
New Mature Runners Thread



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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Great  photo WtmMel, the weather looks good and you look like you are enjoying your walk. Glad to hear you are progressing on the treadmill without any further problems to your ankle. I'm feeling rather envious of your planned trip to Canada. What part are you going to and do you intend to walk and/or run while over there?

    HS - oh no, that knee of yours is proving to be very troublesome. How frustrating for you to start your run feeling ok for your knee to then become so painful. When you saw your physio did he say this might happen or did he expect that the massage he’d recommended would do the trick? It might be wise to rest your knee completely until you go back again on Monday in case you are making things worse by running on it. It seems strange that it becomes so painful so quickly if it is an injury that just requires massage. 

    DBI it sounds as though you and John have a busy couple of months coming up. I hope John’s knee gets better soon, how odd that so many of us on here have knee problems at the moment, it must be catching.

    JB - a marathon!! I thought you were a 5k man. Best of luck to you in your preparations. When we were down at the Olympic Park a couple of weeks ago Steve took part in a training session on a track bike in the velodrome. The banking looked pretty steep so I don’t think I would fancy running on it. It would be like running on a road with a steep camber - which my physio told me, some time ago, can lead to ITB, knee and foot problems. I’m assuming you will try to keep to the flat part of the track, but what happens when you need to overtake people? Won’t you have to venture up on to the banking a bit to get past? I imagine if a lot of people take part there will be quite a bit of congestion on the track. Have you checked for runner’s reviews of this race? I imagine runners who have done it before will have posted comments somewhere. All that said though, I hope it goes really well for you …..just don’t get dizzy. :)

    On Monday I had my follow up chest X-ray and today had blood taken for tests for anaemia, thyroid, and white cells count, so I’m hoping I’ll get some good news in about a week when the results of the X-ray and blood tests are available. To cheer myself up we went for a run at the reservoir again yesterday, but this time on the flatter side. I decided to take a leaf out of Columba’s book, so I ran for 3-4 mins then walked for 1 min for a total of 3 miles. I found this more manageable than running without a break, but it was still quite tiring. As the sun made an appearance this evening I decided to go for a walk but ended up doing another 3 mile run/walk, but this time I only ran 2 mins for every 1 minute walked so as not to overdo things. Tomorrow involves a bit of grandchild-sitting, so will probably be tiring in a different way.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Aquarius - I'm not planning on doing any running in Canada but I expect we'll be doing plenty of walking while we see the sights at various locations. We start in Vancouver for a few days then head East to Toronto via Jasper, Banff & Calgary with visits to the Rocky Mountains, glaciers and Niagara Falls the highlights of the trip. Fingers crossed you get good news when you get the results of your x-ray and blood tests. Well done re your reservoir run/walk and your extra run/walk later on. We're taking our grand-daughters to Center Parcs this weekend - I expect we'll need another holiday after we've dropped them back with Mum & Dad! :-)

    I see we've got a spammer posting shite on here so I've flagged it as spam - not that I think RW will take any notice! :# They've never responded in the past when I've reported anything and are the most useless bunch of support people I've ever come across so I don't imagine they are going to start changing their ways now! 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    BTW, I've just 'reported' Serratos2017 and said in my message that I was questioning if I was wasting my time. I reminded 'them' that nothing I have reported on in the past has ever been dealt with and I've not had any response to my complaints either. If I disappear from here it will probably be because they've banned me for being 'difficult' :-)
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    WtnMel - enjoy your visit to Canada. I'm not very well travelled so my trip to Canada (Vancouver and north) was a highlight. Unlike you, I did run when I was there and actually entered a  10K. The standard was rather higher than the ones I'd done in the UK. That's a great photo - a real 'action man' shot. Be careful of your image rights! Massive respect to your friend who has done 500 (!!!) marathons. Is this some sort of record? I know there are quite a few (athletics) track events - some as awful as a 24 hour painathon!

    Aqaurius - thanks for the good wishes. I've seen the velodrome and it's not anywhere near as steeply banked as a indoor one. As for overtaking (I'm flattered you think I'm capable of overtaking anyone!) there's only 100 runners. The track is considerably longer than an athletics track @575 metres or so. I think it's been run before but nowhere can I find any reviews or results. On the walking/running combo I know it works very well for some folk (eg Columba) and some people even run decent marathon times using this technique. Personally I find it really (and I mean really) hard to start running again after walking. I've always found it thus and yet I think I should practice as there are bound to be some walking breaks in the marathon. Hope the news from the test is good (I was going to say 'positive' but this might not be appropriate!).
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    glo2glo2 ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone

    Had a wonderful day at the Shard, the tea for two was great, little finger sandwiches little fancy cakes also some delicious scones with of course jam and cream.  i was in awe of the sights i must say, taking photos at every opportunity, we were asked if we would like to purchase champagne, was round about £50 - 70 a glass, which we declined rather quickly, it was all very nice and luxurious i must say, however i noticed a younger couple sitting near us having the tea for two and they spent most of their allotted time texting on phones, seemed a real shame that they did not enjoy the very thing they were there for, perhaps they  were very rich and it was just run of the mill for them who knows?
    Once tea was finished we then went to the viewing gallery, it was indeed a great experience it seems very surreal up there, 69 floors and then later we went to the top 72nd floor!  the lift goes  6 metres per sec, ear popping!  we got to try out a virtual ride for free, i rather disgraced myself by screaming my head off, people that came off it previously said it was fine!  well i certainly gave my lungs a good work out, and once over and my mask was removed i had quite a large audience that gave me a round of applause and were busy filming me, hope it doesn't end up on FB or you tube, quite an experience i can tell you.

    JB my blister held out well, and i have managed a couple of runs on it this week so far, and you are right did not go by stairs lol.  i have been keeping to a 10 mm and i feel pleased i can do this,  wish  i could get mine down to 8.30 that is great timing.  Good luck with the Marathon 70+ is a lot but as you say very even.

    Columbia - yes i do agree the prices for Shard are very expensive, the package my daughter bought was £178 for the both of us and that was a deal at Groupon, unfortunately i got to see the price as the email came to me, it was an awful lot of money that was spent on me, however i did appreciate it and made sure that i ate everything and took in every sight!

    HS  i will learn next time to wear trainers or least take them with me, although i may have the fashion police after me  if i wear  a dress  with trainers.

    Aquarius i do hope  your tests come back ok, or at the very least pin point  something you might be lacking that is easily put right.  The immune system is a wonderful thing, when its up it is great, but when its down you are open to catching anything and everything.

    Wtnmel  Lovely photo, you look great and fantastic scenery where is this?  Looks like the sort of place i could go with the motorhome.  It is great to see photo's.

    Well Saturday is my first long run since the half marathon, as i have nothing planned at the moment i am just going to take it easy and see if by doing less in the week it will help with my long one, i always try to not go at my usual pace but i find it hard to go slower as i always want to prove to myself i can  keep good times, but of course this may be why i can never get past 13/14 miles.

    Well it is now pouring of rain in Essex, good for the garden though.  Have good runs everyone

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    Race cancelled this Sunday . So have purchased a ticket for a local jazz fest + camping, come rain or shine.  
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Cancelled, why?

    Aquarius - odd about the knee. Sounds like a very different problem from mine. I still feel mine (particularly first thing in the morning) but it doesn't seem to be stopping me running. I hope the X ray and blood tests are satisfactory, in the sense of indicating something recognisable and definite that something can be done about.

    WtnMel - that's a wonderful photo. And (Glo2) where WtnMel is in the photo is about 20 or 25 miles south of where I live. The Canada trip sounds wonderful.

    JohnB - 70 laps of a velodrome - are you trying to punish yourself for something? Dying of boredom will be a distinct risk, I think.
    Some while ago I tried running a route of about 8 miles (a fairly hilly one), and then a week later ran-walked the same route. Run-walking was not appreciably slower than running, I was surprised to find. And about finding it hard to start running again after a walk break: I expected to find this but it doesn't seem to happen. If you run until tired and then walk, it is indeed hard to start running again, but when the walk breaks are scheduled in at regular intervals it's different. Except towards the end of a Long Run.

    Glo2 - what was the "virtual ride"?

    Did another hill rep session this afternoon. Running uphill suits my knee quite well. Running downhill doesn't; but with hill reps, you walk the downhills so it's a win-win.

    Is what Serratos is promoting even legal?

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    No, I don't think so - steer clear of any such offers. There was a similar ad posted a while ago on the regular forum but it has disappeared now. These scammers are just after your money.  JB, there are many runners who have amassed a great total of marathons completed, our very own Redhead who has recently stopped posting on here joined the 100 club a little while ago and right after that ran an ultra marathon. Dr. Ruth Benzimra is another, she runs at least one marathon every single weekend, sometimes more, has been doing so for years. I know there are others but the names do not come to mind right now.
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    Very hot again here today, am supposed to be running hill repeats but just cannot face it. Spent the afternoon stacking wood logs for John to stop him complaining I haven't done it. I think running up and down the hills would have been a better bet, bending to pick the logs up has given me back ache and the heat got to me anyway. I will go and do my blasted hill repeats this evening when it is cooler. GNR is approaching fast!

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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Thanks everyone for your concern and kind comments. 

    WtnMel hope you enjoy your trip this weekend to Center Parcs. As a family we’ve visited Sherwood, Elveden and Longleat many times over the years, of all the places I’ve been to CP remains my favourite holiday destination. I love everything about it, particularly the car-free roads and the feeling you get of being away from it all. We’ve also been to Toronto and Niagara Falls, but that was about 40 years ago! 

    DBI, laughed at you having to do your “blasted hill repeats” this evening. I hope your back ache improves by then and it is cooler.

    Columba I agree with you about the run/walk method not being that much slower than running. Obviously it is a bit slower but I find the short walk seems to recharge my batteries and make it easier to start running again at a reasonable pace, or at least that’s been my experience this week. I have a feeling I read an article in RW some years ago that said much the same thing, but when we moved house I threw out all my old magazines so couldn’t confirm this.

    Glo2 it sounds as if you had a great day out at The Shard. I have to admit I have no head for heights and would hate it myself, but my husband loves things like that and is keen to go. I’ll pass on your comments to him for the next time we spend a few days in London (actually we are going down tomorrow with our granddaughter and other family members to see The Lion King, but returning the same evening).

    JB, 100 runners is quite a small number for a race, but probably more manageable for the organisers considering the nature of the venue. I hadn’t realised it was an outdoor velodrome and at 575 metres it shouldn’t be too crowded (also a lot cooler than an indoor velodrome). Are you parkrunning this weekend?

    Mokshaeight, enjoy your camping and festival this weekend. I always found it rained when we went camping, so hope the weather is kinder to you.

    Hope HS is ok, it’s unusual for him not to post something each morning, but there’s been nothing from him since his bad run on Wednesday.

    For anyone running this weekend, good luck and stay safe (no more injury reports on here please) ;)

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    I only missed a day posting and find I have loads to read and reply to.

    DBIW, the GNR is fast approaching so I hope your training is going well, and also the training of Charlie for the Swiss White Shepherd Dog Working Championship. Also hope John's knee problem soon clears up. Out of choice, I would prefer hill reps to an afternoon stacking wood logs.

    WtnMel, it seems that your ankle is almost 100% now, enabling you to start running again, and that it hadn't affected your walking too much. That's a great photo of you striding purposefully in the Brecon Beacons. I've also flagged up the spammer, but don't suppose it will have any effect. There have been zero responses from RW Towers to the many, many comments raised since the retro upgrade. I've commented previously that I believe the Site is being run by robots. I hope you don't get banned from the site for "being difficult."

    Aquarius, the physio thought that the massages and stretches would do the trick, but doesn't seem to have worked. I haven't run since Tuesday and won't run again until I have seen him again on Monday. I'm hoping that he won't just say to continue with them, and rest for a couple more weeks. :'(    I hope you get good news regarding your blood tests and chest x ray. Walking and running is recommended, especially for those returning from illness or injury. That's probably what I'll have to do when I get going again.

    JB, I'll try to list the distances I ran on the Sundays building up to my marathon pb. tomorrow. I was 47 when I ran it and it was the third that year, being the NF Marathon, but on the old route starting from New Milton.

    glo2, Sounds like you had a great time at The Shard. I haven't been to London for yonks, and wouldn't know it now. I worked there "in the swinging sixties!" Wow £50 for a glass of champagne, I wouldn't know the difference from sparkling wine. That speedy lift must have been scary, especially making your ears pop. That virtual ride sounds intriguing, and seems possible that you may soon "be a star." It is good practice to include slower runs in your training to help with recovery.

    Columba, your running seems to be going well, especially the hill reps. That spam post is offering illegal services and should be removed by RW. WtnMel and I have both flagged it up as spam, and he has also contacted them separately. The odds are that they will take no action, as there has been no interaction between them and us with the new forums since they were introduced.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    HS, our posts obviously crossed. Glad there's nothing wrong.
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    HS - thanks in anticipation. I've found that planning for a marathon is a full time occupation as - besides the sweaty business of training - there are so many source of information these days. For example on You Tube I've found loads of clips to watch including two featuring runners who try a marathon on zero training!

    Columba - you are right about the boredom factor but I reckon I can counter this by finding other people to talk to. So, given that we are all running around the same circle, they can't really escape!

    The people organising the event are quite 'hard-core' - for example they also did a marathon in a multi-story car park and an all night one (cleverly called the 'Lunar-tic').

    Aquarius - I too have done a couple of the Center Parcs venues. Great places. Good running country too.

    Parkrun was cancelled today as the prom was being used for another (non- running) event. So did a 4 miler @ 7.20 pace. Tomorrow will do the 'long run' with my training partner who has also signed up for the same event. I'm really pleased about this but I am slower (especially over longer runs) than him so there might be some logistical challenges.
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    Morning all,

    Thanks Aquarius, no there's nothing wrong except my knee lol.

    JB,I popped over to the over 60's training thread earlier to see what was going on, and noted that your parkrun had been cancelled. 4 miles at 7.20 pace is excellent. I remember from one of your earlier posts that calculations based on shorter distance race times, predicted unrealistic marathon times. I have found exactly the same, apparently, I should be able to run a 3.48 marathon. Wish I could! I would like to get sub 4 hours though, and if I ever recover from my dodgy knee, will concentrate much more on the longer distances next year, and drop shorter races from my schedule. I have found my 1993 diary where I have details of my training for my 3 marathons that year. I'm amazed at the consistent high mileage, averaging around 45 miles per week, the highest being 60. There was a 7 week build up to my second marathon, and 12 weeks to the NF Marathon. If it's ok, I will just list my 12 week long runs, as 12 weeks is usually the recommended time scale. 
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and I'm partaking in a quiz this evening, which has been organised by the club's social committee. Hope that my memory isn't too bad, and that I am able to answer some of the questions.

    JB, as promised, here is a list of the LSD runs following the Potteries Marathon, leading up to the NF Marathon 12, 5k (Portsmouth Corporate Cup 18.19), 17, 17, 20.25, 20, 20, 21.5, 0, 15, 6,  NF Marathon 3.12. Hope this is useful.
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    HS - many thanks. If I can get my longest run up to 20 I'll be delighted. I note your taper too. Coming off the back of the Potteries marathon (which I've never done but having lived in the area I think must have been quite a tough one) obviously gave you a flying start to your training. Hope the quiz went well. I used to do a lot of quizzes and they were very good fun and even better if you were on the winning team.

    Well I 'started' my marathon training today and wanting to break the 10 mile barrier did 11 miles at 9:01 pace. I found it quite tricky not to default to a faster pace. Pretty drained.
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    Jb 9 min a mile for 10 miles at training pace is good going. What is your mara goal and when.

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    Morning all,

    The quiz last night was great fun. I was the only male in my team with 6 lady club runners :) . We came last, but were up against some regular quizzers, so weren't surprised. There were 10 teams altogether. I've got an appointment with the physio at 11.00, so hope things move on a bit.

    JB, the Potteries Marathon was noted for being one of the toughest in the UK, and it certainly had lots of long steep hills. My time of 3.15 was probably "better" than My NF time, bearing in mind the very hilly nature of the course. Your 11 mile run at 9 minute miling was an excellent start to your marathon training, especially as you were holding back.

    I see we have another spammer and I have flagged it up, but it is a waste of time as RW just ignore it. I note the earlier one still hasn't been removed, despite WtnMel and myself flagging it up, and he also reporting it. It seems that the forums are out of control, with spammers free to pollute the threads with their trash.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Mokshaeight - thanks for the good wishes. The marathon is in early November (15 weeks training window which is about right I hope). It's around an outdoor velodrome so what it lacks in scenery and variety (!) it makes up for in lack of corners! Aiming for a sub 4 hour. I've identified a HM in early Sept which I might also do.

    HS - regular quizzers are at a huge advantage; I reckon that you and your ladies should have been given a 5 point start! The Potteries performance was excellent. Mind you, having lived there I'd run quite fast just to get away from the place! On the training issue, I've noted in the past that you do many of your long runs with friends. Inevitably they must have a different goal to yours and therefore different training pace. So how do you manage this, given that one of the two of you will not be training at optimal pace? One of the reasons for my question is that my training partner is 30 years younger than me and has run a 3:32 marathon; he'll be targeting around 3.45 for this one I suspect. he's not been very active lately so our training pace is not that different. But in a week or two he'll be wanting to surge ahead and will take me into the 8.00mm region. I don't want to hold him back but I don't want to run long runs too fast. It's tricky.

    Rest day yesterday (sensible hat); today 5 miles. Tomorrow there's a 4 mile x-c event on but I might chicken out as rain is forecast and I'm not a great one for running on slippery chalk hills.
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    Morning all,

    Yesterdays physio session went very well, and the physio said that my range of movement had improved a lot. He did an ultra sound and also gave me some more stretches to do. He recommended that I don't attempt to run again for another 2 weeks, and then to start with easy fartlek. He also suggested that I purchase a bike, or attend spinning sessions, so as not to lose fitness through non running. I'm not so sure about that, but will make enquiries at the Leisure Centre.

    JB, as they say "that's a good question" and therefore tricky to answer. Regarding age difference, all the friends that I do long runs with are much younger than me. Alice is probably the most regular lsd runner with me and she is now racing sub 3.30 marathons. Obviously, her race pace and recovery pace are much quicker than mine, but somehow, we seem to be able to run together at a pace that works for us both. It is probably because she runs at below race pace, which is correct for training, and I run quicker than I would on my own, but still below my race pace. I am quite good at different running pace runs, and if I run with someone slower than me, it helps them run faster than they normally would, and me to run slower. This probably doesn't help much, and not make a lot of sense, but it seems to work for me and those that I run with. What I would say though is don't let your running partner drag you at a much quicker pace than you are comfortable with, or you will get fatigued and probably injured. When running with Alice, she will sometimes up her pace for a while and then run back to me. In that way, she is able to get a mixture of pace, and also recover whilst running back to me. Afraid this is long winded, but there is no way that I could condense it. 15 weeks is more than adequate for your build up, so take it gradually in your weekly build up and length of the lsd run.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    JB - I was going to suggest something rather similar to what HS has just suggested: the faster one gets ahead, and then runs back to rejoin the slower one. Alternatively, plan a route with variations, - extra loops that the faster one can do, or short cuts that the slower one can take.
    HS (though I still think of you as TE) - what the physio said sounds quite hopeful, then.

    My Garmin has died. Or rather, it is refusing to take a charge. I've had it for ages, and it was a reconditioned one in the first place, so I am toying with the idea of getting a new one rather than sending this one off for repair (though I may say the Garmin people have been very good about repairing it in the pas)t. Now that there are HRMs that take your pulse from your wrist, rather than your having to wear an uncomfortable chest strap, I would quite like one of those, as also one that would show how much incline I have run up (and down) in the course of a run. But apart from that I don't need any more bells and whistles, still less the kind of information that I will rapidly become obsessed with. Any advice or observations gratefully received.
    Meanwhile I went for a little Garmin-free run yesterday, and really rather enjoyed it.
    The Fetcheveryone website has a facility whereby you can "ignore" a contributor you don't want to have anything to do with. If this website did the same thing we could "ignore" the spammers. But of course, it doesn't.
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    Columba, I'm still TE, so use that if you prefer. Yes he was pleased with my progress and I've booked a spin session for Monday morning. Spinning seemed to help your knee, so hopefully will do the same for me. It's probably a good idea to get a new Garmin. They are easier to use than the earlier models, although they say that heart rate taken from the wrist isn't as accurate as using the chest strap. It just depends how important it is to you to get an accurate reading. I think RW used to have a "report to moderator," but we don't seem to have one now.

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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    HS and Columba - that's really useful l advice; thanks very much. It's just a matter of applying a bit of common-sense, consideration and flexibility. (Sounds like a good formula for life!) At the moment he's ducking out of quite a few training sessions - he's a bit busier than me - so I think we'll stay about the same pace for a bit longer. But I can already see some extra loops for him to run on some of our training courses!

    I'm trying be more structured than I ever been before  - to be honest, that's not too difficult. I've been looking at a great number of marathon training plans and I'm quite surprised at how different they are - eg some suggest negative splits, some even pace and one argues that you should run the first half quicker. Then some argue for a full 26 mile final long run and others are as low as 18, And so on.................I think that HS might publish his as it seems to be very sensible.

    5 miles in 39.39 yesterday - I wanted to do 8mm pace as it's a minute a mile under my target pace for the marathon and I think this qualifies it as a tempo run (?).

    Maybe throw in some hills today, between heavy rain showers.

    (HS  - good to hear that the knee is getting better.)

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    Morning all,

    It's dull and raining and the rain is likely to last all day. I thought it was meant to be summer :(

    JB, you are right, there are so many different marathon training schedules, and today's bear very little resemblance to those back in the 70's/80's. My own method of running the marathon is to try to maintain a steady pace, and to increase it in the final miles if still feeling ok. My longest training run would be between 21/23 miles and run three weeks before the marathon. From then on, I would be tapering, taking it very easily in the final week, resting on the Friday and Saturday.  It's important to maintain some speed work, whilst reducing the mileage.  The modern day thinking seems to be less mileage, but more speed work.  My personal belief is that this isn't "coming up with the goods" , especially for our men. Back in the days of Charlie Spedding, Aemon Martin, Hugh Jones, Steve Jones etc they were running 2 hr 8 minute , 2 hour 9 minute marathons, whereas today, it it rare for any to run 2.10. Those runners would regularly run 120 or miles per week, and be competitive with runners of similar standard in some training runs. Paula Radcliffe also ran 120 or more miles per week, and her world record set way back in 2003, is standing the test of time. I would classify your yesterday run as tempo. These are hard runs, but just below race pace. Good luck with the hills, can't beat them for strength, endurance and stamina.

    Apologies for rabbiting on a bit, but I suppose whilst I am not running; writing about it is a way of maintaining my enthusiasm.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    I remember reading somewhere that "Paula Radcliffe can run faster than 99.9% of all men".
    Getting the house ready for visitors (brother and 18-year-old niece). Just had a message to say they're late setting off, so I may have time to fit in a little run.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    HS/Columba - wise words! I ran in one Paula's 'Londons'. I can't say I saw much of her on that day. My goodness what a talent. While we are on a trip down memory lane, Mike Gratton still runs in events or certainly was still doing so last year. His 10K time was over 50 minutes, but full respect to him still showing up. Indeed, he has marathon training website - but it's a 'pay' one so this counts me out. I'll go for the HS Freebie!

    I avoided the rain on my run (which was an 8/10 on the 'Knackered Scale') but now I too find I'm hemmed in by very heavy rain. What happened to our heatwave? My mind is wandering to the planned X-country run this evening that I've already ducked out of. They were expecting 500 or so - but I wonder how many they'll get? I know runners are hardy types (not me!) but am wondering if it will be called off. No PBs this evening either way!
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    Morning all,

    Still persevering with stretches etc and did a 3 minute front plank this morning. Got to keep the core strong!

    Columba, I'm sure you are right that Paula was faster than 99% of men. In 2003, the year she set her world record, her time was quicker than any British male. 

    JB, there was an RR10 race last night here too, which was 4.5 miles off road. I was amazed that so many of our club runners took part, considering the non stop torrential rain. I have run it before, and it is a very technical course in the dry, so must have been worse in the muddy conditions. I had also wondered whether it would have been cancelled.
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    glo2glo2 ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone, just catching up on posts.

    Columba - hope the hill sessions are still working well with the knee.  The virtual ride at the shard was a slide almost like a heater skelter, which starts with you on the outside of the shard going round and down and in and out of the shard, it was quite hairy actually their were points where  you could not see the slide as it was a sheer drop! needless to say i had hardly any voice left afterwards. 

    DBIW - I am not fond of hills, however log stacking seems far too strenuous!  The GNR always looks great, i am full of admiration for the people who do this.

    HS - I managed to do 14 miles slow run last Saturday, i was amazed really, however i did take it easy and it was so much better, i also tried having a gel at 5 and 10 miles and that worked ok, so maybe the way forward, i will see this Saturday because it may have been a fluke.  I don't normally have a gel until 9/10 miles and i am usually exhausted by the, it is good having no pressure at the moment as i can experiment a little. this will determine whether i will do anymore HM's this year, i have done 2 x half and a 10 mile race that is an increase since last year so i am happy with that, so maybe i will sign up for 4 x hm's next year.
     Their is a 20 miler at Draycote resivoir in Sept but not sure if i could do that distance, plus i have hols soon, i will still run but hesitant to do 14 miles plus in the heat. 

    Hope you all have good runs and the weather is kind to you all, pretty windy here but dry  at least.

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