
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice racing all, in what clearly sounds a crap day's weather.

    Bus, dunno what happened pal, certainly sounded a tasty start, but then Wokingham does give lend to that, so not necessarily anything out of ordinary. Although 5.50 is a bit sharp brother! That's be about 2 or so mins faster than your top form pb image

    AG, pbing today, deffo shows you have a better pb to come. Funnily it's almost like running proper mileage helped image

    And Pete, a nice pb yourself. I suspect you had a little soft ballz pb though, and I also suspect not pissin about with a silly parkrun the day before helped.

    Simon, still got a 10 in, so well done, although I have always had my suspicion you don't read anything more than the current posts on the page, so you won't read this anyway image

    And Dachs, like I said on your wall, you've run a time to be disappointed with that most of us would dream of.

    My stats are a running 10miler today, sub 7, always sub 7 it seems, but felt a real drain. Looking back, longest run for 4 weeks, after a tedious cold and travel.

    But forgive me for my gentle bantering with some of you re-your running it's been a  15hours visiting in the hospital over the last 3 days (3-8, max allowed) ! A couple of you I've given more details to, ta for your thoughts. Hopefully the pendulum has switched from "real risk of family reducing by one" to "steady home bound soon", thank goodness.

    Might see ALD for a run tomorrow, in my hometown. Just hope schedules tidy up, clearly I might have something a bit more dutiful to attend to!

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    All the best SG, I clearly missed the gravity of your situation.

    Bus - My first mile was 5:49 and I never even saw you for a few miles, are you sure your watch is working?

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    Great stuff Pete, cracking Wava score too.

    SG - oh contraire, I do try and read everything, sometimes you need a notebook to remember what everyone has doneimage glad to hear your relly is a bit better.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Yes pleased matters improving SG,health&family always more important than running.

    No worries re your banter; it spurs us on! My HM pb may be 'soft ballz' but it was best I could do in about 40 HM's till today (only a handful of which preceded by parkruns!) 

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    SG - glad to hear it's a more stable situation - puts a bad race into context!!

    Pete - very nicely done and excellent WAVA. Almost certainly was me - walked from 5.5 to 6.  Have you got a Harry Potteresque scar now?

    AG - you must have been just behind me until you said hello in the 4th as the GPS was actually very close to the mile markers, so first  were 5:47, 5:51, 5:51. Possibly too quick today, but certainly not out of the ordinary for Wokingham and actually felt pretty comfortable.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    yeah Bus, but this one shouldn't last long, unlike the eyebrow one from a bad bike crash a few years ago which I get to keep. Also thought first 4 today felt so easy when fresh and with the wind in our favour it was hard not to over-cook them. Probably my altercation with the branch helped in that regardimage As said before, you look in great shape to attack a 10k if running 5'50's in an HM

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    SG - Thought you'd be interested in the social influence of your favourite shoe retailer. He's creating an immigrant shanty town where the staff sh*t on the streets image

    I'll stick to Wiggle.

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    Looking for photos of Dashers, found this one



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    He could be a triathlete wearing lycra shorts.

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    Andrew G wrote (see)

    He could be a triathlete wearing lycra shorts.

    You need more than silly shorts to be a real triathlete.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    definitely been watching Miller a bit too closely...

    Pete/AG get another half in soonish...pb in the wind = most likely a better pb elsewhere

    ps ta all.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Er... yeah.  I've turned to the shorts as I've had a thigh thing that flares up every now and then, particularly on track sessions, and the compression seems to help deal with it.  There is certainly no triathlete-in-waiting element to it.

    SG, sounds a pretty unpleasant situation, hope all news from here on in is good news.

    AG, nice run, got to be worth a better time next half you do.  Got any more lined up?

    PeteM - that's a storming PB, and shows that irrespective of age, you can continue to improve when you start late.  Positions in the XC would have seemed to indicate you were capable of something like that, and I would have thought you'd be able to improve it again in calm conditions.

    Bus - what a nightmare!  It's crossed my mind before that DNFing at Wokingham is almost impossible given the route, to be honest that thought has kept me going once or twice!  Sounds like it could be illness.  I'd take a bit of downtime.  Sorry for the cheeky comment at the start, it sounded ruder than it was intended!

    May do a proper report in a bit.

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    No worries Dachs - didn't sound rude at all, I just wondered why you were hanging back image

    No chance of running at the moment anyway - we are having our bathroom done and work started yesterday. No problem we thought, we can all use the downstairs shower. Which blew up. Last night! So, no shower, no bath, just a sink and a hose pipe! Great timing...

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    Bloody injured I think. Outside of knee IT band type thing by the looks. I think it was from doing 10 milers on Weds, Friday and Sunday. Although they were only 10 milers I only usually do one long run a week, with the others split through commuting to work

    Doing the IT band stretches, any other wonder rehab for this? And it's not windy! typical.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Well I did my tempo/ threshold run today wearing such 'gruds', mainly due to the chill wind.

     After a 15 minute warm up on the bike, ran five miles averaging a shade over 7's, Holding HR on around 160 bpm.

    On paper, the run gave me an age grade of 71% plus. 




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    Quite tricky running on paper image

    Simon - foam rolling the ITB presumably? Mine responded very well (and quickly) to that and the stretch against the wall where you cross one leg behind the other and then lean into the wall with your arm above your head - good luck!

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    Funny you say that, Bus. There was an article floating around recently advising against foam rolling the ITB. Also my physio says you can't effectively stretch the ITB either but who knows what is right, do eggs still have salmonella?

    I'll try and dig out the article. I have a pain in my foot/ankle which is worrying me.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I don't foam roll or do any massage mangling activities. I also right now don't have a single ache, pain or strain either.

    I do drink alot and stretch things out. However, when I get a strain; which does happen, I do what most do and spend half my time stretching the problem instead of leaving the bugger alone to heal.

    Lets face it. Stretching that niggle is a must do, isn't it? 

    I read that article about ITB. Seems it can't be stretched. The problem appear to be tight areas elsewhere transferring to the ITB.

    A case of treat the cause not the symptoms.


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    It's a bit sciency. This guy has done a video on rolling the non ITB bits, bit easier to digest.



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    My ITB is playing up and it is tight muscles so they just need stretching. The band is far too strong to stretch.

    Have people seen the new Wycombe Half route? Seems they are trying to outdo Marlow Half as being the most stupid half in Bucks. Start is at Adams Park so you know the road up and down will be closed for 4 hours after the starting gun. At the start you go up Toweridge Lane and that is a killer, and down the same hill at the end is also no good as too steep to run down. Add to that a lot of off road sections, 2 road crossings of the B482 which is an accident black spot at the best of times and you have a winner.


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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Well hope that sorts itself out soon Phil.

    Steep uphills I can handle, steep downhills I don't fancy at all. There's certain races I won't go near (again) due to the descents.

    Needless to say these are favourite races of those who use their lack of common sense and self preservation to make their gains on those who prefer life outside of an institution.



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    Which races Ric? I love steep downhills.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Absolute bell ends. Always hate it when they change a long time race. They've taken out the great venue, the huge challenge of the hill, and instead replace it with a completely pointless route that'll have pish all spectators anywhere, and no doubt tonnes less at the finish too.

    Why are the local clubs so sh!thouse?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Tadley was ruined by the changes too, and Marlow, the great feature of the long downhill to the finish, instead replaced by being a bit earlier, and then having to cross a super busy road.

    These people are geni-arses.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps erm..ahem...things have calmed down at home, so that's good news, In proper stuff that matters.

    In stuff that probably doesn't matter, but would be nice if it sorted itself out, my slight optimism at at least a parkrun turnout soon, has been replaced by a bit of a "this'll never happen". 6&4 each day, sub 7, but it's just too breathy to bother with anything faster.

    So in some ways, people making a complete ballzup of the local racing scene isn't at all relevant to me.

    But what a horrible change of set up. If they couldn't use the Abbey any more, just bloody run up the actual marlow hill and trim a little elsewhere! Probably easier than the actual course!

    When 198 people turn up for the half next year, and 27 in the 10k, they'll probably see the hill wasn't the main issue.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    pps, I wish you all well with niggles, at the same time would probably snap your hands off to switch conditions!

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    thanks re niggles. Have they changed Marlow 1/2 then, since 2014?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    yeah, a few piss abouts with that one too. Meant to be so they didn't have the expense of hiring the school, so use their own club house instead. But then they have the surely greater expense of having to "manage" quite a busy road to Henley!

    Not to mention that it must be "cosy" if more than about 20 people try and get in the club house at the same time.

    I'll have a think on my runs tomorrow what other rants I can bring up. Without any proper running or racing, I need to earn my keep on here.

    Ric has his anecdotes and telling people off occasionally, so I need a niche now.

    Everyone else races fairly regularlyish, bar those that completely just disappeared.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Tadley was obviously a gutter when they changed that a few years ago. Had such  a  point of difference to the other xcs with the water leaps and ploughed fields near the end. A real shame.

    But I think a 4miler in Winchbottom was my greatest "gutter". Only race I managed in 2007 due to injury and illness, and such an unusual distance. They scrapped it after year 2 due to a lack of marshalling.

    Around here seems to be struggling a bit, Burnham half cancelled, Marlow n Wycombe struggling, Princes Ris 10k scrapped, I'm sure others must be in the same boat.
    Be a shame if everything was either real low key club only races, or the big professional outfit stuff. We need that middle ground stuff.

    (ok...when I say we,...I mean "you" lot now)

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