
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Also had to laugh at you missing the race,when I seen epic fail I thought you'd had a bad race,didn't expect that.
    Big G-Nice to see you are planning marathons again,good luck for tonight.
    Cal-how old are you now? 4:10 when you get to 55.
    Rest day today,last 3 weeks I've ran 6 days each week but feel good.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    52, Ian. I think it's 4:05 though.
    Good luck Big G.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    I did Erme Valley Relays last night, and really enjoyed it.  I do like these relay events, as they're great club nights....really social, but everyone wants to try and run well.

    As for me, I did a slow lap of the 2.4 mile course as a warmup, and got back to see the start of the event.  Absolute carnage for those going first as the race comes out of the car park and then it's a sharp turn to the left down a narrow country road.  Elbows out all over the place as people try and get into their position.  Glad I wasn't running first.

    I went and got a drink, and then made my way over the starting area, as I was going out second in my team of four.  They hold the runners in a pen slightly away from the start line, so there's a lot of jostling for position when runners see their club mates comes in for the handover.  Mine came in and I got away on a clear straight.  Immediately a Plymouth Harrier flew past me and I never saw him again, and one other runner went past me, but other than that I was overtaking people all the way and feeling really good.  We're all in different teams and different paces, but seeing runners ahead helps push you on.   Having jogged the loop before I knew where the hills were so dug in on those and although tiring I pushed on as best as I could.  I wasn't looking at my watch (no time to do that on the quite technical, narrow course), but was still feeling good and crossed the line in......17:29.  Yep, exactly the same time as I did in 2017 and was surprised to have been that quick.  

    Then I did a mile cool down before getting my pasty and chips :)  

    It was a good evening out.

    Edited to add there were 155 teams so a great event on a Friday night.
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    edited July 2019
    Big G - that's a great result at the relays, that must give you a lot of confidence on your comeback trail. :)   You earned that pasty and chips.

    Re C2S, I find that quite shocking that there's no water for 13 miles.   This is a charity event with walkers too, and they could take nearly 4 hours to do 13 miles.   Even in an LDWA event I can never remember such a long distance without water. 

    6 miles for me this morning, nice and cool but quite humid
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    I see Pro Direct are one of the sponsors at The Night of the 10,000 PBs

    New shoes for YT perhaps...

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    edited July 2019
    Well done to London Marathon for a full investigation over the 7.5 pacer and the issues with that group.   they've identified what went wrong on the day and are going to put things right.

    And just to annoy a lot of the faster runners all the runners that finished over 7 hours this year are getting a free guaranteed entry for 2020.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-That's a really good time considering how you've been lately,that must help your confidence.
    Shades-Great that they've fixed the issues but unfair that they have given everyone over 7 a place,over 500 finished after 7 hours and most of them wouldn't have been affected.It's not the faster runners who will be affected as those places will come out the ballot,unless they reduce the club places again.
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    Ian5 said:

    Shades-Great that they've fixed the issues but unfair that they have given everyone over 7 a place,over 500 finished after 7 hours and most of them wouldn't have been affected.It's not the faster runners who will be affected as those places will come out the ballot,unless they reduce the club places again.
    Ian - I think it's the least they could do is to give a free place to those 7+ hour runners, it's impossible to know exactly who and how many were affected.   I'm sure it won't affect the club places but perhaps will come out of the ballot allocation quota.    Very mean spirited if anyone thinks that is unfair.  By faster, I meant faster than 7 hours, not elite.  I expect there be a few that won't want to do the event again anyway.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it could be that I’ve forgotten a water station for City to Sea - not sure. The two official aid stations are very well stocked though.  Proper LDWA style food available.

    Did a bit over 10 miles this morning, including parkrun. Quite warm out there today, but felt ok.

    We have friends over this evening so getting ready for that, but will probably have a bit of a snooze in the sun first. :)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Quick 3 miles before work means a warm up and race tomorrow will get me to 50 for the week.Put a bit of pace in to half a mile and it felt good,still not sure how my legs will be after 3 big weeks but soon find out.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Team races are great fun, Big G. Still hoping I can do the mile relays in a couple of weeks.
    Today was the 5,000 track races which I should have been running, but I went to volunteer anyway. Rather glad I wasn't running as there weren't enough people for the slowest race so they merged it with the next one. I would have been last by a long way. Hot too.
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    Big G - re C2S maybe it was just that you only remembered the food stations  ;) not the water only stations.  13 miles does seem an extraordinarily long distance without water.

    Ian - good luck for your 10k, and anyone else racing today.

    Cal - just as well you decided not to run the 5k, marshalling is the next best thing to racing. 

    Warm here too yesterday, thankfully going to cool a little for the next few days.

    Just had a small bowl of porridge before my run.  Haven't decided how far to go so decided to have breakfast in case I decide to run long.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Went out today with the goal of running 6 miles. Did 6.7 because after mile 3 I added an extra couple of paths, completely forgot about it by mile 4 and thought my Garmin was out so ran a bit further to compensate. Idiot.
    Here's the bad news. Foot was absolutely fine for the 2 and 3 mile runs I did during the week and felt fine during this one, but started hurting the second I stopped. I'm beyond frustrated. I've got more races coming up and I really don't want to have to cancel more.
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    Cal - I did a similar thing with my Garmin last week, it bleeped for first mile far too soon and I thought that's not right and I was really cross having my stats messed up.   Then I remembered I'd done a lap of the small park that day when I left home instead of running down one shorter side of the park, numpty.

    That's really annoying about your foot.  Can you strap it up, would that help?

    15 miles done this morning, not that warm but felt very humid.  Was pleased that one of the roads in today's route was closed due to road works, it's a bit of rat run and usually I have to be careful on a couple of the corners but today I had that road to myself.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, I'm not really sure what to say about the foot :(  Sorry to hear it though - I know how frustrating potentially missing races can be :(    Strange it came on after you stopped though.

    The evening at our house went well last night.  It was kind of a delayed house warming, but it went well.  OH is a very, very good cook and she did spend most of the afternoon cooking.  I offered my help of course, but the kitchen is very much her domain!  I think the only thing I did was put the chicken on the skewers.  It was quite a late night though and I woke up late today, after a disturbed night's sleep due to sneezing my head off.  I do on occasion get hay heaver, and this is one of those times.  I do have nose sprays for it which do help, but still annoying (for me, and for OH, and probably the neighbours....!) when I’m sneezing at 3am.

    It does feel a bit cooler today and so when I realised what mileage I had, I went out and did 5.4 to round it up to an even 60 miles for the week. Humid though.  I've ran 6 days in a row now but I'm feeling okay.  Similar to the last week, I've no set plans for the coming week but hope to get to 50ish again if I can.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, it was the same when I did Richmond parkrun a few weeks ago. Fine while running but hurt when I stopped. I've emailed my physio for an appointment. He may be able to figure it out. At least I know it's not broken.
    Deffo cooler today - I was running in drizzle.
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    Big G - you probably kept the wildlife away from the camera too with your sneezing ;) 

    50 miles last week, 60 miles this week, next week, will it be 70?   

    Have you booked your next marathon yet?

    Cal - my right foot, which I have a chronic problem with, don't have full flexibility in that forefoot/toes.   When I first had the problem with it, I would have little or no discomfort when running but after my run when I took my running shoes off, it would be quite sore, then after an hour or so would ease off and was fine.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I don’t think it will be 70 next week.  I was having a look back to my one and only 70-mile training week (with no marathons that week) and I ran twice in one day, ran 7 days in a row and did a Half at the end of the week.  When I did that I just knew I was running well, but getting to 70 is tough for me to do without doubles-days, plus I do think I'll need a rest day next week.  I've done 70-80+ when I've done a couple of marathons in a week, but as I say I’ve only done it once with no marathons in a "proper" training week.

    Yes, my next marathon is booked, with an Airbnb booked too.  I was very tempted to book a July one but I’m being sensible and my next one is 11th August.  It’s a lapped one, by How Hard Can It Be.  I scraped under 4hrs on the same course carrying an injury earlier this year, but not sure what I’ll do at this event - depends on the weather to some extent, but really I just want the shoulder to hold up and the number one aim is to get around it.  I'm also hoping to do both of Davy’s later in August, but really my main focus is to see where my fitness is at is Berlin at end of September.  I may even do Bridgwater Half (rather than find a marathon that weekend) in the build up to Berlin.  I'm really trying to not look too far ahead though as I'm still very wary of the shoulder, but I do feel confident enough to start planning some now.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Hope the physio can sort you out,good luck.
    Big G-Great miles again from yourself,think I've only ever once hit 60 in a week,hope you continue to improve.
    Alderley Edge 10k for me today,not the most scenic of routes but I was trying to see how close I could get to 38,thought I should have had it last time but 18:30 at 5k killed me,so wanted to get there at 19 today,as it was it was 18:53,and in 58th but felt ok so left me with 19:07 for 38,for a field of 2100 I was surprisingly on my own then,the next group of about 8 was about 50mtrs ahead,just thought I'd steadily try to reel them in,at 8k I had them in striking distance and starting going through them,went past them all then another group were ahead so really pushed now as I felt I still had something,went through all them except the 2nd placed woman who came with me,into the last 500mtrs we were neck and neck,then she went a few strides ahead but I timed my last push a bit better and got ahead with about 25mtrs left,proper racing at the end helped us both.Crossed the line and didn't stop my watch,result came through as 37:39 so 2nd 5k was 18:46 so a slight negative split.Finished 43/2180 and 3/175 in age group so overall a really good race.
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    Big G - I wouldn't expect you to go for 70 this week.  You've done a lot in the last 2, weeks and good idea to back off this week and have a step back week taking that rest that you feel you need.

    That's a good choice for your return to marathons, isn't that a flat route?  Although not about time but getting round comfortably without any discomfort. You'll have done a couple more half marathons by then too.

    I'm doing Davey's on the Saturday and marshalling on the Sunday, I expect at the drink station.

    I have a leaflet on Bridgwater half, but haven't decided yet whether to enter.

    Ian - fabulous running, and you were worried about tired legs!!  I do hope you got a prize for 3rd in your age group, you certainly deserve it.

    Great that despite the big field you could still run freely without others getting in your way.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Unfortunately only age group winners got a prize so a bit longer to wait,it didn't even cross my mind to be honest.Really happy as that completes 3 weeks around 50 miles  so think there may be little more to come with rested legs.
    Wava was 79%,just behind my 5k,strava says I had 1 mile that was 5:39  :) must have been the downhill bit we had
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    Ian - it's not really about the prizes, but for that result and placing I think you deserve one.  You train hard and race well.

    Impressive WAVA stats too.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, that is a fantastic result. To very slightly negative split too - brilliant stuff!!

    Shades, yes it’s a flat one. 42 laps though, but I did enjoy it last time I did it.  Not sure if I’ll get many longer runs in beforehand though, but I’ll try and keep up with the consistency at least. Yes, two halfs before then as well so that’ll give me a guide of what pace to go out at for the marathon, although I expect I’ll err on the side of caution due to lack of long runs. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, probably you're aware, but Cornish Marathon is open now so I've just entered it.
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    Big G - I've checked every day this week re Cornish, except today!   Thanks for the tip off, entry done.

    After last year's race I emailed them requesting an entry without a hoodie and I never got a reply.   But they must have taken notice of my email, and there must have been others too, as now an option not to have a hoodie.   No discount but cost of hoodie will be donated to charity which is fine by me.  Still a good price for a marathon with a pasty £25/27.  Just shows how some races overcharge, if they can do a marathon with a hoodie and food for that price.   Lovely marathon too.

    I guess you don't want it to be too hot for your comeback marathon, no shade on that course is there?

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I saw that Cornish ‘no hoody’ option and wondered if it had came from you.  As you say, there’s not much shade on the August marathon so if it’s too hot for me I’ll just get around it as best I can. 
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    Big_G said:
    Shades, I saw that Cornish ‘no hoody’ option and wondered if it had came from you.  As you say, there’s not much shade on the August marathon so if it’s too hot for me I’ll just get around it as best I can. 
    I think it would have taken more than my email alone to influence the no hoodie option.  I know there are quite a few folk like me that won't wear them.  I was talking to another runner at Cornish and she just put hers every year on her dog's bed.   I'd have done the same but I don't have a dog. :)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Had a quick look then when I seen the date as that's my birthday but seen sense.After Solway I want a good 8 weeks of decent mileage,as I've clearly got the speed for a good full time but need the miles.
    Shades-Great the organisers have taken the feedback on board.
    Obviously I plugged my time in to the calculators after today  :'( 
    Not a chance am I getting near them,how many mpw do you think you need to do to make those numbers realistic,its not like I train for 10k as I do zero speed work.
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    Ian - it's quite special to run a marathon on your birthday.  After all as a marathon runner what better way to celebrate.  However, unless it's combined with a trip away I guess it wouldn't be too popular with the family.
    I've run IOM a couple of times on my birthday, I think that's on your birthday this year.

    I have just put your 10k time in the calculator :o  wow.  I think to get sub 3 you'd be looking at 70 mpw, and to achieve your peak 85+mpw.   But you have a demanding job with long hours and you do very well taking that into consideration.   There are lots of other factors too, such as staying healthy and relatively injury free.

    6 miles for me, cool and overcast but very humid.   Saw a fox.
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    Robert - how are you?  Hope you are at least more comfortable.
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