
Sub 3



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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭

    Hope Stubbington goes well Toro and TR.

    Just done the 6 and will do 4 later. Very easy pace. Plan soon has 3 doubles a week.  That's a lot of washing unless you don't sweat much and re-use clothes. 

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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    Hi all … not read back, gonna try and keep up with the thread from here!

    I was ski-ing/driving over New Year so had ten days off running, but hopefully it was good cross training after two 55 miles weeks. Quads tight from skiing plus have bruised ribs but managed 70 miles in the 9 days (50 for the week) since running again, with two rest days. Went to do 14 yesterday but quads better than expected by the end so made it 17. Was happy until bed time - bruised ribs worse than ever and still bad today despite dosing up on pain killers, hopefully another rest day and I can dose up for Fartleks tomorrow!

    I'm with Stephen on forcing yourself to do doubles - I think they probably work best where people are already used to doubling up e.g.. for commutes. I guess I will have to a bit if I want to go much above 70 for peak weeks though. Tbh I'd rather do 8 miles than a 6 and a 4.

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    In my modest opinion HR is pretty much spot on with the diet rant. Special diets are all so unnecessary when all you have to do is consume less cals than you burn off. High fat diets, for all I know, may be workable. But when/if all the top runners live off carbs then why bother? (If, of course, a top kenyan smashes a WR off low-carbs then's the time to reconsider).

    You can simply eat 2,000 cals worth of carbs/day, thereby ensuring that you feel happy and healthy and still burn off 3-4lbs/week through exercise - if you really want to lose weight fast.

    However, if I was trying to lose weight without exercise I would no doubt be tempted into an Atkins approach - if only just to kill appetite.

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    Bloody hell, some top long runs by pretty much everyone this weekend!  Well done to CW, Wardi, SL, Postie, HR, Al, CD, JH1, CC2, Luke, TR, Nichs2Old No7STJimbob, PiMan, Bufo.  Hope I didn't miss anyone off.

    Happy birthday Charlie for Saturday.

    DanA - showing the rest of us how to do a proper long run again, hope the recovery goes well.

    PP and Jools - decent training too as you increase the running miles (although PP has been quite the ergomaniac recently with some impressive rowing feats).

    Doubles - good idea for me, I run the morning one slowly and especially at the moment have no sweating issues so can wear the same top again for the evening one.  Forcing yourself to do a run when you really shouldn't isn't a good idea though so it's a case of knowing your body well enough to make that judgement call.

    HR - think you may have misunderstood on the food.  Eating a healthy balanced diet is a good idea.  Just positing that what constitutes "balanced" may be different to conventional wisdom.  A lot of endurance training is based on promoting fat burning so it's not a quantum leap in possibility that getting your body used to this through what you eat could be beneficial also.  Being lighter also helps as long as you have the energy for running.  PP has hit the nail on the head with his response to your question about carrot cake (as for other foods).  Cook your own cake and it will be far tastier and better for you than buying some heavily processed loveliness from a supermarket / coffee shop / chicken based restaurant.  One slice of Costa's famously good carrot cake contains 62g of sugar (15.5 teaspoons) along with some traces of Sulphur Dioxide mmmmmm yummy.  

    Mixed weekend for me, had a crap XC race on Saturday where I seriously considered giving up running for ever followed by a surprisingly enjoyable 22M run yesterday with another glorious sunrise.  Didn't throw in any 5.40s at the end but last mile was a comfortable 6.30 which is probably faster than I finished the cross country!  Haven't uploaded any of my runs yet but I think I did about 98-99M last week so mileage is decent now, just need to start adding in a bit more pace as legs are feeling good at the moment.  6M (non-sweaty) for me this morning.

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    I didn't realise that the Bath Half in March had free entries for 'Best for Age' athletes, as well as reserved entries for next best (i.e. you still have to pay, but you can get a place after entries close.  A bit tougher than VLM though, V40s need sub 1:15 for free entry.  V50 is easier though, 1:25 will do.

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    Long run pace - again, in my modest opinion, I think the advice that 7:20 pace (which is MP+30 secs?) s too fast for a sunday run is a bit too prescriptive. Depending on how your training is structured you may choose to use that run for your key run of the week. You may choose to do, say, 8 miles at 7:40 and 8 at 7:00. That doesn't sound too much of a killer session to me? Or sometimes run it slower, sometimes even quicker?

    Anyway - 101 miles for me last week.... yesterday's long run being the fastest (but easiest) - mostly run at 6:25-6:45 pace. The rest of the week's mileage merely plodded slowly.

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    Loosely related to the chaps earlier comments about diet ( which I agreed with ) ; Stereotypical obese useless women with depression on BBC Breakfast this morning, apparently she had tried all the various diets that people like this think are more likely to help them lose weight than er......................going for a walk instead of sticking another cream filled doughnut in her grotesque cakehole.

    Then we went back to the studio where the highly paid experts came out with their stereotypical answer "Well, its an incredibly complex issue"

    Is it really that complex ? It doesn't seem that complex to me, what do you think is going to happen if you never do any exercise & keep sticking cream filled doughnuts down the old cakehole ?

    Enjoy your food & be active, the more active you are the more you can enjoy your food. I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't sound "incredibly complex" to me. That's my first rant on here but it wound me up having to watch that nonsense on the news this morning, you have to be harsh with these people, if it was up to me, I'd tell them straight!

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    CD: I managed to wangle a free place at Bath as team reserve (they also do free team places if you have enough fast people).  Means the only expense is a £7 train fare image

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    arn't diets for girls ?

    JH1 - I found doubles as commutes enabled me to get the miles in better, I think they toughen your legs up too, even done 15 and 5 sometimes on MLR day...........I'm not doing them this time though

    SL - nice one on that long run, if you are joining in with me and Ode BAC wise this week then its 3x15min with 3min easy recovery, With a bit of a w/u and down I reckon on about 12M, maybe more for you as you will run further in the 15min.

    Toro - bit of a taper ! good lad, thats my excuses ready already. ALthough I'm not mad enough to do BAC, tempo and 10k between Weds and Sun, so I'll drop the tempo.

    Good to see LJ getting back to it too.

    6M easy at lunch and the legs felt ok.


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    LJ / PP yes bake my own is the answer for sure. Need a bit of time to do it. Did make flapjacks and granola bars this weekend, so carrot cake it is next. Don't suppose you could obtain the delicious-sounding recipe PP?

    CW Charlie that book looks good. I might get it. Does it have lots of charts etc that might suffer on a kindle read compared to the paperback?

    TR nice one!

    Unintentionally brisk double for me this evening as I cut it very fine getting away and the last of the fast trains home for the next three hours necessitated a 6'15mm pace. Blew out some cobwebs after a progressive 7.5m this morning. Definitely agree that commuting makes doubles so much easier: it feels like there's a purpose.

    Stephen haha spot on!

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    I frequently dabble with commuting doubles but do feel they generally make me too knackered to do anything worthwhile running wise, especially as they are mostly combined with daily gym sessions. Over next months I plan to make more use of the bike to keep the number of doubles down. 

    Great casual ultra, Dan, and loadsamiles. Don't go getting injured now!

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    CW / HR - Ugh it's Matt Fitzgerald.  I hope it's better than Racing Weight.

    TR - Coach planned in the taper although I think i'd rather go long again but there's still 12 weeks to go after this week and that's a P&D plan so I won't be behind. 

    HR / PP / LJ - I love a good home-made seed based / honey flapjack.

    P.S. I hate Windows 8 now.  On the desktop how do I find something! Such poor functionality - not obvious, keep having to Google things (Bing is rubbish too).  

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    Toro - why the small fixed loop? (Says he having done yet another marathon mainly on a 0.65M loop.)

    HR -- just had a quick skim -- no charts or pictures that I noticed, but a lot of schedule tables at the back which might not display well on an actual Kindle (but you could refer to those using the PC version instead?). Nice burst of speed there BTW.

    Nice long run LJ.

    I use the same clothes a few times, depending on the weather. Bit OCD to start with clean ones every time. But maybe you should ask my colleagues -- I hang them under my desk...

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    Commuting doubles are the bees patella, the cat's onesie, the dog's ball bag.

    Especially through base training when you just want to plod out a load of miles. I run slowly with short-sleeves in the morning, arriving almost sweat free (7.5 miles). Apart from a change of shirt and a deodorant spray, I don't bother to even change out of my kit unless seeing a customer.

    The run home can be faster, since there's nowt more motivating than 7.5 miles of puddles and rain between you and Er indoors sausage and mash.

    I can easily do 90-100 miles per week (75 of commute) and still feel fresh. Because it becomes a habit, it's no big deal to do it.

    It's less ideal when sharpening, or looking for hills, but the run home can still be an interval or tempo.

    I'm usually the first to arrive and often the last to leave. Everyone else coming in pissed off with the trams or trains, having wasted ??30/week on them. I sometimes hop on a train coming home since it's free (no one selling tickets nor inspecting ever).
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    ST - your food rant was amusing. However, apart from the fat badtards who don't care about being fat, and the really stupid ones who think they have a slow metabolism and 5 sausages is healthy, the main bulk of fatties are fat because of mental issues I would say. Depression, comfort eating, drink problems and sugar addiction and the basic caveman logic of eat whilst you can.

    I'm not sure the incessant coverage of food (and dieting) helps. Best to have an empty cupboard, not watch TV nor wander into Tesco late at night. It's the devil making pudding for idle fatsos.

    Diet books are up there with sports quacks I'm afraid. Preying on vulnerable people with witchcraft and trickery.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    I find commuting doubles easy enough, but I do just plod along. As a change this time I'm not doing commutes, but its costing me a few runs/week, which means only 4 or 5 runs at max a week.

    Toro - most of my weekday running at the mo is up and down the same 2M stretch (I even used it for my flat 18 last weekend). Is the Stubby course still flooded ?

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    Did some doubles last year and gained some big miles. Unfortunately my job changed so they're not possible any more. 

    Mrs PP gave up dieting just before Christmas and has since lost a stone and a bit.

    10 ish commute, tried a couple of faster miles as Wokingham is appearing on the horizon. Both were carp so will have another go next week when me legs are less knackered.

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    CW - I was at work all weekend and not allowed out to play.  At least I was in chargeimage

    TR - not sure I haven't been down there recently - couldn't see anything on website.


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    In my modest opinion 

     again, in my modest opinion,

    Can someone tell Not Pug The Other One that someone's hacked his account?  I believe they accept pigeons up there now.

    Much obliged.

    As you were.

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    TmothTmoth ✭✭✭

    Ha, so i;m not the only eejit who thinks its acceptable to sit in an office all day after an x mile commute and a quick 'whores bath' in the minuscule sink! Quick spray of deo LD i like it...i do sweat though sweat is apparently odorless...its just the bacteria that eats it that smells (!?).

    ST - yes I'm with you on the food thing. I asked a rocket scientist mate of mine, he said, and i quote "its really not my field".

    On another food note how do people view the fuel prior to MLR / LRs? I munched 1 piece of wholemeal toast with pnut butter n jam and a black coffee prior to my 12 MLR commute this am....but am considering dropping the toast and just running on coffee in future - to aid/enhance the fat burn? Any thoughts?


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    Tmoth, - Fresh air powers all my morning runs, including Sunday long runs.

    I run 4 commuting doubles a week, it's the only way I can squeeze the runs and miles into my life and as LD says it a great way to base build.


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    I have a banana & a cup of tea before the long run & have a gel about an hour in.

    Not sure how some can do a bowl of porridge before, but my stomach can be "temperamental" from time to time so less is more is the best policy I feel.

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    I used to be fully fuelled (before, during and after) but after speaking to people I decided to have a little something (to quell the hunger pangs) and then not use anything on the run.  I may use a gel or 2 very close to the race as I intend using them for London after my crash at Washington was attributable to improper fuelling.

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    I fuel all my morning runs on blind optimism at the moment.  Worked fine for 22M on Sunday.  Wish I could do commuting doubles but my commute has changed from zero to 35 miles and as my name's not Dan I don't fancy running that.  Instead it's the joys of creeping out of the house while everyone else is asleep and getting a cheeky 6 in before breakfast.  Club nights on Tuesdays and Thursdays have been helping to get the miles in as I did 12 on Tuesday and 16 on Thursday last week but 8 miles of each was with the club so a bit before / after on my own and it passes really quickly.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    I started getting into the habit of proper LSRs before breakfast for last year's VLM, then stuck with it for the simple practical reason that it gave me longer in bed before meeting others for a set time on a Sunday morning!  Got up to 24 miles incl. 7 @ MP on a cup of coffee and some water, all good.  In fact, considering the biggest worry of the whole of last year's race was a minor stitch at 22 miles, I'm considering trying to get round the next proper raced marathon on water.  What's the worst that can happen?  image

    45 mins row + 7 miles yesterday. If I can continue gym (row/spinning) + easy run doubles each day this week with long run/bike at the weekend, that'll bring me back up to 50+mpw, then I'll see how I feel about getting some quality back in.

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    PP - I ran Lisbon marathon on a breakfast of water, and I felt great.  I think TT does something similar.

    Dan - Mental as ever.

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    Tmoth -- I did my training marathon on Sun on a cup of coffee, but then felt very much glyco-depleted by the end. On race day I'll probably use about 4 gels as I go along, and half a bottle of sports gloop at the very start (no earlier). I may try a liquid-only breakfast before my next marathon race as I tend to get abdominal cramps when running hard.

    My legs felt surprisingly perky today (admittedly yesterday was a rest). 6.7M including a lot of fast-cadence-up and loping-fast-down "hill" reps over a pedestrian bridge, overall 6:35/M. And yes, that was my commute in of course -- that's how I do most of my training too.

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    Mug of tea does me in the morning as I don't have any beach huts to dive between if I get caught short.

    10 cold commute this morning as I forgot to son my hat gloves before leaving home.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    Evening all.

    I've not managed to get on in the last few days but from a quick scan back it looks like it was the first of the long run weekends!!!

    SL - yep, my last few marathons have been run on nothing more than a coffee beforehand and water through the race. I have the opportunity to leave bottles out for both Edinburgh and Frankfurt so am working out a strategy for that. It will be interesting to see if mid-race nutrition makes much, if any difference to the outcome.

    Cheers for the course/conditions update Padams. I'd have preferred the big hill myself image It looks like I may not make it now though. The last few days have been a complete nightmare - our car which has given us nothing but trouble since we got it new 4 years ago is back in the garage again (and based on previous experience will not be back with me anytime soon), so no wheels = no race image

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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    taking advice from you lot last year I now do all my long runs (in fact all morning runs) on just a cup of black coffee or green tea, perfectly fine up to 22 miles and probably further this year. Would of course have some water doing that far when warm.


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