
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Convention has people resting in the days before their event only to discover their body has gone to sleep during that time.

    Its necessary to wake up the system again before the event. That needs some effort expended, for maybe two or three days beforehand.



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    I seem to run shit whatever approach. Unless I fancy running round carrying a 1 year old I've not got much option.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    I have tried different approaches in a taper and the best for me is definitely rest and full ease off.   I reviewed build ups where I ran well & there was rest and where I missed targets there wasn't.  in fact often if I take extended rest I feel my body misses the faster running and I really attack races.

    Matt - a shit years running?  haven't you broken sub 33 a couple of times this yr? IMO you have run well this yr,  you have just been a bit inconsistent but have put down some very fast times...often in training (hint hint image)

    Good luck tonight johnas....


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    I've had various taper strategies, from a week's rest due to the shits, a couple of days rest before,  etc. 

    What has really worked for me in the past is Wed off,  some power intervals on the Thur, Fri off then on Sat a couple of km with some pickups -  100 to 250m sprints. Not all out,  just to about race pace. As Ric says it reminds the body that it needs to perform but you also get the rest required. 

    Off ourselves the altitude thing will be interesting. That's 6000' so you may need more rest preemptively. 

    FWIW Ric,  140bpm is about 10:30 min/miling for me.... 

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    My HR has changed with age. In 1990 I only had to get close to 7 minute mile pace and my rate was 160bpm. On one run in the heat, the rate was 180bpm plus and there was no real effort involved.

    Also in a race there was the instant 'rate'. In the Hillingdon '5', I noticed my HR was 193bpm within seconds of the start. As my legs became more and more tired, the HR dropped as well, down to 178bpm. A final sprint forced the rate up again.

    Shows how well conditioned muscles are needed for real speed. Fitness alone isn't enough.

    As for fitness. Speed session for me this morning. 40 seconds fast/ 20 seconds jogging in one continuous run over 3 miles.

    Doing this yielded mile splits of 6:45, 6:42 & 6:41.

    HR peaked at 173bpm.


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    I reckon that you can't tell much from one race. I do believe in periodisation so the theory is you go through peaks and troughs and when you are at a peak you pretty much can't go wrong and in a trough you just need to sit it out. The trick is to try and get the peaks to align with a series of races. It is no coincidence that Bolt breaks world records and wins gold at the major champs and yet in the build up he is being run close. This shows in someone like Dachs who can PB at 10k while building to a peak, and it may be argued he peaked to early. I think I did the same this year for VLM, started in October and probably peaked mid March so was stale by mid April.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Probably right PMJ.

    Johnas, good luck today. Run like the bearded wildman you are.

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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭
    Wife: are you going to get rid of that beard yet?

    Me: would you like me to get rid of the beard?

    Wife: yes

    Some time later...

    Me: Ta Da!

    Wife: I prefer you with the beard

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    How long did it take to grow image

    At the moment it feels like troughs and troughs!

    Just looking back to the week I did my PB at Marlow in 2010. I had course PB'd at Pednor 5 on the Monday before, had two training run PBs (a la samir!), including a fast 10 miler as the second run of the day on the Thursday, then did my PB at Fairfield Horseshoe 6 days later with a good evening 10k just 3 days after that! Ah, those were the days! 

    Hope the wind dies down for tomorrow - headwind was horrible this morning!

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    Stevie seeStevie see ✭✭✭

    Johnas, how will I recognise you now without the beard?! Good luck tonight dude, just tick those Ks off and get into a nice groove.

    Dean, that speed session... image Great work.

    Taper wise, I always do well of a rest on the penultimate day. LIke Ric says, the body needs to be in 'hard work' mode.

    24 min tempo today in 6:08 average, was very windy but the effort was right. .  

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Unable to grow a beard myself, which means I'll be jailed by those religious zealots who insist upon such things. However, on one occasion (1994) I decided to see how long I could grow my hair. 18 months later it was over a foot.

    I then cut it all off and had a number 3.

    I found the experience (cutting it off) strangely depressing.

    Raced a hell of a lot faster. Hair is heavy.

    I used to do a session of 200's at 5k pace the afternoon before a race.


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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭

    i can't disagree with your hint Dean. I think I need to cut my mileage back and make sure there's a bit more consistency in the quality. I'm very obsessive about exercise  and that's the main reason I started running. Over cooking it I think. Well I know. 

    My best run came off the back of a week with very low mileage. No race pace strides or anythinTour probably the freshest I've been for a race although I turned up thinking I was a lard arse as I'd hardly done anything that week. 

    Tried to pull out of tomorrows relay but anybody to cover me. Managed to see my usual physio this morning (he's a mate who also runs) and he thinks I've a slight strain to the top of my quad. Certainly feels a bit better now but that's with an ample amount of painkilleands own the hatch and voltorol gel rubbed in. 

    An 8am start tomorrow and just over 10 miles over fell terrain. Just what the doctor ordered. image consoled myself with two large helpings of my daughters birthday cake. 



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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    matt - also i often think you leave your best race on the track (or treadmill) as your quality sessions can be massive. both in volume and pace.  i made the same mistake last autumn, i was doing sessions 10k volume at 5.15 mile pace.  i could hit the paces and felt in control and flying.  but what was happening was i was effectively racing a 32.30 10k every week. and this isnt manageable over 8 weeks. so you leave your best stuff on the track in training.  which is great for all the kudos from club mates who see you do a 10*1k session at 3.15 pace but meaningless as it never made its way on Po10.  image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Vast numbers of club runners do that Dean. Very easy for 'control' to turn into competition.

    That's where the coaches real value shows. Being able to suppress their 'charges' inclination to race.


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Fully agree ric.  It was my coach who advised I change my sessions

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭

    good points Dean and Ric. Looking at the sessions I do compared to others my recoveries are always shorter. Instead of getting the speed in the legs I'm in effect smashing myself into the ground. I think with training alone and sort of hand picking my own sessions, each one I do is seen as a potential confidence booster as I've nobody to gauge it for me or for me to gauge it against a group if you know what I mean. 

    Phil makes a good point regarding the peaks and the troughs. After Manchester (if I've not ruined myself tomorrow) I've decided on hopefully targeting some shorter stuff over the summer. Hopefully I can use some common sense and find a good balance. 

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good luck tomorrow Matt. hope it went well tonight Johnas!

    Night all!


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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭
    Meh. Tough conditions out there. Pelted it down for the first few miles of our race and brickwall-esque wind in the final straight for the whole race. Had to really dig in for a 34.30. Talking to everyone post race in the locker room and most weren't anywhere near where they planned or hoped. A good experience nonetheless and was good to watch Andy Vernon smash the elite race to pieces
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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭
    Good luck to the Marlow 5ers this morning and Matt on his relay leg. Hope conditions are more favourable for you guys today!
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    30:10 or 30:11 for me today so irritatingly close to 30 dead but best run of the year so far and about 79.9% WAVA so all going in the right direction. Equates to an 18:15 5k so getting down to the sub 17 sort of window.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    It would have been sub 30 but for the wind Philip! 

    29:43 for me today. OK with that, as although some way off where I want to be, it felt relatively comfortable despite the wind (which was a headwind whatever direction we were running in!). Made sure of a sensible start, with a 5:42 first mile rather than the crazy sub 5:30s that are the norm at Marlow. Unfortunately had some pacing issues though, as I thought I was running inside target pace, only to find my GPS had measured about 0.1M long at the 3 mile marker, so I lost about 20 secs on where I thought I was, so what I thought was going to be around 29:15, suddenly became a slight battle to ensure sub 30 by mile 4!

    Also a bit annoyed at losing a place on the line by stopping under the chip timing wires rather than the finish line to see some young buck go flying past and be given a second on me!

    Good to meet Wool and a couple of others today and had a nice warm down with Philip. Round number OCD kicked in, which meant I had to do a 3.7 mile warm up and cool down to make 50 for the week image

    Johnas - sounds like dreadful conditions last night, but a very respectable time nonetheless and great company to race against! Makes you wonder what Vernon would have pulled on on a dry, still evening!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Not to worry Johnas, sounds like a great event to be part of anyway. At least you can count it as a track PB!

    Well run at Marlow Bus and PMJ. A solid couple of performances, and definitely something to build on.

    Meanwhile, I ran my local 10k today, the one that starts oitside my front door. I had a feeling it would be a crap one due to marathon recovery, and so it proved. 34:25ish for 4th. I ran this exact course at exactly that pace as a training run 3 months ago. Not happy but not hugely surprised. Hard to believe I was running 1 min 15 quicker than that 7 weeks ago! Oh well, bloody marathons.

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    Stevie seeStevie see ✭✭✭

    Chin up Dachs, just need a few weeks of track sessions to get those legs spinning nicely again.

    Bus, Phil, nice runs boys. Bus I can safely say 5:30 opening miles end in tears! So a 5:45 is most sensible. Just that pesky wind spoiling things. I'm sure Phil would have gone under 30 had it been better weather.

    Johnas, conditions looked horrific last night on the webcast. Especially for the earlier races. The elite race was great viewing, seeing Jonny Mellor kick and work his way back only for Vernon to drop the hammer. He'd have run 27 if it had been good conditions. That wind was worth a lot of time over 10K.

    I'm doing the Tafford 10K festival, would you say it's enjoyable Johnas?

    9.6 miles today. Nice and easy. Track session tomorrow which fits nicely to give extra recovery time. This wind best go by a weeks time.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Solid running in tough conditions for bus and pmj.  Congrats to bus who won bragging rightsimage

    Tough night in very tough conditions johnas. All things considered that time I will feel betweek later this week.

    dachs, agree with SS , some track work will have you firing again.

    i had the Wirral mile. i was going to pull out after seeing the weather forecast this morning as its a long drive for a defn no PB.  But as it was with the Wirral open I had promised my daughter I would take her to compete in the long jump.  So she wanted to go regardless of the weather.image  Absolutely pelting down all the way there but held off for the race thankfully. in the warm up I did a lap of the track and on the far straight it was like a wind tunnel, so bad that my daughter turned backwards and lent into the wind to see it hold her.  Absolute nightmare. Worst conditions I have raced on the track.  Any way my plan was to go out hard 1st lap and make it up on the fly!  Lap 1+9m was 64s and in 1st place, even in that wind so decided to keep on the 2 nd lap but the wind was shocking so I eased off,  3 rd lap and after struggling through the wind a PB was no chance so I eased off with a view of throwing a fast last lap to show off for my daughter.  Finished on a 64 with a decent sprint in the last 100 (with the wind behind me).  So my daughter took bronze in the Long jump and I won the mile with a nice little trophy awarded to me from former 1.44 800m legend Ikem Billy.  So finished in 4.42 with a 6sec lead.   Also good to catch up with robT 

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    PeteHewPeteHew ✭✭✭
    DeanR7 wrote (see)

    ......  Also good to catch up with robT 

    If I could catch up with RobT, I would die a happy man image.

    Congrats on the win, Dean!

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    DeanR7 wrote (see)

    Solid running in tough conditions for bus and pmj.  Congrats to bus who won bragging rightsimage


    Nah, I'll get him on WAVAimage If I put in that I am 48.75 (48 and 9 months) years old I get 80%, but I am only 48 and 8 months so a shade under. This racing yourself fit does seem to be working: next week I have a pairs 10k on Thursday (so we do 1k and then rest while the other half does 1k and repeat 5 times so really 5x1k off about 3.5 minutes recovery) and then a club champs 10k on Sunday.  I'll do a recovery run tomorrow and then if the legs re OK it will either be track on Tuesday or a midweek race on Wednesday: maybe track is the better option.

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    Stevie seeStevie see ✭✭✭

    Nice win Dean! I feel for you all racing in the wind today, a thankless task. Congrats to the sprog who has inherited your sporting prowess! You seen the Manchester Mile event at Sports City? It's July 17th and has an elite race put on by the company that organise the great run events. Should be a decent craic!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Well done Dean and daughter - makes for a nice day out despite the wind!

    Philip - my WAVA comes out as 79.51, so 80% to 0 decimal places, so lets call it a draw image

    To get 100% I'd need to run 23:37 - ffs!!

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    bus, mine is 79.52% so 0.01% up on you: I call that a win for meimage

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    Well done Done great time in that wind image

    hope to catch up again at Christleton image

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