
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Awesome result at the 5k there Dean, great quality field there as Bus says. Good that you noticed you could power ahead at points! 

    SG, well done on Wargrave, casual string of races after months of not racing! Your may be time down on your best and previous, but hey, you had 2 other races in the legs. Your training is looking good, and pointing to sharper times soon.

    Nice work on those miles Reg! 

    Dachs, to echo the others - definitely do both.

    Keeping the training up, bigger midweek session this time with 20 x 1min (1min). Aim was to not look at the watch much, as focus on shifting gear more than pace. First half was feeling really good, but come the end I was glad it was over - hopefully a good sign I got the pacing right. Average rep pace 6:15/mi and recovery 7:10/mi, and generally consistent for both.
    Planned session yesterday was 6 x 1km targeting similar paces to last weeks miles, but on 2mins. Unfortunately on finished 5 reps, as a nasty stitch developing over reps 3-5 stopped play. Still, happy with 3:50 rep average.

    I think I'm getting better at pacing sessions, rather than starting balls out and holding on, digging a recovery hole, I'm starting at manageable, with the effort creeping to desired levels.
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    Great run there Dean.

    Watched the 10,000m last night on TV and was very disappointed with the commentary. Alex Yee ran 27:51.94 to come home first Brit and secure top place in the ranking and automatic selection and hardly a word was said about him at all.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Great time Dean, and what a quality of field!

    For a change, had a Sunday lie in and set off later for a change of scenery.

    Aimed to follow the Marlow half marathon old route, having parked half a mile away.

    Hot day, starting off later than I usually would, I did wonder how it'd pan out!

    It starts with a fair climb, and I managed to follow it to the second steep climb, but I managed to take a turn to Rotten row, rather than Hambledon, meaning I actually went down the very steep long hill instead of up it.

    This left me the conundrum, of did I turn round and go straight back up the steep hill, or go the long way round to Hambledon, which could only be a long gradual climb!

    I spotted a "Marlow 5" sign the other direction though, and was delighted. I had 7.22miles on the clock, it was hot, it was hard work, and I thought, phew, I can get in without a silly distance above the intended 13.

    The only slight problem of course was it was all a 60zone road, with barely a pavement :)

    At one point I thought there was a shortcut, but it ended up being a dried up muddy start to a pond. Sploshed in and out of that, and back to the road, basically staying as tight as possible to the edges, waving at people I was holding up, and finally blooming grateful to come back into "proper" Marlow.

    1.8miles to make it up to 13, and we'll  say no more of today!

    On checking the run, I was 2nd on a segment. The guy ahead (and the woman also ahead) were both obvious cycles, so bizarrely picked a seg up at 7.20 pace (up a hill in fairness).

    The fact only about 16 have run that route says it all I think about how non sensible it was. Most of Marlow is locked down with fast stuff, not helped by having 2 big races through it.

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    Good long run there SG, Good Parkrun Bus.MH - Getting there by the looks.

    Dean, what can I say, another great run, that's my 5k road PB, but I'm a bit off that at the moment. I'm so pleased you've joined me in the V45 group..couldn't your parents waited a little longer?? ;)

    So - yesterday, SAL at Wimbledon. Racing wise quite uneventful - a young lad from Hercules went roaring off at the start of the 800, so at 200 he was at least 20m ahead of me. I feel like I'm doing OK, getting a little closer as I go through the bell in 62. So wondering what the next lap will bring..down the back straight I'm glad that I'm keeping my form and still going OK - starting to close on the young lad...getting closer aroun the bend and I'm past him with 10 to go - over the line and not feeling as bad as I have done in previous 800's. Later I find the official time is 2.05.0 - quickest since 2011, so happy with that - 5th V45 in the early ladder.

    Stupidly eneterd the 3000 non scoring. Need to work so no real report - started on 75's and managed to bring it in at 9.15, happy with that too, but regretted entering after 2/3 laps! Decent afternoon's work all in all.

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    Great run there Dean.

    Watched the 10,000m last night on TV and was very disappointed with the commentary. Alex Yee ran 27:51.94 to come home first Brit and secure top place in the ranking and automatic selection and hardly a word was said about him at all.

    Totally agree - Did Hutchings know what Yee looked like? Bizarrely the runner with arguably the most support around the track not getting a mention until he had finished. It's the only sensible reason. I didn't go, but my missus did and loved it.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean, back on the 5Ks again, good to see you back in the distance fold, and great to have you erase the memory of the old short course PB and put a proper one on the books.  Like Simon, my road PB is also 15:38.  Feels like we should have some kind of club.  Great V45 ranking too.

    Simon, decent racing there as well, and a fastest time in the last 7 years is very promising indeed.  Doesn't sound that uneventful.

    SG, you should really have a think about your routes before you go out!

    Good reps Matt H.

    Solid parkrun Bus.  I ran my 50th on Saturday.  It's taken me 6 years, despite having one in front of my house.  Finding it hard to get the pace back, but 16:36 and first finisher by some distance was OK, even if it felt harder than that should have.

    Then in the afternoon, my eldest and I went into London to watch the Highgate races.  Really enjoyed the whole day, and it was frankly even better without the pressure of having to actually race this time.  Managed to embarrass and disgust my son during the women's A race by informing him that I have a thing for Mhairi Maclennan, and then vocally expressing my support on every lap.  This is why you have kids, so you can become a terrible millstone round their necks.

    Racing was fantastic, and stunning performance by all three Brits under 28:00 in the men's race.  Felt a bit bad for Sam Stabler who was clearly struggling from the outset, but kept going gamely and still ran a time I'd kill for.

    Highlight was when one of the portly drummers dressed as a pirate tripped over the metal kerb when crossing the track.  Clearly not someone with much experience of athletics tracks.

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    Stevie G said:

    I spotted a "Marlow 5" sign the other direction though, and was delighted. I had 7.22miles on the clock, it was hot, it was hard work, and I thought, phew, I can get in without a silly distance above the intended 13.

    The only slight problem of course was it was all a 60zone road, with barely a pavement :)

    You need to learn 3 things:

    1) there is no such thing as a 60 zone. It is national speed limit (or so says the twat who gave the speed awareness course I was on the other day). 
    2) you have a Garmin so use it properly. Plan a course, upload it to your watch and then follow it. 
    3) If you are at Hambleden and want to run to Marlow, follow the river.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I wasn't at Hambledon son, that was the point :)

    I've just about got onto strava, I won't be plotting routes onto my watch anytime soon :blush:
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nice casual parkrun Dachs. Quick course like you always say, but you probably had a right cigar on!
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    No cigar on.  Working hard.  Very quick course like I say, so probably worth only 17:30 on a track.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    :D:D. Fast course bantz 

    Next summer series 5k is some dodgy offroad farmers field job. Think ill bin that and do a sesh. 7 of these races over 8-9 weeks so not wise to do em all..

    Relay race sunday, 4x4k job. Burnham tue looks a good bet
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    Stevie G said:
    I wasn't at Hambledon son, that was the point :)

    Strava says you were. Where you turned left down the A4155 Henley to Marlow Road is Hambleden Lock, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hambleden_Lock. You could have crossed the Thames there and come back on the south side as far as Temple Lock and cross at Temple Foot Bridge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Footbridge and back to Marlow or you could have stayed on the north side, cut down Ferry Lane and then followed the towpath on the north side, through Harleyford Estate and then Pound Lane back to Marlow.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I don't know these routes old boy. And in the midday sun, the last thing I wanted was to risk an "epic" :)
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭


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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Nice Parkrunning there Dachs, I notice that the 40-44 age-category record is 16:30. So someone else put it out of my reach before I had a chance at it. I am wondering if my sub 17 at Woodley counts now given that it's all downhill and short.

    A quick google reveals your crush to be somewhat in the achievable bracket, apart from being nearly half your age of course.

    Another cracking 5k Dean.

    I was thinking about doing the LFOTM given that I am not working, although not sure if it's too late given what's written on their website about 2 weeks notice.

    SC you're giving us all hope posting quick times well into your 40s.

    IF you do use the route planner on Strava SG, you can review all the segments that you will cover. They also have a live segment facility if you have the write watch, not sure if you need Strava premium or not.

    Nice PR Bus, no pictures?

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    :D:D. Fast course bantz 
    You should come and do Woodley parkrun one day SG.  It's really fast, so you should threaten 15 minutes.  I'll even let you shit in my toilet.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I might just call your bluff on that one sunshine.

    Well, the toilet part anyway.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Reg Wand said:
    Nice Parkrunning there Dachs, I notice that the 40-44 age-category record is 16:30. So someone else put it out of my reach before I had a chance at it. I am wondering if my sub 17 at Woodley counts now given that it's all downhill and short.

    A quick google reveals your crush to be somewhat in the achievable bracket, apart from being nearly half your age of course.

    Another cracking 5k Dean.

    I was thinking about doing the LFOTM given that I am not working, although not sure if it's too late given what's written on their website about 2 weeks notice.

    SC you're giving us all hope posting quick times well into your 40s.

    IF you do use the route planner on Strava SG, you can review all the segments that you will cover. They also have a live segment facility if you have the write watch, not sure if you need Strava premium or not.

    Nice PR Bus, no pictures?

    Come on big boy, don't encourage me, I'm just about getting the obsession down from the straight forward seg mashing.

    ps, email the organiser, tell em Stevie G sent you. He'll let you in late if you say you'll have a crack sub 17, as he keeps places back.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Thanks, I had already emailed him, you can still enter online today so need to use my connections  :)

    Did I really type "write" watch! I do wonder what goes through my brain sometimes.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018

    Quality parkrunning Dachs!

    SG - you ran that whole section of the A4155 and are still alive - that is no mean feat in itself!!!

    Sorry Reg, no puke pictures this week :-)

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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Reg, glad you got in LFOTM ok. Presume you were in contact with Malcolm French. Top bloke. Was at Houghton Hall Parkrun, Dunstable on Saturday morning again. That’s a fast one, Darren Deed is now a V40 and did 14.53 there 2 weeks ago *shocked smiley face*
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    Starting to get back to some sort of consistency. Last two weeks have been just over 40 miles and that is where I need to be. 

    I did parkrun (on a flat course) on Saturday in 21:33 and then a summer 5k yesterday evening (hilly off-road course) in 21:42 so even though it was 9 seconds slower it was a much better run. I really need to get back down below 20 soon but I hope that just comes with racing more. The summer 5k series is full swing so happens next Tuesday and the Tuesday after and I have parkrun and a 4x4k relay on Sunday so by mid-June it should happen.

    My targets for 2018 were sub-20 5k (did that 1st Jan) and sub-90 half (did that 18th Feb) and 2018 miles for the year. That third target now is the one I am looking at: I lost about 2 weeks so am about 80 miles behind schedule (2018 miles evenly across the year) but also the plan I have at 40 miles a week comes to 2,085 miles so there was some margin for loss but that has been eaten up. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Phil, i'm sure it was only a year or so ago we would share a low 7 13miler, so there's no way that's anywhere near your 5k pace!
    You're just after a Wokingham style target absolute monstering, we know your game!

    When did the LFOTM go electronic entry! Incredible. I thought they were determined to stay Luddite for ever!

    Scott, if you're passing through, any chance of an honoury Gosport 5k entry :) For one thing it might make me settle on a date!!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Not fancying the ploughed field basically XC course Cookham 5k  yesterday, I went along for a Dashers session of "5x1200m"

    After some drills, the coach stationed us around the grassy 400m loop on 5k time, and I knew what was coming - it was staggered so the faster guys would do further, so 1200m became 0.87-0.89m

    There was some talk of 1min recoveries too, but they panned out between 90secs - 110secs, but not quite sure what this was based off.
    Not quite sure why the coach would randomly blow his whistle 3 times per lap either, with everyone doing different times, i have no idea whether that was 1min 20 or what!?

    Paces for what they're worth on a loop, were 5.01,5.07,5.05,5.08 and a lazy 5.18, rep times 4.25-4.38 for the 3 1/2 laps, and distances 0.87-0.89m.

    Felt long distances for the paces, but no doubt a good workout.

    Overtook a couple of the next fastest chaps a couple of times, and held Mr Samson off on 2 of the 5 reps. 
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    Great parkrun Dachs - mid-16s is rather ace, I look forward to your build up to the champs later this year.

    SG, you couldn't resist a long run with some drama, eh? Good session there, whilst I think I get the motive of making the faster runners work longer/harder, it's nice to actually get the prescribed session!

    Good to hear you're back onto the mileage PMJ. They are all sound targets for the year, but having ticked two off already, perhaps time to reconsider something for later this year?

    Another session for me last night - 10 x 2mins (2mins), akin to last weeks 20 x 1min, but hoping to push the paces a bit more given the longer recovery. Average rep pace came out as 6:05 which I'm pretty happy with. Slowest rep was 6:13, but that was up a hill just after the halfway mark so didn't want to motor it, however fastest was 5:51 up another hill on the final rep - so more than happy to put what I had left into it!

    Considering something like 4 x 2km off 3 or 4mins this weekend, aiming for the 7:50-8:00 mark to build the long-rep efficiency. What do you chaps think?
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    Nice sessions SG and MH - those bloody hills eh? You must kill for a flat race mate.

    Interesting session last night, one of the HHH girls who lives in St Albans joined us, hopefully for the first time of many. She's a 17.07 parkrunner,so she's decent. We did 10 x 600 of 70 secs, allowed on the inside lane this week! and that seemed to help, felt like 1.50's (not a great night for running tbh), but I averaged 1.47 with a 1.44 for the last one.

    Now nothing apart from jogging around a parkrun with the kid tomorrow morning until the BUPA 10k. Looks like its going to be a warm as the Brum 10k. Cosmic :(

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    tidy ones Simon. 

    My little 5k plan hasn't quite run as consistently as last year, as I've ducked into Datchet sessions and races here and there.

    So picked it back up today with 8x400 at 1500 pace.
    I think you can take 90secs on these, but i went 60secs instead.

    In hindsight probbo started too fast for the sesh with those recoveries, as faded from

    1.11, 1.11, 1.13,1.13, 1.14,1.13,1.15,1.14

    So a 1.13 average, which is probably about right, possibly averaged 1.12 last year though i'd have to check. That would have been at peak 5k training though I think.

    A clubmate who i beat usually was reporting 69/70s last week for 400s, but seemed to be taking the recoveries of the slowest, meaning in reality probably a 80-90sec each time, and they cut it in 3 sets of 43 with 3mins. Throw in the group setting automatically hyping your pace, all in much more favourable conditions than a morning solo fest
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Yes Simon, I had emailed Malcom. You can enter through RB now, SG but if it makes you feel better, I got a hand drawn course map in the post, so it seems there’s still plenty of retro charm. 

    Some nice sessions SG, SC, MH and SG again. As I am sat on the train back from London, I should use this time to scribe a short race report.

    After nearly 3 months of consistently doing 30 miles a week I’ve been starting to feel a bit quicker; easy runs coming out at a lower HR etc, then there’s those mile repeats I did last week. Despite the long recoveries, they felt comfortable at PB pace, I had a feeling it was worth having a dig.

    Eventually I realised the LFOTM would fit perfectly into this plan. Got the train into Paddington and it was just a short walk over. Having looked at previous results it seemed guaranteed there would be plenty of runners in front of me so I hoped that would help push me. 

    Having managed to to avoid the 20p toilet charge (I only had £20) I lined up a couple of rows back. I told myself, you’ve not come all this way to back off so don’t be a wimp today. We’re off and the legs feel good,  I’m a bit hemmed in and there’s a sharp left turn, I slow to almost a walk and have to accelerate out of the turn.

    I must be tall for a runner because I’m having to change my line to avoid low hanging branches whilst everyone else has clearance. Soon there are two groups ahead and I am just off the pace of group two, probably just outside the top 10.

    I don’t want to push to get into the group as I’m holding pace ok and I’m happy to follow. Through the first km marker in 3:08 which seems very punchy but it might be short and maybe downhill. First mile is up in 5:13 and it doesn’t feel suicidal, sure I am going to slow but PB pace is 5:25ish so we have plenty of headroom here.

    It’s more undulating than I expected but I like the rhythm of working up and relaxing on the downs. I’m still just off the second group and mile 2 is 5:20. Still inside PB pace but I’m expecting some inclines. It’s starting to hurt a bit but I realise we only have a mile left. Not used to such short races!

    I am safe in whatever position I am in and just concentrating on holding the gap to the chap ahead. This is just about the clock now. I tell myself not to waste the pain endured so far by easing off. We don’t want to have to do this again! Anything sub 5:30 will do nicely for the final mile. There’s a final incline and then another sharp turn, I’m breathing pretty loudly now but not slowing too badly.

    Final 200m is a drag, there’s no sprint available but I cross the line and check my watch, which I started late and it reads 16:35, I’m expecting something closer to 16:40 for the official result but it’s a lot quicker than my Woodley PB 16:53, which of course doesn’t count, being such a fast and short course.

    So a good days work and made the trip worthwhile.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Blooming heck, that's an excellent outing! Very well done. I think lower mileage complimented with load of cycling definitely works for you on the xc and shorter stuff.

    I'm not certain I have the capacity to enter what sounds like a decently deep hurt locker like you did today. All too easy to slip back to 10k pace, but you avoided that like a don!

    Will take some 1720s at the summer series races, but hope to have a splash at some sub 17 action myself later in the summer.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Thinking a bit more about your race Reggie, i'd probably say that's "performance of year" contender material.
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