
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    House is coming on, Mick! What's the timescale? 
    re Pilates, the exercises I do rarely leave me with DOMS. They are pretty gentle and I think they are designed for rehab. During lockdown the physio is sending me (and probably others) a weekly video. Will send you an example. If anyone else wants an example please ask. 

    Birch: I may have said this before, but one of the club coaches used to say when you are not fit two out of three runs will be a struggle; when fit two out of three are good. I think that is about right and I have very much been bearing that in mind at present. And there is no rush to get fit given the present situation: the perfect opportunity to take things gradually.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    competitive ...moi???
    I'm pretty good at those activities as well. maybe keyboard typing should also be included?

    Impressed with your arabesques :)  It brings back memories of when my daughter was young and I would do her ballet positions with her to encourage her to practice - she liked to laugh at them  :)

    it's the WD40 I need first!  Then tighten up............
    I remember your excursions into Pilates :)
    Great progress on your house.  What will it be clad in externally - brick?

    Well I heeded the weather  forecast and was out by 0700 on a still, warming morning 
    Easy pace throughout the 4.5 miles in 45:52 (10:10m/m) with avHR 127 and a max of 140.
    Legs didn't complain too much but the last two weeks has seen Tuesday as the reaction day ............

    Talking of competitive -  There were a host of runners out this morning and they all seemed to be going in the same direction as me and each one seemed to overtake me - and I gave up without a struggle :/!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Well done on all progress especially Dave's :)

    Maybe you  just let them beat you today.........;-)

    Rest day for me not planned but had my morning coffee and was so tired and achy back to bed for 3+ hours.Still not right headache , aches and pains and sore throat so playing it safe.
    More time to  try those keyboard activities :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I will definitely relook at doing Pilates once they start up again but this time I will try and not be intimidated by all the ladies. I'll use one of my crosstraiing days.
    The house schedule calls for completion by the end of September. We will be on well water and septic tank systems so a bit more effort than the standard city dwelling.

    The exterior finish will be stone and a composite cladding with zero maintenance. Brick struggles a bit with Canadian winters. Our previous house was brick external, non load bearing and we only had minor issues, had to replace the chimney stack due to frost damage.

    I don't like the sound of that start to the day.

    As I have no races in the near future I am going to concentrate on correcting my GCT balance. So today's run, a little later after my breakfast has digested, will be on my favourite route but I will try and maintain my concentrate for the whole way and match Poppy's perfect balance.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Back from my run with some incredible results.

    These are the stats from my Saturday run where I first tried to improve the balance between the contact time of my feet.

    As you can see, despite trying to get my right foot to roll and push off correctly I only managed an average of 52.7 % compared to 47.3%. A noticeable wobble in my gait.

    Todays run where all I did was concentrate on what my feet were doing.

    A huge improvement, in fact, close to perfect.
    A more pleasing side effect is my stride length, although still short, is also improved.
    It looks like it has made me a bit bouncy as the vertical oscillation is supposed to be as small as possible.

    Very pleased with that, it has made my purchase of my new watch more than just another toy. It is amazing what immediate feedback can do. Now I need to be able to do this while thinking about something else.

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    I am so glad the new watch is helping you so much with form and GCT% .I am also a little bouncy but no idea how to be less bouncy.

    I am happy to report by 4pm yesterday I felt like eating and felt human again ...phew.So this morning I decided a route I have not run this year less elevation under 300 feet for 7.35 miles longest run in ages.

    GCT% 49:51
    0.90 stride
    7.5% bounce
    145Av  hr
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    mind over matter :) .  Good that your stride length has improved a little as well - it all helps
    I thought you were Canadian not American?  Surely you can walk and chew gum at the same time?

    doesn't sound good - take care.
    There was no chance of me going any faster :/

    Tuesday is normally DOMS day but I was a little easier this morning - more humid but less sunny - and ran the 4.5 miles in 44:49 (9:54m/m) and avHR 127 and a  max of 141.

    Legs a bit heavy but otherwise not too bad - much better than the last two weeks for the same run - but judgement is suspended until the end of this week's block of training!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Great concentration, Mick!

    Progressing well, TS! Just don't rush things! I try to make comparisons over a longer period of time: too many variables from one week to another such as the weather, what we did the day or days before etc! 

    Strange run this morning. Set off for my "long" run and the first 3k the legs did not want to play, not helped by the top of a hamstring playing up a little post doing the wrong Pilates. Then I bumped into my M75 friend running the opposite way. We had a brief chat and then I got going...and ran quite well! 70 minutes, just over 12k. Not sure when the last time was that I ran that far. Not sure that I will increase it by much or not or run similar distances but try to make them harder in terms of terrain i.e. throw in some hills, or faster. Hope this is not all academic and the niggle comes to nothing! Am sitting on a spiky ball as I write! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    spiky balls, GCT balance - the thread grows nicely  . .   
    good restraint, TS, the other day - I'm sure you could have chased one or two down :)  

    and pleased you felt better, Poppy
    very warm here today, even at my start time of 8:45.  Like alehouse, very laboured to begin with , but "felt" my way into things, and ended up with 7 miles.  I rested yesterday - I'd originally planned to follow Sunday's 3 miles with a run, to test the legs with 2 consecutive days, but on a morning walk, my legs felt very creaky (had done a 5 day stint of 6,leg strength exercise,6, lse, 3, so had a complete rest (other than the walk).  
    Last mile today was hard - my legs had had enough really after 6.3 , and mouth very dry,  but I stubbornly ran all the way home (7.2 on the gadget).  Keyboard exercise mostly, I think now:) 
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    You don't give up easy but I find strength exercises more demanding than going for a run. 

    In my more competitive days I spent my share of time sitting on a spiky ball. I remember one time on was on jury duty for over a month, a murder trial, and I spent a lot of time sitting on a spiky ball to the amusement of the other jurors.

    It is good to see the day after is not bogging you down as that use to be a common complaint from you.
    Ok I tried to not concentrate on foot contact time balance and total screwed it up. Now there were other factors. It is going up to 33c with high humidity today so I was out early before 8 but it was still very humid. I decided to stay in the woods so it was hilly and a dirt trail so a bit bumpy.
    Now I have got my own software running that pulls the raw Running Dynamics from the watch. 
    Here is yesterday.

    Running Dynamics by Lap
    Lap    Avg Vert Osc      Avg GCT        Avg GCT balance             Cadence    Slength(m)
    01          6.9 cm             39.5%         L49.1% / R50.9%               83.0         0.892
    02          6.8 cm             39.4%         L49.8% / R50.2%               85.0         0.934
    03          7.1 cm             39.1%         L49.9% / R50.1%               84.0         0.945
    04          6.9 cm             39.3%         L49.8% / R50.2%               83.0         0.926
    05          6.7 cm             39.5%         L50.1% / R49.9%               83.0         0.904
    06          6.7 cm             39.4%         L50.0% / R50.0%               83.0         0.904
    07          6.9 cm             38.8%         L50.2% / R49.8%               84.0         0.980

    As you can see I did a good job of concentrating.

    Here is today.

    Running Dynamics by Lap
    Lap    Avg Vert Osc      Avg GCT        Avg GCT balance             Cadence    Slength(m)
    01          5.3 cm             44.1%         L51.9% / R48.1%               81.0         0.796
    02          5.5 cm             43.7%         L51.9% / R48.1%               82.0         0.814
    03          5.5 cm             42.9%         L52.9% / R47.1%               79.0         0.835
    04          5.6 cm             42.7%         L51.5% / R48.5%               81.0         0.880
    05          5.5 cm             43.0%         L53.9% / R46.1%               80.0         0.822
    06          5.3 cm             42.7%         L53.0% / R47.0%               81.0         0.826
    07          5.6 cm             41.5%         L50.8% / R49.2%               86.0         0.955
    Now my legs felt totally shot after yesterday. It is amazing how a slight change in gait can take it out of your legs, well in this case my feet.
    The garmin watch has an additional field that garmin do not show in their results for running dynamics that is ground contact time %. How much time as a percentage of your stride.
    As you can see a huge difference in the two runs.

    I bet you can wait until my software is producing pretty pictures of my running dynamics metrics. This coronavirus has got to last long enough for me to get this code finished as I would never have time under normal conditions. My wife in Toronto baby sitting helps as well.

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    ... and your vertical oscillation was different too - up higher, less ground contact time
    never let it be said I don't look at  your stats :)

    hard work today - I think it was more humid than hot when I was out but it all drains one down. 
    Good run distance - hope the aches don't come back.

    good to see you blooming again :)
    and another good distance to match Dave's

    I am aiming for a 3 week block of exactly the same run on each day per week  and then a cutback week  before moving on up very slightly to the next block. 
    The aim is to be ready for the GNR should it take place and I decide to run it so the long run goes up by a mile each month and I may just add a 1/2 mile to the daily run on a couple of days - if I can!
    Spikey balls a re a suitable punishment for that longer run ;) !  
    Sometimes a short break is just enough to establish a new rhythm for running which feels a lot easier after the break
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    I must have caught a bit of alehouse and Birch's laboured running today except mine didn't wear off and every....step......seemed.....like......hard .......work - just one of those runs where it doesn't flow

    Managed the 4.56 miles in 45:36 (10m/m) with avHR127 and a max of 142 so it was in the "normal" range - just hard work despite pleasant sunshine and a light breeze
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Oh it is those big boy pants you chaps need to pull up and just get run done.It happen's without warning.

    Maybe the heat and humidity? but it seems a normal run pace not slower at all and no walking.Maybe you just wanted to join Dave, Ale band of brother's for support :)

    I had a bad start up at 5am back in bed by 6am 3 hours sleep and thought oh no a rest day but no, I walked to village for supplies as I would not do post run in the heat.Did I say I HATE heat? back home change as dripping sweaty mess.In woods and ran 4.5 miles   too many people out and very very warm but got it done.
    4.50 miles in 46.09
    Very similar pace to Torque so in good company but I run better later in day.

    I am staying in the shade inside and shall have a medicinal Tonic water with lemon and ice later :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    .........that drink mix is missing something ;)

    dogging my footsteps I see - another one lining up to overtake me :)!
    looks like south Wales is due some very warm weather over the next few days - not sure you will be able to avoid it
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    a mile in arrears of TS/WP here - (running miles, that is) - 6 miles or so round trip to say hello to my erstwhile "marathon mentee" - she in her front garden, me in the street.  Walked/ran there (1.3 run miles), ran/walked back (2.2 run miles), so 3.5 miles for the diary. Very warm . . . .    trust you've enjoyed the cooling cocktail by now, WP  
    like the look of your training blocks plan, TS   
    tempted by a couple of "cold ones" myself (again), but these, increased lock down snacking and much reduced mileage are combining to increase the Birch girth . . .     
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    It sounds like you all are getting the same weather as me. Today is supposed to be a xtraining day but with 34c and a humidex over 40c it was not for me or the dog. Air conditioning on, working on my software project and baking cookies was it.

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    growth rings on the birch  :)
    I had a couple of Brewdog's citrusey New England  IPAs last night - didn't think I would like them but they went very well with the warmer temperatures as they were well chilled 

    nothing like your temperatures here - or at least not oop North and fortunately with low humidity - it was 16C this morning at 0700 but about 21C by the time I got back
    Impressed with your cookie baking :)

    I got out before the sun burnt off the mist covering but still pleasantly warm as I did my 4.55 miles in 44 min exact ((9:41m/m) avHR132 and a max of 144

    Aided by a desperate lunge to my finishing lamp post  to make sure I stayed within the 44 min.  Got some strange looks from a couple out for their morning stroll!! 

    Moving a bit better today  and licked a bit more of the envelope over the last 1/2 mile where I edged up to 7:40 m/m as I lunged for the lamp post :)
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Well done  on checking on trainee on your run sounding good.Growing around the Birch with snackette's:-)

    Mick: Phew that is warm air conditioning oh how I wish I had some! What cookies did you bake?


    You licked more than the sticky bit that was some pace to lampost!

    As for me bad night sleeping with heat so up at 4am out by 5am 7.40 miles done slower but I knew this legs like anything after 9am where as I like 5am so they just have to give in to the pressure. about 40secs a mile slower than Tuesday.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    All sounds good, running-wise, TS! And yes, I understand your training blocks. I wouldn't compare this week's run to last week's though, but to more or five weeks ago and look at the general trend. I am not running to a plan but to feel, although at the back of my mind I know to increase the distance of the long run, and of the MLR, and of the general runs, and to grdually introduce some faster bits (see below!). 

    34 is hot, Mick. Think we got 24 yesterday.

    I'm happier with 3 and a half for the diary, Birch, than 6 at this stage!

    Yesterday's running was a little lethargic after Tuesday's exertions, which was to be expected. Hamstrings and glutes still playing up so wasn't expecting this morning's effort to be up to much. Typically it turned out to be at least half decent after the first kilometre and the next 5k turned into an impromptu fartlek session, not because I need to introduce a bit of quality (I do!) but because I must have been feeling good! Wore shorts, although still in a long-sleeved top and gloves (the latter in case I fall!). Vests are strictly for racing!
    Tomorrow will be a more gentle  effort. 7k in total today and was glad of a slight breeze. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that was early out the door - your body wouldn't have woken up properly.  Very good distance to get done 

    you will be chasing the sun away with shorts on :)
    Fartlek effort - well done!!
    I always used to reserve vests for racing as well and it just seemed as though putting one on set the mood for a race.  However racing days are nearly done..................  and it's nice to feel the sun on one's back at last.

    well my training block trailed off rather disappointingly.  I didn't receive the much delayed text from my pharmacy that my meds were ready for collection until late afternoon and I was in the middle of a teleconference so couldn't pick them up.
    So didn't have any this morning and as a consequence I didn't really try and run the needed 4.5 miles but just trotted round a 1.5 miles in blazing sunshine.  Whether psychological or physiological I don't know but that was enough for today.  
    Got my meds later on so I am restored!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear about meds but they were very late and not good enough really! well done on doing anything and hopefully the meds will help you:-)

    I went back to bed and althought went out to run my quads and calf said nope we do not want to play.So I came home and did 45 minutes of extreme gardening or hacking at brambles and weeds!! some were taller than me!

    Pretty fed up  so off to shout naughty words in cardboard tin....I was hoping I could go further afield for run or walking Aberafan is 35 minute drive away but I still cant!!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Do you have to take your meds daily and how long do they last until you feel the effect of not taking them?
    I should explain my cookie baking. Mrs Mick6 is in Toronto again and I am desperate for munchies with my afternoon tea. Shop brought ones are crap so on to google, menu in hand and away I go. As I explained to MrsMick6, as an engineer I have no trouble reading and following a manual.
    With the high temps and humidity we get here, vests become mandatory and so does sun cream. It is not called sun cream here, if I used that nobody would have any idea what I was talking about.

    I am a morning person but that was a bit early even for me.
    AC is the norm around here. All the shops and public buildings have it. I am still shocked when I return to the UK to find hotels only seem to have it in the corridors.
    My cookies are really good, cranberry, chocolate and pecan.

    24c is ok, I am good to 27c as long as the humidity is ok but if the humidity hits the 90% I am done, where's the treadmill. We don't have a treadmill in the rental so I am kinda stuck until this lockdown ends or we move into our new house, whatever comes first.

    Yesterday's days 7k was a bit warm, 27c but the humidity was ok at 63%. I decided to stick to the roads rather than the trail through the woods as there was a nice breeze and it was more humid in the trees.
    I concentrated on my right foot roll and push off and managed 50.8 left and 49.2 right, not as good as WP but at least respectable. I even managed to let my mind wander without completely losing the plot.

    Thanks to the lockdown my software project has gone well. It turned out to be at lot more tricky than I thought although unraveling the Garmin fit file was the easy bit.
    I can down extract all the data I want and have integrated the lap running dynamics metrics into my training log, so all available at a click of a button. Next I have to integrate the trackpoint data and produces lot of pretty charts.
    Garmin have included a lot more data in the fit file than they show in Garmin connect. I am not sure what it all is as in the fit file they have labelled the fields as unknown, but there are values attached to them. I would guess they are experimenting with new features and collecting data from unsuspecting users.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    24c and 82% humidity so not bad today. I did two laps of the the Beaver Pond so all hills and trails. I have a much harder time trying to keep my GCT balance % matched. As soon as I hit the uneven surface I favour my right leg, the same on the hills. When I am on the smooth flat I hit 50 50 no trouble.
    Does anyone apart from the perfect WP have a watch with this capability. It would be interesting to see if anyone with knee issues has a similar problem.

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    I did say the GCT ratio changes on uneven surfaces for me it is more the ground time last run was Thursday it was 325 where as I am always under 300 265-285 also tiredness is also a factor.

    I dont have knee problems so I hope one of the boys has this ability but I dont think so.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good to see the return of "competitive TS", with the lamp-post lunge . . . .
    so a shame the delayed meds curtailed your block . .
    btw, those beers appeal - might see if I can find some locally for this afternoon - (I have "convenience" sized Tesco, Morrison's, Sainsbury's just up the road) 
    W.Poppy - excellent early doors 7.4 - and backed up nicely with 45 mins hacking (!)   -  no doubt a good upper body workout (and makes me smile to picture you swishing away, whilst uttering naughty words)  :)     btw, my club says its currently "optimistic" re Percy Pud - I'm not so sure - although 6 months away, will the situation have relaxed enough for this to be allowed? - and the course is 3 miles out, 3 miles back, so after the turning point, the route is contraflow 
    Image result for percy pud loxley pics
    alehouse - impressive fartlek - its satisfying when the the feelgood factor makes an unexpected appearance  . .    
    Mick - can't help with the tech question, I'm afraid . Your cookies  sound marvellous - its a good job you're so far away that I can't be tempted - as I already have been by TS's beer
    on to today  . .       
    8:30 start, up at the 5K loop - pleasantly warm (perfect, really) ;  after 1.5 miles, coming the opposite way, was one of the old Saturday morning gang, so a real pleasure to see her - she changed direction and ran the remaining 1.5 laps (4.5 miles) with me (distanced, of course) - she is sharing lockdown in a household of 6 (partner, 2 boys of 9 & 11, father in his 80's, and 50 year old brother who has Downs Syndrome), so a vey welcome hour's running for her.  Thought alehouse had ventured over the Pennines when a runner appeared sporting tracksters, long sleeve top, and gloves - looked quite incongruous in the bright sunshine :)  
    the legs not bad at all today, and although my knee has stiffened now, I do feel that progress (though slow), is being made.  But, as I say, the main joy of today's run was the surprise encounter with a good friend . . .    all that was missing was the hug upon meeting/parting . . .     

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Hmm I really don't know how things will pan out with Percy Pud and all races, my glimmer of light was the NYE race but again with Wales so behind on restrictions. I think more chance Percy being run than my race.Finger's crossed but we just do not know how the virus will play out.

    Well done on 6 miles and running with pal that was so nice and to have chit chat all the way around good for you both as I can imagine it is hard on both of you and no hugs at the end:-(

    You do well with so many local shops to choose from we have a deli and Co-op in our village.

    How is your knee and have your started the glucasamine yet?

    Today up with the lark okay 4.30am out just after 5.30am 7.85 miles done same route as Thursday I just extended the new path a little will take phone next time so I can take a few photo's. slow but again to be expected but nice to edge towards 8 miles.Av HR 138, MHR 69%.
    5 runs this week which gives me 34 miles not bad at all with 2 rest days and I dropped 5lb's only 8 lb's to get back to pre lockdown weight!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    ah, you reminded me, WP -meant to mention that, yes, started with the Glucosamine/Chondroitin on Thursday.  
    well done today - nearly 8 is excellent going - as is the 5lb loss :)   you an example to me - I don't want another "growth ring", as TS so aptly put it !   
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Birch: shorts and no gloves today (forgot them but fortunately the long sleeves have those thumb holes in!). And good to run with someone else! Am missing my Monday runs with my M75 friend. 

    Mick: can't help with the tech stuff. I have a Garmin 45 but don't really know what it is capable of! Use it for resting HR, steps, sleep. I use my trusty old 310XT for time/speed/distance.

    Gently does it WP!

    TS: hope all is well. I always have a couple of weeks' supplies of meds in at my GPs suggestion just in case anything ever goes wrong with the supply chain etc. 

    So, May's stats: 
    31 days run
    205k (127 miles, and the highest since I don't know when)
    Longest run up to 12k and MLR up to 9
    All steady except for the one fartlek.
    Last week was just over 50k again, slightly exceeding the previous week. 
    Have been meaning to have a cutback week for some time but it hasn't happened with each of the last 12 weeks being "bigger" than its predecessor! 

    And where's John? And others? And the guy who popped in to ask for advice...
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Well done on your 34 miles, I haven't been there for a while. All I managed for this month is 32k, which is typical for me now days.

    Neither of your devices will collect this new data, you will just have to wait for Christmas.
    Amazed at your stats, 31 days straight, wow.

    6.9k for me today.

    10:07 AM Sunday, May 31, 2020
    BR, concentrated on GCT balance, looks good.
     Weather data South March , Conditions - scattered clouds
      Mean Temp =  11c,  Min Temp =  10c,  Max Temp =  12c  Humidity = 58%
      Mean Wind Speed = 5.5 kph,  Mean Wind Direction = 309

    Total Non-moving Time = 0.0 secs
    Run Duration = 43:21,  Run Length = 6.87 Kms or 4.27 Miles
    Average Run Pace = 06:19 per Km or 10:10 per Mile, Age grade =  59.2 %
    Average Run WHR = 73.0 %,  Max Run WHR = 84.3 %

    Average Run Cadence = 84.0, Average stride length = 0.94 m
    Avg Vert Osc = 7.0 cms, Avg Vert Ratio =  7.3%, Avg GCT = 284 ms
    Avg GCT % = 39.9%, Avg GCT Balance = L50.4% / R49.6%

      Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength(m)
    #01     06:36     1.0        0.6      06:36      10:37      56.7%     64.9%      84.0       0.90
    #02     06:20     1.0        0.6      06:20      10:12      67.2%     71.6%      85.0       0.93
    #03     06:11     1.0        0.6      06:11      09:57      72.4%     76.9%      85.0       0.95
    #04     06:13     1.0        0.6      06:13      10:00      76.9%     80.6%      84.0       0.96
    #05     06:12     1.0        0.6      06:12      09:59      77.6%     81.3%      83.0       0.97
    #06     06:30     1.0        0.6      06:30      10:28      79.9%     82.8%      83.0       0.93
    #07     05:19     0.9        0.5      06:08      09:53      81.3%     84.3%      84.0       0.97

    Running Dynamics by Lap
    Lap    Avg Vert Osc     Avg Vert Ratio     Avg GCT       Avg GCT%           Avg GCT balance 
    01          7.2 cms               7.9%               280 ms            39.2%           L 49.4% / R 50.6%
    02          7.0 cms               7.4%               280 ms            39.9%           L 50.5% / R 49.5%
    03          7.1 cms               7.2%               285 ms            40.3%           L 51.0% / R 49.0%
    04          7.1 cms               7.3%               282 ms            39.6%           L 50.2% / R 49.8%
    05          7.2 cms               7.2%               288 ms            40.0%           L 50.9% / R 49.1%
    06          6.7 cms               7.0%               290 ms            40.3%           L 50.4% / R 49.6%
    07          6.9 cms               6.8%               286 ms            40.0%           L 50.7% / R 49.3%

    I collect lots of stats now, I don't think I miss anything, I even get the weather at a local station off of the internet. As you can see we have dropped over 20c in a couple of days.

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ale: Nice stats for the month and nice to see you have had a good month.

    Mick:   you are doing really well with GCT:-)

    I ran yesterday early again and ran 8.5 miles longest run in a while and part of a new route a country lane past sheep etc so took photo's and a big bright orange poppy with a seed pod:-) faster than day before.
    I have all week been building up distance .Today I shall run less have 6 mile max I think to freshen the legs up and leave Sunday as Long run day.Will try to plan the week a little.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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