
The Middle Ground



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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    It's a hybrid DT ... with the added jiuggling around real life, it's actually looking less and less like P&D (although the key sessions are still lurking in there somewhere).

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    Afternoon folks.

    That’s some decent 10king DT, should be a good base to kick on from now. Well done.
    I didn’t get any sunglasses in the end, I decided they would annoy me when running so didn’t bother.

    Good session the other day Mr V, sounds like we are on with similar training at the moment. Any races coming up?

    Looks like you are in decent shape Dr Dan.

    Nice effort at the 10k the other day Wardi,

    Happy with the time/effort on Saturday Duck? Sounds like a good effort to me.

    I ended up having a cut back week last week, good club session on Wednesday but struggled after that and ran 46 miles rather than the ~60 planned. Went out for my long run on Friday morning and felt pretty poor so binned it at 10 miles and took Saturday off. Seemed to pay off as my legs felt pretty strong at the Kilburn 7 race yesterday. It’s a 7.2 mile race in the hills under the Yorkshire White Horse. Those that have taken the East Coast mainline train North may recognise the White Horse I am talking about.

    Anyway, I had a stinking hangover on Sunday (including a conversation with the toilet…..at my age you might ask?!) and the race was at 2pm in hot humid conditions. Felt rubbish in the warm up, I could smell the curry in my sweat! So I stood on the start line thinking ‘it’s a tempo run, nothing else’. So I set off and felt surprisingly ok in the first mile, settled into about 12th place after a mile. Second mile has a nasty little hill in it and I started to pick off a few enthusiastic starters though I developed a stitch here, rather annoying. Over the next mile or so I kept the effort and breathing even and overtook a few more and moved into 6th place just before a nasty hill at about the 3.5 mile mark. My stitch went somewhere round here but the hill was a leg sapper, I certainly felt worse after it. Down the other side and then onto another long uphill drag that went on for about a mile and a quarter, not steep but tough in the heat. I was about 10 seconds back from a runner and could see another runner struggling a bit further up the road. At the top of the hill the guy I was tracking overtook the struggling runner but he put in a spurt here and I remained in 6th. Tracking the runner who was struggling here and gaining slowly on him. I caught him just before the 6 mile mark and this is where the course speeds up and rolls more downhill than uphill to the finish. I set off in pursuit of the guy in 4th and managed to pick the pace up with a 5:45 mile and 5:10 pace for the .2m at the close. I didn’t catch the guy in 4th but felt pretty strong, so quite a pleasing run all said. I got some start fitness vouchers for coming 5th as well which was a nice bonus.
    6.09/mi average pace for the run, pretty decent considering the course and the heat and my prep image
    This week is all about clean living image

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    haha ... what an old skool athlete you are TR! image

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    Good hangover cure TR!image

    Just read back - too much to comment on for now!

    I only ran once in the 9 days after Sale, and that was a gentle 3.5 miles. I swam once and had a 4 day DofE trip to the Lakes. I figured sleep and recovery were more important than logging miles. 9 miles yesterday and 6 miles with 6x200m this morning, and I'm sort of feeling ready for the next Sale Sizzler on Thursday!

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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭

    TR – Sounds like a pretty decent performance – kudos for battling through the hangover! Yeah I’ve got Sunderland 5K on weds evening. Are you running Darlo this year?

    DT – Another 10 weeks and you should be flying. They sounds like 2 good opps for PB attempts.

    Dan – Nice MP session there. 10@MP is a toughie, especially in the heat.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭


    TR: you would have run even better if you had Alf Tupper style fish and chips before the start! Sounds a well run race. Well done!

    CB: sorry, but won't be at the next two Sizzlers...short holiday in Lisbon and then the Commonwealths.

    Talking of which I still have two spare tickets for the hockey on Thurs 24th in the evening.

    A bit more running to report from me...but not enough to report!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭

    TR - nice work! I was horribly hungover on Sunday too after a wedding the day before and couldn't have contemplated running, let alone racing!

    Alehouse - good to see you on the comeback trail.

    Well, a week on a I still feel pretty pissed off with my body and frankly not sure if it is worth even starting to run again as it feels like it will only be a matter of time until something else falls apart. But, for now, the heel pain has largely gone and I am now walking at about 90% of normal. I have a busy weekend coming up and then in a couple of weeks have a week away at the Commonwealth Games and the Lake District, so think I will not do any running again until after I get back from there. May do a couple of bike sessions to keep the aerobic stuff ticking over. Then it is back to basics again I suppose ie. very little, very slow running and goodbye to any hope of racing anywhere near close to pb speed again for who know how long! How depressing!

    Anyway, on that cheery note .......................

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    DT, as you said yourself - being disappoined with a 15s course pb shoes how far you have come! I think this little racing block will o you well, just give yourself some time to absorb the training now.

    TR, well run, hangovers just mean you suitable hydrated and fueled the night before image

    Overall happy with Saturday - mile splits show the course profile as it was a pretty even effort type of affair - 5:20/6:30/6:09/37! Was basically a solo run from about 2k in once I had passed the fast starters. Then headed off to the Diamond League and got to see Rudisha et al - a great afternoon.

    Ended up with 41M last week so a decent volume while still recovering. So naturally felt horrendous doing hills Monday morning.

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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭

    Duck- Must have been good watching the diamond league. Rudisha flying again!

    Andrew – hang in the there. I’m sure you’ll get there eventually.

    Very humid and windy 5K last night. Not a night for fast times so I concentrated on racing folks. Finished up and around those with quicker PBs than me so job done. Time of 17.45 was pretty underwhelming but probably decent in the conditions.

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    RatzerRatzer ✭✭✭

    The amazing thing about irregular thread stalking and lurking is that all your tiny, unnoticeable increments in training and performance become dramatically evident to me.  It's like a niece or nephew that you only see on birthdays and each time they are so much taller!

    You all know who you are.  Very well done!


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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    I'm just popping in to say hello to Ratzer!image

    (ps. no noticeable increments in training and performance here ... increase in waistline is dramatically evident though image)

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    TR- That sounds like a story i have heard many times from the 50 plus age group in my club. I dont think I would have turned up!

    Andrew- Keep plugging away, though I do really suggest spneding some more money on physio. In theory running is free, however with gadgets, footwear replacements and physio it costs me a small fortune!

    Duck- saw your pic re your mum, thats brilliant!

    No let up for me this week. 90 minute long run tuesday night then a brutal 3 x 15 at threshold last night. I think i got a bit found out. I have only recently graduated to 4 x 10 minutes and the last 5 minutes of the last rep were a slightly fast death march! Came out  6.41mm, 6.46, 6.51, covering 6.7 miles at threshold. Managed to cycle to work today so that should flush things out ready for Fridays session. Then its all plain sailing until middle of next week.

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    I’m not any taller, so you aint talking about me Ratzer image Welcome back!

    Good luck tonight CB

    Does sound brutal DT, last night was a night for it (see below)

    Mr V -  I know a fella who ran last night from Richmond & Z Harriers. He had a strong run from what I have seen on Twitter, he was just a bit up the field from you. Still 17:45 is decent, if not breath-taking result.
    As for Darlo, probably not, wife and boy are away the weekend after Darlo leaving me home alone and there is another local 10k the Sunday they are away, so I will probably do that instead (hangover permitting image)


    It was the night for brutal sessions last night. Club session for me - 2 x (8x1 min / 1 min recovery) and 4 mins between sets. To spice things up, we had 30 seconds recovery between rep 3&4 and 7&8 in each set.
    I expected to be chasing my regular training partner for the session as he is in better shape than me at the moment, however, to add extra competition, a local lad who runs for York City AC turned up. He’s 16 years old and quick, an 800m specialist, so us old fogies spent the night chasing him round! Absolutely done-in at the end, legs in pieces, not felt that way in training for a while now. If you believe Garmin, we were running between 4:45 – 5:00/mi for all the reps, so just a little above 5k effort………image
    That’s almost 40 miles, a hilly 7 mile race and last night’s session in the legs over the last 4 days, so I am taking today off to let it all sink in. Oh and I am living clean this week, not a drop of booze since Sunday image

    Oh and I just entered three races including the Abbey Dash, my aim that day will be to keep Duck company for a long as possible…….image

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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭
    Thirsk Runner wrote (see)

    Oh and I just entered three races including the Abbey Dash, my aim that day will be to keep Duck company for a long as possible…….image

    My aim will be to keep you both in sight for as long as possible image

    DT/TR - Good sessions from you both. DT I still remember the dread of setting out on those 3x15s....


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    DNS tonight. Nothing major, just a niggling headache all day that I couldn't shake, and feeling run down generally. Decided a 5k in the heat wasn't the best idea and lit the barbeque! Early night tonight and will try to get a gentle 9 in tomorrow once Little Miss CB is at preschool.

    Hi Ratzerimage

    Looking like ridiculously hard sessions TR and DT. Well done.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Always good to have a decent smash Tr, just in moderation.

    I did promise myself a week off the beer after the world cup however the sun is out and I have some left over estrellas cluttering up the fridge!

    Mr v, I went out with the usual hard session anxiety, however now knowing how it feels I think the dread will be there next week!!

    X post cb. Sounds like a good decision. Are you on school hold yet?

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    RatzerRatzer ✭✭✭

    Dr D, just keep it up!  (Makes it easier to see when the waistline expands image)

    Hi TR, CB.  Disappearing again.  Running makes me envious...

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    Solid run there MrV and some tasty sessions from DT and TR image.

    Bad luck CB - hope you're feeling better after the BBQ therapy.

    I was supposed to have a Dry July ... I made it to 6th.image

    Today was an early 5.7M commute on the bike into Leeds city centre (15.7 mph, despite the red lights etc) and then straight back out for a 7.25M run with 5M @ LT. I didn't fancy this session once the temperatures started picking up! The LT miles came out bang on target pace at 7:09/m at 85% maxHR (2nd half was 87%). Much better run than the 4M @ LT I did 2 weeks ago (7:26/m for the same HR). Turning the corner now. I'll have clocked 52 M commuting on the bike this week by the time I get home tonight, and I'm hoping to top 43 on my feet if Sunday's LR goes to plan.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Commonwealth Games alert! I still have two hockey tickets for Thursday 24th at 7 pm (2 matches)...quite happy to give them away...however I need an address to send them to by 4pm today!! Then I get the train to the airport prior to a few days of warm weather training (or more likely eating and drinking) in Lisbon.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mr V - If we tie enough elastic round Duck, we might be able to slow him down enough to make a race of it……….image

    Sounds like a smart call CB

    My legs are still sore, so yes I agree DT, good to have a smash up, but it’s not sustainable. I get less issue recovering from hard races!

    Coming together nicely it seems Dr Dan. Any build up races planned before Dublin?

    Alehouse – I already have Athletic tickets for that night otherwise I would have taken them from you.

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    image I've dumped the idea of 10King this weekend ... better off getting in a long run. I was thinking of the new Vale of York HM but we might well be busy that weekend ... so probably back to lake Vyrwy again if I can get a pass. Might not be able to resist the track mile at Carnegie either. Oh, and probably the Nottingham Marathon ... 4 weeks before Dublinimage.


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    I’ll not be seeing you at Vale of York or Carnegie as we are away for two weeks in September so will miss them both. Shame as I fancied both.
    So what’s the plan with Nottingham? Taking a leaf out of prf’s book? image

    4 slow xc miles at lunch seemed to help shake my legs out. Planning a long run/tempo combo tomorrow morning.

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    Well, I always seem to lose fitness during taper, so this Nottingham plan is an experiment.image


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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Worth a crack Dr Dan. Just as well get a bogof out of the training.

    Decent session yesterday of 10min Lt, 5 x 4 min at 10kp then 10 min Lt. Did it at lunchtime so on treadmill. Legs were pretty tired in final 10. Next week I should be able to get to the track to do the equivalent session. 

    First full rest day today since a week ago Thursday. Oddly legs don't really feel like they need it.

    Need this weather to behave as off on a stag do to Newbury races. Scope in schedule for a gentle run tomorrow if not too rough.

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    Best hangover cure going is running DT, nice session yesterday btw. 

    Like your thinking Dr D.

    15miles with 10 in 65 this morning. Legs smoked before I started, so it was hard work. Good training though.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Managed an easy 7 miles today. Not as rough as anticipated. Another easy day tomorrow then back to the tough stuff Tuesday. 

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    It’s quiet on here, anyone got any racing to tell us about?

    Like DT, I ran 7 miles yesterday, feeling pretty tired in general. Plan is to see this week out best I can, but we go on holiday on Friday for 9 days, so training will continue but will be much lower volume compared to normal.

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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭

    TR – Good effort with the long run. Saturday was horrendous for humidity and I gave up after 5 miles.

    DT – Any winners? I’m up 500 quid on the horses this month image

    Struggling with running in the heat a little here. After Saturdays rather poor effort I  did manage a hungover 15 in 7.20s yesterday so that was ok.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Well it looks like another hot week, though hopefully less humid. I'm going to make the most of the nice weather and drop my runs to 4 but cycle to work twice. I don't think in the grand scheme of things a missed 40 min run will hurt, and 90 minutes cycling is a fair swap.

    I'm not a big gambler so just put a fiver on each race and never got anywhere then on the last race we all put a tenner in the hat and someone went and put £130 on a horse which came in so all got £55 back each which basically covered my bets and drinks for the day. We all turned up in 60/70s gear, unfortunately someone had read last years events calandar......

    Thats a nice win. was that on one horse or a series of wins?

    Easy 40 minutes planned at lunchtime.

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    Looked like a fun trip to the race DT... even if you were the only "retro" characters there.image

    Good 15s TR and MrV ... also managed 15 early yesterday - slow as my legs were fried from Friday's LT sesh. Set off at 7am but it was still hot and thirsty work. 43 miles running and 53 mi on the bike... similar planned for this week.

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