
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    SG - You'll be surprised how many massages I have off her a year...about 3 or 4! I'm really missing the boat here aren't I..Yes so I would say marrying a runner who does sports massages too is a quite a good move.

    Quick look on PO10 and I've done 44 races so far, so with the weekend just gone and this weekend, I'm nearing 50.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    All of them on PO10 too, nice. No bootleg gubbins for you!

    Reg - that is the GSR experience. I was on course to beat my pb until that last 2 mile wind hit me and probably cost me 20secs over the last 2.

    Anyway, enough pontifications, i'm in. 42 clams the lighter! Bus, you'll have to remind me where we parked last time, i believe it was a smart choice of official carpark, albeit a bit of a walk, rather than what looks like an inevitable massive massive delay on the massive open field right next to the start!

    Although in fairness this year, without the free VIP experience, I doubt I'd be hanging about for hours! May have to sample the free massage if they still do that now though, making sure to get baggage back first before the masses!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Keep quiet about the parking advice, Bus, if you want the race report to be any good.
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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    Yes SG - ARC races = Evil. Everyone knows that. Scum of the earth.

    Ah the GSR, done that man and boy. Sadly, you need a gentle easterly wind, other wise you're 'f**ked basically. Shame as it's flat as.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Some aren't even ARC - those are the truly bootleg fare!

    Re-applied the midweek 10miler last week, but this week put it in its "right" place - ie the day after the Tue quality tempo.
    Usual strange feeling where it "should" feel easier than the much faster miles the previous day, but 7.02 pace, so comfy fare.

    To give a bit of a recovery end of week, to try and allow for a fresh-ish go at the Podium 5k ( as fresh as a 220mile drive allows), i'll do the quality session tomorrow instead of Friday.

    I was going to do 12x400 off a min, but Johnas has just thrown a more interesting looking session in the mix

    4x200, 3x1k,2x400 (off 200m jog, 2min,400m jog)  37-3.23-75 aims.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    need a long read back properly but Dachs and Simon C recent racing stood out on facebook. Congrats.

    SG - the 10*400 is a session an athlete selects to do.......the johnas session is one a coach gives.    The coach's session is much better. Diff paces diff rec, diff reps. much better.   whenever i set myself a session i tend to do what you did...but my coach sets better sessions like johnas. Which is why i always put my training towards a champs in his hands
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Think that's the nail on the head there Dean (although the 12x400 was also on the schedule from Daniels parallel to the Tue sesh), but i think I definitely respond better to being coached then freestyling.

    You definitely stick to comfort zone in the latter, whereas the right coach will give you stretching stuff you have a bit of a doubt about whether you can do, yet with effort always manage. 

    The only thing against a full on coach plan I suppose is I'd lose the Datchet social stuff, but maybe in a year, I can twice a year stick to big build ups from a coach before spring/autumn target stuff, then in the summer fuse fun/races/other plans and get the best of both worlds.
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    SG, make sure you go in the A race. The B race will be won in about 17 mins I bet but there'll be plenty running 16-17 in the A race. Chris who organises it will shout your first km split as you pass him so hopefully you go through in a nice bunch and you can get stuck into picking people off if possible. 
    Quite a few are doing it who are using it as a sharpener for Trafford 10k the week after. 
    Use the postcode BB9 8PU. Wilton street, barrowford. Drive up the street and you go over a little bridge. There's a football pitch to your left but follow the road round to the right and go under the motorway bridge. Keep following the path and although it looks like your heading to nowhere, the cycle track where the race is is about 100yards further on to your right. 
    You can park on the grass anywhere near the course. There's no toilets but plenty of bushes and you enter in the metal portacabin that is at the side of the track. 

    Really hope you smash your pb! 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Matt. Will follow that.

    Although the races seem to have been set to sub 16 and sub 18, so best not go A race in that context!
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    Love that description ML84, sounds like my kind of race! 

    Watford last night...well weird one as the race I was put in I had the quickest time, so I just got away from the start and front ran it - about 10-15m ahead most of the way. Splits were 400 - 65, 800- 2.11, bell - 3.01...then the front running took it's toll a little and a 68 last lap left me with a 4.09.8. Tiny bit disappointed with the last lap, but a v45PB and happy with the splits.

    Met our HHH team manager at Euston and nice to see Katie Snowden donning the HHH colours to do a Watford, bit weird talking to her then folk asking her for a photo (she ran for England in the Commonwealth Games in the 1500). So that's no racing until 5th September back at Watford in the 800, need to do sub 2.05 to get on the all time PO10 list :)

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Pot hunting Watford races now? ;) Nice win though! Vaguely looked at Watford this summer, but late night and loads of other races sort of ruled it out.

    Went for the 4x200,3x1km,2x400 session (in fairness the 10-12x400 was on the schedule too, just a week earlier), with Johnas prescribed timings to aim for of 37-3.23-74

    This precise pace aim is something I've arguably been a little casual on, although i have aimed for times in the 5k sessions, but this new block of training has a big time feel about it like Moz days.

    It's that concentration element that essential.


    So a slight tickle off pace for one 200 and one 1k, but no real drama. Quickly back on track afterwards.

    Shows that with kms at the "racing" pace, that there's not much margin for error, and as per the two Battersea Park 5ks, a 16.56 can become a 17.14 with a very slight dip of concentration.
    All being well at Podium, I need to get out quicker and make sure the first km is on the sharp side versus average pace needed. The 3.15 at the 16.56 albeit sharp, gave me a little zone and mental boost to keep on track, whereas the 3.24 at the 17.14 disturbed me from the off.
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    Suppose it did look a bit stupid SG, what can you do though? a kid also put down 4.10 and he got in the one after. Luck of the draw, will have to go back to lying again.

    Decent session that  - I'm off to the track later for I presume will be another beasting. At least I can wind IK up about doing a faster 800 than him on Saturday..Although he was probably thinking about the 1500 & 5000 he also had to do too!!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nah not stupid Simon, it's not exactly like you were beating 6min 1500ers!
    I'm sure Scott who occasionally posts on here reported something like 4.09 himself last night, so it's a shame you weren't in his presumably faster race?
    (he is a young lad still, so maybe that was him you refer to as 4.10!, although i think it was a big pb for him so maybe not)

    Geezer nicked my ferocious 7min miling seg yesterday, so it had to be put right at lunch today. Noticed he owned one in the same location, one of these dodgy hidden ones you only see on someone's profile, so thought I'd ensure swift retribution by lifting that one off his shift too.
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    Doing me a disservice with 4:09 SG, was actually 4.07.89 haha  ;) Pb was 4:14 before and put down 4:02 to make sure I was in the right race. Take's a lot of power of 10 stalking to try and work out what time you need to put down at Watford to get in the right race

    Race would have been perfect for you Simon, cracking solo run though. Looked strong throughout! 

    Still follow the thread but from afar

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Whoops, sorry Scott :)  Didn't mean to "break" your news, but hadn't seen you post for a while. Great time, albeit it shocking compared to your "prediction" ;)

    Gotta be careful with the visible online comments. Put a cheeky one about taking my seg back, and the chap I took it back off put a smiley face :)
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    You Strava wanker you SG :smile: Nice session though! Can't remember which car park we used in Pompey - just remember it being a bit of a mad last minute dash to get to the pens!

    Good work Simon - never happy though, if you're a wee bit disappointed with the last alp of a V45 PB :wink:

    Cracking time too Scott.

    I'm giving up on any speedwork! Did some relatively easy fast-strides of around 200m within a steady run yesterday, which is the closest thing to speedwork I've done for about 6 weeks, and it's left me feeling like a 90 year old today! Real struggle getting the miles back in currently....might take up tiddly-winks instead
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    I'll try and post a bit more regularly now, been back running injury free for around 5 months or so. Hoping to put a solid winter together now to build a solid base ready for next year. Few 10kms (Telford/Abbey Dash) and XC's etc thrown into the mix. 

    Bus - Have you tried switching some of the speedwork to grass? Might find the switch from pounding the tarmac during fast sessions helps 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Bus - only because we were living it up in the VIP tent, sharing pisses with Ewan Thomas and suchlike.

    Then realising to our horror that our pen(s) were a million miles away! Sod it, i'll go safe and park on the massive massive field that takes 10,000 cars! No rush afterwards!

    How about some flat road miles for a bit. No bone crumbling mountains and tough terrain? 
    It's a funny one, people always talk about running offroad, but in reality i've always found it's much harder work, and more chance of some ankle turning, trips etc
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Ah yes - the high life it was :wink:

    Flat might help, but not easy to fit in living here (and I like hills :smile:)

    Scott - nearly all of my runs are off-road anyway, though the recent speed work has moved on to a mainly hard gravel path rather than tarmac or grass. Pure grass might help - there is a large dog-shit covered playing field near work I used to do reps on I could get to, so may try that. Tbh, I think it's mainly just age and not being sensible enough to take a proper break!!!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, I keep thinking that you're early 40s for some reason, forgetting time moves on!

    It's when I look at my old races, and see one, and think hang on..that was back in 2012, and that was 6 years ago, you realise it!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Hey - it's me that's supposed to be forgetting things now :smiley:
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    SG, If you look at my strava from tonight I even ran to the podium course from my track session so that's the route you've to go from the motorway. The sub 16/18 is/was free entry for male and females. I don't think he does that now and its just a fiver. The A race is sub 18 but that's just loosely followed. I can't stress enough just how much you need to do the A race. It'll be pointless front running the B race. 

    Nice Watford win SC and you'll probably turn to stone if you've to wait until early September for a race. 

    Well done on the pb Scott. I noticed on strava you've been knocking out some tasty 800s. Good to see what an Injury free few months can do! 

    Bus, I was reading an article the other day about speed work. May well have been a Hal Higdon post on twitter. Basically saying it shouldn't be done all year round and even a couple of days a week doing strides can keep you ticking over, especially if you've no A race on the horizon. 

    Saying that, I had 4 x 1200 off 2 mins then 5 x 300 off 60s. 3.48- 3.46- 3.45- 3.44 for the 1200s and felt ok. 3 @50s and 2@ 49s for the 300s. Generous recoveries for the 1200s as coach is after seeing what sort of shape I'm in after 'pissing about for 3 months' :-D 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Looks like i completely misread the whole sub 16/18 thing so will deffo go a race then!

    A lot of confusion in the comments on the fb page with blokes quoting sub 18 and people asking what was what.
    Organiser finally said sub 18.

    Not getting lapped might be a big ask if there's low 14s again!!
    Steve cram was there last time i see!!
    Looking forward to it.

    Do you get km splits from a geezer each lap or just the first one? Or is it just obvious from there on in?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Ps good little dip back in!
    Still got the magic
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    Bus- it's never too late for the speedwork mate! Good run there Scott, just having a look at the unofficial results now. Yes race 10 or 11 would have been fine, especially racing Katie for the first time! Obviously despite being in the same club, she does bigger events like the commonwealth games..struck home when we were chatting and someone wanted a photo with her. 
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    SG, he just shouts the split at the first km. You won't get lapped. If you get a tidy first Km then there'll already be little groups formed so you can hopefully try and work through them. Another tip would be to get on the Inside for each bend if you're in a group. You can be on the inside on one of the sweeping bends then the next one goes the other way so you're pushed to the outside. If you're towards the front of the group then you won't get pushed out. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good advice from MLSG. And I have messaged you, I hope!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nice one Matt. Similar happened to that at Battersea near the start. I knew I needed to be left, yet was far right and despite a colossal burst couldn't get in past the guy on my side. Still gave a 3.15 first km though!
    Will aim to get out hard on Monday, as easing into a race that short simply doesn't work for me.

    Binning the LSR off this week, but did a 10 today instead as a single.
    That's 55 miles Monday to Friday with 2 good sessions and 2 singles 10s.

    Will probably just do one last 6 at some point over the weekend to try to keep a decent mileage but be fresh.

    Aley - no alert came through? Will drop you one instead..
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Simon - you and Dean are exceptions to the ageing rule when it comes to speed mate :wink:

    Nice session Matt, and I like the sound of that article! 

    Glad to see you got away from the Slough trading estates today SG :smile:

    I'm not too concerned about the speed - it'll come back, albeit a wee bit slower. I must still have some (relative) speed in me as the first 10k of Wokey was okey dokey and that was only Feb....!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Bus, your optimism is misplaced. 

    What you do doesn't work. It might have done briefly once, but not anymore.
    And as long as you treat your ailing frame as just another obstacle getting in the way of your ambition it will remain so.


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