
Sub 3



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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    OO - are you doing Mont Blanc marathon again next year?  I got a place in the Cross (23k); decided on that rather than the 90k again, as I'd promised the missus we'd do the Duo Etoile pairs race together on the Saturday evening.  Should be a bit of fun at an easy hike/jog pace.

    Padams - good work on the press ups. Last year, I found November the hardest month; December is easier with the end in sight.  Nice parkrun too.

    Have done 3 x 100(ish) mpw since Abo, and similar for the 3-4 weeks before.  Hard to say if I'm any fitter than at the start of autumn as I'm always a bit tired, but starting a taper now. Did a parkrun on Sat before a two hour run home.  One guy well ahead, but closed the 30 metre gap on 2nd on the last of 3 laps.  Too much traffic to get past him, but we crossed together in 17.30.  Worth a bit more if I wasn't dodging people, leaping puddles and dog leads etc.  Hoping to still be on track for a respectable marathon in December.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Dan - sadly not, still traumatised from this summer. Will be back in the near future but other plans for 2019. It looks like your in great shape for Valencia. Fast park run and lots of other miles is the magic recipe. Fresh and bouncy on the day now. 
    LMH - Sedation it is. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    WTG - thats a decent few days. Agreed, build frequency and mileage first.

    Padams - keep the press ups going.

    OO - well done on having a word with yourself and getting back out for the 21.

    TT - hope your health picks up soon.

    Wardi - the booze up sounded good. Cotton wool time soon, but cant get too excited until the wind forecast is in ( too early for weather watching yet).

    Dan - sounds good, make sure you taper well.

    Managed to defer an early run due to rain, but copped some lunchtime anyway. The 3000 quest keeps getting me out the door as i know i cant affrd to miss much. The 3.01 is getting me out the door on long run day at the moment too. All good games to play with ypurself in order to get the training done.
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    Good to see you Dan - sounds like a solid block of training, hope you get an appropriate return on the investment on race day.

    Whatever works to get you out of the door is good TR.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Cheers for the good wishes all.

    OO - sedation every time. I had to drive myself home afterwards so didn't have the option. I don't get why they put the camera in front of you. Of all the body parts I don't need a close-up of that would rank #1!! Fingers crossed your ITB settles down asap.

    Dan - sounds like you're in good shape.

    Reminded myself of advice previously put out by Padams that if you feel better to give it another day and didn't run yesterday. Woke up this morning without vertigo so will try run shortly and see how that goes.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Dan - very nice mileage, and that's a solid parkrun time with that many miles in the legs. As you say, November is likely to be the hardest on the press-ups. And I just realised I did one too many this morning as I thought it was 14 November, but I don't think I'm allowed to do one less tomorrow.

    TR - some good motivations there, 3,000M for the year will be very nice. I think I've only managed that once or twice (2007 and/or 2008).

    TT - good to hear you're feeling better (and being sensible!).

    OO - well done for getting the 21M done!

    Nothing for me yesterday - I usually have a day off on Monday as I can't get out of the office at lunchtime and Mrs Padams has a regular appointment on Monday evenings. Aiming to get to the club for some intervals this evening though.

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    I'm getting out of date here due to work stuff and a weekend away. Anyway, I did a quality 15 mile fartlek session on a flying visit to York on Sunday... which my legs were clearly not up to, as I had significant DOMS yesterday and am still creaky today. A few commute plods while it subsides, day off on Thurs due to work trip, then a little taper tune before my low-key half this coming Sunday. Not expecting much!
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    Gentle 4.7m yesterday and 5m today with no ill effects, so hoping I'm on my way out of the hamstring woods. Must say the KT tape does seem to have helped, whether it be placebo or otherwise.  
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Padams - think of Jan 1st, and a press up rest day.

    7m easy today, as against 15m inc the 24min, 6x4min, 24min longest BAC session i did on the Tuesday before the Solent 1/2 (4 weeks before Abo). Add that to a faster course and faster conditions (hopefully), and i should be a lot further up the road on Sunday. What could possibly go wrong ????
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    OO when is malaga? 

    Wardi - aye Ferriby, thought it would be live by now. There is a possibility that could be my only pre marathon race to see where I am at. I guess one would hope that experience and some training runs could help work out MP

    TR I might just sneak 1000 this year  :o

    EE Im a fan of ketotape (until the end of its use of course) 

    Legs are feeling a bit odd at the moment, Ive not got that fatigued feeling, the one you know about when you start to go up a hill and they're just so so heavy from training, which I would expect to have! 

    Right hand side groin was a bit tight yesterday post easy run, and left arch Ive been aware off for the last few weeks (Ive either rolled it on a trail or its a bit of ache). But I got out the door for 12 miles of trails this morning, I was initially thinking that I would definitely be forced to make tomorrow a rest day, however I really enjoyed this morning and everything felt fine, and Im remembering that rest days don't really help me too much

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    TR - what do you need between now and the end of the year for 3,000? I just checked mine and I'm on 2,437. I'd need to average 12m/19km a day from now until the end of the year to hit it. If the after effects of this migraine don't hang around for too long then it's possible. Good luck for Sunday!!

    WTGY - worth getting a golf ball under that arch maybe?

    I managed 13km at a decent clip yesterday, plus a weights session. Still not 100% so I'll take it easy for the next 3 days as I'm taking the weekend off anyway (back to the Motherland for a flying visit). It was good to get some fresh air though!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    WTGY - I've got a sore arch at the moment, probably PF which I've never had before. It's OK when running but sore afterwards and walking in certain shoes. I've tried some self-massage but it's really painful!

    8.5M last night inc. 3x(4x400) on a road loop. I didn't push it too hard, partly because we had a huge group and it was tricky negotiating corners on a dark road with so many people around, but good to do something faster. I should have time at lunchtime or before nursery pick-up to get a run in today.

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    PF was a little worry actually - and like you padams its never something Ive had. (there can't be many running injuries that I've not encountered!)

    TT - good mileage and return yesterday, Id been rolling a cricket ball yesterday find it quite therapeutic.

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    WTGY - I find rest days generally make me feel worse, a few easy miles works well with rest days if life dictates/I'm ill or actually injured rather than carrying a niggle.

    EE - much of the time my physio says that the tape reminds your brain to use muscles in the right way rather than having a direct effect on how they are which makes sense to me.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Padams - i had my stomach/pelvic issue and PF at the same time and running was miserable, so i stopped for a while, which sorted the PF. Other than that, i would say to wear supportive shoes as much as possible (no flip flops etc), and some heel raises which you use at all times for a while.

    TT - i needed 510 thru nov and dec, and am on target having done 120ish so far. Gosport will cost me a few miles due to a few easy days before and after. Then i also have jury service starting next week and im not sure how much running i can fit around that yet. A big few weeks at the start of December and the coastal run will hopefully get me the 3000. Will be dissapointed if i miss it. I had a low April, june and july due to hammy issues, but a few 300m months have bailed me out.
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    Padams - could indeed be PF. When I had it the only time it didn't hurt was when I was running bizarrely. Taping it underneath to 'lift' the arch really helped me.

    WTGY - I found taking it off in the shower marginally less traumatic than the baby oil they suggested lol.

    LMH - I see the logic in that; more of a form correction than a fix in itself.

    Not going to my running club tonight as trying to go quick again too soon after the initial hamstring pull is what made it recur. Tbh I'm tired/hungover enough from a work black tie dinner last night that it's helped me out in terms of giving me an excuse/avoiding the guilt from missing a club session! 
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    Wise move EE. Good to hear you've managed a few pain free runs already.
    Good work TR. I'm hoping to hit 3K too which will be my highest ever mileage by some margin. I need to do 100K a week every week to achieve it.
    So far this week has been 0, 5+10, 4+6. Most of it has been steady apart from the 10K this evening which was 6x1K at 6 min/mile off 2 minutes recovery at 8's
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    WTGY - 9th Dec as long as it does not get flooded and called off as in 2016!
    Good work to get 3K or near £K, I am on 2250 maybe 2600 for the year?  Racing 6 marathons has put a dent in this but the upside is lots of fast marathon pace miles. 
    5&7 yesterday, 10 for today but need to do something with speed as apart from a recent 10K not run any miles quicker than 6.30 mpm since mid September.  
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    I'm probably going to end up at about 2,100M for 2018, which isn't bad. Whilst I'm on pretty low mileage, at least it's consistent (my lowest month is only just under 150M).

    EE - black tie dinner on a Tuesday? That's unusual - if they did that here we would lose a lot of revenue for the rest of the week!

    TR - yes, certain shoes seem to make the foot worse than others. Unfortunately most of the running shoes I have are reasonably lightweight - that's been fine in the past, maybe I'm just getting old.

    About 6.5M yesterday lunchtime, all easy (despite the Garmin telling me I was doing 5:5x-6:0x pace all the way - I left before it had properly got signal and I guess it never did).

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    TR said:
    WTG - thats a decent few days. Agreed, build frequency and mileage first.

    Padams - keep the press ups going.

    OO - well done on having a word with yourself and getting back out for the 21.

    TT - hope your health picks up soon.

    Wardi - the booze up sounded good. Cotton wool time soon, but cant get too excited until the wind forecast is in ( too early for weather watching yet).

    Dan - sounds good, make sure you taper well.

    Managed to defer an early run due to rain, but copped some lunchtime anyway. The 3000 quest keeps getting me out the door as i know i cant affrd to miss much. The 3.01 is getting me out the door on long run day at the moment too. All good games to play with ypurself in order to get the training done.
    Good luck at Gosport TR. May the wind be forever at your back, and the odds in your favour. (some sort of running version of the hunger games?)

    Also after 3,000 miles for 2018. Achieved comfortably last year, but this year I had a 2month piss about locking at 50mile weeks but more quality, so it's going to be tighter than ideal... Need to average 61 a week until the end of the year, and may be relying on 31st December being a Monday!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Padams - you can also try as much foot stretching as possible too. The heel inserts is a good tip too.

    SG - i had a peep earlier and a "moderate easterly (bizarrely) breeze" is forecast, so i wouldnt be travelling from Slough for it (i know you are not entered anyway), as 1/2 of it will be into the wind. But i can still aim for a  "comeback" pb, with my best time since i started racing again this time last year.
    Good going if you crack the 3000, given no marathon training long runs, my 3000 chances were saved by a few 80+ mile weeks, so you are doing very well off slightly lower maximum weeks. I know its only an arbitrary figure but it will hopefully set me up for a decent 2019, and a few sub 3s.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I always rope Gosport in with Portsmouth, forgetting it's 10-15mins further on.

    Usually only remember when I put the sat nav on and it tells me 1hr 40, having allowed for 1hr 30 or less :)

    "Only" an average of 57.6 miles a week is needed for the 3,000, so liking to settle in the 60s it normally allows a comfort zone. Only takes a few weeks of snow, or a niggle to complicate it though.

    Loving the casual "a few" sub 3s! Just one is pretty decent going!

    Will have to get a few fast efforts down on the south coast next year. The 12 stage relay infuriatingly clashes with Eastleigh 10k, so that's already screwed though.
    Last year they clashed Reading half/Eastleigh 10k and the 12 stage, only for snow to ruin the lot!
    Might have to do a couple Gosport 5ks again and confound the locals that some clown has driven over 3 hours all in for a 17-18min race :)
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    Interesting reading as ever when I pop in now and again :)

    TT-  That sounded horrible, glad you're feeling better..Padams - The 5 miler, would that be Wolverton? Going to be really interesting what happens to that now its moved to Sunday morning from a Saturday afternoon. Can see the quality dropping off rapidly, many only did it because it was on a Saturday.

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    Padams - guessing they got the hotel for cheaper on a Tuesday! Was only four people from our office who went, so couldn't even wallow in communal apathy yesterday!

    Spoke too soon on the pain-free runs, niggle resurfaced about mile 4 of today's 5.4 miler. It's a weird one; because the pain is only ever really a 2/10 it isn't enough to stop me running. If it was like 8/10 I'd know something was up and rest up for a bit, but the fact it's inconvenient rather than majorly uncomfortable keeps luring me back in.   

    In terms of yearly mileage i was aiming for 1000 this year and I'm on 944. Probably would have hit 1100 before the niggle hit. Secretly want 1080 which would make it my best year in five years. Regularly hit closer to 2K before that. Guess how old my kids are lol.  
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    SC2 - no, I'm doing the Hatfield 5M. I think they were the same weekend last year too, but the quality at Wolverton was always much higher as you say. I wish there were more Saturday races, but I guess the logistics don't usually work.

    6M steady + 126 press-ups just done (44.5mins for the combination, probably split 42 of running, 2.5 of press-ups).

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    No idea on annual mileage as I don't wear a watch, record or write it down, but I would guess near to 4000 by year end.  Other than one week of holiday back in May I doubt I've done less than 50 miles in a week.  Always training for the next marathon or ultra, and usually in the 70-90 range I suspect.  Did get a clue as to my pace, as I did my last medium long run y'day and went past one of those speed cameras that tells you how fast you're going, and gives you a smiley face if you're under the speed limit.  It said "9" which I guess is about 6.30 min/mile.  Did 2 hours feeling pretty fresh all the way, and that was about the slowest I went.  Very satisfactory.

    No long runs this weekend as I'm off on a pre-Spain trip to Spain.  Bit of golf, but the hardest thing will not be boozing heavily with the other lads who are going.  Have hired a car to force me to drive everywhere instead.

    Oh, and if anyone wants a laugh, the quiz show 15to1 that I recorded a year ago, was on Channel 4 this afternoon.  Will be available on catch up.  Any marathoner who doesn't get my first question right should hang their head  :D
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - your dedication is admirable to travel for a quick race. I live around a mile warm up jog from the Lakeside 5k series, but its way too quick and short for me.

    Dan - 4000 will trump me ! 

    I think ive done 2000 before but usually wsy less due to swim/bike. I doubt I'll get anywhere near 3000 again, so i hope to seize the chance.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    TR.. it's forecasting mist/fog early doors here at the weekend which I guess means light winds - hope some of that heads down south for you.  Would be good to see all your ducks in a row after all the training investment.
    Dan A.. enjoy the break, sounds like you're in good nick.  You normally go well in Spanish marathons so good luck with this one.
    TT.. must be something of a relief getting a decent run in after recent dramas.
    WTGY.. crikey, I ran the Ferriby 10 miler many years ago when I was a young lad.  It was my first serious attempt at sub 70 for 10 miles and I remember clocking a glorious failure in 70.01.  I also remember that the 2nd half was much easier than the first half and the route didn't seem to go anywhere near Ferriby.  :)
    Regarding Plantar Fasciitis.. a clubmate of mine who is a bit older than me got to the point where running was too painful and he was walking with a limp.  I urged him to go to my physio who is very good with chronic injuries.  He got an injection into the heel/foot (cortisone) and was told not to run for 2 weeks and walk as little as possible.  He carefully resumed running last week and has run 3, 5, 5 & 6 miles so far without any feeling of discomfort or sign of it returning.  
    Padams.. I used to have a Garmin 310XT which took 30-60 seconds to pick up a signal.  The best of the new crop (FR230/235 etc) are much niftier - they pick up the signal in about 2 seconds, sometimes when you are still indoors close to a door or window!

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    Sounds as though you're in great shape Dan. Hope you can enjoy your trip without the booze.

    Looking forward to hearing how you get on TR - DBS  :)

    Wardi - my 230 will get a signal indoors when it can't even see the sky through a window or door - no idea how. Does make me feel that big brother is watching...........
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    OO and have you managed to get that speed session in? 

    Memories are correct Wardi, It used to be to get under 60, something like 31.30 even 32 half way and you had a hell of a chance. And no, probably doesn't go within 5 miles of Ferriby - bizarre. 

    12 miles on the trails this morning, possibly a few too many with a long one scheduled for tomorrow but most enjoyable. (again) 

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