
Sub 3



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    TR - well done again for toeing the line and seeing it through. I don't much like the sound of the cross winds on these circuits. Having had a taste of wind on part of my reservoir loop already the other week I can't say I'm too keen on the repeated exposure. I noted your comment re not really running to effort at all during the race. Hope the relative down-time is enjoyable/relaxing. 

    Joe - well done on your 10k time trial. Chasing someone down was a great idea, did he beat 38 minutes? Agree on the low-key races. I enjoyed Abo for that reason. Manchester mara used to feel quite low-key but its up to around 15k now so lost that local appeal. I think the intention is to continue to grow it too. 

    LMH - Sorry to hear your knee woes continue. Take it easy in next weekends vvlm. 

    Joolska - Yay great news. Congrats to you and Mr Joolska. 

    Wardi - Good that you can get out with your club. Sale are offering sessions but in small groups and only the faster guys. Bloody speed-ism or something...

    Hopefully back at it this week. Positive thoughts only. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    SJ - the route was a section west to east, a long section south and then around a mile NW. So there is some cross, tail and headwind on a cct. However a mile headwind is tough. Its the downside of a cct/airfield. Ive raced there 4 times before, its been windy before, but Sunday was 20+mph with 40+ gusts. Very rare direction/strength combo, i had no idea how to pace it, i just tried to hover sub3, but maybe that was a good idea......Dorney cant be any worse......i feel pretty fresh from the lack of constant pushing. I have the choice of Dorney and Goodwood 2 wks apart......laps was fine too, counting to 11 is better than 26......you'll be ok in Dec as you are a sensible pacer.........good thing is that Sunday shows me i could go quicker on a better day.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    TR - Goodwood will be a big positive now, leg strength and pace wise for Dorney.  When I ran my 3.00.11, I knocked 9+ minutes off it, 8 weeks later so sub255 is a definite goer. 
    Jools - Congrats, a lovely life moment.
    Heavy rain and 21 mpw, looking really good for Sunday and a bit like Wednesday afternoon, so will nip out for a 6 miler shortly!!  Then best blades forward for  Dorney. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Just to second what OO said TR, my double last year (7 weeks apart I think) - I ran London 6-7 mins quicker than Barca.  With a sufficient gap I reckon the endurance benefit outweighs any lingering tiredness.

    SJ.. my club do a 'doodle' poll the week before and you simply sign up to whichever pace suits - we have about 6 pace groups.  Each group has a leader that designs the route/session and can't contain more than 6 runners.  If there are more than 6 that want to join one group we usually split into 2 groups if there are sufficient numbers.  The club has about 140 members so we pre-agree a meeting point in the town in a different place to all the other groups.  It has worked very well so far. 

    Last night turned out to be 8.5m, I was running with two of the faster girls who are also budding triathletes so I was close to MP for most of it.  6.4m this morning, bit of a contrast to yesterday's sun fest with persistent rain and a testing breeze.       
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well im defo happy to take 7 or 8 mins off in 8 weeks then, another 5 mins for better weather, a few more minutes if i break out the 4%.......

    Another day off here, I'll give my stomach issue another day or so as its been sore lately, and not having to run with discomfort is nice.
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    Cheers SJ, unfortunately he just missed out with 38:08 but still a PB. It was good to use Stravas tracking thing to see our relative positions throughout. Hoping your week has started out right.

    TR - sounds sensible. Time off likely to be more of a benefit then trying to fully maintain fitness.

    Wardi - sounds like a good system and like the training is getting a bit extra out of you. 

    Jacket weather yesterday for 8.5 miles. Two days of hour+ runs. feeling ok so far
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Joe.. I needed my posh rain jacket yesterday, it was raining pretty persistently.  I assume you are stepping up the mileage a bit? 

    TR.. hope the stomach settles down.

    By contrast a pleasantly sunny day today.  I was in the racecourse area so did a few laps & loops to make up 10.5m.  I saw the practicing trumpet player again in his usual spot under a tree near the gallops; felt just like running a marathon with musical entertainment!  
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    Wardi - yep, trying to get back into the 40s and then the 50s in terms of mileage. 9 miles today with 3 @ HMP. An absolute soaking but in some ways pleased it was colder as kept cool with a jacket on. I'm willing to bet the trumpet player will have given it a miss today.

    Although it seems a long way away I guess I need to consider the possibility that the Liverpool marathon at the end of May may not survive. Eye out for a lappy type marathon end of April / May.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I copped a right weather beating this morning, no jacket though.

    It'll be laps of airfields or lakes for a while yet. My usual 2021 races are cancelling already.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Looks like raining cats and dogs for my virtual on Sunday, heavy rain and 40 mph winds expected in my part of Cornwall.  There is a local route with some shelter, just going to have to run it about 20 times.  Not too concerned though as still putting it in the long training run box and aiming for 3.25 ish. Hopefully my 3 long runs in the past few months will get me through.  Strange race, strange taper, strange feeling. 
    Good luck to CD & LMH and anyone else racing this weekend. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Joe/TR.. lucky with the weather here, dry if a bit breezy today.  I had to drop the Mrs off for an appointment in Harrogate so ran just over 5m around Harrogate stray.  

    TR.. sod's law they had a fatality at Elvington airfield last night (venue of Sunday's multi lap running fest up here).  The unfortunate chap was the founder of Maximuscle  and was attempting a land speed record.  The race(s) should be ok for Sunday apparently.

    I see the forecast for London on Sunday is now for 15/16mph winds which isn't ideal.  Shame Bekele had to pull out too. 

    Birthday No.63 today so heading out soon for a bit of Italian fare with a nice bottle of red.
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    Happy Birthday Wardi!

    OuchOuch - definitely no racing here but I do hope to complete the required distance. Fortunately our forecast isn't quite as bad as yours.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Happy Birthday Wardi, ill have a beer for you later.
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    Happy birthday Wardi, enjoy the Italian grub and vino ! Your club sound very organised and inclusive  Sale is too big to get anything like that together. We're spread all over Mcr too. 

    TR - stomach issue settling down? 

    Enjoy vvlm CD, OO and LMH and any others. If you cant enjoy it I hope it's not too much of a grind, which ever version suits. Gutted about Bekele but sadly predictable too. He's definitely earned the right to pick and chose when he races of course. 

    I've only been out once this week. The rest of my running has been in doors. It kind of feels like cheating but then I remember reading that Ingrid Kristiansen trained almost exclusively in doors during the period she held 5k, 10k and marathon WR. I'm ignoring the fact she was world class and also backed up her running with afternoons of XC skiing :) 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - just as long as you're getting it done at this stage. Hoping some stretching and S and C, with a few weeks of easy running will help it settle........wasnt long ago that i thought to myself that it must be fully healed too. Thinking of dropping a run or 2 per week and getting on the turbo again. We'll see how it eases after last wk, all the leaning into the wind didnt help.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Happy birthday, Wardi.

    Rest day for me today. Long run tomorrow so I can watch the races on Sunday! 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    SJ - Cheers. As I am running with a phone because of the app, going to listen to music for the first time, so a few hours of the finest Motown to keep me smiling. 
    LMH - Our forecast has got progressively worse, now for my 8 am start, 45 mph winds but thankfully 60% chance of rain... I feel for the 200 or so charity runners locally who will be running it. Have a good one yourself, its all about completing tomorrow. 
    Wardi - Hope you had a good one. 
    TR - Good idea, I might copy that as really don't like running in the dark in winter.
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    The wind forecast is picking up so I'm in two minds whether to stick with the airfield or go to the track which will be a bit more sheltered.  Although if it really picks up I know a good stretch of the Thames towpath that's in the right direction!  Finishing 26 miles from the car probably not a good idea!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope you folks get a break in the weather tomorrow.

    I just copped another soaking, 10m middle 8m around some local playing fields, trying to ease back up with less impact.
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    Hi Folks! Just dropping in the day before race day. I'll be at Dorney Lake tomorrow. I did enquire if I could have Bekele's number for London, but no joy  :D .I'm not in PB shape after a fairly indifferent campaign, so I'm just going to enjoy it and see what I can do. Good luck to everyone who's racing tomorrow.

    I did read back a couple of pages, so congratulations to TR on the 3h on-the-nose, and congratulations to Jools on the civil partnership. Tomorrow's my wedding anniversary as it happens - lucky for me Mrs. ES is very understanding. I'll be home for lunch anyway :)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    ES - hope you surprise yourself and go well then, have those shoes been out of the box since Abo?.......im not actually celebrating the 3.00, im viewing it as a sign of potential.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the birthday greetings.  Must admit after a glass or two of bubbly, a couple of beers, half a bottle of wine and a Southern Comfort nightcap I was slightly fuzzy this morning.  Got out for a few miles in the lighter morning rain which sorted me out.  The rain has got heavier and the skies greyer as the day has gone on.

    TR.. nice work in the rain, I was with you in spirit.  ;)

    Best of luck in the virtual event OO, CD, ES for tomorrow (happy aniversary to ES too!)  I hear Charlie W is lining up at York.

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    Quick good luck to those doing virtual London tomorrow. Definitely rather you than me. looking forward to the recaps. 

    Absolutely filthy weather out tonight for 5 miles after a full day of painting. Yesterday was just rain, today it was rain and deep puddles.

    Wardi - good on you for getting out of bed after that. belated happy returns to you!
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    Best of luck ES, I'm sure you will go well as your training hasn't looked too bad to me. Congrats on the anniversary, mines on Monday, 19 years has flown by. 

    CW should go well too I suspect. 

    I'm all set to be on the treadmill for 7am with the ladies race on the ipad. I plan on doing 2.5 hours so around 20 miles and back in doors for the start of the men. Looking forwards to see how the Brits go on with Mo on pacing duties.

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    2:54 for me around a very wet and windy airfield. In the end I decided the rain would make the other options too tricky underfoot. Happy with that - as expected the lack of speed and endurance training (relatively speaking) took its toll towards the end - I managed to just about hold pace into the wind but it got very difficult for the last few laps and that's where I lost a few minutes. Enjoyed it though, there were enough people there running and supporting to make it a bit of an event without it being too crowded. 

    Proper time off now. Running just for fun. 
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Awesome run CD under the circumstances/conditions/lack of specific training you alluded to. Enjoy the relative downtime. 

    I quite enjoyed the races. A few twists and turns... and not just the course! BBC coverage (on the red button) just about bearable. Why they can't have a sidebar leaderboard though, like Sky have for the F1, is beyond me. 

    2.5 hours on the treadie, after I had soaked up last nights rain fall (my repairs have stemmed the tide but not eliminated the problem. So 32km with last 10km @ marathon effort, averaged 4:12/km I reckon for the effort.

    Decent enough but as I dont feel nowhere near as beaten up I assume the treadmill is much easier. I am tempted to try all my remaining runs out in doors though to see what the effects are. 
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    Cheers SJ. 

    I meant to add, I gave up on the app after it said I had done 2 miles when my watch had 2.4!  Can't be doing with that, I'd have run 30 miles before it finished!  Just linked the app to my Strava account instead and it picked the run out from there. Still carried the thing the whole way though. 
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    Well done CD - doing what it says on the tin.

    3.26.37 in an unsupported run with 1 gel and 3 mouthfuls of water. Given how little I've run all year and how crocked I am I should be made up - instead I'm wondering what I could have managed if Wrexham had gone ahead.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done CD, tasty pace.

    LMH - well done. Rest up and get yr knee healthy, ready to try to ger back to it next yr.

    SJ - it was grim running today. I feel for Jools who will be taking a pounding on IoW at the mo. Hope Dorney was less windy.
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    Congratulations CD, that's a really good time and run giving conditions/ everything. A big plus for 2020.  Well done.
    Nice long run one too SJ on the treadie, best place to run today.  

    Mishap disaster from start to finish with Storm Alex, driving rain and howling wind as the backdrop.
    • Ran off, forgot water bottles, somehow broke earphones in the process, search for new ones at home) with the first 150 metres taking c5 minutes. 
    • Running bag broke at mile 4 so had to run with gels/ running jacket/ water/ gloves/ in my hands/ about me.
    • Nipple plasters slinked off my body around mile 11. 
    • GPS stopped on my running watch at 18 miles.
    • I ran with the App and at each mile, a rather low-energy Steve Cram or Paula Radcliffe spoke saying "Well done, mile 10,11,12 or whatever). A long pause after mile 25 and then I heard Crammy say "Well done, I saw you sprinting down the Mall, you've finished/ congratulations' . So wet, cold and bedraggled I waited for my wife to pick me up who when she arrived looked perplexed and said "you haven't finished yet".  I checked the App and yes the time was still running reading 26.01 miles, so rather than a triumphant run in the sun down the Mall I splashed my way round my wife's car in the car park to get the last 200 metres and had the Crammy message for the second time . 
    3.48 scores on the doors, maybe 3.35 without the shenanighans which was the  plan.  Overall I did enjoy it, just about a positive experience, a good long run done with no seemingly aches or pains and salvaged something from 2020. 
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