
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    11 at lunchtime which came out at an average of 7:19 pace. Splits all over the place due to the run being through Holland Park, Hyde Park, Green Park and St James's Park and while I do enjoy shoulder barging the odd tourist, I do try and limit it during training runs to the minimum necessary. Pace was not planned: I set t to take it easy but the legs flowed and I wasn't in a mood to hold them back.

    No core for me; I said bye bye to the floor a few months ago and will maybe re-acquaint myself with it in the early summer.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I might have missed this first time round but is the below right? 

    GFA for you will be 3.15, which is 7.27 average?

    So you've cruised out 11miles with a cigar on at 7.19

    So your MP is slower than your easy pace image

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    I believe my 74.22 gives me a qualifying time for London how long will that last?
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    SG, spot on. GFA is either 3:15 (41-49) or 3:20 (50-59) but to be safe I am shooting at 3:10 which is 7:15 average so today was slightly slower than MP. The whole thing is to do an easy marathon and qualify for London 2016 and to be honest the whole campaign seems to suit me much better than last year so I will probably repeat this next year. In 2014 I did the P&D 55-70 18 week plan and broke down before the end. This time I am doing the last 10 weeks of the P&D up to 55 miles 12 week plan, so 10 weeks instead of 18 and 55 max instead of 70.

    The running I am doing is fast enough to allow me to do a sub 3 if I had the inclination, but I am not inclined to do so. The race I am targeting had 2 guys sub-3 last year, http://www.stuweb.co.uk/race/GN, so I don't fancy a solo 26.2 just to tick sub-3.


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    robT wrote (see)
    I believe my 74.22 gives me a qualifying time for London how long will that last?

    Rob, that's a Championship Entry qualifier so the best loos. For this year (2015) the time had to be run after 1 Jan 2013 so I assume it will be good for entry into 2016 or 2017. Too late by a few weeks for 2015: deadline was Jan 9th.

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    The loos are not that great to be honest, except that there are tiny queues and they don't run out of paper.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    GFA or Championship entry for the London Marathon is a must

    I had a club place one year and it was sheer purgatory slumming it with the masses. It's so damn crowded at the start, I lost a sub three hour clocking in mile 1 (8:45).

    Ah, the luxury of an exclusive holding pen. Not a blobber in sight and led all the way to the front of the queue. 

    12 miles on the road today. An effortless 7:52 average pace. Another couple of weeks and I'll start to give the pace a bit of a dig. Not yet though. 

    The delay is because I consider structured speedwork to be the icing on the top of the training cake.

    Masses of improvement can be done without having to bust a gut. 


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    Looks like a good week for racking the miles up.

    PMJ - I imagine the Royal parks were rammed with this nice weather?

    No running on the plan for this week; all biking. Did a few hours MTBing today which is secret speedwork. Mrs has bought me a Garmin Virb after watching a recent episode of Britain's worst drivers (or whatever) so I strapped he thing to my bike helmet and did some videoing of my ride, including some idiots parents walking their kids around the MTB course. Darwin awards for the lot of 'em.

    Foot still feels niggly but for most of the time it is not a problem. I may try a short run on Sunday.

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    I see JohnnyD is on the start list for Trafford! Don't wait for us lot!

    Thought I'd have a little forage into the road running world. Pretty stacked field to be honest!

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    Well I only lasted 2 weeks of P&D before breaking down. 

    What a glorious day it was today, after a morning of bike maintenance (it now stops), I did a hilly ride of 48 miles at a smidgeon over 17mph. Bike doesn't work in the easy ring though, so hills wasn't my greatest idea.

    Turned down the job offer with only one shower and no gym today. Eggs in one basket now. I hope this gym isn't just a rusty old Argos multi-gym.

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    Early man to rise, makes him rich, healthy and wise

    Nice running PMJ and Ric

    Was good too see you back so soon after that knee scare / injury Jonny. Probably was months ago now but anyway image Stacked by pros like you image Obviously looking in the 29:xx range. MBN!

    IC - I've been tempted to get a goPro for ages, bit pricey and with getting car sorted etc this year not happened. Then I saw an equivilant for 70 quid today on amazon and am tempted again. For the scares I've had on the bike would be worth it I think!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Andrew G wrote (see)

    Well I only lasted 2 weeks of P&D before breaking down. 

    What a glorious day it was today, after a morning of bike maintenance (it now stops), I did a hilly ride of 48 miles at a smidgeon over 17mph. Bike doesn't work in the easy ring though, so hills wasn't my greatest idea.

    Turned down the job offer with only one shower and no gym today. Eggs in one basket now. I hope this gym isn't just a rusty old Argos multi-gym.

    Fingers crossed for you. Seems all my bikes have suffered this winter and all need some fettling again. It was a cracking day!

    Definitely worth it Scott.

    When is Trafford?

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    I have a quick unrelated running question for you IC and AG as you are probably more knowledgable with bikes image

    Today rode to work and last few times when I free wheel / cruise round corners the chain stays in gear but seems to have loads of slack which catches the spokes

    I've tried changing wheel etc and nothing? Could it be chain has buckled? I'm clueless! It's Not had a knock or anything. Meant I cut my ride today to less than 5m and I remembered why I hadn't been cycling to work..
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Debut 10k sub 30 I expect then Jonny. Your clubmates laid down some impressive times at Chichester, so you've got to make sure you're well ahead of them.

    11m last night with 7 x 4 minute reps. Slow as molasses. My legs didn't seem to want to work for some reason. Then 7m eeasy on a boggy XC course today - 8:15 min/miles, so that gives some indication of the state of the surface.

    I need a fast 10k in may, as my usual race is cancelled. I'm unlikely to be able to do the Highgate 10,000 now, as something is coming up that weekend. Thinking of Bristol. Anyone done it?

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    Scott, I am pretty useless as well, so it's down to Iron on this one.

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    literatin wrote (see)

    The loos are not that great to be honest, except that there are tiny queues and they don't run out of paper.

    I said the best loos, but the level overall is low so the best may be less than great.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    for all you cycling chaps, how do you deal with icy patches on roads? Sometimes it must be obvious it'll be a skating rink, but other days surely it can surprise you? DO you have special grip, or is it simply a hope for the best?

    Today, the pavements were a little icy here and there, no problem as such for straight line running, but through one estate I had to do some hot stepping, and ended up in a heap on the floor for 10secs image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    (abort this post...the darn vid wouldn't post)
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    I have "Gatorskins" on my bike. Good wide grippy tyre. No issues yet and rode on icy but it bad ice - I'd always prefer running when icy instead of cycling. Any black Ice and I've just not cycled

    Early May Dachs? Or you need X amount of weeks.. Southampton 10km last W/E in April image
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    I stay at home SG, if it's known to be icy. When we've come across it in the wild it's a case of slow down the entire ride and head for home.

    Scott, assuming the chain is the correct length it sounds like the spring tension in the rear mech has reduced, or the spring inside it is broken. The other possible alternative is that you are using the small chainring at the front and the small gear at the back which would give the largest chain slack. This is not recommended.

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    I ride in icy conditions, I wouldn't advise it though. Obvious things are light steering, preferably with body weight not handlebars, otherwise that front wheel will slip. Last time I went in icy conditions I had a few twitches, I had standard tires on. Oh and stay off the front brake as much as possible. Pick a good line for corners and get the right speed on entry to the turn, you don't want to brake mid turn,

    It's best not to bother but sometimes you just have to survive the first hour or so and then it thaws out.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    first hour! My word I wouldn't make a cyclist.

    Got a long run tomorrow, 13miles pre work.

    Hopefully my colleagues don't expect anything before midday

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    I don't use the big ring IC image

    Ill look at those things you mentioned though, thanks! have to ride home but only 10 minutes
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Track tuesday, 10*800 target 2.35 (32.20 10k pace) off 2 mins. All reps on target or slightly faster. happy with them.  

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    Good stuff Dean, back on track again, nice and swift! Dachs I will probably do the Bupa 10000 again, although it's on Monday May bank holiday rather than Sunday this year, also a possibility of a play off final too (although I'm a pessimist!!). I still think it's a decent course, some reckon it's a bit tough.

    Did a 2 mile warm up and then 30 mins of Kenyan type hills and a run back. Felt ok apart from stomach issues yet again. Feel knackered now and in bed, still think I'm suffering after Sunday

    Well the kid and the missus are round the in laws so will get a good night's sleep,.
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    Cheers Scott, all fit and healthy now. Last race as a junior this weekend at the national. Hopefully defend that title! Hope training is all going well for you?

    Yea really pleased for both of the guys- but your right got to keep myself a bit ahead of them!image although just a bit of fun before the serious track stuff! Are you doing intercounties? 

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Yep, Inter-Counties is the next race.  Never run at county level before, so it should be fun. Hoping that the course is one you can get up a bit of speed on - a Popham style course rather than like the TVXC mudfests.

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    Dachs where is the intercounties this year?

    Good Luck Saturday JonnyD I will be there giving you a shout image what time is your race?

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    If it is that one in Birmingham, Dachs, it was certainly a faster course last year than the nationals, with a suicidal downhill finish.

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    Very nice reps Dean

    I am going to look at that race now you mentioned it SC, I need some races between April and end of June, unsure if work will let me have it off though

    Jonny - yes thanks, seem to be around 8-10weeks or so running starting from 0 miles re building after basically 2n half months doing nothing before Christmas but seemingly niggle free now and just had two "full weeks" back proper training now so hoping to keep that consistency. Good luck for Saturday!

    Missed run this morning, last minute plans so day out with daughter and a steady 10 planned.. Nothing like Matts one last nightimage
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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