
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal - that's a speedy recovery from the shingles so hope you're able to get out for a little run soon.

    Do you think your achilles has some permanent damage/scarring?

    Bad luck missing another 2 races.

    Big G - yes, ET was race director for Chudleigh for several years and certainly for when I was race referee, think I did 3 years.   I looked at the video of the route on the website and it looks like my sort of race, so am looking forward to it.  Always a good atmosphere in the town at the race, they close off the town roads while the race is on and that always generates a good crowd at the start/finish.
    I entered Frome as I had an offer of a discounted entry a few months ago and knew it wouldn't be on a marathon weekend.
    I've entered Stur Half too as no Gloucester marathon and Stur Half is one of my favourite races.   It used to go past the house I lived in for the first 6 years of my life but they've changed the route now.

    Good news on the weight, it is much easier when not doing marathons but still getting some decent mileage done.  When I get up to 70/80 mpw my metabolic rate goes into overdrive and I definitely have to eat a bit more. :) 

    Circuits today was good.  Instructor is talking about doing our class outdoors one week, once he's found a venue and done a risk assessment.  That should be early morning entertainment for the town. :/  
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    edited July 2019
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    Rob - xpost as I was typing at a leisurely pace.  I then just posted a comment asking how you were and replaced it with this week's marathon list.

    That is a lot of surgery, I looked at the pics on Twitter, your link works, and it looks really sore, you must be in a lot of pain/discomfort.   :'(

    I hope they can make you a lot more comfortable after today's visit to the hospital.  I don't suppose the warm weather helps either with a cast on.

    Tour de France starts on Saturday, perhaps that'll help pass the time a bit, if you like watching that.

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    Shades, the warm weather killed me on Saturday, went for a couple of drinks and sat in the shade early evening, I came back not sure if it was the beer or the heat but I had the sweats, temperature and crazy thoughts!!!  Staying off the drink and out the sun just to make sure.

    The pain isn't too bad, I've masked it with paracetamol and have only taken 2 in last 48 hours.  I was given some strong ones by the hospital but I'm not a fan of using them and would prefer to ride it out.

    Never watched tour de france but may give it a go for a change of scenery, not watched this much cricket or womens football in years. 
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    Rob - it's cooled off here now, so hope it's the same with you.   That sounds like you had a fever.

    The scenery for the Tour de France is amazing.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Rob - Recover well.
    Big G - I have that book, next on my to read list!
    10 miler this morning, nice temps, easy pace.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, looks really bad!!  I hope you get some relief later.

    Shades, I’ve entered Stur Half as well. Never done it before. I’m enjoying planning some local, shorter races but as I say, still looking forward to getting back to marathons.

    Did a lovely 10-miler this morning, not being concerned about pace at all. I ran/walked the steeper hills, stopped to take in the views, let myself go on the downhills and just ran how I wanted on the flat bits. I feel I’m getting a bit of a spring back in my step, so along with the weight loss it’s all pointing in the right direction. 

    Regarding the shoulder, it’s still not right but I haven’t taken any pain killers for quite some time. I know there is a massage you can do underneath the shoulder blade to help with rotator cuff. At the start of all this that massage wasn’t doing anything but this week it’s kind of felt similar to when you massage a sore muscle. I’m taking this as a progress actually, as the massage I think is probably helping now. 
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    Steve - you must enjoy those easier runs in between the works sessions.   Nice and fresh this morning.

    Big G - last time I did Stur Half the parking is at the school, as per the marathon, but the start is a few minutes walk away, not far from the finish of the marathon.   The route is, I think, a reverse part of the marathon course and we finish coming down the hill into the school field and finish gantry is on the grass.    
    I think it must have been my mention of a free cake that nudged you to enter this one ;) 

    Nice to feel that you're getting your fitness back.   Good progress on the shoulder too.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - Yeah, I do prefer the relaxed easier runs!! Good to see progress too, exact same course, same average HR, but 22 seconds a mile faster average pace compared to the same run but in March this year.
    Thinking of my tune up race. Was going to do parkrun again, but would a 10k be better considering I'm racing a half?
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    Steve - that's a big improvement especially as it's now July and warmer weather affects HR.

    I think a 10k would give you a better idea of what pace you can hold in a half marathon.   You could do a parkrun or 5k race as well if you can schedule both distances into your plan.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Dont like trails at all,hate even running across grass.
    Legs feel good today,wasn't too sure how they'd be after yesterday so all good.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Ian, I'm the same as you with regards to trails.  I much prefer roads.  Even my local parkrun, which includes a 1-mile lap of a decent field, I'm quite a bit slower than if it was a road event.  A good few years ago now I did feel I was getting marginally better on the trails.  Before there was a nearer parkrun, I regularly went up to Killerton parkrun near Exeter which is quite a hilly off-roader, and practiced a bit on that trying to run quicker there.  Any gains I may have had from doing that are long gone though, and I'm back to being crap again!  It's really very noticeable on the small number of offroad events I do - people really do fly past me on the downhills, especially.  Having said that, about half of today's run was on trails, but that was just out for a run and not racing, so it feels a lot different with no pressure at all.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Reading back to what you said,I've basically resigned myself that I'm stuck with my Achilles now,just get on with it.
    Looks like plans are changing for next year and I'm doing Boston.The lad has always wanted to go to New York and cant go with us as its term time and he's a teacher,but Boston is at the end of his Easter break so we can go NY for a few days,then head to Boston for the race.
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    edited July 2019
    Ian5 said:
    Rob-Dont like trails at all,hate even running across grass.
    Legs feel good today,wasn't too sure how they'd be after yesterday so all good.
    I'm the same, strictly road for me whenever possible.  I do a tiny bit of trail in my training runs, but that's usually to avoid the traffic and it's always good easy trail paths.  I will do a lap of Stover lake to look at the wildlife but that's good easy trail too.

    Good recovery Ian, I take it you'll enter Solway now?

    Skilful negotiation there for your trip to Boston!   Have you a qualifying time for Boston?

    Big G - is it just downhills off road that runners seem to pass you or downhills generally?  I'm not brilliant on the downhills and usually I will be passed by other runners but I can't bring myself to run as fast as I can downhill.

    No run for me this morning as I have a 10k race tonight.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, people do overtake me on the downhills on the roads, but I think that is just the decent descenders.  I guess I'm average on the road, whereas on offroad I'm really poor.  It's probably a confidence thing as I'm always very aware that I could turn an ankle or fall, and also because I don't do it enough I don't get better at it.  I do have trail shoes that should be suitable for the kind of terrain I would run in but really it's a confidence issue.

    Ian, sounds a nice break to still get NYC in as a sightseeing trip and then going off to do Boston.  Would you do Boston stopping taking pics etc, as per the NYC idea, or try and get a decent time there - it's a fast course, isn't it?
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ouch, Rob! :( That's a hell of a thing for just falling over.
    Big G, I'm shite at downhills too for the same reason. The "brain off, brakes off" attitude of fell runners just doesn't work for me because I can't turn the brain off.
    Not keen on grass either, Ian. I am happy enough running on hard trail/dirt but grass slows me quite a bit. Unfortunatley, if I want to complete all the parkruns in London, I'm going to have to run on grass for quite a few of them.
    Hope your race went well, Shades. I'm sad I had to miss the final race in the Wimbledon trail series, as much for the camerarderie as anything.

    I have, however, managed to get out for a run this morning. I walked to the common, did two laps of the parkrun course (2 miles) and then walked a bit more. The good news is I have plenty of energy following the shingles, and my left foot seems OK. The not so good news is the achilles is still grumpy. It's not horrible, but I'd have hoped it would be a bit less noticeable after a week and a half off.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes looking at doing solway,26 spaces left as of this morning.
    Big G-Think a lot there depends on the weather,its point to point so wind always seems have an influence 1 way,pretty hilly also but doesn't look as bad as people make out.
    I find I get overtook more on uphill now,but that's because I'm determined to try and run to effort up rather than powering,I usually get them on the downs 
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    Brain isn't working so wont be contributing to forum till it does, will keep following where i can but I'm exhausted all the time. Been signed off work for 6 weeks, cast is off and my leg is bandaged up, walking/ hobbling around the house on crutches everything is a huge effort.  The surgeon pleased with the work and how i was healing so just be a case of time and rehab hopefully.  Who knew parkrun could do so much damaged.

    The op itself was the pulled the skin off the top of my knee to replace the skin at the bottom of my knee, they said it was hard to move my leg around due to muscle mass (took that as a backhanded compliment) 
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    Big G - a lot of runners overtook me on the long final downhills at the Humdinger, but my feet were very uncomfortable after having run through 2 floods and that made me more cautious than usual.

    I'm mildly shocked that you might think Ian would do Boston stopping to take pics on the way round :o  

    Cal - that's a speedy recovery from your shingles and good that your foot is better too.   Seems your achilles doesn't respond well to enforced rest.   Shame about your missed races but at least they're not trips away, travel/hotels etc.

    Ian - good news about Solway, I'll add you to the list.

    You didn't reply re your entry to Boston, do you have a qualifying time?   

    Rob - blimey, 6 weeks off.  I agree how can a parkrun do so much damage.  :'(  Hope your brain is back in gear soon and you'll contribute to the thread.   So sorry to hear the rehab is going to be so long.  You'd better settle down to watch the Tour de France.

    Pilates was good, thankfully she didn't do that adductor exercise that floored me on Tuesday.

    Have heard that Yeovil marathon won't be on next year, promised to be back 2021, I do hope so as I like that race.

    Annoyingly that has already screwed up my plans for next year as Yeovil was pencilled in for my 399th.   Back to the drawing board.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Missed that,yes I will have  a BQ,they've moved the times 5 minutes faster as last years was 4.52 under,but even with the new times I'm nearly 9 mins under so should be fine.
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    Ian - that's brilliant that you have a GFA time :) 

    Now you have made your plans you'll probably get into London ;)  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, really sorry to hear that. Take it easy and get well soon. 

    Shades, Ian had mentioned he was possibly going to take pics etc at NYC, so was just wondering if he was considering similar at Boston. 

    Cal, well done on the run today. Great news your back so quickly. 

    Had planned a longer run today so decided to do the short run to Paignton train station, and travel to Exeter. Then the plan was to run back towards Teignmouth, with the option of stopping at an earlier station if I needed. Pleased to say I made it to Teignmouth, but was glad of the Camelbak as it was getting warm. Exeter to Teignmouth was a bit under 17miles. I grabbed a pub lunch in Teignmouth as I was very hungry, before catching train back to Paignton. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Big G-You're right in that NY will be a sightseeing race with no thinking about time,plenty of pics and videos taken.As for Boston then I may hang around Wellesley for a bit for some reason  ;)
    That was a great distance for you today,well done.
    Shades-If I get in London then I'll probably do them both,but still highly unlikely.
    Easy 6 after work,unsure on next weeks mileage,I'll have done 45,51,52 by sunday,then have 2 weeks until Solway,how many miles would you suggest for next week?
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    Big G - that must be a most enjoyable way to do a long run, nice scenery, pub lunch and the train home :) 

    Ian - well if you do get into London you can decide nearer the time what you want to do, anyway that's a problem you can easily deal with.

    Re mileage, you've done some decent training the last few weeks.  I would suggest you drop to 40mpw this coming week and for the final week let your level of tiredness/work commitments dictate how much running you do.   You want to be fresh for Solway. 

    Epic fail for my 10k race.   Laid all my kit out on the bed, water chilling in the fridge.  Had 15 minutes before I needed to get changed so sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee.  I promptly fell asleep and woke up 40 minutes later.   :disappointed: We had to collect race numbers on the night and that closed 15 mins before race start, if I'd had my race number then I think I could have made it on time. 

    Annoying as I was looking forward to that race.

    7 miles this morning, nice fresh, sunny morning.   Beautiful smell of newly mown hay.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I'd love to do Boston, Ian - nowhere near quick enough though.
    Shades... :o Sounds like something that could happen to me - I often fall asleep in the afternoon.
    Big G, sounds like a nice run.

    Did 3 miles today. No change on the achilles but everything else feels good. I was actually quicker than I  expected to be (10:17/10:02/9:50) - I wasn't paying attention to my splits, just going by feel. Interestingly, my cadence is a bit lower than normal but my stride is longer. I wonder if the latter is down to the various drills I've been doing.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry Shades, but I had to chuckle at that story. Shame you missed the race though!  Yeah, I was pleased with the run although I did find it quite tough. I was running with a camelbak as I knew it was going to get warm, and I don’t particularly enjoy running with it. I did attempt this run last year but had a case of the trots, so had to abandon at Starcross last year. 
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    Cal - I think you can get a guaranteed place at Boston if you use a sports tour company.   Fairly pricey trip though.   Boston has never been on my wish list, no particular reason, just never fancied it.

    If I do fall asleep in the afternoon it's usually for 10 or 20 minutes after lunch.   Yesterday my flat was quite warm in the late afternoon and that probably made me a bit dozy.

    Big G - Yes, I laughed too at missing the 10k, but I was cross with myself too.

    Can you do that long run with a bottle instead and refill along the way?   A good thing about all the publicity about single use plastics is that for us runners it's going to be so much easier to find places to refill our water bottles. 

    I see YT had another good sub 16 run at the Exe 5k on Tuesday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Shades, probably I could ask for a refill at shops/pubs along the way.  Although it’s the coast path I’m not more than 3 or 4 miles from a shop/pub on the route.  If I went from Teignmouth towards Torquay it would be harder as that's more remote on that section.  Last year on a really hot day I was about 5 miles from home and had ran out of water, but a post office let me fill up my bottle.  Another reason for using the Camelbal was to see if the shoulder would be okay with it, which in the main it was.  I'll need the Camelbak when I do City To Sea in September.

    Just looked at my times from my previous two Erme Valley Relays - 17:10 in 2016 and 17:29 in 2017 for the approximately 2.4 miles.  It's something to aim for I suppose but based on that 4 miler last week I'll be over the moon with anything starting with a 17, but I feel that's unlikely.  I may surprise myself I suppose - we'll see what happens!
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    Big G - good that the shoulder was OK with the Camelbak.   How far apart are the drink stations at C2S?

    Good luck for tonight at the relays.  I just assumed each leg was 5km
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it’s about 13 miles and then 20 miles for the check points.  They do put a water station at around 23 miles as from 20-26.5 it is very tough. But there’s a small kit list that we have to take as well, so unfortunately I think a bag is the best bet for me. I think some of the front runners look like they ignore the kit list so I don’t know how strictly it’s enforced (I’ve never heard of anyone being DQ’d) but I do take it.

    I just looked at the elevation chart for tonight and it really doesn’t look too bad, but it’s about 240ft of elevation gain for the 2.4 miles according to Strava. Basically, you come out the rugby club and it’s straight down hill, but of course you know at some point you have to come up again :) Having a rough eye on weekly mileage I’ll try and do a couple of miles warm up and do a cool down as well, then parkrun tomorrow should take me up to just under 50 for the week (I may well do a bit extra to get the 50 if I need to... ;)). If I feel like running on Sunday I will do, or if I feel I need a rest day, it’s no issue. 

    Although I did struggle a bit yesterday my legs feel ok this morning, so that’s good news. 
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