
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Great double this weekend SG, and good running everyone else!

    3 weeks of not running and the foot is better, but still not quite right. I can feel a mere suggestion of the former pain when walking on my foot a certain way - no pain or discomfort at all, just a sensation of 'hmmm, there was something there'.
    Also down with the plague after a few days at a workshop and networking in Bristol last week.

    Once the worst of this illness is away, will go out for a tester. XC next weekend will likely be off the cards!
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    Good luck MH - Hope it settles down quick. Very interesting posts since Friday, well done on the double SG, good to see you racing again and Pete too. Scott - great post, my song while reading it was more 'That's Entertainment' by the Jam. Entertainment isn't always nice - more like real life. Never a dull moment eh!

    So National XC relays at the weekend - We scraped a team together, I was on 2nd leg with Herne Hill's best runner in the club going first! So typically Lewis ran really well for a sub 16 and bring us in 12th! (cheers mate LOL). So I set off and quicly reakised my 9mm spikes weren't up to the job. First lap was ok, but obviously I was being overtaken every 20/30 seconds - quite bizarre really as I knew some of them - Alex W-C of Soton and our very own Jonny D! Didn't feel amazing, but got us back in about 34th in 17.34, perhaps a 7/10 performance, hopefully Surrey league will be better next week. We ended up 49th in the end - had a word with JD at the end when we were taking our chips off.

    Decent 17 hilly miles yesterday, felt ok.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017

    Matt H - hope that heals quickly for XC this weekend

    SG - good race but whats with the gluten free option of taking on the smaller race in a bigger event? :) though its good for confidence I bet

    Simon - congrats on the national, did you get on Eurosport?  our team raced the nationals too but I couldn't be arsed, as did a few others.  though we were regretting it when our leg 1 runner brought us home in 3rd (and third fastest time of the day beating JD by 40 odd secs!) then leg 2 held onto third.  then our just back from injury third leg dropped to 15th and then the chap on the last leg 24th.  had we had the right team out off the back of alex's first leg we could have done some damage. 

    my training is getting better and focusing on slightly faster, less volume than normal of autumn training.  legs starting to wake up a bit.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dean - yep Dean, i thought as i was doing it in two races this weekend, that'd counterbalance :) And even the shorter one on Sunday was the furthest I've raced in 2 1/4 years.
    Other years the Marlow half has had the greater quality, but the 7 seems to be at its top appeal now, and actually had the stronger runners arguably.

    Feels better finishing the 7 knowing i felt comfy and could have gone faster, or done the half, rather than starting the half and having a miserable time :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nice one Simon. Quite something to hear of you being passed like you're not there.
    A very rare feeling for most people really, as in usual races it quickly settles, and you generally don't get many changes of position unless you've overdone it or others have.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:

    Girl from work who said she'd be there wasn't anywhere

    Have we discovered the true reason for two turnouts in a weekend?

    Some excellent reports there SG.  Marlow was my favourite one, particularly the nuns.  I think you should hallucinate nuns in all of your race reports from now on.  I remember the odd exclamation coming out of your mouth on the odd occasion we've raced alongside one another, but didn't realise you were quite such a chatter whilst racing.  Will do my best to keep ahead from now on.

    Don't feel bad about stealing the win from the kid.  If local heroes like you aren't there to nip those expectations in the bud, these kids might be satisfied with running 21 minutes, and that will give runners from the 1970s even more reason to bang on about standards.

    Good stuff at the Nationals Simon, sounds a fair old experience having them come roaring past them.  I remember a local runner taking over the Southern Road Relays in first (thanks largely to Jonny D), and, despite being a mid-31 10K runner himself, the look of fear on his face as Scott Overall hunted him down from behind was quite the picture.

    Reasonable parkrunning Pete.  When was the last time you had a Saturday morning lie-in?

    Scott, your story is heart-wrenching, much kudos to you for turning your life around.  I'd like to imagine your gambling addiction was whilst dressed in black tie at a casino, with a coked-up F1 pit lane girl on your arm, as opposed to spending all day in Coral fondling a stubby pencil.  Helps me to cope with the pathos.

    No racing again for me this weekend.  Managed a parkrun with the eldest, he was happy with a PB of 26:20).  He wants to run faster, but is too lazy to actually train.  So it's a carton full of EPO for Xmas.

    Good to see you popping in TT.  Hope you enjoyed the fireworks.

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    Cheers Both..Dean - what was this Eurosport thing then, not heard anyone mention it as yet. I think I remember the Stoke guy being called, I was in the first group of numbers called! Yes SG, not sure it helps much when you can't catch anyone - bit depressing but you keep plodding on..

    The late Bmth winner at Newcastle made up the slightly below par race tho!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs - i think i chatted more in that race, then most of my previous ones put together.
    Who knew it was so much more pleasant if you're not ruining yourself.
    Though i guess racing isn't about feeling pleasant

    Said girl is recently married, and a mere footnote. Probably time to get back sniffing around though.
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    Actual sniffing is now considered inappropriate. Damn MPs have spoiled all the fun
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    Where's my emoji? How is one supposed to convey humour or any other emotion if they don't work???!!
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    Haha Dachs it was more like you say. I used to play poker, live and online. I never really liked roulette or anything. I always used to target Tuesday, Friday and Saturday night at least were the clubs would produce the real gamblers. Private game Sunday or local snooker hall. Often girls would start floating around once they could see big stacks in front of you and several hotels nearby always came to use. I'd dress up and wear nice things of course not giving away I literally worked next door, I bought several nice time pieces with winnings, which sadly only one I managed to keep, others were sold to pay debts. Thinking back one time even taking my massive 2 maybe 300 or so Blu Ray collection to sell them for less than 50p each. A few years back they weren't cheap either!!! I think if I didn't get so stupid buying the latest 3D TV when it first come out and stuff like that I'd have been ok. Greed and thirst to show off overtook 

    Physio today after working away in Alton . GB paralympic one so no mucking about here. Facilities were awesome and got down to work quickly after detail history. I think she found it incredible I was still alive. Potential scenario is this - Trauma ' potentially' from bike accident in October 2016 where femur had locked in the socket joint and seized and then tore either iliopsoas muscle or the tendon after a few months running very well (hard) and one day just having the back, hip, leg, foot all unluckily at the right angle to twist and snap basically, hence (maybe) when I got out the car 'that day' to go on the run I instantly felt something snag. She said no surprise if it was both or at least a massive strain on the other one with one tearing. No wonder I could barely walk. Now that's without a scan and having ruled out the hernia now so half way diagnosis and still could be nerve related or that as well. I've been instructed to run and go back Friday to see how I react (on top of some treatment today) 

    Positive thoughts now and really good discussion with her around my tramadol abuse last year and how I block out pain now and should step back and realise that. Especially when I spent time in the pain clinic after my arse op with different pain coping mechanisms so sometimes now that could be a bad thing lol! 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Interesting again Scott. The most I ever gambled was Pontoon and Derby Day at Bmth Pier amusements! Hope the treatment goes well.

    So brutal 8 x 800 last night in 6 degrees and driving rain (so bad I put in on Facebook, a lot nicer picture than Scott's hairy shin :)) got to about 2.39 after the first 4, then as the heavens opened it felt like wearing a lead jacket and the same amount of effort came out with 2.43-2.45. Horrible 100m of slope from 6-700 too over the far side.

    Long commute run was tiring this morning!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Arse op! That is an awful phrase and situation Scott. On top of all the rest!
    Simon, i don't miss evening winter sessions, that's for sure! When it's so cold you can barely feel the button to take a split!

    Cold enough this morn for a 10.
    Fancied having a re-run of the course from Saturday's race, and it's only the weekly 10miler that gives the chance as it's 3miles from work.

    Managed to follow the course for 1km, then lost it and followed some random paths instead. Stumbled across a part i remembered later on, at about 3k of the race course, recognised some but not all, took tips on how to get out of the woods from some random woman running with 2 very fast dogs, before 1.5miles later ending at the exact spot i'd recognised!

    Luckily, had enough mileage to get out of the woods, and 3miles back without extending the 10miles.
    Not quite sure how long the Burnham Beeches/woods go on for. If they can run a 2 lap half marathon that would suggest, even with cross overs and repeated bits a minimum of 5/6miles, but not actually sure.

    That's me, until Thur. Not bothering with any days off until Saturday, but prob no sessions this week. Might have a mad month of races instead, after 2 months of solid training
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    another good session Simon, I have that one next week. though I do it on a track because im a wimp. 

    I did 5*1k last night. target was 3.12 pace (16 flat 5k/32 10k pace) and beat the target each rep. Finished off with 4*200 and probably because my sons group were watching they were faster than anticipated.  target 30s they came out 28s.  hopefully a corner has been turned and I can up the pace on the longer stuff now going into indoor season.

    Oh and scott you look like a wookie in new trainers on that facebook post.  the trainers look good though.  are they worth the $$$$'s?

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    Matthew HeadMatthew Head ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Good news from the physio Scott - as stated before, of all of us, you deserve to be good in tip-top condition! Maybe more of a gradual build up this time ;)

    Strong 800s there Simon, can't say I miss training in the driving rain!

    SG, gotta love a run that turns into an orienteering event! I find I get like that around lanes, even if I've planned a route beforehand :lol: 

    Great kms (and lightning 200s!) Dean, what indoor events do you do? Any targets coming up?

    Think I may have (pardon the pun) taken a step forward with this foot issue. Reading online yesterday, I stumbled upon a physio publication article about the anterior tibialis.
    Not expecting to find anything, but generally enjoy reading about this stuff, it mentioned that whilst muscle fibre injuries result in lower leg pain, tendon injuries actually result in a pain/ache on the top of the foot! 
    Further reading and it suggests toe stretching, general mobility etc. etc. as some of you suggested to me before.
    Apparently the tendon goes across the foot, down the medial arch and inserts into the base of the first metatarsal. 
    I then massage/trigger point the area with a tennis ball - lo and behold, it hurts like hell and the top-of-foot symptoms have nigh on disappeared!

    Will see how it is tomorrow, and a run may be on the cards! :)
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    The money is all relevant I guess - Based on life of the shoe. No way. I'd say if you have 250 quid spare and want a racing shoe for a few times a year then yes, it actually felt very good and does push you off, very springy. I'd say to a decent club runner looking for a marginal gain if they feel like they have plateaued (Even if just mental)  yeah maybe but only if they had the spare cash but I'd rather go do some lab testing and use that data. 

    I did say to Matt H I've been in the Brooks Levitate which isn't cheap at 140, that shoe I'd recommend heavily to anyone as you will get double the mileage than your other shoes and super comfy. It's superb. 

    With my ear wound getting a little worse I have an appointment but not until the 20th November which I'm not even sure I can get off! I then had two of my teeth fell out today, well, one I had to yank out at work as they became very wobbly and painful. On top of my other issues! I have no enamel on them and they are all pretty much baby teeth. Some genetic problem, I turned down treatment on the NHS when I was younger. I counted what I have left today. Just 19 teeth! Bit sore now! I have been lucky with the teeth I had left they all seemed ok for years. Wonder why suddenly it happened 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Scott, you seem to have an inexhaustible supply of bad luck tales, not the sort of form I would take into a casino!

    Fingers crossed Doctor Google has sorted your issues MH.

    Nice double header there SG, any designs on TVXC? I am contemplating Sunday's but I have a night out on Friday and then a wedding party on Saturday so it will be a rather jaded me that turns up, if I can avoid the hangover lottery.

    Quality sessions there SC & Dean. I assume the latter was in my consciousness as I too decided on 5 x 1k reps today, albeit it with slightly less lofty ambitions. This was, as far as I can remember anyway, my first interval session in over a year. Aside from a bit of tempo work I hadn't really run fast at all since my 10k PB at Fleet last year.

    I decided to aim around 3:30 and jogged out to one of the roads that forms the Wokingham HM course. The first came out at 3:29 but it was a bit of a shock to the system, I contemplated leaving it there but did the return stretch which came out at 3:21, the slight downhill seemed to make a big difference. Back the other way in 3:28 followed by a 3:25 and then a final one on the slight uphill was 3:22. So around 3:25 average. I am reasonably pleased with that but most pleased just to have done a session.

    Also, I just realised that was longer than my marathon race report!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Probably will turn out Reg, on a no pressure, pad out the positions for the team's attempt to do better than 3rd last time out, social sort of basis!

    At some stage I'll have to get back to the real aiming for a time flat out basis...

    Good reps there, especially out on the road. The temptation to quit early on means you're usually in the right ballpark of working well! Sunday was probably the first race I can remember for ages where I didn't think "what am I doing here" once in the whole thing!

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    Bloody hell Scott. How many mirrors have you broken????

    Nice reps guys, and particularly hats off to Simon in that deluge last night!
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Matt, I've recently developed a pain in the top of my foot and lower ankle so I've had a read back to see how yours started etc. I was at a wedding on Saturday and spent far too much time dancing like a prat in some new shoes so when I woke up the outside of my foot was really sore and I spent most of Sunday limping. Put it down to maybe the new shoes and the 18 miles the day before but it had eased for Mondays 13 miles. 

    Since then though the top of my foot and where it meets my lower leg has been sore and doing a session on Tuesday was a bit silly but it was manageable until after. When I flex my toes up I get a pain in the top of my foot and I can't seem to flex my foot up past 90 degrees. It just stops and is too painful. 
    Plodded 7 miles out last night but it wasn't comfortable but not something that makes running impossible so will plough on. :-) 
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    That's the belligerence we like to see ML84! Good news on the foot MH too - I've also got a bit of pain across the top of my foot, although this is more a laces thing really, I'll blame the annoying Supernova Boosts for that. It's really annoying trying to get some Adios Boost relatively cheap anywhere - it seems like its the flagship Adidas trainer that they won't discount, I really need an early xmas present so I can wear them in the MK Winter half in December :)

    Good starter reps there Reggie, good pace - very promising from Dean too.

    Scotty - You know how understanding and supportive we are on here regarding your various ailments, but I'm trying not to laugh now (obviously in an incredulous way..) where are your missing teeth? hopefully not at the front?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Hope all the feet related woes reduce chaps.
    Catching up with an old Marlow club pal on Sunday, he sounds in a right state, tendons in a mess, discomfort just to walk etc, gone through all manner of specialists etc.
    Nowhere near our obsession on here mileage wise, so i'm always slightly tempted to think the hunger to get back isn't as high as ours would be...but it didn't sound good for him.

    Simon, what's this MK half then? Thought the Bedford one first week of Dec was the last half of the year?
    Might be a decent one to ease round myself to get the no halfs for 2 1/4 years monkey off my back, and then aim for quicker in the spring.
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    Funnily enough Matt, my foot troubles all started with me running home drunk last year in non-running shoes.

    I noticed that MK half when I was looking around for a late season race but I've decided to build for next spring instead now.

    I was looking back on Strava at my 1km reps this morning and noticed that I was only 12th on the segment that covered about 900 metres of the 1km interval. 12th equal with Dachs as it happens. So now I know what I need to do to run a sub 70 half, just repeat that for 21 reps with no rest intervals. Easy.

    I shall revisit that session, adding more volume and look to arrest the CR from Marders, as I believe he is/was known in these parts.
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    Matt - I can imagine you dragging yourself round a session dragging a broken ankle behind you saying "it's just a scratch"!

    I quite often get that on my left foot Simon - it's a fine line between getting them tight enough and hurting the top of the foot.

    Nice reps those Reg. Always very sobering to work them up to a full race distance and see what the like of Dachs and quicker can do :smile:

    Easy paced 7M xc this morning. Knee and Iliopsoasis thingy seem to still be holding up OK, but my long-term back problem seems to have flared up again for the past few runs, and seems to be referring pain across the hip - always something!  X-ray and ultra-sound this afternoon.
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    Good luck Bus! Hope it sorts itself out like..

    The MK winter half may now be sold out. Its starts where the parkrun is and just does one big loop. It's not a bad course. Im going to do it as it's a big LBAC championship race and a bit of a gethering, think there are 30+ doing it now. Plys I can get the V45 club record, although with an asterix being 2nd claim...

    It's the same day as the Bedford half, but more sheltered!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Tibialis anterior - ah yes, my first ever running injury.  Ran my first marathon, rested for a week and then shuffled a 1 mile race at about 9 minute pace with my then 5 year old son in normal trainers.  That's what caused it, seems to be a bit of a theme!  I was given calf stretches to get rid of it.  It was an odd one as I knew I could have run through it if I ever needed to, but didn't.

    Nice reps Reg, very tidy times for out on the road.  Yeah, was going great guns round that area, wondering when I was going to fall apart.

    Lovely icy 800s Simon.

    Good to see Dean nailing the sessions again and showing off to the kiddies.

    Hope you can manage your run Matt H

    5 x 1 mile on the track last night.  5:09, 5:04, 5:06, 5:02, 5:03 (and yes PMJ, proper miles!). S'OK, done quicker.  For some reason, in my last few track sessions my first rep has been rusty and then I've sped up when I've got going.  I know this is the case for a lot of people, but in the past my first rep is usually much faster than I intended.  Is this age catching up?

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    I believe it is age Dachs. My first rep was also the slowest and most of my runs now begin with a slow start.

    I just did 6 miles at lunch, the first 4 at 7:30ish and then the last two were both 6:59, there was no attempt to increase the pace and the perceived effort was the same. I thought I was still going at the same sort of pace,
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs, not "Jock Itch" track miles, where he lets the garmin take the split...way before lap 4 is done ;)
    If you'd started with a 4.59 mile, you'd probably not be finishing the session in fairness!
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    Bloody hell Scott! If it's not one thing, it's another! Perhaps its a reaction to the increase in day-to-day stress, what with the baby, long hours etc. I hope you don't lose any more.
    Definitely going to see if I can hunt down a bargain on those Levitates - once I've worn out a few more pairs of shoes...

    Good work on the kms Reg, despite no real speed work for some time. Hunt down Marders' crown, I know you can do it! It's always a good sign when pace picks up without an increase in perceived effort.

    ML, I'm not really sure what kicked it all off to be honest, but I'm almost certain that it was building for a while - we're all guilty of ignoring slight things, although you're in a completely different ballpark with your tenacity! :lol:
    Pretty sure I've had some irritation in the past from wearing leather shoes with a stiff tongue.

    SG, do it, get a half in as a real marker for the ground work you've put in recently.

    SC, Bus, regarding lacing, one way I make sure I don't overtighten and compress the top of the foot is to do parallel or ladder lacing. Has worked wonders for me in the past, although I'm now guilty of having my shoes as loose as possible without slopping...
    I hope your check-up goes okay Bus, something always crops up when things seem to be in the clear.

    Dachs, you stormed those mile reps! Like SG said, chances are if you started much faster you may have been regretting it. Better to speed up than to bank time.

    Made it out for the run this afternoon, as my foot was feeling pretty good today after the trigger pointing. No major aches/discomfort, apart from the 'post-physio' feeling when you know something has been done.
    Opted for a half hour run, as flat as I could make it without doing tiny loops. 3.7mi at 8:30/mi, but with an average of 78.1%MaxHR - how much fitness can someone lose in 3 weeks?! To be fair it helped to shift some crap from my lungs.
    All feeling good, only a mere 'oh crap, not this again' initial reaction from the legs. Will see how they are tomorrow and may opt for the same again :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Welcome back to the next step of the rehab Matt...the quick difference between longing to run at all, to wanting to go quicker :)

    Managed to completely forget i'm another 100 or so miles further north for that MK half..whoops.

    Oh well, just exploring different events!
    Although last weekend showed that when needed a couple of races back to back is fine, especially when one is short, these days I try not to overstack days!

    Stuff like running 14miles, or racing in the morning, and then setting off on a 360mile round trip for a United game :)

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