
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    After yesterday's monster climbing I opted for one of my flatter lockdown routes for this morning's pre-'work' jaunt. Weather was near perfect for running: sun even made a few brief appearances &  I remembered to don the gloves before leaving too so all good. As I live 3/4 of the way up the highest hill in the Forest actual flat is not an option but I can run down to the Wye Valley then along the river road before a tough climb to finish. Legs felt better for the 24hr recovery. Did some strides before a 1K segment which I'd claimed a fortnight ago but which had been bettered since by a very local clubmate. Doing them I knew I wasn't going to challenge even my PB over that distance so gave it about 80% to save something for a flat out 300m effort to get a segment I missed out on by 2s a fortnight ago - knocked 4s from my PB but unfortunately that same clubmate had posted a stronger time on that too so I'm still 1s away from the CR :o That was about half way round & the legs started to tighten thereafter so the final 1.7M@6% climb was a right slog. Another 11.4 in the bank though.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I love how Jools just posts his post like there's no drama going on, cutting through the bollocks! Nice running.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    You're just happy Reg as your shenanigans on the bike are allowed as you're in the "pantheon" of greatness.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Reg; I love the way you can readily admit to being an "infantile prat" on the bike at times and Ric is still too awestruck by your cycling ability to verbally attack you for the reasons he loves to attack poor Bus :D . Not that I think there's anything wrong with your cycling approach; we all like to do a bit of drafting now and again and re-take if we can; doesn't matter if you're going 25kph or 40kph the issues are the same. You can do all that and still ride safely (well no close drafting at the mo obvs!).

    Great running anyway Jools; do you never need a rest? :)

    2 big running days (well by my standards) last 2 days. Yesterday was supposed to be cycling but daughter didn't fancy it in the rain and as she said she wanted to cycle the next day I ran instead. Did a 10 miler to Ascot, round the racecourse and back another way). Come to today and she says she's changed her mind and asks can we run instead! So 5 miles with her and then another 4 on my own to get some at a faster speed. Back to our bikes tomorrow I hope.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Jools - you think you can show your face without a course record 😂
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    19miles in two days Pete? That's got to be a fairly big portion of your week's mileage in a go?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    19miles in two days Pete? That's got to be a fairly big portion of your week's mileage in a go?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Ok maybe not two posts worthy!!
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Yep aim for about 30mpw so nearly 2/3rds of that in 2 days. Typically only running 3 times a week at the moment though (cycling the other days) so its hard for me to get to 30. Need to run longer than usual when I do and find the odd chance for little extras, like to and from my dog walking duty or any shopping chore!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Wow Pete, running or cycling at 30 mph is impressive! 
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    SG, Oh yes the Scott thing. Isn't that one on the rap sheet for eternity? 

    Scott then? Not about him really. It was about the principle.

    I'll illustrate:

    My girlfriend has had a baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My new girl friend has just had a baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest girl friend has just had a baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest girl friend has just had another baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest girl friend has just had a third baby she's got five now! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest girl friend has just had a baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest but old girl friend has just had another baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest girl friend has just had a baby! "Well done, congratulations".
    My latest....

    Yes, congratulations.  But where do you stop? Can you stop?

    "Man has 16 children by 15 different women". That was a headline in a newspaper.

    Are you saying you would offer plaudits for this feat if he was a poster on this thread?

    Yes, it would have been better to have said nothing. But the thread consensus irritated me. 

    Mind you, I printed off that post he did about himself.
    Damn, there's a guy who really deserves a break.

    Bus: It's no good. My conscience has stopped me in my tracks. 

    All I can do is offer my unreserved apologies and should I track down Bryants Bottom on some outing, some sort of compensation.

    And I can promise you one thing. I will never ever do something like this.

    Could his posts on this thread be presented to his employer? And if not, why not?
    Now there's an idea.
    I wonder what council he works for. Shouldn't take much working out.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    How many people are posting from your account Ric?!😱

    Ps Scott has two kids son... Two!!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    corrected now Reg; otherwise we'll have you trying to beat 30mph on your bike ;)
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I am so confused right now.

    Pete - One of my targets this year was to average 30mph in a 10 mile TT to break the 20 minute barrier. The fitness is coming but will we be allowed out to play this summer! Of all the events I would guess that this is the one with the lowest level of social interaction so perhaps there's a chance some will go ahead,
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭
    I was already confused before the angry dog-walking dwarf appeared.  
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    It's been a busy few years since you were last a regular, coach man 😄
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    More aggro in the playground again, jools is too mellow to get sucked into that, im not surprised he ignored it. Sounds like Ric(tor meldrew) has scott confused with the PM.

    Pete - you are defo in a much stronger place with yr running if you can do that two days.

    Highlight of my running week today, 10m inc 10x3min.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    TR Did your legs have a bit of extra bounce today after only doing 9 yesterday? Is that 3 on/3 off & do you do that session on the same stretch each time? Just wondering if there’s any way of tracking progress.
    Pete I’m enjoying the extra kip from not having to commute & I reckon the diet of singles is allowing my legs sufficient recovery for now. I’m used to daily doubles & even the odd triple! My resting HR is certainly back down to its best & beats per mile is dropping slightly too.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Jools - .......today was about as complicated as my running gets.....
    2m w/u, then 3m out and 3m back trying to get the 10x3min/1min jog done by the time i get back to the ~2m w/d.....i just missed getting it done at the end ofcthe last rep, so 6m in 10x3min and 9x1min, so guestimate 6mm for the reps giving me 5m and 9x1min giving me the other mile at low jog pace. I was slighttly further down the road than last wk when the 40min was up (but last wk was windier).......SG would love the lack of data...........have to say that at age 53 (in 2 weeks) im actually thinking of treating myself to a gadget......although the workout wouldnt change.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Guesstimate?! We can't be having that one son!

    What are you wearing now that tracks the distance and thus pace but you can't take deeper splits for?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - its a Google map measured route and a £20 casio watch, start a lap time at the start of the reps, every 3mins i jog for 1min and take another lap time at the end of 40mins, and complete the run. 10m in total.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭

    53 notifications in 2 days? I'm not complaining obviously but so busy and no time for posting and certainly not going back over all the drama here;)

    Anyway. nothing yesterday - it was raining and with no races..i thought..what's the point?

    Usual morning route today, 8.1 ish miles, 6.49 miling. Leg still a bit dodgy, loads of stretching, but wavering between 3-5  / 10 in the pain stakes. Annoying.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    TR does this mean you're limited to only one or two routes you've mapped out?

    You don't need a flash watch but you need something that measures distance and pace. Mission critical kit for running pros like us 😂
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Shame its not fixed yet Simon

    SG - no, i have a few routes id use for specific target sessions or runs which are flat and reapeatable with turn arounds as far as 10m ( or dont turn sround and fo the full 14m navigation of the island),. But then i do most of my running as commutes round the same quiet lanes, with internal and external extra loops and spurs to hit desired distances......at the mo im runnig the quietest sections of those lanes day after day, as im running from work before or after work......at times i agree with you, but if today was 10x 0.5 m id be wasting worry beads before and afterwards regarding the paces i hit, within reason i dont want to know.......i do try for the odd mp run which i try to get interested in pace or the odd tempo......other than that (and the 3min reps) i pootle about at an easy effort.

    There is a guy lives near me, and o know his kids, grandkids etc, he was an international 800m runner on the 60s (1:4X just missed olympic selection), he told me once he did his long runs around the lanes behind Portsdown Hill (inc the hill), and did reps with multiples of lamposts, they are my lanes now, i do my non mp long runs in them too.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    There's definitely a benefit to fast running per se of course. I had great times with Marlow flying around their streets with no idea of pace outside of "flat out" for whatever I had at that time.

    But it's pretty critical kit to have any real idea of how you're looking.

    We need to get you a watch old son. Maybe a whip round ;) 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    From the rough distances to super accurate, I remember encountering a quality runner on the local scene, who I never regarded as being particularly sharp, being one of those "your right" types.

    I was astounded by the way that when we were talking he just quoted me what pace I should be looking at for doing the 3k, from what must have been a razor quick assessment of my form, ability, and the not incredibly easy maths of a distance that is an awkward 7.5 laps of a track.

    Yet he was spot on with the maths!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Ha ha......as i say im thinking of treating myself for my bday......Jonesy (Steve) or Deek never needed one........but i should embrace technology , i even have a smartphone nowadays........you wouldnt know im a engineer.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    People in the 60s and 70s didn't "need" the flash shoes, anything more than water, accurate courses or any suchstuff.

    But we have them so should embrace it :)

    Good to hear you're getting something decent.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    How many people are posting from your account Ric?!😱

    Easy answer, two.

    Person One: In day to day REAL life interactions, I'm totally cool. No issues at all. That's the guy anyone meets. I'm not after anything, from anyone. 

    Outside I choose not to exist. I'm minding my own business, and wish for others to mind theirs.

    Then there's this place. Social media.

    That's where person number two appears.

    But it's clearly not my world with it's own particular rules, standards, and principles, etc.

    We're done.


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