
Sub 3



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    Our resident Brian Glover impersonator.  Love it.  Been away so long I had no idea (or interest) as to your current state of well-being.  Actually that's not true as I did wonder if you'd crop up somewhere in London Village.  Your goodself and SL are two of my favourite awkward annual conversations outside the Red Lion. 

    In the highly unlikely event you want my non-medical opinion I'd say if you have an S1/L5 issue then all the sitting on a ball or bollock pinching isn't particularly likely to cure an S1/L5 issue. That's not to say it's pointless (I've done it) just that you're largely addressing the symptoms.  My 'cause' was really piss poor structural recruitment (is that even a thing?) brought about in the main by Alpha male syndrome.  Once I stopped being pig-headed and worshiping at the altar of Sinitta (Christ I talk some unfathomable shit) then things started to really improve as I began to understand what I was happenning and move better as a result.  My experience is it's not about the strength of the core it's how and when you use it that counts. Fnarrr, fnarrr.

    Oh also meant to say previously quite how reasonable CW's run of runs is. Nutty as a fruitcake and I think we've all rolled our eyes when we've read about sessions and gadgets etc. but proof is clearly in the quality and consistency of the annual pudding production.

    As you were.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ah, I've missed Crab's posts!

    Turning my thoughts to autumn races, and it turns out I don't have many free weekends!  Looking at w/e of 3 and 4 November and the 2 flat options for half marathons appear to be Nottingham or Lancaster.  Has anyone done either of them and would you recommend/advise I avoid like the plague?
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    Nottingham doesn't have a marathon this year Joolska - and last year it definitely wasn't flat! I was looking at Hull but am now thinking of Lancaster, flat and fast apart from a killer of a last 1/4 of a mile from what I've found out so far.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Sorry, asking about half marathons.  If I'm doing a marathon it'll be Valencia to give me as long a build-up as possible!
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    Sorry - didn't read properly! Nottingham is not flat, most of the hills in the marathon last year were in the first half of the course.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    CRAB - tremendous post! Hahaha! I was thinking about you the other day actually. I’ve somehow got a photograph of me, you, Dan (dressed as Elvis), Ode and one or two others in the start pen at VLM 2015. No idea who took it (Lord Didsbury maybe?), but it’s one of my least valued possessions. 

    Anyway, I would value your input on this yes. I think I sort of understood your reply (I got all the Glover and Sinita references straight away), but not sure I fully got the structural recruitment thing. Do you mean overall posture, and doing stuff like Pilates and yoga and what not? If so that’s a definite area I need to work on (I’m like Mr. Burns with sciatica). For years I’ve done zero stretching, core work, strength work etc. Not sure if you meant something else though. If so hopefully it’s not Precious McKenzie-related. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Jooligan - September is fine then.

    Ls21 - shame you are still crocked, some virtual yoga with crab might help. Dids took that photo.

    Luckily I'm not the family member that is taking geography A level, although county boundaries are probably not in the syllabus.

    No niggles at the start of todays run, so I thought I'd a few reps and see how it went. But I had to go back to wombling as it made my ankle hurt, then it pissed down and I got soaked.......still could be worse, I could be benched. The initial period with no niggles was awesome.
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    CharlieW said:

    Wardi -- my 2nd anniversary of my marathon PB comes up this October so I'll know if I'm over the hill then! (Will be doing Chester so the wrong side of the Pennines...)

    That's the right side of the Pennines :-) 
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    Steady as you go TR.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I suffered the ignominy of being overtaken by a white suited Elvis around 18-19 miles.  'Don't be cruel' I protested as he eased past me with a swagger.  However just as I was about to rip my number off and return to sender, at 22-23 miles he was back in sight.  His blue suede shoes were reduced to a shuffle, he was clearly all shook up and crying outside the Tower of London chapel.  'Try dressing as the devil in disguise next year' I mocked as I triumphantly left him for dust.

    OO.. Your senior achievements continue to amaze me, long may it continue.  However old age bimbling and being overtaken by milk floats, steamrollers and small children surely awaits. :/

    LS21.. very frustrating.  Hope you get to the bottom of it eventually, just don't start playing Sinitta records  :|  Never saw you as a toy boy anyway.

    Jools.. the Valencia folks have moved the race from mid Nov to early Dec this year due to the usual date clashing with a motorbike event apparently.  Nice flat marathon and a lovely city if you decide to go.

    Get well soon LMH.

    I seem to have caught a dose of post marathon sniffles this week though an overdressed 6m this morning has improved things slightly.  I'm off to Sorrento tomorrow for a week of R&R in the supposed area where pizza was invented.  Running kit is packed so I won't be slacking completely.
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    ML84 said:
    CharlieW said:

    Wardi -- my 2nd anniversary of my marathon PB comes up this October so I'll know if I'm over the hill then! (Will be doing Chester so the wrong side of the Pennines...)

    That's the right side of the Pennines :-) 
    The left side, surely?
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    Wardi - we went to Sorrento years ago and I went for an early morning run along the coast road.  It was raining and the locals were openly laughing at me running along.  Not that I'm mentally scarred by the experience, oh no,  Bastards.
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    Have a lovely break Wardi.

    Cautiously optimistic that I may be able to try a little run tomorrow but won't decide until after I've walked the dog in the morning.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    LS21 - good thing you weren't there at the Red Lion; there's only so much piss-take I can handle

    Took my anger/shame/frustration out on parkrun today.  Cold and wet underfoot.  Some lad (listed as Galen Rupp in the results?!!) got on my shoulder for 4k, but there's no way I was getting passed today.  91st run at Richmond Park over the last 10 years, and got a win & course PB of 17:13

    I'm now even more gutted.  Bloody weather :'(
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    That's some recovery Dan!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Cracking run Dan, slight consolation perhaps?  

    CD.. duly noted :/  I got a look of bemusement when I ran along the beach in Sri Lanka many years ago, 30+ degrees and humid!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LMH - don't worry, I was back to being uncle Bulgaria pretty quickly. Good if you can get back to it tomorrow, taper starts in 4 weeks.

    Dan - cruising vlm in order to save yourself for parkrun !

    I had done 10 days in a row already (lots of short runs in there), so I coincided an early road trip for a county game (which was still on amazingly given all the recent rain) with a zero today. 4 weeks left in which to play mileage catch up and bag a few long runs.
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    Hopefully we'll both make the start line TR!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LMH - how did you get on? 21 here, coped pretty well, ankle ached in last 5 or 6. But hopefully it'l settle down soon.
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    I did a few less than you TR! Just six miles and so far everything appears to still be working, will know more in the morning I think.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    6m is a step in the right direction. I need the 20s more than you at the moment, must be 5 weeks since I last ran one.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    TR - really pleased you're back running, you deserve some luck. Don't try to do too much though, just make sure you're on the start line. You won't have lost all that endurance you built up.

    Dan - fantastic parkrun, especially to beat Galen Rupp (must be a really slow course if he can only manage a 17:xx there)!

    I went to a smaller local parkrun, mainly just to give the dog a run and get her used to running with lots of other runners about. I was just taking it easy but due to the small field (and no faster guys showing up this week) we found ourselves in 3rd place early on, close to the leaders, so we went past them towards the end of the first lap. After one lap we stopped briefly to say hello to Mrs and mini-Padams, which put us back into 3rd, but soon took the lead again and had enough of a lead for the dog to stop for a drink a couple of times in the big puddles. 20:13 was the time, all off-road, quite muddy and flooded in places. I could still feel the marathon in my legs but not too bad.

    Another rest day yesterday (other than walking a couple of miles with mini-Padams on my back, which is quite hard work now!) and won't manage to get out for a run today either. But aiming to start some proper training again later this week.

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    Hezza - been running down the prom a lot (x3) over the weekend.  Made the call that you didn't want to join me.

    LS21 - Yes Pilates is what I was alluding to.  Happy to share some details but frankly I CNBA at the moment.  Will pop something up this week at some point.  It'll cost you though.  You have to agree to say 'Don't let him become a thing of the past' three times next time I see you.  One for the teenagers there.

    Dan - A Parkrun in roughly the same time it took us to cover a mile on the Embankment.  Love it. With consistency like that I was wondering have you ever considered marketing some sort of pacing tool?

    As you were.
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    Nice parkrun Dan, hope that's got the frustration out of your system. Nice casual victory from Padams too.

    Impressive to churn out 21 so soon after getting back to running TR. Just keep an eye on that ankle.

    LS21 - based on the MRI and CT scans, did you get a firm diagnosis of the problem?

    I cracked and put my trainers on yesterday. 8M at a relatively easy pace. The legs did tire a bit and I noticed mild DOMS in the last mile, but all good otherwise. Think I'll have an easy week.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    LS21 -- gah that still sounds horrible, although at least it sounds like you've got a bit more of an idea about what's going on and therefore what to do about it. (Though as CRAB intimates, if it's your back making your muscles fire, that's the thing you've got to stop somehow -- but at the same time it sounds like you have some muscle damage to repair too.)

    And no Keswick this summer I fear; my son's doing a year abroad in Spain, so we're having two weeks in Santiago de Compostela and then abandoning him there. Now you can get a certificate or something for completing the last 100km of the Camino pilgramage route into Santiago -- which immediately suggests a one-day ultra challenge...

    CRAB you're kind indeed -- sorry I missed you this time. Still amazed that my VLM went as well as it did TBH, I was expecting my share of some doom.

    Nice parkrun Dan, even if you'd rather not have been up to it, if you see what I mean.

    TR -- sounds like you're coming back nicely, great shame you happened to have the problem just at the wrong time though.

    I managed to plod 12M yesterday, though my legs were pretty creaky. Rest today, back to some easy run-commutes from tomorrow I think.
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    Another one here who had a reasonable parkrun at the weekend, although not as rapid as Dan's or padams'.  Then a good 3hr ride yesterday morning, in what can only be described as perfect conditions for marathon running.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Crab - I might be down again this time next week so will think about whether to contact you or not.

    CD - not sure the word "rapid" should be associated with my parkrun!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Padams - you need to get yourself a husky, you' get the miles in then, and it could help tow the buggy.

    ES- ive been back to it 2 weeks now, short runs at first as hammy was tight, but I did 10m when you were at vlm, and 12 and 15 last midweek as the tightness went last tuesday. But agreed 21 is a jump, I did have bail out options at 18 and 20 though. 4 weeks today the taper starts so I need to get some long runs in.

    LMH - how did you get on today?
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    Good to see TR and LMH running again. 

    TR - decent return to training that 20+ yesterday. Plan to do a couple more before taper? 

    Good to see others getting back to it after vlm. 

    LS21 - sorry to read about your injuries. Hope things improve with the conditioning and preventative stuff you are doing. 

    I'm yet to get back into the swing of things. Just about managing 3 runs a week post Manchester. A decent 10 miler yesterday tho. All the recovery between run days means I've been able to get the legs moving a bit quicker. I ought to get some plans in place so I don't let things slip too much. 

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Agreed it's great to see TR and LMH training again.

    Very impressed by the post-VLM parkruns.

    A big weekend for me by recent standards: 11M with 5 x 1M on Saturday and then 14M on Sunday.  Legs are a bit tired today, but hopefully this morning's 45 minute swim helped.  I'll find out tomorrow morning!
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