
Sub 3



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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Been offline for a few days - Mrs Padams is away for work so I'm busy trying to squeeze in nursery trips, making/buying food and working. Just had a quick skim back and seems to be some good training going on, especially TR and CW with a casual 3:11 marathon. And no mention of injuries!

    For the above reasons I've not done a lot of running for the last few days. Did the parkrun in the snow on Saturday (won in 18:3x), then had a day off on Sunday. Monday I didn't get a chance to get out, and managed to squeeze in 5M before nursery collection yesterday. I won't get a chance to run today, but the Mrs is back tonight so will try to get some decent training done over the next few days (although she is on call tomorrow night and all weekend).

    I have a lot of respect for single parents, it's pretty relentless!

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Nice juggling efforts with baby minding, shopping, head chef, work & running Padams.  Congrats on the parkrun win too.
    TR.. I don't know if it's my imagination but in the last few months the worst weather almost always seems to arrive on a weekend!  Bliddy annoying when there's an 'A' race booked.
    Decided on the multiple loops option today as it wasn't too cold, pleasantly sunny & light winds.  9 laps of York racecourse totalled 18.4m for the morning.  Glad to get it done looking at the forecast for the next few days.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Padams - agreed there, i used to spend a lot of time with my eldest when he was a tot, when the SPO was still dancing a lot evenings and weekends. She had to reign it back when they got to school age, as they get their own commitments too.

    Wardi - excellent run there, it certainly seems to be like that weatherwise at weekends.

    EE - i have applied for the Withdean (fast) start, but i cant get a train to get there in time. So am hoping to park nearby ? And get a taxi back from the finish? Its too far to walk back. Any idea on where the park and ride parking is ?

    A mere 5m easy peasy pace today.
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    I'm so glad I don't have kids, I really don't know how people do it!

    Club session last night was hard - 7 x 0.6 miles off 60 seconds. I thought my lungs would burst on the second half of each lap into the wind. Somehow though my legs were quite sprightly for tonight's 13 miler with the youngster. I did have to tell him to man up at one point and he was slowing me down again. He wore new shoes (that he bought in Sports Direct of all places) and they gave him a tiny little blister on his big toe. I'm afraid he didn't get much sympathy from a woman who ran 9 miles with a broken toe.

    He won't be joining me again for a few weeks, but that's because he asked me to write him a training plan for the Notts 20 (now only 5 and a half weeks away) and he's the type to need to run the full distance in training first. He was actually going to go out on Monday night and run 20 miles in one go. I pointed out that in summer he ran 10 miles one evening and 10 the next morning and ended up with such bad shin splints he couldn't run for a month and that doing that without the 10 hours rest in between was unlikely to be a better plan. End result, I've written him a plan that builds his long from 13 to 15, to 17 to 19 (knowing full well he'll actually do 20) then a two week taper. My MLRs aren't quite that long and they're hilly, whereas the race is flat, so I'm packing him off to do them on his own at weekends. It's a bit of a shame, because the time does pass more quickly with company. At least until the company starts whining about a tiny blister, that is!
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    I guess you appreciate Mrs Padams all the more now Padams  :)

    Sounds as though he needs a visit to a running shop more than a training plan CC2?

    Wet, wild and windy here this morning, not sure if the heavy rain and wind gusting at march of the wheelie bin force is going to be conducive to a run.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TR I used to view races as a bit of a practice, but also to see where you are and to build confidence. 
    I don't think there are many People shooting for a sub 3 that wouldn't switch trainers with you right now, so that should give you loads of confidence. 

    CW maybe food is the key, I ached a lot Tuesday, and ate loads! felt ache free ash yesterday. 

    LMH - I'm thinking the same, but needs must, well for me they do - have you a marathon on the horizon? 
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    I'm not local to the area TR so don't have a clue I'm afraid. When I did it in 2010 I stayed in the Travelodge opposite Preston Park and this time I've managed to snaffle an Airbnb about a mile away. 

    Blew a gale overnight here too LMH, but luckily the worst of it had subsided by the time I went out in it. 

    Club session last night - 10 x hills (8.8m total). I was right at the back of the pack as Sunday isn't out of my legs yet, but pleased all my reps were consistent. Mixed it up this morning - bored of the routes I'm limited to in the dark near me, so got the train up to work early and ran up in town and headed to a completely new area. A real rave run (10.8m) - one of those where the watch doesn't matter and I felt genuinely privileged to be a runner (cue soppy music and insprational montage)... 
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    Nice run in the recent half EE - looks like we very nearly crossed paths this morning - next time! 

    CW - big long run as ever, hope the legs aren't too battered this week. 

    Padams - that parenting lark sounds like though work. Think I might take some convincing. Nice work with the PR win. 

    Had my best session for ages this morning. Felt rubbish in the warm-up so was planning to bin it off, but got going and felt really good. 3 x 1 lap of Battersea park (1.75 miles) with 2 mins recovery. Paces were 6mm, 5:55, 5:52. Effort felt nice and in control.

    Seems like the miles might be working. 50 this week so far (most of it easy though). 
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    Nice parkwin again, Padams.

    WTG -- I scoffed a load of (slightly stale) Shreddies and some apricots after supper last night to restore my carb levels, but my legs were worse still today. Odd, even by my standards. I think I'll take Fri & Sat off completely...
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    WTGY - London. It was rough out there this morning, heavy rain with the wind behind it that hurt my face, blown sideways and nearly to a standstill at times. What they call character building I think............

    Nice reps Joe.

    Charlie do you not think you might be better off with consistent mileage rather than the boom and bust you seem to be doing currently? I think you need to have a look at your recovery protocol at least - there's no way you should be suffering as you are and scoffing Shreddies after supper is too late for optimum muscle intake post exertion.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    CC - why not keep the company if you enjoy it?
    Lmh - yes was windy and rainy here too, trouble is the alternative is probably gor more cold and ice.

    EE - ok thanks, im sure it'll work out.

    WTG - quite right, i looked back and saw that i did solent 1/2 in 1.25 on a wet and windy day before Abo, sunday is just a build up race that is part of the Brighton process.

    Cw - you might need to feed your legs some protein after running. However isnt tired legs just part of the marathon journey ? The 5 or 6 milers i do (as i have been following the P and D 2 x mlr, 1 x lr approach) seem to keep my legs fresh, so maybe put in a vouple of short days  that are spaced out. eg Monday and Thursday. I wouldnt take 2 days off a week to freshen them up, just keep running and they will adapt.

    5m easy peasy with a few 30sec efforts.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    CC2.. lol at your young training lad, brand new shoes before a speed session!  Schoolboy error that - hope he follows your training plan closely :o
    LMH.. good on you going out in that, it wasn't that bad further north - just a bit breezy.
    Nice pace in the circuits Joe.
    EE.. I often drive a few miles elsewhere for a run if I fancy somewhere different to my usual local routes.  A bit of variety keeps the tedium away.
    I refuelled last night with a 12" pizza & ice cream (& a beer or two).  The legs didn't feel too bad at all for today's 8m so I guess the calorific balance was about right :)

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    I went through a stage of doing that Wardi, but since the kids arrived I try and minimise the time I'm out, so the drive to and from wouldn't help with that. 

    At least I get to run in London once a week and with the club (slightly different area) once a week. It's more the dark mornings that are the problem as I have loads more choice when it's light early - roll on the clocks changing!

    Good to almost bump into you Joe - would have been a crazy coincidence given it's the first time I've ever run that way! Going that far west gave me a nosebleed... 
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    LMH/TR -- for sure I think I underfuelled specifically at the start of this week, with a marathon Sun, 12M (v ploddy) on Mon and then 20M on Tues. But I always get ploddy from consecutive days running, no matter how I eat -- I think it's something more fundamental to do with my muscles. The boom/bust bit is because I know I get a better result from big volume, which I can only do with consecutive commute doubles. But also I really want the quality (very) long Sun runs in there, which I can only do by resting Sat to get fresh legs. So it's an odd pattern, but the only one that works for me! (usually)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Wardi - top refuelling.

    CW - how about short runs fri and sat rather thsn zeroes? They might help your legs more.

    4m easy with strides, wind was pretty wild. Luckily it should be a lot less by sunday.
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    TR said:

    CW - how about short runs fri and sat rather thsn zeroes? They might help your legs more.
    I can recommend this - I found putting down 4-5 Friday miles at super easy pace, I always feel better for the weekend running having a full day off. 

    At the physio yesterday as an old issue was flaring up, my glutes not firing properly again and my quads and back taking the strain. Thankfully I made myself go early this time, so have exercises to right the problem but can still keep up the mileage. 

    Steady 9.5m yesterday, and easy 5 tonight...got 22m in the plan tomorrow then will begin easing off for the Hampton Court Quicksilver next weekend. Anyone else signed up for that?
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    I always feel better for running than not too, rest days don't seem to agree with me. Glad the physio has said you can keep the miles up TGO.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    TGO - I'll be at the Hampton Court half.  I organise all the pacers, so I'll be at start & finish anyway.
    Last year I did my 22 on the Saturday then jumped in and joined in pacing 1h30 as an "active recovery" on the Sunday.  May do the same again next week.  Will decide probably about half an hour before the start if I can be bothered, depending on the weather and how I feel.

    Had a dreadful 20 miler last Saturday (shock of the cold weather on return from hols didn't help), but have run a good 50 miles during the week and feeling much better for it.  Will try another long run tomorrow and see how we go...
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    TR - I'm not that selfish. He needs long flat runs and my MLRs aren't quite that long and they're hilly as ****. He can't join my long flat runs because they're too long for him and on Sundays, which he can't do because he goes to church. I can't do Saturdays because I do my long tempo runs on Friday nights. 

    And speaking of long tempos on Friday nights - I didn't appreciate the company of Storm Erik for 12 with 8 @ MP tonight! I didn't quite hit MP but I'm impressed that all of the miles came out under 7 min miling considering that I didn't seem to be actually moving forward a lot of the time. Glad it's over! 

    Charlie - have you tried BCAAs? We had this conversation (I think on here, but it could have been another forum) last week and I complained of severe DOMS after Body Pump. I took a BCAA drink to the gym with me and Monday, and as if by magic - no DOMS! Could be coincidence of course, but I'll stick with it just in case.
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    TGO - yes, I signed up last week for that Hampton Court Half.  A route I know fairly well, having run marathons on pretty much the same route many years ago.  It'll be a lot more fun than tomorrow's XC in Lloyd Park after all the rain today.  Mud Fest!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Dan - was probably the shock of the cold!

    CC - shame about the clash, some company would be nice. Good run that, bodes well on such a tough day.

    Wet and windy here again.

    4m inc strides, i had a groin that didnt want to play but fortunately loosened up. I think the SPO has come down with something, shes been asleep for a couple of hours. Hopefully she'll be ok later, otherwise i wont be disappearing off to Worthing in the morning.
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    Fingers crossed for you and the SPO TR. 

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    Hope you get to race TR.

    I think the cold probably had a lot to do with it Dan. Hope today's run was better.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Hope all ends well & the SPO recovers quickly TR.
    A short walk to the paper shop this morning revealed several upended wheelie bins, numerous garden decorations & plants blown around and someone's TV aerial.  I retreated to the safety of the treadmill for a 5 miler, weather looks good tomorrow so my planned MLR looks promising.
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    I chickened out and waited until the worst of it had passed Wardi, was still a tad breezy but much better at 1400hrs.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    @Cheerful Dave @Dan A great to know there may be a few of us looking big up. I may see you down there. I’ll be in a red Serpentine top and I have a beard these days. 
    They say the course is flat - any off road or should it be reasonably fast?
    Happy to get somewhere between 22 and 22 1/2 in today. Not sure exactly how far as on my second lap of Black Park the running watch decided to throw down a couple of 5:30m miles including an Olympic standard 47sec 400m, and a bonus three swims of the lake #onStravadidhappen #gohomeGarminyouaredrunk
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SPO felt improved last night so i ran.

    Rain wasnt too bad, but the wing blew ! Didnt feel particularly fresh, but dieseled it out. 1.24.13. Take the wind away and im in sub3 shape. Groin was better than yday. Couple of easy days, then back to it for a decent 6 weeks. 
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    Glad to hear you had a strong run, TR!  

    I'm going for my LSR a bit later on.
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    TR - nicely done today. A strong indicator as you say and with the final weeks to come just a case of consistency and a decent taper.

    Felt tired this week so didn't do a MLR. Felt a little better yday but didn't run XC instead did 10 miles with 6@6:3x.

    Backer that up today with 21 miles to end the week feeling a little better. Still haven't booked in any fixtures :(

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    31m in 2 days is commendable SJ, nice pace in that 10 miler too!
    TR.. glad to hear you made the start line and that's a cracking time in the wind, looks promising as marathon day approaches.  I can only assume you are often blighted with wind on a race day down on the south coast, we only had light-moderate winds here today.
    TGO.. that's a good long run yesterday, decent miles duly banked.  My one weird Garmin incident of late.. I have a post Parkrun warm down route of 3.5m which takes me down one side of the river, over a bridge, up the other side then over another bridge to get back to where I started from.  On this occasion the Garmin had the distance & splits correct but the map claimed I hadn't crossed the river at all - bizarre 🤔
    12.5m today, somewhat calmer conditions than yesterday.  64m for the week.

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