
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    i apologise now for what is to follow....its going to be intollerably self indulgent but f*ck it ends with me on a world podium so you will have to forgive me image

    the ceremony was last night but we had to wait for 2hrs for whiteman to pass through doping testing.  then i went straight on the beers with the middle distance lads ending falling out a irish bar in the centre of lyon at gone 2am with whiteman and co.  a few hours sleep then a plane to manchester via amsterdam.

    i never get nervous before a race but in the build up to the heats i found myself feeling the pressure.  the fear of failure and letting people down weighed heavily on my shoulders.  i had put every session since last sept with a view to winning that race.  i hadnt raced well, bar the oxford bmc mile, though i have been training better than ever.  my confidence was waivering which is not like me.  thankfully i raced fantastically, dominated a tough field from early on and held off a sub 4 man from only 2 years ago.

    in complete contrast i had zero nerves going into the final.  nothing.. i was calm and knew if i could execute my plan then i hadnt seen anything from others to fear their finish sprint (bar whiteman).  despite the fact my PB wasnt in the top 10 in this race.   i just felt i could compete.  then my stomach is off!  i cant eat on the race day.  everything is passing straight through.  so i take on electroytes but i am have stomach cramps. im obviously worried but nothing i can do but wait it out.

    in the warm up the cramps get worse but by the time we get in the call room im ok.

    im seeded 3 in the final so have whiteman and lorenzo on my inside and they are the 2 i fear most.  the stadium announcer shouts out each of our names but whiteman and lorenzo dont wave to the crowd so i dont.  i will largely ignore whiteman.  he will do whatever he wants to do but if he bursts for the front it will be fast as he will drag people with him but if im in front of him after 20m it will be slow he will sit until the bell.  so im ready with 2 plans in mind.    

    Gun goes and he sits, so i get straight to the front on the outside shoulder of the leader.  a perfect position.   the rest of a lap is a procession but we go through in about 65 secs


     there is a fair bit of pushing and shoving and i get a big shove in my back.  i decide to try and slow the race down and rely on a fast last lap.  it works no one makes a move as you can see the 2nd lap photo is almost identical.   we go through in about 2.12 ish (i think)


     there was some big time pushing and shoving and cabero falls almost taking 2 others with him.  Whiteman is boxed in and is barge off the track by someone.  i get another shove off someone.  in the third lap i think the dutch guy makes a move and i go to cover but get boxed in and an elbow to keep me in.  i lose some ground, i get out of there in the back straight but have to work a little to get in contact at the bell.  i think im now in 6th.  we get to the bell in 3.09/10.   whiteman explodes into life taking the field with him, im about to wind it up when i get smash from behind knocking me off my strid

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    stride and take an heavy elbow to the side, i lose loads of ground and momentum.  im now down in to 8th but losing ground.


    im f*cking fuming....that arse has cost me a medal but i compose myself but use the anger to build some momentum. i dont go all in as i will die in the last 100. the front 6 are well away from me now down the back straight,  but i am so composed and having nothing to lose.  i start winding in as many as i can into the last 200 and i wind it up further. im now in 5th and closing.


    im clearly moving better than everyone bar whiteman so focus on 4th place, i kick hard, and when i say hard its unbelieveable, i take off so quick it makes that finish at oxford feel like an easy run.  i fly past the french chap into 4th then i go all in.  i accelerate, god knows from where but i find another gear im closing hard, i must be about 15-20m down on a medal at 100m but at 50 im closing hard.  im laser focused on lorenzo.  over and over in my head i say relax, relax, relax


    im closing hard, i can do this, im going to do this into the last 10m and im close but im running out of track.  the polish guy in third , who is fresh having had the fast guys drop out of his heat so he could jog a win in 4.22 in the heat, is trying to sneak down the inside of lorenzo but there is no room.  he gets blocked but tries to barge through.  3m to go and im close but im still in 4th.  i still believe... im focused on the line.


    1.5m to go and im really close


    i throw my self at the line


    i feel good i feel like i beat lorenzo but lost to the pole.  but its to close to be sure.  i stare at the elecronic scoreboard for confirmation.  it feels like weeks to come up...its probably about 2 secs.  i remember feeling even if i hadnt medaled i was proud of the fightback and i threw everything at it.

    in first place whiteman in 4.00,  then the screen went blank...in 2nd place lorenzo in 4.06.90....shit i thought im 4th  but the pictures below shows a split second after it was displayed


    and in 3rd place representing Great britain and Northern ireland is Dean Richardson 4.00.94 and i look for my wife in the crowd.  she is bouncing up and down and hugging people.  you can s

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

     see her on the video by the fence. apparently my last lap was 57 secs.


    I cant explain the feeling.  but its good.  i feel proud, i feel like i put in a performance deserving of the vest.   then it wouldnt be me if i didnt immediately think if only i could have found that 5/100th of a second for silver, if only i hadnt got barged on the bell.  but that soon passed.image

    a quick interview with some press person and a team gb photo with les and whiteman


    then i went off to find my wife in the crowd.  i couldnt get near her.  so many well wishers from all nationalities. i eventually get to the brits and my wife and she is a nervous wreck.  i doubt she can take another race like that.  not sure i can. image

    onto the presentation and the podium.


    im feeling very patriotic at this point.


    i havent seen a video of my complete final straight but i should be able to get a copy soon.  the below is a video but it shows how much i lose on the last lap, how far back i am at 200m to go and the last 10m burst.  plus my hands in the air moment i realise. 


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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Brilliant report, Dean! And great racing! Well done!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dean I personally am so proud of you! Someone in particular who has had huge faith in me, encouraging me over the last year and yet seems to under estimate their own talent in a way and sometimes beating yourself up when you've had a bad shift on the track, and now it's all proven on the world stage! Bask in that glory!

    So thoroughly deserved and so glad all that hard training and failed sessions eventually came together for you

    Superb stuff!

    Should start up a Team GB thread now ...
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Dean, superlatives unlimited. Well done all round. Great report. Just noticed a video link, I'll be back.


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    Dean: great race and report. I knew from the results it was close and assumed you weren't passed so had to assume you made up in the last 100m: starting to become your trademark.

    Watched the video a few times and the Pole looks pretty pissed off: seems he went for a gap that wasn't there an just ran into the back of the Spanish guy and came to an abrupt stop as he bounced off him. Killed his momentum totally.

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    Brilliant stuff Dean!! I love the report, it gives a great idea of the pressures involved in these championships. 57 last lap? Jesus that's so fast! 10 secs quicker than my last lap today! Saying that, Whiteman is a freak, crazy turn of speed.

    Glad to see a good social after too, don't suppose anyone is allowed to get on the track with a tinnie after you had finished!!

    So I will humbly add a seasons best in the 1500 today at Tonbridge, non scoring for Bedford helping the missus looking after the kid. Firstly it's probably the nicest track and surrounds in the country, absolutely stunning. So race went off at a decent pace, no real dramas, went through 400 on 66, 800 on 2.13, made a big effort to try and get the next 300 quick and managed to get to the bell at 3.01. So thoughts of 4.06/7 spring to mind, but running out of juice a tad and end up with 4.08.4. Happy with that, think it's my 2nd quickest ever.

    Only 23 miles planned tomorrow, Leighton buzzard to Bedford! Glad to see the Javelin PB is still in people's minds, glad to be of service. You fuckersimage
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean, just monumental stuff really. Watched the video, and even already knowing the outcome, it still looked like you were totally out of it on that back straight, so what a last couple of hundred metres. Stunning, and how many people out there have a f***ing world medal. Not many. Totally earned from all the work you've put in, and hugely pleased for you.

    Think back to when you were justan unfit old duffer churning out the odd 1:2x half marathon. Who could've known where it would've ended up? Good lord...

    Anyway, I think thread performance of the year is pretty much settled.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    I think thread performance of all time nailed there. Like Dachs said, even knowing the result I was doubting you'd claw back that big gap. Amazing run and just rewards for the patience and effort you've put in this year.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Cheers all.  

    Phil, lorenzo went hard at the bell and barely made the line.  The pole went hard at 300 so they were slowing at the line. i think if Lorenzo doesn't get barged from behind I get silver. It pushes him forward.  the pole threw silver away with that poor decision. Had he done what I did and chose a clear lane from the beginning of the home straight he probably would have got silver and me bronze with lorenzo a narrow 4th without the push.   But apparently the pole has form for the rough stuff so ask me how much sympathy I have image

    Apparently whitemans last lap was sub 53!

    i also learnt that you can't compare pb's from say Trafford open to a champs like this.  It's completely different racing. For example the other Brit ran 4.02 3 weeks ago and has a 1.58 800,  And is a speedster in his own right, as Dachs can testify, but he is never in contention yet the race won in barely 2 secs outside his Pb.  But if he was at home he would be thinking I could have won silver easy.  And there were many others like that.

    was also pointed out to me that that's the first defeat in a vets individual race I have had for 2 yrs.  

     scott, I have thought this since pretty much day 1 but you just need a clear run from injuries and illness.   I think you have the capabilty to have the fastest times on here from 5k up.   

    Simon - great stuff on the sb.

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    Brilliant Dean great race report and awesome run

    Impressed as always,World Bronze Wow image
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Today at a vastly more leisurely pace I embarked upon the repeat of a speed session last run before my injury back in May.

    This was a set of 20 by one minute efforts with 30 seconds jog recovery. I could cover about four and a half miles doing this around a favoured grass loop.

    Did the session with a decent result, with the average pace being 6:38 miles. Fast bits were sub sixes down to 5:15's. My training partner was faster. Not sure how much but she was taking 25 to 30 yards out of me on every rep.

    However, since she's in her mid 40's, we have to make allowancesimage.


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    Dean - Did Les give any reason to his race? Just with reference to his 4.02 a few weeks ago? It's true what you say though, that was a 'racers' race, far too much fast/slow for me image

    managed 23 miles this morning, just about and bollocks if I'm doing any more than that in my Berlin training! Took 2hrs 39 with s couple of stops. Had a nice afternoon at the Kimbolton half, the missus massaging again. Lovely stately home and nice grounds, good weekend all in all. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    well done Dean, didn't even break my record for most posts for a race report. Probably broke the posts per metres record for any race though image

    Sounds like an incredible last burst. Such tiny margins, but I suppose that's the name of the game at short track stuff.

    is there normally such argy bargy? or does that increase the shorter and more tightly packed a field is? do they watch it back afterwards to see if any of the shoving, elbowing needs disqualifications? Or only if someone complains?

    Is it a yearly championship, which you guarantee your place into for next year? Or is it the same qualification? And do you get it funded? (anyway, but especially now you've medalled up)

    that's enough questioning for now!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps, is that Whiteman chap about 6ft 4?

    pps for those who still follow the more mundane running of some of us, 5 weeks on from the half marathon collapse job, got a 10miler in today, sub 7 pace, 54mile week.

    Getting there. Have a real race for time for a couple of events I'd like to do. But if I'm not ready, I won't bother.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Simon, Les said he wanted to sit and attack from the back.  Which is brave.  Had some good beers with him after and he is a top chap.

    sg- no funding and the worlds and euros alternate years.  Except next yr the worlds is in Australia so is held in November 16.  I won't be going as the thought of getting track sharp that late doesn't appeal.  But expect to do the euros in Denmark the following yr.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Not a bad week there SG. Are you still feeling lethargic or is it getting a bit easier?

    Quick reps there RicF. Have you any races on the horizon?

    Nice long run Simon. I'm the opposite, I enjoy the longer stuff whereas anything close to 5 min miling does not appeal to me at the minute.

    I'd decided when I signed up for Dublin that I'd get at least a couple of full marathon distance runs in before Dublin and maybe even a slow 30 miler at some point. After doing a BAC session midweek my original plan was to run a 26.2 but steady this morning. Then decided that on a 3 mile stretch of the canal I'd run back and forth alternating between easy and threshold. Had to have a pitstop at 8 miles but found the 3 mile segments really helped mentally and after 24 miles I realised a sub 2.40 marathon was in the offing so ran the last 2.2 in mid threshold too.

    Ended up with a 2.39 and then a gentle 4 mile trot out this aft to bring up another 100 mile week.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    dean - would have definitely thought anyone qualifying for such stuff deserved some level of funding. It's not like any random can get involved. Oz certainly seems a bit of a stretch in all ways.

    Matt - have stepped up 14-30-40-54.5miles, gone off feel really. It's gone from dreading the day's single run, to gagging to get back. Still a little breathy, but easy running is generally fine now, it's just managing that return to faster stuff.

    as 4miles easy, 4miles steady felt plenty last week, i'll probably just mirror this week, but perhaps add a mile or 2 faster for that "session" this week.

    hopefully 2-3 weeks and can get back on the Moz coach. Getting a bit older here, so every sustained period like this just pushes back the next good block of racing.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps Matt - wow 100mile week. huge!  I get by on high work, but some of you chaps fusing very hard work with talent are an unstoppable combo.

    guy on my FB does 200mile weeks, as he does ultras these days. He was always of the school of thought that believed in doing incredibly slow miles but tonnes of them, and add the pace later.

    (although I don't ever remember him getting to the pace stage!)

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    I agree with the funding SG. Even some sponsorship from someone like a physio or free kit.

    I've had a summer of pretty much lots and lots of easy miles. Looking on here and seeing the really quick stuff nailed in sessions and races made me a bit envious but it was my own lack of motivation that was the cause for not doing anything about it. Kept telling myself that itd help with my marathon. I'd be amazed if I could break 16 mins for 5k at the min as even 5.30 miling feels like really, really hard work.

    I can't see the 100 mile weeks being a constant, last weeks was as I was away on holiday and there's no work to get in the way. Hopefully I've got a good base down and then the BAC sessions over the next 9 weeks should bring me to the boil.
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    So a lot of debate about 20@MP and then Matt goes and knocks off a sub 2:40 marathon as a solo training run!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Haha, Phil. If I've been fed the right information then most people racing a marathon do so at their mid threshold HR. Obviously the higher the HR then the lactic acid comes I to play and a slow painful ending.

    My threshold zone ranges from 160- 176bpm and I kept my threshold intervals today at 170bpm or below barring my last 0.2 mile effort to dip under 2.40. I averaged 160bpm for the whole run which is 1bpm above my recovery zone.

    Edit* what I have noticed though is that come race day my HR is significantly higher. I thought it was due to nerves etc but I've been told its because I need to do more threshold running which I'm not too sure about.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    SG, sounds a good plan; to stay at one level to see what happens before pushing on.

    Matt, that's pretty big training there. I've done similar myself but suspected I didn't get the results since I wasn't really eating enough. I mean, today I ran a session at the same rate as one a few months back, only I weigh 12lb's more

    No races lined up right now. However I turn 55 in three months time, which gives me some options rankings wise. I'm thinking more of races then.


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Matt, sub. 2.40 in a training session sounds...wowsers!  i no nothing of marathon training but if you have no ill effects from this your actual race day time will be sensational!

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    He might even be close to sub 2 Deanimage

    Fantastic session though Matt, equally Ric having a good day and SG nice re build!

    Dean, shame November dates ruins you going. Can't suit everyone though in a way

    Managed a 1:21 HM today off a 16mile run yesterday (longest yet) and 68 mile week (biggest ever) didn't plan to race as all my running has been to 70-75% of max HR focussing on aerobic building but went with it and was ok till about 9.5m then bonked

    Was off road for about quarter of it and hilly. With no taper, sessions, speed work and only a few miles ran below 6:30 in the last 6 weeks (since Jersey in June) I can't complain. Feeling so much stronger and can't wait to get speed work in a few weeks though. 10m race middle October is the aim
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Ill be having 2-3 super easy days now so ill see how things go. I know of one person who ran a full 26.2 at his lower end of his threshold with the intent of then running the race just a few beats higher and he ended up running the race slower than his training run.

    I've ran a 56.xx 10 miler in my threshold zone and felt really strong yet raced a 55 10 miler and felt like death the other week. The pleasing thing about today was that only 14 miles of today's run was in my threshold zone. The rest was in my easy/recovery zone.

    Edit* cross post Scott. Seen recently the lots of easy/base building miles which I've no doubt will help you in the long run. Fair play for racing the half after 16 yesterday!
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    PS - nice running SC and hope your running is on the up RobT
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭


    For those interested this is footage of my heat.   You can see at 700 I'm itching to speed up and holding off cabrera twice in the last 200.

    scott that's a very tidy hm off 16m the day before.  I think you have just done my weekly mileage this weekend image

    also missed earlier but good to see SG and ric get their wheels going well again

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Congrats again Dean - proud top be associated with you, even if it's just on this threadimage

    Good build on the recovery SG. Steady as she goes!  Scott - big week and a nice casual 1.21 half training thrown in. Ric - going well..

    Matt - you are a beast!

    Crap internet connection here, so may not get to the end of this post! Disappointing weather and forecast for more, but hey ho. Off-road 10M last night, with around 3500ft ascent. Almost no views though! Climbed out of the forest to the viewpoint at the same time the cloud rolled in! Garmin has gone a bit weird - it's telling me I did 35 activities at 9.34 last night!

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