
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nice one Dachs, realised i had started my waffle ages back, so your piece popped up after!

    Never be disappointed with running "too" hard. You wouldn't want to be like the infamous chap from the TVXC series that time that offended half the field by saying he'd only run as hard as he needed to, to come 2nd!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Pete, not a disastrous return from the %k given the conditions and circumstances, so well done on that.  There will be more Battersea 5Ks, so not to worry.  A satsuma, gel and cereal bar is actually an increase in the prize pot over the lone piece of fruit from last year.

    SG, how you managed to pull out any reps at all in this morning's weather is a wonder, needs a will of iron.  I ran to work, and it was appalling.  Think I would have just run to effort and not bothered timing them.

    A selection of decent races there Simon.  Your travel woes are now a necessary preamble to your race reports, a little like SG's parking problems.  Congrats on the 3K win, that is a very odd strategy employed by your rival there, but never look a gift horse in the mouth etc.

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    Good stuff going on last night. Dachs - that's a brilliant time in those conditions, take that to a quieter evening and that's a 15.20's performance again. I spoke to Aaron after the vets relay and he said he still had 'London legs'. Great field too - I think I have met all of them apart from TJ. Good effort Pete, shame about the fall!

    Good session SG..Yes got today to rest my legs before a 1500 at Cambridge in the Eastern Vets tomorrow. To be fair I'm only going as i'm leaving work early and getting a lift with the missus as she is running too.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    pete any race that ends with a satsuma prize is a good result.  congrats on the v50 win

    simon - congrats on the 3k win..in bizarro cirmstances

    Dachs - fast track time considering the conditions too.  probably the increased competiton made you focus more than normal at a vets league.  i remember doing the medley relay a few years ago.  we were in 3rd i think about 150m or so behind the leaders when i got the baton and by the way the leg played out i must have been the only 800m runner in the race as i had caught them 500m in.  i sat off their shoulder for 100m for a quick breather and then took off at 600m to win by about 50m.   They are good fun but a litlle bit biased towards the 800 leg if you dont have a specialist and put Big Dave in instead.

    SG - good reps.  i share your anguish at the weather , so much so im doing my 4*1k off on the treadmill instead.   No chance any quality can be achieved by the gale force / monsoon conditions we are facing outside.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dean for one second i thought you were going to say your 2.15 800s were achieved in these conditions :)
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    Reg Wand said:
    Nice double Simon, reminds me of a Ghanaian boy who joined my school when we were about 15 and he could run the 100 in 11.0, we tried to get him to play rugby but you had to put the ball in his hands and then he'd tear about in random directions. So much wasted speed.
    I, and more particularly my daughter, used to train with a chap called Christian Wade. Fairly decent sprinter over 100m (10.8 seconds) and 200m, wonder what ever came of him?

    Lunchtime run steady in the rain. Most notable part was the last mile when an ambulance was trying to weave through traffic and I was keeping pace with him, so he was averaging about 7:40 a mile. Shameless behaviour by many drivers but also pedestrians: "there is an ambulance coming, should I cross the zebra crossing slowly?" F**k no!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Pete, Simon, Dachs & SG. In agreement with all the previous posts.

    Should add to Dachs view, that under adverse conditions, hitting number targets cannot be the aim unless adjusted for. It's an effort job.

    My efforts lately have started off at slower than 10 minute mile pace. Once I discover there's nothing amiss, I go faster. 

    Latest thing to give my running an element of caution is a selection of small bruises emerging from around my right knee. No rush. On the mend.

    Day off work today due to the weather. No loss, I did most of today's work yesterday. At least I now have the choice. Once I didn't. Working in bad weather with no choice but to do it, will cut years off your life. I lasted fours years doing electric mains. Killer of a job.

    As for now.  One was a pond for which I suggested I did for nothing, but was forced to take money for. Another client was so happy, she kissed me. By contrast, another item of apparent humanity thought she was being a smart business women by attempting to rip me off, despite me doing the job at a discount.

    That was a mistake. I simply referred the problem to her mother who promptly put the boot in on my behalf.
     In fact, I gave her mum a copy of the emails exchanged and photos, which she shared with her other daughter who apparently exploded at her siblings, "Disgusting behaviour".

    Seems the errant daughter is unaware of the 'evidence' in hand, to be used for future reference.

    I don't recall employment being this much fun.


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    Yes definitely one to consider SG, certainly horrible conditions for a fast session today, assume the achilles feels okay now?

    Good way to banish any disappoint in the session Dean by having another go and being bang on target  :)

    Busy week for you racing wise Simon, nice mix of distance too. Did you ever find out why the African guy randomly stopped?

    Comfortably under 16mins in the end Dachs, great racing  :)

    One of my best mates used to play with Christian Wade at RGS in High Wycombe, Wade now plays rugby for London Wasps and was the premiership highest scorer this year

    Another promising 30 min run yesterday followed by the gym today. Tomorrow will be another 30 mins

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Scott, good to see progress with the injury.
    Such is the nature of our chosen activity, there's always the risk of set backs.

     Makes me wonder about other sports where running is just part of the deal. 
    I guess most of the time in those situations we are distracted by the ball, without appreciating the pain some of the practitioners are enduring.

    I think back to some of the runs I took on in yesteryear, where the pain had me almost holding my breath. Not now. I bail out on the spot and take my medicine. I've not enough time left in the tank to take up to 18 months out to nurse an injury made chronic.

    Ironically speaking, laziness works in distance running. Just saves going too far over the edge.

    Getting ready to go out for a run - I may be some time - or not. Fingers crossed.


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    agree Ric - running through the pain is often fool hardy. its often argued that if i dont run through the pain i would never run.  but i beleive its self proficy, you never recover properly, so you are running in pain.  i might be tempted if i had a big race due and it was worththe short term risk to run with pain.

    Scott P - good to get out and get those 30mins ticked off

    I did my session on treadmill as it was obscene wind last night.  4*1k (all 3.00)  then a 800, 600, 400, 200 off the same pace (2.24,1.48,72,36)  all off 90 sec rec.   was sweating buckets and got some funny looks from fellow gym members pounding along at 20mph.  but happy to get this session in considering how brutal it was outside. 

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Thinking about it, I think that why triathlon works for me. The temptation to run injured is removed because you can still go out and train, whether it be a bike ride or swim.

    When I played football, I was permanently injured. Partly recover during the week and make it worse come Saturday. I am still carrying a lot of the damage from those days.

    Do you wind the speed up on the treadmill Dean or do you let it spin and jump on at full tilt!

    Easy run this morning, came out at 7:05 for 6 miles, I suspect I am as fast in terms of beats per mile as I have ever been due to the aerobic benefits of cycling/swimming. I think I will struggle to put in a decent HM on Saturday though.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Reg, i let it spin & jump on at 20mph and start the watch then.  Also keep it at that pace during the recovery so jump on again at full tilt.    I also increase the incline to make it more "real".  the hard bit is running at that pace whilst watching pointless.  Trying to concentrate and get a pointless answer and trying not to be thrown off the back of the treadmill isnt easy. :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's pain v discomfort isn't it. And each of those has a scale.
    Running through anything classed as "pain" isn't clever in the slightest.
    I wouldn't say i ever do nowadays.
    The last time i can remember such a thing was about 5-6 years ago, literally yelping out when my back twinged every so often on a 16miler. Even more foolishly, i then drove 35miles later, and was literally unable to straighten the back for hours.

    Running with a bit of tightness, a bit of discomfort here and there, well, if you train to be competitive, and never get either of these and you're over 30 you must be a very lucky person.

    ps Scott, on that note, classic thing of track session, no feels of anything, standard runs, bit of tightness etc. Achilles started a little tight today, but soon warmed up.
    10 in 6.54 average today. The medium long run never feels as easy as it should. Mostly because you sort of think that the "real" work was turning out on the Tuesday and think it'll be a cruise in comparison. When in reality, doing a 10 on post sessions legs is the benefit.

    When do you think you'll be racing again Scott?

    Reg, which half is it? Apologies if missed!
    I've racked up 26 over the years (!), but i still recognise it as one long distance, let alone to race!

    Dean you did well to find a treadmill that can handle what can only have been a  ferocious bounding!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Dean - I assume you mean 20 kph, I don't think treadmills go 20 mph!

    SG - It's a half distance triathlon so the HM comes at the end. It's the European Champs in Denmark.
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    Lots on in Denmark then - the masters, Triathalon and I know a few doing the Ironman in Copenhagen later on in August too. Nice story about watching Pointless on the treddie..not been on one for ages. I remember being annoying in the Venetian gym in Vegas on my honeymoon, making a racket on the treddie while the regulars were trying to have a quiet visit.

    Decent long run SG - I'm knackered at the moment, doesn't bode well for the 1500 tonight. Yesterday morning and this morning I got 'the blobs' whilst running to the station. I blame the bloody wind that is in my face all the way there too and making it harder. Had to slow down a bit to let them pass...

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    The blobs....I thought that was just women?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Presuming the blobs is when you're so shattered/lacking energy that you see blobs in your eyes?
    Rather than a description of pants residue?

    A sudden craving for protein on run is one thing i'd get occasionally, or more disturbingly, everything going very bright as if you'd be staring at the sun. Apparentlyt a minor blood sugar thing, quickly put right with the "Mo Farah esque" eating plan of lucozade and plain rice ;)
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Yeah, the blobs is a phrase that left me somewhat confused as well.  Hope you had a good 1500 regardless Simon.

    Nice treadmill reps Dean.  I can well imagine how insane you must have looked.

    Good to see you enjoying your running and philosophising again Ric.

    It is a week of many races for me.  Last night was the first race of the three-race Yateley 10K series.  Probably my favourite race.  Unusually this year, the races are timed so that I can race all three and have a tilt at the series title I won in 2013 - most years I am on holiday for one of them.  However, the races filled up insanely early this year, and by the time I got round to entering, the first two races were full.  However, a quick begging e-mail to the organiser due to the particular circumstances of me being a local bigshot, past race winner and very special boy got me in, for which I am very grateful.

    However, when it came to it, I wasn't really up for a massive effort.  Monday's 5K was still in the legs, plus my stomach had been playing silly buggers for about 3 days.  Felt lethargic on the warm up and got the sweats on much earlier than normal.  Decided that, with a 10K coming up on Sunday as well (yes, yes, I know), I would go out conservatively, see who was about and who fancied it.  Worst case scenario I could cruise in top 5, save the legs a bit, and at least have a reasonable starting point to go for the series win.

    Can't see anyone on the start line I recognise as a threat, but, as the race is very close to Aldershot, there are a couple of AFD vests there, and AFD, as arguably the top distance club in the country, have probably got about 30 guys who could turn up and comfortably beat me.  Gun goes off and a couple of my clubmates thrash off into the lead.  Not concerned about this, but sit in behind one of the AFD guys and cruise off at a comfortable pace.  Through 1K in about 3:25.  This is not looking like it's going to be a fast race.  Move steadily past AFD and start running down my one legendarily fast starting clubmate who is still in the lead.  I'm past him by the 1 mile point, and now clear in the lead, and to be honest am very much in second gear.  Stay at a comfortable pace to 3K in about 10:10, and it looks very much like it's mine for the taking.  From this point I gradually wind it up a bit to 5K (16:40-ish) just to build the gap.

    From there, it's pretty much a cruise home.  No one seems to be anywhere near me.  Push a bit harder in the second half, so I'm working, but I know that there is more in the tank if needs be.  With a mile to go, my stomach is pretty uncomfortable again, so don't worry about finishing with a big hurrah.  Coming into the field, I feel a sudden urge to high-five some kids on the way to the finish, but it's raining and they don't look up for it.  Never mind.  Cross the line in 33:15, and end up winning by more than a minute and a half.  Very sparse at the front by Yateley standards, I think that must have been due to the race selling out so early.  Good news for me is that you have to race all three to win the series, and therefore the only people in the running are those who raced last night.  Barring injury, illness or spectacular improvement by other runners, that should be pretty much doable.  Reasonable nights work.

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    Oh for a cruise around in 33.15 when not even feeling 100%! another great run there Dachs, this is definite PB running in the right race and conditions, great evenings work!

    Yes the blobs is that thing when you are low on sugar - bit like when someone takes a photo at night and you can see the flash in your eyes after. Its mainly due to my breakfast not going through in time I think. Can get it warming down after a hard xc too.

    So Cambridge last night Eastern vets. this time early train back to LB, picked up by the missus, over to Bedford to pick up her mate and onto the flat lands..no dramas. Race was supposed to be 7.45 but was about half an hour late. Bloody windy, bit of a joke really. Stupidly went out hardish, first lap 67 (same as Watford last week) and in the lead from the start, slowed to 2.18 for 2 laps and that was the last time I got lap times. The missus got it at 4.21. Points for the team, and after 6 races in 10 days feeling a bit knackered, but all good to get in the bank!

    Main talking point from the evening was family bragging rights. We think the father in law pipped the missus over 200m, thinking he did 30.4 and she 30.8. Not bad for a 66 year old bloke! Missus not happy :)

    So training tonight on the track at Luton. Can't imagine that will be fun..

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    Yes certainly no pain in the calf, just feels tight so keeping up the calf stretches. No idea when I'll be racing again, the exercises I'm doing may take a while to take affect.Track season may be a right off  :(

    How was the 1500m last night Simon?

    That session in a gym certainly must have turned a few heads Dean!

    Pleased to hear the achilles cleared up SG  :)

    Nice run Dachs looks like the series win could be wrapped up already

    Gym day yesterday and another 30 minutes this morning

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    It's good to her handsome legends like our Dachs have those same start line doubts as the rest of us!
    And then put in their usual display ;)

    Nice work. You need a facebook album of all your pots and ting. That's what is expected, they tell me.

    I think i need to regularly turnout track and races as if i leave it too long i start doubting even the basics!

    ps on a more serious note, hope the recovery steps up a gear Scott, i thought we could have a few south coast duals at some point. Well, more if you're doing mid 17s for 5k, and less if you're doing 4.48 miles ;)

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Didn't get no pots last night SG.  Just an envelope.

    We just had an extension built.  I opined that it would be a good opportunity to have a trophy cabinet to display my awesomeness.  My wife thought otherwise.  Guess who won.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Just tell her things have changed since you got married.

    You became a face on the running scene, and you need that new status reflected and glorified in
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Spot the comment by the unmarried man.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Maybe she'll allow you a small area in a shed or the garden as some sort of pot hunt shrine.
    It's funny how things change though, you went from being desperate to win this race (i seem to recall your gutteration at tussels with Dick Tadley or a similar name), to now it almost feeling underwhelming as you cruised it :)
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all! Seems like a lot has been going on since I last posted - a zillion races by Simon at high speed, couple of crackers from Dachs and a V50 win for Pete in atrocious conditions if I've read it all right (and I may not have after 4 hours sleep and a post-conference hangover so apologies if I missed anything!)

    Managed an easy double Tuesday (though the am was in horrible conditions) and squeezed in a tread mill session in the hotel before the free bar opened last night. Oddly, the TM was old school, and I was wondering why the warm-up felt so quick before I realised it was mph not kmh - doh! Anyway, sorta did a speed session, with 2/3M w/u, 1.5M @ 6mM, 0.3M jog, 0.75M @ 5:50, 0.3 jog then 0.4M @ 5:40. Certainly felt hard enough for 4M squeezed into 26 minutes. More mud and rain to follow in a bit no doubt for an easy, sleepy, off-road.

    In touch with a physio about the adductor btw, so will see where we go with that...

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    Spot the comment by the unmarried man......SG - Make sure you marry a runner, you might then get that trophy cabinet. Saying that, I married a runner and I'm not sure I'd be allowed one either :)

    SP - toooo windy. And knackered. Just waiting on the 200m results for family bragging rights. Good sessh Bus!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Bus, sounds the classic niggle question there, how bad can something be when you can monster reps off through it! But we all face that each year at some stage i suppose, and then just crack on!

    In a bit of a "loose" period at the moment, having monstered through the 5k sesh plan , done a bunch of races, and needed some sort of session today (having rejected the chance to do the 250th wyc park run tomorrow, or a sunday turnout)

    8x600m with 400 @5k and 200@3k is the sort of session i can only remember doing about once in the life of the thread.

    I told myself it should be "easier" than the straight 8x600 at 3k, but i can't say it actually felt easy to be fair.

    (av 1.55)

    Probably bang on really, if you'd work off 1.15ish 3k, 1.18 5k, meaning around 1.53 straight 3k rep, or 1.57 5k rep.
    And needless to say, 1.18 for 5k being the "zone" 400m rather than the actual... as that'd be 5.14 miling.

    One of the best parts of the running week is the drive from the track to work after!
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    Decent stuff there SG. I love the bit after training at Luton, as I'm getting a lift to the pub!

    Booted off the track (well never got on there) due to Herts Schools doing some qualifying bits apparently. So we had to do a 10 x 620/630 ish metres on paths. If anyone has been to the Luton track it's the area just by the car park. Basically a 'V' shaped route with a turn (like an oil tanker) at the bottom..down the slope then back up the other side. Times went from 2.07 to 1.55 for the last one, although it was just a blow out really on a funny distance. Found out that IK can't run downhill that fast (I was behind him at the turn on the last rep) but it very fast up a slope!

    Watched the election until 1am, so I am absolutely wrecked after 6 races and a training session in 11 days...

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    sorry know this isn't relevant to this post and may be a stupid question, but how to I start a new thread in the training section of the forum? New member so excuse the naievty!
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