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    Good job! Managed 3 hours myself. First time out on the roads for a proper spin in months!

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    Did you take the new toy? image

    Solid swim for me at lunch.

    610m in 8:30 with paddles and pullbuoy.

    610m in 9:30 with just the pull buoy.

    610m in 9:00 free.

    The last couple of laps felt like treacle, but I'm definitely getting faster. image

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    I did indeed! I wouldn't have done 3 hours alone otherwise. New found company for long rides! NP of 200w. Still need to read up on what these numbers mean.

    What length pool are you swimming in?
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    Swimming in a 100ft pool (near as dammit 30.5m)

    NP of 200W is solid, but I'm guessing from your FTP test it wasn't an all-out, scrape me off the floor effort?

    I was toast when I got home, but the ride was a hard one and shows that my FTP test needs repeating - otherwise I rode 4 hours plus at 8W off FTP (normalised) image

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    No it wasn't. Easy enough and did a 10k easy run when i got home. Started off with 30 mins easy, then a 10 minute hard effort up a hill climb TT route into a headwind, rest for a bit then 45 mins tempo effort, rest for a bit then 45 mins endurance effort then easy home.. though it was uphill so not exactly easy home!

    8W off your FTP? You must have improved massively since the test. Nice one!

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    BKins wrote (see)

    No it wasn't. Easy enough and did a 10k easy run when i got home. Started off with 30 mins easy, then a 10 minute hard effort up a hill climb TT route into a headwind, rest for a bit then 45 mins tempo effort, rest for a bit then 45 mins endurance effort then easy home.. though it was uphill so not exactly easy home!

    8W off your FTP? You must have improved massively since the test. Nice one!

    Lots of things to be corrected for (and I know it means my levels aren't right at the minute but I'll just have to wait until next weekend is out of the way before I can do a proper test): 

    • Last test was done off the back end of a cold, so was low. I then did the Tour of Sufferlandria, slowly increasing my FTP in TrainerRoad as I recovered to keep the tests abominably hard.
    • Test was done indoors, tends to read low due to less cooling but also PM drift (it's hard to stop and recalibrate during a 20 minute test effort!).
    • Test was done on the TT, the purpose being to set levels for sessions done using TrainerRoad. The FTP on the TT is often lower than on a road bike, but this I'm happy with because the intent is to train and race the TT. 

    All that said, I've definitely improved a lot lately. It's been really enjoyable to be consistent with my training. This time last year I was travelling more with work, which wasn't conducive to a smooth schedule.

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    So what races are people doing this year? I've signed up for the Hardman long distance in Kerry, Ireland. Top class race and accurate distances. Swim in Killarney lakes, cycle the ring of Kerry, probably the most famous cycle in Ireland, then run 3 laps of a national park. If that can't help me get around I don't know what will!

    I'd guess about 50-100 entrants. Looking at the results last year the winner came in in 9:56 and the fastest relay in about 9:15. Breaking 10 hours will be a real challenge on this course! Achievable though if I can get the cycle right.

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    I'll be at the Outlaw. Will be my third time there - love the course and love the race. Also racing the Outlaw Half and the Avenger in June. Finishing off with 70.3 Lanzarote in September for a bit of sun image

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    PowermanUK LD duathlon.

    Then a couple of shorter races that are well below the radar of this thread image

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    Nice TE. Busy schedule there! I'll be doing a couple of the national champs here for Sprint and Olympic. I've got a pretty competitive short duathlon on Sunday. I'd fancy a crack at a long distance duathlon too. Looks interesting!

    Keeping the calendar more free this year. I was racing pretty much every second week last year and couldn't get much training in.

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    IMFrance for me. Also have Rome marathon in a few weeks but as I'm only just starting to run again after injury I will just pootle round that with a couple of first-timer friends, then have chesterfield Marathon in September which I hope to go under 3:00 for

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    BKins wrote (see)

    Nice TE. Busy schedule there! I'll be doing a couple of the national champs here for Sprint and Olympic. I've got a pretty competitive short duathlon on Sunday. I'd fancy a crack at a long distance duathlon too. Looks interesting!

    Keeping the calendar more free this year. I was racing pretty much every second week last year and couldn't get much training in.

    I'm also pre-registered for ETU LD Euro Champs in April in Horst. Not actually sure if I can make it yet with work commitments though.

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    Golden Boots wrote (see)

    IMFrance for me. Also have Rome marathon in a few weeks but as I'm only just starting to run again after injury I will just pootle round that with a couple of first-timer friends, then have chesterfield Marathon in September which I hope to go under 3:00 for

    That's the way I'd prefer to do it - fast marathon at the end of the season. I just don't think it works in the build phase. 

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    Yeah and had vowed not to do the same again... wasn't actually going to race IM this year but when a friend decided to do his first/probably last at France I couldnt let him lose on his own really, but had already signed up for the marathon

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    2/10/2 duathlon today. Very good field out. The bike route had to be changed because of ice on the road which made for careful cornering all the way around. No real problems though! Same as my last duathlon, 2 decent runs but lost too much time on the bike to challenge for the win. Finished 5th and pretty pleased with that.

    Anybody using a Giro Selector? First time using it and it fogged up so bad! I'll have to either try anti-fog or get rid of the visor.

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    Nice work ! I did read on ST (make of that what you will) that visors are slower than without for some reason.
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    for some reason? Maybe because you're effectively blind for half the courseimage

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    yay! - out on the TT bike today for 5.45 hrs - first day of spring and only a couple of small  floods to negotiate image

    20 mins quicker over the first 80 k than on the road bike last week image


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    BKins wrote (see)

    Anybody using a Giro Selector? First time using it and it fogged up so bad! I'll have to either try anti-fog or get rid of the visor.

    The general consensus from those doing aero testing at the minute (Jim Manton, Heath Dotson, Brian Stover etc) is that 99% of aero helmets are faster without the visor if that helps make up your mind.

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    Sweet. Thanks guys, the visor is gone. I see the Raelart brothers wear a selector with sunglasses and they do alright. Next problem is the clip on back part.. it clips off very easily and clipped off in T1 making for a messy transition.. i'm thinking superglue the clips in place so it won't come loose again. Not ideal but seems necessary.

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    No experience with the helmet so can't help you there.image

    A fairly solid training weekend for me. Was hoping for more but circumstances intervened. 6x800m on 3:00 and 1km on 4:00 Friday. Gotta see how long I can add reps for. Then 196km on Sunday. Amazingly my legs got better as time went on. This would be more encouraging but for the fact that it was mainly due to them feeling like sh*t for the first 130km!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Impressed with some of your long rides - 5h45 and 196km already! I hardly did any centuries last year other than the 2 IM races and two days of the Tour of Wessex.

    I've been doing lots of interval sessions on the turbo to try to get ready for duathlons, never really done these before so just making them up really. I think they're working, but hard to tell until I do a race (Clumber Park in a few weeks).

    Ticking over running-wise, but surprised myself with a 53:44 10M a few weeks ago - officially a PB by over a minute (although I've done a fair bit faster in a HM, but I don't think that's allowed to count!).

    Not done any swimming since Kona, and not missing it at all! And I'm still not tempted by another IM for now...

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    So am looking at hopefully a 1:05 swim, anyway that's my goal time.

    Today with the tri club we had a coach from Swim4Tri, and the main set was 15x50m at goal pace, to try and get the feel for better pacing for our goal time.


    Is it me... or is bwing able to hold 51 seconds for 50m almost completely irrelivent to achieving a goal time for 3800m? Most were around 45/46 seconds, not one was greater than 50.... This was mainly aimed at Olympic distance racers but told it still applies to IM racers... and the provided paces were adjusted to suit

    Doesnt seem applicable to me? Was in the end a very easy session... too easy

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    It's applicable. But not with that few reps. 

    Do 50 100's then tell me it's not specific enough. image

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    Yeah exactly... 750m of stop and start like that... means there's too much pushing off the wall and gliding.

    Am a fan of doing 50m reps but for the right thing... not slowing down the pace so much to try and align to some 'goal pace'

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    That said... it was really nice to swim with other people agan after not swimming with anybody else for 18 months. And always good to do some drill work

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    I'm no expert on swimming, but with running training you increase the length of the rep for the longer race distance, not decrease the pace or increase the number of reps.  5k or 10k runners might do 200m or 400m reps, marathon runners might do half mile or mile reps.  All at quicker than goal pace.  Is swimming really that much different?

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    Engineer are you still training with D3 regularly?

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    Cheerful Dave wrote (see)

    I'm no expert on swimming, but with running training you increase the length of the rep for the longer race distance, not decrease the pace or increase the number of reps.  5k or 10k runners might do 200m or 400m reps, marathon runners might do half mile or mile reps.  All at quicker than goal pace.  Is swimming really that much different?

    No true.

    Ultimately it's time at race pace. you can do 50x100 or 25x200, 12x400, 6x800 - what's the difference with similar recovery?

    It's just a mental challenge: it's easy hitting the 1:30 for your first hundred but your 42nd is going to be bloody hard work.

    There's a "fun" test of fitness... how many 50s can you hit leaving on the 45? image

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