st old codger either as a fast old V50 from Leeds City has just turned 55 - finished 2 places behind Dids.  He's an imposter I tell you, an imposter, doesn't look a day over 45 etc.

    Dids.. hope you enjoyed sipping Pimms on the riverbank while watching the punting.

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    TR -- at least it wasn't those shoes that hurt me!

    bufo -- just stalked the results. Looks like you did splendidly, in the H&H scorers (shows it shouldn't have been you who was the reserve in the first place, as it turned out). And team wins all round too. Look forward to hearing the story. I rather hope you're out celebrating right now...

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Wardi - excellent, that quicker training is paying off.

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    Wardi -- sorry, inexplicably missed that last night. A minute is a huge gain, and a very significant one too as it takes you sub-20!

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