
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice relaying there Dean, I always find relay teams in the triathlon world a bit annoying as they feature normally in the results and just make the listings look messy, what is fun though is beating them all on your own.

    The Wargrave 10k is the local race that I always mean to do but somehow I am always busy. It used to be the day before accountancy exams and there's been countless other reasons over the years. I did manage to do it once and I was rubbish. That's still a decent time on that course Dachs and you're probably not going to ruin yourself in your third race when there's no realistic position change in the offing.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    After swerving two diarised races in 2 days (Concorde 5 mile and Sri Chinmoy 5k) thought I'd try one tonight I knew nothing about till yesterday, the Vets AC 5 mile also at Battersea Park. Seems you only have to be 35 or more to count as a vet so most on here do!

    Anyway turned up only 20 mins before the off with crappy M4 traffic coming in from Ascot so a bit of a stressy start, given I also needed to enter and pin the numbers on (two as oddly you have to wear one on your back with the age cat you are in, though must have put mine on sloppily in the rush as it wasn't there at the end :) )

    The race is a bit confusing as it doubles up with a walking race and it is 3 laps with ages 35-80+. Set off at what I thought was a sensible pace, but as usual after 1k (3'35) realised it was too quick. Next k was 3'37 then a few around 3'48 and the last 3 all around 3'55. Finished in 30'55 as a some seconds added on due to my Garmin having the course as 8.15k not the 8.05 it should be. Ended up 8th but apparently don't qualify for an age group prize as not a Vets AC member. Odd little event but glad I went even if knackered now. Don't know what to make of my time as felt pretty good but nearly a minute down on the average of my 5 milers last year. Was very warm tonight though and just back from another niggle (which was pretty much ok tonight) so maybe not a bad outing.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Sounds a good performance anyway Pete. I was sweating buckets running home from work, so racing in it can't have been great. Plus no chance for a proper warm up.

    Unfortunately, they cocked up the timing for the pick of last weeks races, the Vets League 5000, so it's recorded as 'no time' on Po10. Knew there was an issue, as they asked me to confirm what was on my watch after I finished. Bizarrely, there were three non scorers in the race, whose times are listed. These times also appear to be wrong.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Nice one Pete. Your desire to turnout so often is inspiring. Especially to me at this current time, where I still wouldn't say i'm back to max confidence in my racing.

    Dachs - shame when the odd race is bungled timing wise, but we're blessed it happens so infrequently.

    6 today, hot and humid, but ok. Will turn over the next few days, get the mileage up with just standard runs, and then look forward to heading down to Gosport on Sunday for the double header.

    First trip of this sort of distance for about 3 years i think, and at one stage i didn't think such trips would be possible again. So, i'm looking forward to the trip as a whole, and if the weather is decent, try and get under that 5.00 for the mile, and see what's left for the 5k 40mins later!

    A pal i used to work with is down there, but may or may not be around which is a shame, and i've put the shout out to the club, but i know they have some big events on this weekend...not to mention it being Father's day!
    but either way, even if it's a solo job will be fun.
    Often the races where you know no-one are the best, as you have no preconceptions of what others can do - so you run your own race.

    Scott's P and E, you're not down there floating around on Sunday are you?
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice turn out Pete, age cats on the back seems like a good idea to me, good for the age cat racing element.

    SG, weather looks good this weekend for your double.

    I realised last night that I have the Wales Marathon in three weeks! I thought it was about 6 weeks  :o

    It's preceded by a 3,8k swim on Friday and a 112 mile sportive on the bike on Saturday as part of the Wales Long Course Weekend, should help the marathon. It's a pretty hilly marathon as well. So looks like I need to chuck in a couple of long runs. I struggled on a 3 miler last night as my legs have not fully recovered yet. I am hoping to get a 15 miler in this weekend but It will be deliberately very slow.

    I may well drop down to the half marathon for the weekend in Wales but we'll see how the swim/bike go. 
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    Nice run Pete -well warm last night wasn't it.

    Training was 10 x 600 on the grass, so gladly no ridge of doom!! Felt really tired up the big hill to get to training, but after the horrible first rep it got a little easier. started on a 1.49 and ended with a 1.40. The rest were around 1.45 average I think..quite happy considering the weather, not my favourite conditions..

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    Apologies skipping pretty much everyone on the thread to reply to SG. Have been very absent and still not running following a strange injury and how it came about, so annoyed as my last session firmly put me in the best shape I've ever been in. Counting 5- 6 weeks now and a poor few weeks before that, I've really been frustrated and still not really got to the bottom of things, had mixed opinions, multiple physio and doctors, awaiting another scan but could be a long time. Results so far rest on hernia, torn hip flexor (grade 2) and pubic synthesis which is at least definite after physio session yesterday and some horrible clicking with manipulation. So potentially** a tear on the lower abs / hip flexor mean I can't even do a sit up or hold a plank at all, or a hernia (maybe both together as hernia could have come on with the tear) really affecting things. I still cannot run two steos without pain and done nothing else, I'm trying to start by doing crunches and planks to work on my core. Unlucky maybe but my body clearly isn't cut for this 

    Amazing outing Reg, superb bike leg and shame the run was affected with your problematic foot, also good to see some racing by most of you and good win Dachs 

    So onto my reply - SG, I saw Scott P and mentions of Gosport, had no idea it was this weekend BUT I am off Sunday so may come down and support but will depend on what time I'm collecting my daughter. Here's my number 07388669456 so text me and will see where I am 


    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Oh no Scott, another awful one! I honestly don't know what would be more frustrating, doing the same injury each time, or the real tour round the set of strange ones you've had!
    A couple on chaps on here a while ago told me maybe i wasn't cut out for this game, and all i had was a lot of tightness, but i wouldn't say it's a case of your body not being able to handle it, simply because they have been such a variety of things. Also, with your paces it'd be a real shame to ditch it!

    You'll be back, just need to lock into recovery mode again!

    I'll note your number and see where you are Sunday. Be good to meet you, but will understand if you can't make it, as it is father's day and you are injured!

    On a selfish level, i'm trying to get one of a few people i know down there, to have someone to deal with things if it gets ugly ;)
    Today was blistering at about 7.30am, at "easy" pace, so should be fun monstering a coupleof races :)
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about your woes Scott. It does make me think you'd may be better off joining me on the darkside and doing triathlon. At least your eggs aren't in one basket.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Dachs - nice work on the 10k and 2nd place plus a bit of a pain them missing your 5k times in the vets race. particularly with it being a decent time too.

    Pete m - good stuff on your 5m.

    Simon - tidy 600 reps.  dont know how you can do them on grass...my mind frazzles at the thought...im very much a track only bunny

    Scott E - FFS! you cant catch a break can you.  never seen such bad run of luck with illness/injury.  keep strong and go again.

    tired trotters from me.  worked hard these last few days. 

    thursday 10 * 300 in 44s, friday was rest, sat was 4*800 in 2.17 in v windy conditions, Sunday was the half mara relay, monday 7mm jog, tuesday 10*400 in 64/65 ave.

    And last night was showground relays.    A twisty course (see below) on a mixture of tarmac, grass, stones.  was so twisty with lots of 90 degree turns that it was stop start.  my legs were heavy and sore after the last few days.  i was on last leg.  team put me in 2nd place but about a minute behind. but there are stories of our first leg slipping on the tight corners on the loose stone. so i take the first mile easy, taking every corner slow.  suprised at about 1k in to see i was 4.47m pace.  and even on that pace i couldnt see the leader. so i accept im not chasing a chump and resign to making sure we keep 2nd.  knowing that i had a decent lead on 3rd and that my first mile was tasty so no matter who is chasing me they wont have done a sub 4mm.  i relax, a bit too much as i see 5.25mm pace appear.  oops.  i speed up and get it back to 5mm through the crowds and lap about 60 people all in the way so im running wide.  into the last half mile and i stop accelerating out of the corners, relax and cruise in to take 2nd overall.  just over 2miles in 10.08 on a mixed terrain, twisty course and having to run wide due to lapped runners.  so im happy with that on tired trotters.  (thats 4 excuses now i think)

    No prize for 2nd team depite there being over 300 teams.  i was 5th fastest off all the legs and fastest vet.  the chaps who beat me are all 14min or / low 15m 5kers and i beat a chap who ran 15.2x the other week.  so not in bad shape.  just need to get into 1500m shape now.    no rest though...tonight is 16*200 , rest friday then another hard 800 session on sat.  then rest sunday.  looking for 1500m next week.

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    Quick Dean..even with all your excuses that's still a good run, training times sound good too! Nice too see a picture added for a change too. Fancy Watford on 28/6? My last race as a V40.

    Scott - not much I can add that hasn't already been said! Just try and keep your chin up and hope it sorts itself out. Nightmare!

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    Thanks guys! 

    Reg - It would have to be Duathlon, I'm not allowed to swim given my ear situation but it's something to think about, however we all know how my last ride turned out! Broken eye socket and cheekbone, seems ages ago but only October 

    SG - I'm likely (the plan) to be present with Mia tying it in with a day out on her bike grabbing some late breakfast or something so message anyway. 

    Very nice 300s Dean
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Scott, your bad luck is getting way beyond a joke now.  Can't believe you've had yet another thing crop up, it seems never ending.  You need to make sure that whenever you do manage to get fit and in some vague shape, you race straight away so at least you get something out of it!  Good luck with it.  I'm sure, if nothing else, you've learned to be patient.

    Haven't managed to get down the track this week, so have been doing my reps in the park.  12 x 600 on Wednesday, averaging 1:49s.  Then some untimed 300s this morning on the way to work.  Biggest obstacle was dodging Gurkhas, out en masse for their morning constitutional.  The other issue is what I do with my rucksack.  I've tried leaving it behind trees when doing this previously, somewhere in the middle, so I'm never more than 150m away.  However, wherever I hide it, the Gurkhas have a knack of finding it and investigating it out of a sense of civic responsibility.  However, found a new hiding place today which worked OK, so will try that in future.

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    I know Dachs but i am pleased I ran a few races in Watford and had the experience although pissed I got into very good shape near the end before injury and although I have been known to smash workouts I think this was coming together and a few of the lads in the group have ran sub 4:10, 8:4x and 15:4 for 5km now and not one of them had been ahead of me in the last few weeks of sessions really so now I'm gutted to have missed out and obviously now it'll be two months out solid soon and back to drawing boards

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Must be hugely frustrating Scott but you have tons of ability, a great desire to do well, an ethic of hard training and, most importantly youth on your side. Those times by your peers are brilliant but definitely within your compass. Hang on in there and it should all come right in the end. 
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Ditto that Pete. You really deserve a change in luck Scott...

    Good work in the relays Dean.

    Physio yesterday. Fortunately he seemed to know his stuff, went through a whole pile of physical tests and diagnosed Iliopsoas tendinitis. He reckons it's fairly straightforward and quick to heal (which makes me wonder why I left it so long!) and has given me a couple of exercises to do daily with a return in two weeks. As for running, he says to not stop, but limit to the distance at which pain starts, which is currently around 5 miles.

    He scored extra brownie points with me by telling me I was one of the best he'd seen at the tests he gave me to do, such as single legged squats and supermen, that I was in great shape and that he liked working on lean patients because he could see what was going on :-)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Unusual Bus, as most physios like dealing with morbidly obese lazy people who don't follow instructions ;)

    Sounds good news then, always hard with other people's niggles, as you don't really know what it feels like, don't know if their descriptions are hyped up or played down and most people will either go one extreme or other. "just rest", or "go and try a race"  seem to be most people's advice, before they quickly go onto their own situation.

    Dachs, i'm not surprised some geezer zooming around in a manic fashion, hiding a rucksack in bushes draws a bit of interest in the current climate!
    But never put what is worth nicking past people. I was annoyed when some gimp nicked my base layer when I was monstering some reps near the local park once. It was hidden, or so I thought.

    Dean - usual quality fare at the Showboat Relay, just an effortlessly brilliant guy really aren't you, although I'm certain you went home and kicked the cat for seeing that 5.25pace ;)

    In less brilliant level running, I geniusly decided a midday run was a clever idea. Stepped out into ferocious heat, didn't even bother taking a vest, and bobbled what I have to be honest was just a mere mileage filling 4 miler. I did at least pretend to chuck a couple of strides in, but one was slowed by a pigeon (!) flying quite low across my path.

    So onto tomorrow, setting off at 7am,  hopefully a nice enjoyable turnout getting another mile race in, and then whatever is left for the 5k.

    As they bill it as an opportunity to "do the double", I hope it's either the same race number for both/same chips etc, so it's not a bit of a scramble in between to sort stuff out in between. Although Dachs may well get to enjoy a piece on tactical race parking :)

    Scott, clocked your number, will see if you're on that part of the south coast tomorrow.

    I dare say it'll be a hot one, hopefully there's not the standard risk of coastal prom settings too.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I tried a long run today in what can only be described as stifling heat, I cleverly picked the hottest time of the day.The run itself was shite, very hard and HR was at least 10 beats per minute higher due to the heat. What made it worse was I pulled my hamstring about 4 miles from home so finished with an hours walk back. Don't suppose it's a bad one but I'll have to take it easy for a few days.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Sounds an even worse one than the standard very hot day run Reg!

    Had a late wobble on tomorrow, as was looking on a few sites and on the Gosport mile twitter they used the phrase "sell out Golden mile" !

    Quickly got in touch with the organiser, and he's confirmed entries are available for both on the day (as RW and other sites had said and which i'd judged as less risky than whopping the big for these distances fee out and risking not turning up!)

    Best to check then wheel a 180mile round trip out :)

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Good luck tomorrow SG, and hope the hamstring heels pronto Reg.

    I did a 5.5 miler at lunch, but I actually really like training when its hot - not so keen on race though!  Added in an 11M spin on the old MTB late afternoon, which was fun but a real sweat fest! Am planning on an early road bike ride tomorrow to make up for missing the LSR, but as its father's day and I may be late to bed, I'm not really sure what "early" will actually look like!
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Where is everyone then?

    Bike ride this morning first thing. 40M to Windsor and back, and watched a bit of the Windsor Tri whilst eating a pastry and drinking coffee - not something you can often do on a long run! Hard work in the heat on the way back via Winter Hill and Marlow, as that's where all the hills were! My average speed dropped from 19.5mph at Windsor to 18.1 at the end! Interesting mechanical on the way back too - one of my SPDs literally fell apart! After struggling to fix it by the side of the road for 20 mins in blazing heat, I remembered SPDs are double sided, so managed to finish the ride with the bits in my pocket!

    Made it a brick session too in the end, with 3.4M run at the end - jeez that was hard work!!! 

    Only down side was I realised after that the bike made a rather upsetting 98.8M for the week....
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Classic you Bus, in all ways. Some hills, some cheeky working through the physios advice to mean "Do tonne loads of riding instead" ;) and some classic malfunctioning bike gear, plus the obligatory angst at the not rounding a number up :)

    (You won't like my 49mile week! But you will like that last week was 71 and this 49, so averages a lovely 60!)
    More sense to 71 then 49 than it looks of course, with the ridiculous 19 needing some recovery so nothing over 6 miles this week, and then 2 races today instead of a long one.

    So erm, grab a coffee all, as 2 race reports is going to take a long time to write, let alone read!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    The plan was to get going at 7am, for the 90mile drive to Gosport, get there by 9, get all signed up, and see if my old pal from work who now lives in Portsmouth, or Scott E might b around, then 10am for the 1miler, and 10.45 for the 5k.

    Noticed it was blooming hot already as I left at ..ahem 7.15, with enough kit, food and random stuff to last me a week.

    Presumed i'd "Make up" some time, when past the M25, but a sign saying the junction I needed for the M3 was shut was slightly worrying, with the diversion being a genius "go the wrong direction for 5miles, and then turn round". Just the 10miles and 10mins added to the already 90mile/1hr 40 best case!

    Dealt with that, then about 10 miles of 50 zone kicked in, by which time I was starting to fret a little, as it wouldn't allow too much time if there was anything else to match In the second half. I believed 9.30 was the cut off for registration, so wasn't feeling great when the sat nav started ticking over the 9 arrival time.

    Thankfully, there was enough empty fast road to get me to Gosport just after 9, and an easy park job. I remembered the place as being where I first met Lit, for the half marathon one year, on the lovely approach to the prom with coastal views - glorious!

    5mins texting the colleague and Scott, combined with a scurry to the entry desk.

    £17 for the double header! but I was in, which was all that mattered. And terrifically, they had the same chip and number for both results, rather than calling on us to muck about in between. Perfect!

    Scott wasn't around, but my old deskmate was, so shared a great 20mins reminiscing a little (ie I said hello, and then he got to deal with that pre race stress we all love!)

    He had literally put himself out to come along for even that long, so had to get away to a girlfriend's family, so wasn't going to be there for the mile which was a little shame, but did mean I could at least pretend to get a "warm up" in.

    This involved a 1 mile pootle, mixed in with 3 or 4 toilet visits and warm water hand rinsing! One of the least professional warm ups seen in thread history (ahem...until the later one, but we'll deal with this first)

    To the start line, looks a pretty nice course. Flat good footing, down the prom. Organiser tells us the wind is in our favour (ie there isn't any), which is always a worry with coastal races, and then we're waiting for a couple of women who haven't quite made it to the start for the 10am start!

    It's not that wide a path, and I notice 4 or 5 stewards standing cross it in installments. Then I realise they are standing over vicious looking stone barriers :)

    Good thinking, as otherwise some poor soul could easily absolutely clock themselves if not noticing!

    A few runners are giving it the "oh the race is delayed i'll have a completely pointless little 10yard run out and back" to look like big shots, but  I forgive it off one guy, a super tall geezer wearing "1" on his...England vest!

    He's obviously going to win, and he looks big time. Look up who he is later I tell myself.

    Race starts, has that 1 mile saunter and chatting to random strangers been enough? We'll soon find out!

    Set off, feels sensible in the weather, few people ahead of me. I noticed 4.57 was the time for 3rd last year, but this year it certainly won't be.
    Not really thinking too much, just trying to keep it consistent and keep working.

    Check the watch, we're at 2.30 ish. No idea if i'm half way, or how my pace is going, so press on.

    Can't resist a look a bit later, "5.05 pace", heck, that aint fast, but I can always blame the heat to the lads on the internet, and talk about the "experience" being the main thing if needs be.

    Check it again. 5.15 pace? What the heck, oh well sod it, just keep working hard.

    Come into the finishing straight, the clock is only on 4.40s, I'm going to go sub 5...keep going I tell myself, we had this at Ealing where the clock beat me!

    Over the line, well under! YES!

    I took my split as a 4.55.8 or something, but presumed that would be a 4.56 and then rounded to 4.57

    But the result has me as  4:55:3, which I hope is a 4.55 if they base Maths on >5 being a round up and <5 down.

    That was 6th, and that will do the trick very nicely!

    The winner did 4.09! Alex Teuten, run for England, not sure what distance in fairness. Phil can tell us later.

    Glorious 5mins sitting about, chatting to randoms and thinking, how am I possibly going to be racing again in 40mins.....

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    ...But 40mins is quite a long time really. It was enough to get to the car, take a couple of drinks on, spray my head with another one, and generally sit and stroll about.

    I remember Scott P said he'd done a mile warm up in between races last year, but I quickly binned that off as being pointless in the conditions. It's certainly not often you don't bother with a warm up, but the mile and weather served as that!

    The 40mins eventually passed, so I didn't know how this one would pan out. I wanted a time in the 17:xx's, that would do nicely as I'd heard a vague comment about some "MT" element.

    I therefore proposed to start steadily, and work decently, and if I wanted or needed to ramp up later I would.

    These thoughts were placed on hold while we had to wait for some chap doing the mile to finish...on crutches!!

    45mins it took him, and the whole field were literally watching him bobble In for 5mins from 150metres away!

    Who does a race on crutches!? This guy does.

    We eventually got going, and I was slightly curious to see 2 teenage girls and a midget kid even younger AHEAD of me a few hundred metres in.

    What the heck is going on here. I hadn't doddled off, so they must be either pretty  talented, or massively overcooking it.

    It was the latter, and things settled a bit.

    The first km is basically the reverse of the mile route, so you get perfect footing and a nice smooth run. The wind had made a little entrance, albeit it nothing major, but we were through 1km, and past the Life guard station (or something).

    The first mile was lovely, with the only strange thing being a chap from "Fareham Crusaders" taking the latter word a little too literally with some madcap tactics. These included trying to nip through a miniscule gap between me and 2 chaps in front, not once, but twice, both times causing me to have to change footing and the second time drawing a "frig's sake", and then some very strange "tail gaiting" of a lanky chap in front, who was going out of his way to let this guy through, but the little runt wasn't having any of it!

    (later I remembered where i'd seen this angry chap before...Chichester 10k years ago, where i'd cheekily cut off his inside lane, to a little bit of fury :) )

    Anyway, that aside, the course had changed to a strange bit of pebbly underfooting. This'll be the MT then! The two chaps had got away from me and angry, and I exclaimed to him "what on earth is this course?", to which he said I hadn't seen anything yet, as we went round a corner and literally hit the beach and some deep in places stones!
    This certainly isn't quick. I was glad I hadn't targeted this as the reason to come 90 miles alone :)

    5ks are great though, as you can always keep yourself going easily. Just needed to suck up this "little spell" of beach, that was actually around a mile (!). One youngster in red and black came back so hard it was like he'd stopped. Must have seriously overdone it early doors.

    I'd got myself past a guy who did 4.33 (!) in the mile for 2nd, who'd clearly put it all on the table there, and I was behind angry, who i'd narrowly beaten In the mile, but would settle for a reversal here.

    The last km was the glorious route of the mile, and seeing that finish gantry slowly coming into sight was lovely.

    17:50 for again 6th felt like a good result in the heat, after the mile, and with the pebble dashing!

    Usual post race banter with anyone who'd engage, plenty of water, and a nice 2 miler at a more leisurely pace to cool things down after.

    Cracking place Gosport, glorious sea, a few good races, like a lot of the south coast.

    After a long period where racing looked dodgy, and racing a long way from home absolutely impossible, I'm delighted I can now do a solo 200mile round trip in weather as hot as it gets, without any health worries. Whether i'd fancy doing the same for the half marathon, like I did twice years back, that's another question!

    That was my10th trip down to the south coast, but first for about 3 years

    Race count up to 197

    Minor good deed on the way out of the carpark. Having got a little excited and paid £5.30 for all day, but leaving at 12 , made some old ladies day by furnishing her with the ticket. Nice!

    2 hour 10 trip home due to a little bit of traffic on the M25, but that, a lot of sunburn (!) and the disappointment I couldn't get a photo of the "ANKER ROAD" that I drove past, it was a good day. :)

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    Great running SG! As I said I headed to the IOW for a day out :) Glad you enjoyed it!

    I knew Alex was running, I think they might have even paid him or offered him a bit more to try break to CR, and as you said I was certain he would win, I think he said on Strava it was 4:06, either way he's ran sub 14 for 5km recently and rather handy! Trains down the track with us and will do mile reps in line with our 300 reps lol

    The lad you passed who came 2nd in the mile is Rob Greenwood and been steadily improving latley and I'm sure has ran well under 17 mins for 5km this year and ended up at 18+ today I believe. This is why you should get Strava ;) 

    It was stupidly hot and still along the coasts today and that low settling heat is not in any way nice conditions to run in. 
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Nice report SG and a couple of decent performances there, especially in the mile. Although I don't think you get down to the coast that much if you think Gosport is glorious;-) although yeah it's not too bad running wise! hope the leg sorts itself Reg..Bus, another great little story, just needed a few dogs added to the mix!

    So SAL 1500 at Sutton yesterday. Bit of a pain to get to as it's a 20 min walk from the station. Did the usual warm up an hour before and having a few issues with my throat/breathing. It started as a little irritation Thursday morning and is now quite annoying, feels like a throat infection as I don't feel rough as such. So once clear it the airways feel OK for a bit before it worsens again. Funny one as my legs feel a little bit achy, but I'm sure it's pollen linked. Anyway...one of the Reading AC kids mentions sub 4.10 as we are warming up, so he will probably win it - he's young, bouncy and talks a good game. 

    So we get going and after 50m I'm settled in behind the aforementioned RAC kid.  And that's about the end of the action tbh- I'm about 15m behind him all the way, and to be fair he's having a few looks behind to monitor the situation. Ended up 2nd with 4.12.5, splits being 67, 2.16, 3.05 at the bell, so decent last lap again. Pretty happy what with the throat and conditions, didn't have to clear my throat as such. Impressed with the Reading guy who won the 5000 in around 15.30 too, as it was very warm. 

    So no Sunday run today, as I still sound a bit 'Barry Whitey' but seems to be better now. Good job as I have a 400, 1500 and 400m relay tomorrow night in the Southern Vets at Battersea!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Are you a hayfever sufferer Simon? Seems to be affecting a lot of people with a cough with the current pollen.  Very solid 1500m that as well.

    SG - cracking pair of races, and the sub 5 is particularly pleasing! 

    Went for a walk this afternoon, and have been playing darts all evening (!) so that 98.8 will have to stay  - hey, I can beat this thing ;-)

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Well done SG, that mile is good going and you're back on form with your transport related preamble. My experience of Gosport is that 90% of the locals seem to have a either limp, motorbility scooter or eye patch.

    SC - Good turn out especially if you're under the weather.

    More good riding Bus. It was hot out there.

    My Hammy felt good this morning so managed to get out for a very hilly bike ride, I literally took every little climb offered along the Hambledon valley and then a few more over towards Watlington. It was't a fast ride but in this heat it was never going to be. Hammy seemed to cope ok, a slight reaction but nothing I am concerned about. This heat can fuck off though.
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    Yeah bit much isn't it, although we're never happy weather wise are we! That description of Gosport sounds like Northamptonshire Reg :) Hay fever wise I thought I'd had my usual couple of weeks earlier in the month with the tree pollen, I certainly don't have the same now. However the pollen count is still really high, so that could be doing something I suppose.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    That was a cracking ride Reg, and I reckon you were pretty speedy given the amount of hills you crammed in in this heat!  I like it hot, but it's also very humid with no breeze. This morning's 6 miler was sweaty enough, so I'm not sure what it's going to be like on the way home!
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