
New Mature Runners Thread



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    WtnMel - sounds like a lovely holiday. I do hope the weather is kind; I guess it can be a bit wild up on the Beacons.

    DBI - I can't imagine a 12km swim. But there and again I'm not a swimmer.

    HS - my goodness. I think I'd run out of steam at the moon. Yes, pretty stormy in these parts too. Will try a little trot around the roads later. Not a bit fan of running in strong wind (but even less of a fan of cycling in them).
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and today is a rest day.

    Rf, that's a lot of miles, and very impressive that you are still running. I started in about 1980 and have no idea how many miles I have run to date.

    JB, I hope you didn't get blown away yesterday if you did run.

    I ran 7 miles on roads yesterday, and it was very tough running into the wind, especially round the Marina.

    I've got to knuckle down and complete a self assessment tax return, which must be completed on line. I've never had to do one before, so am not looking forward to it. I've been required to submit one, as a long term bond matured , and I notified the tax office of the interest. They wasted no time changing my tax code to commence recovering the money.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    I've been doing those for several years, TE. I made a complete hash of the first one (which admittedly was quite complicated, as I'd retired as a full-time employee during the year, and started working part-time under my own steam, so there was a lot of different information to be gathered together) and eventually gave it all to a tax accountant. I kept her on for a few years, but she charged appreciably more each year so I decided to do it myself, which has been ok. I think they give you up to the end of January if you do it online, in which case you've got plenty of time.

    Enjoy the holiday, WtnMel and Margaret. If it's all in the Beacons it will be quite strenuous; not one of these walking holidays which consists of a few miles stroll and a lengthy pub lunch.

    DBI - very impressed at John's 12 km swim. When I swim, it's 30 lengths in about half an hour, which takes me slightly over half a km!

    Swam on Monday, went to the "spinning" class last night, and ran 3.7 miles today.
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    Morning all,

    Dull and very breezy again.

    Columba, I completed my tax return yesterday and it was a bit of a nightmare. I had gathered together all the data that I thought I would need, but it still took me about 3.5 hours. I had to use the Access Code that they had sent me within 28 days of their letters date,  or else I would have had to register all over again. It was very user unfriendly and I marked the survey afterwards very low against every question. The only positive aspect was that their calculator was very quick, and the amount owed agreed with my figures. I have agreed that the sum could be recovered against the new tax code for 2017/18.

    Been to the dentist for a filling and also voted. Shopping next and a hill rep session with the club this evening.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Just a quick update from yours truly ..

    As you know, my left ankle has been troubling me for a while but gradually been improving. After getting some recommendations from club-mates, I went to see a local physio yesterday. The good news was there is no underlying problem (she checked the bone structure and muscles/ligaments and all was okay). I just need to be patient and give the ankle a bit longer to recover fully. I'm seeing her again in two week's time and have some exercises to do in the meantime which will help with strengthening the ankle/foot, will aid recovery and hopefully will also help avoid problems in future.

    Meanwhile ..

    I'm changing over to a new email address (changed broadband provider recently and the old address was tied into them). My new Gmail address should be okay for the foreseeable future but I've been spending today updating my logon details on various websites I use. Runner's World Forums is the latest one I have changed. So far, 51 done and I have another 16 left to do. Take it from me - avoid having to do this yourself at all costs!
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    WtnMel/HS - sounds as though you've both gone through 2 visions of hell. I've got to do something called FaceTime (?) today for work purposes. I've so far managed to live my 62 years on the planet without using this and I'd be quite happy to see out my time without doing so.

    Visited North Lincs for the last couple of days. My word is it flat! Everywhere I walked I thought - 'this is PB territory'.
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    Morning all,

    Rest days today and tomorrow, in readiness for Sundays Race for Men. Last night's club session was 5 x .032 mile hilly circuits round Horston Hill. This was on a mixture of grass and gravel and really tough. It was raining steadily and came down really heavily on the return run.

    WtnMel, sounds like a nightmare. Hope I never have to go through the same exercise.

    JB, FaceTime? sounds rather ominous, please let us know how you get on with it.
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    Sad news from Redhead - yesterday they had to say farewell to her horse Kizzy, who was 38 and had been with her for 30 years. Life just does not seem to be treating Redhead very well this year. 
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    Completed my assigned run training yesterday afternoon, 10 minute warm up, then 10 times 1 minute hard sprints with 60 seconds recovery between each and another 10 mins cool down. Got back in the pool last night, the diving group were practicing there in force down on the bottom, quite surreal swimming over the mass of black-clad divers. My next scheduled runs are 25 mins easy on Saturday and 70 mins on Sunday. I am still not convinced of the efficacy of this GNR training plan but I suppose these people know what they are doing.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Oh dear, poor Redhead. She's got a lot to cope with at the present.
    DBI - there's nothing like an individually-tailored training plan, with feedback following every run (or every week's running) but I suppose that's not what you're getting?
    2 hilly miles this afternoon. I felt very tired before I went, so tired I nearly didn't go; and then came back feeling much more wakeful.
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    Sorry to hear about the loss of Kizzy, Red is going through a very tough time. I've never stuck to "a tailored training plan." There are so many different plans around, and I tend to take bits from various ones and make my own programme.  Being a club member does give access to structured training, which is important, but not to blindly partake in every session. 

    Columba, I always feel better after a run, as it does help to clear my head when I've got things on my mind.

    Another rest day today and the Race for Men tomorrow.
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    HS - 'Face Time' worked - on Mrs JB's I-pad! I'm working on a contract where the employer is so nervous about Right to Work rules that not only do you have to send them your passport but then they have to 'see you' to verify it - hence Face Time allows this (as does Skype). Good luck with your race tomorrow.

    A 21.15 parkrun for me today battered by the wind but bettered by no one in my category I think.

    A happy running weekend to all.
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    PS a lady 70-74 category managed 24:27 at the parkrun - a 92.87%. Wow!
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    Some good running happening, well done everyone. Columba and HS - the plan is the Improvers one from the GNR folks. I am not following it slavishly, tend to adapt it for what my instincts tell me I should do instead of what is written for each day. It just does not seem to me to be enough so I add to it, after 57 years of running and racing I think I have a good feel for what I need to do. Nice lake swim yesterday afternoon, air temp was 33c but the water felt cool. Ran home for 70 minutes and coped with the heat pretty well but found afterwards I have quite a few insect bites, very itchy and annoying.
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    Morning all,

    JB, seems that your "Face Time" wasn't as tricky as you had feared. Another good parkrun by you, and a brilliant run by the 70+ lady, International/world Standard.

    DBIW, a good run in the heat.

    Yesterdays Race for Men, 10k multi terrain went well. It's a tough course and it was hot and windy. I ran 52.49, nearly a minute quicker than last year, and was 2nd MV70. The first MV 65 ran 1.08.38 and got a trophy,  I ran approximately 16 minutes quicker and got nothing :( 

    The proceeds of the race go to Prostate Cancer Research, so a very good cause.

    I'll be doing a recovery pace run later this morning.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Beating the first MV65 by 16 minutes is definitely a moral victory, despite the annoying lack of trophy. You are hereby awarded an invisible moral trophy.
    JB - well done on first in category.
    Yesterday extended my "long run" by another 10%, now 1 hour 33 minutes. (Not entirely a run; 3 mins run, 1 min walk). I went quite late in the day, as I'd been to the running club's annual barbecue and had to wait until all the barbecue food had gone down. As running tends to wake me up, I didn't go to bed until late, and didn't wake this morning until nearly 9.
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    HS - it's funny you mention that. I keep noticing that there's never
    many VM65-69s in events that I do. It's almost as if there's a missing slice of the demographic cake! As Columba says the moral victory is yours.

    Columba - that's a long time on your feet. I'm sure the benefits will follow.

    DBI - that (57years) is even a longer time on your feet!
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    10 miler for me today - 82:50. Last year I was running these in 89.00 so something must have improved. I'd like this improvement to translate into my 5k times - so let's see. (I'm also thinking of a re-match with HS over 10 miles in Hayling Island before Xmas! I think you'll come at me even stronger this year if you sustain your current form.)

    Weather blissful!
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and today is a rest day.

    Columba, thanks for the invisible moral trophy, I won't have to dust it :) It's good to hear that you are still extending the duration of your runs, seems like your knee is holding up well.

    JB, I think that the "missing" 65 to 69 year old runners have sneaked into the 70+category. That was a very good pace 10 miler, and I think that you may well show me a clean pair of heels this year at the Hayling 10 mile. I haven't entered yet. Do you have any other races before the Hayling 10? My next one is Sunday week and is the Lordhill 10k.It's now a Hampshire Road Race League Race, so will attract some of the top runners.

    I ran a good pace 7.6 miles in the forest yesterday with Karen.
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    HS - on the issue of races, I've got nothing specific other than weekly parkruns. I keep my eye out for other local events but they are filling up very quickly these days. I'm sure I'll be doing something but I'm just not sure what. Good luck at Lordhill. I think it's a fast course? (I checked it out once with a view to having a go.)

    Tried to do 4 x1kms today at top speed - aiming to average as close to 4 mins as possible. This proved to be hard and ended up doing 3 @ 4.12 and just the 1 @ 4.02. My average speed ended up around the same as my current 5k pace. I was a bit perplexed by this as I thought I was pretty near flat-out.
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and we have a track session this evening on the grass track.

    JB, yes, the Lordshill course is a fast one, and therefore popular with runners seeking pb's. I find it nearly impossible to replicate race pace in training sessions.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Hello all

    It's nearly 3 weeks since I posted on here and in that time I've managed to run a grand total of 14 miles. Although my virus has gone I find I'm still struggling with energy levels whenever I run. I still have a bit of a cough, but a visit to the doctor revealed no chest infection, however I've been sent for a chest X-Ray and am currently waiting for the results of that. 

    I'm managing to do some yoga and also conditioning exercises (lunges, squats, plank etc etc) which I'm hoping will retain a certain level of fitness, and walking, even if just for 2 or 3 miles at a time.

    This morning I had my first run in two weeks, just over two miles, and although I felt quite unfit I did manage to introduce 3 short sprints in the middle. They were probably only about 60m each, but I was heartened to find the speed was there and my legs felt strong.

    On a different note, we went to Leeds on Sunday to watch the triathlon. The Brownlees were amazing as usual, but all the GB team (male and female) performed well, especially Jess Learmonth who finished 6th but could have done better if team orders hadn't meant she had to drop back to help Non Stanford. We had paid for seats in the grandstand, the same as last year, but unfortunately the tiering of the rows was too flat this year and no-one could see anything (except the heads of the people in front). This meant everyone stood up to try to get a better view when the athletes appeared, which made things even worse. We decided to leave the grandstand and ended up watching from the roadside (which actually gave us a much better view of the action!).

    I'll try to read back to catch up with everyone's posts. I've had to jump on here quickly while I could because the electricity keeps going off, something to do with a junction box I believe. The electrician is calling today to try to fix it. It's such a nuisance, everything has to be reset each time it happens (10 times yesterday morning!) - we even lose the wifi :#
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    Aquarius - what a great event to go to (apart from the viewing problems). The level of our GB triathletes is amazing. I understand that some upcoming events will feature mixed sex relays and such is our strength we must do well. Glad t hear that you are back running but I guess you are on a 'take it easy' routine until you get better.

    Funnily enough HS's comment reminded me of something that the TV commentators said about the Brownlees: in training Johnny is at least Alistair's equal but the latter always raises his game for the events. I think HS is cut from the same cloth. I think I am too as in training my partner simply runs away from me but in an event I can push him really close. I feel a bit stupid comparing myself with the Brownlees but I hope you get my meaning.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Aquarius - recover well.
    3.7 miles today, which included a fastish km round the lake (well, as fast as I felt I could go if keeping it up for a km). And did my usual "triathlon" this week (was it JB called it that?) - ran on Sunday, swam on Monday, spin bike on Tuesday.
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    Columba - indeed it was my call. You just need to join them together and you'll be up there with the Brownlees!

    Will do a gentle run today with Mrs JB who is re-building her confidence so she can do a parkrun soon. Tomorrow I'll be pounding along the prom hoping to do a decent time.

    HS - best of luck for your Sunday race. Looks like being a hot one.
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    Morning all,

    Today is a rest day.

    Aquarius, good to hear from you again, and that you are now recovering from your virus. Those core exercises will have helped to maintain your fitness. The Brownlee brothers are truly amazing and have the ability to push themselves onto a different plain.

    Columba, you are well on the way to become a triathlete, although perhaps not in the same league as the Brownlee's. :|

    JB, good luck with Saturdays's parkrun. My race is Sunday week.

    Last night's club session on the grass track was a toughie. It comprised 5 continuous sets of 600 metres hard, 200 metres jog recovery, 200 metres hard, 200 metres jog recoveries. My last set was the quickest with 7.10 minute miling for the 600 metres and 6.22 minute miling for the 200 metres. We then had a session of core exercises including star jumps, burpees, jumping squats, lunges, front and side planks etc. I was glad that I was driving home after all that, and not running the 3.5 miles. B)
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    HS - that sounds like torture rather than training!

    A very hot and relatively windless prom and a '20.29' from me. Well I think it was this but unfortunately someone walked off with a bar code scanner and my season's best might be forever unconfirmed. A few seconds faster would have been an 80% age grade so I'm quite pleased I missed it; it would have been a right choker to have finally reached this milestone but for it never to be recorded. But really pleased with the time - went through 3k in 12.06 and then faded a bit.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    JB - is there only one barcode scanner at your parkrun? How annoying that your time didn't get recorded. I hope no-one who ran a pb yesterday was similarly affected by the disappearance of the barcode scanner.

    Well done Columba on your continued improvement. (I'll look out for you in the triathlon next year at Leeds ;) ).

    Looking forward to HS's race report, and hoping he wasn't affected by the heat. It's even been hot in the North East the last couple of days, so expect it's been pretty sultry down south.

    Sad news about Kizzy. Poor Redhead, she certainly has her troubles at the moment. I hope she'll have the time and inclination to come back on here one day when life takes a better turn, her positivity and good humour are missed.

    DBI -I think you are wise to take the GNR training plan with a pinch of salt, I used their plan for each GNR I did, and while I admit I'm nowhere near as fit or experienced as you, I found I struggled on the day. For me personally, as a relatively new runner at the time, I think I needed more long runs included in the plan.

    This week I've managed a further 2.5 mile trot on Friday and today did just under 5 miles. A slow improvement, but glad to say I feel as if I'm gradually getting fitter. I'm keeping up with the yoga and strengthening work also. Hope to try a short bike ride tomorrow, should get my x-ray results back this week so keeping fingers crossed there'll be no nasty surprises there.
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    Aquarius, thanks for that, it reinforces my opinion of the GNR plan, I am pretty much ignoring it now, for instance today I was scheduled to run an easy 35 minutes, Instead of that I did 10 miles at 9 min miling pace, with a stop in the middle to allow my dog Charlie a good swim in the lake. Had to wait a bit till the 4 Labradors and their owner left as did not fancy a dog fight over whose sticks they were! Meanwhile John took Nemo to the other lake, there were some smaller dogs there but they were only getting their legs wet - everybody was surprised to see John get in the lake with Nemo and proceed to race him to fetch sticks.
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    Great running HS - never mind not getting a trophy, they are only dust collectors anyway, we've got them all around on top of our living room cupboards, I am thinking of taking them down as they get dusty so quickly. We also have a lot of medals hanging on various walls, maybe I should make a collage and put it somewhere else. After all, once the event is over, the medals don't really mean a lot except for the very special or hard fought for ones.
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