
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Brilliant race, Rcouture (although I already congratulated you on Strava, I think). 

    Good luck DD people!

    Big G - I've done a couple of track 5Ks with my club and I find it harder than running on roads or parkruns (though that is probably because I'm always been the slowest and have been at the back on my own - it's much easier when there are people to latch onto or pass). It's an experience, though.

    I've been trying to get my fitness back - three more runs and some elliptical in the gym (the last one of those was an hour, which is basically an eternity on one of those infernal contraptions). Runs were 3, 4 and 6 miles. I still feel fatigued (heavy legs and working much harder to do 11 minute miles than I should be) so wondering if there is actually something wrong with my heart or if it's some sort of post infection or antibiotic-induced fatigue. Sore throat has gone anyway, so there's that.
    Shades, I am starting to consider getting a proper HRM and wondered if you had any recommendations? To be fair, my watch has been pretty consistent until now (looking back at older runs I'm almost always around 150s for a normal run) but since it's jumped around 20bpm I'm not sure if the watch is at fault or if there's actually something wrong with me.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, over on Fetch, this one was recommended on Amazon by Gobi over there saying it was rock solid.  I've not used it myself but it's quite a lot cheaper than the official Garmin ones, although it doesn't have all their functionality in terms of calculating ground contact time etc - it's just a HRM.  Amazon currently have a 30% discount so it's about £20, but have a check of it to make sure you're happy with it first, because as I say I've not used it personally.   Some of the Amazon reviews say the battery it comes with is no good, but you can swap those out easily.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/moofit-Bluetooth-Waterproof-Monitors-Endomondo/dp/B08693K7TM

    Sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it still :(  
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    edited June 2021
    Big G - it's not your flat speed that will help you at DD so don't worry about that.    Would do you good to do that pre DD run with the Trotters tonight.   I spoke to PB from Trotters yesterday, he's marshalling on Saturday and he said a lot of the Trotters (and other runners) doing DD were undertrained so it would help your 'mood' to have a banter with them tonight.

    Cal - you're amazing to do an hour on the elliptical, I doubt I'd last 5 minutes.

    Is there a possibility you've had Covid, with almost no symptoms?   I've seen from other runners that even if they've had Covid very lightly, it's taken some of them a long time to get back to training and feeling 100% again.

    I think you have the same Garmin as I do Forerunner 45, and I've paired it easily with my old Garmin HRM from my old 305 but I'm currently using this one, the Garmin Run HRM, it's very light and comfy to wear, just tuck it under the band of sports bra.  

    Well first time in 20 odd years and certainly since I've had Seat cars, my car wouldn't start this morning.   It was a bit sticky last week, but today it turned over once and died before it could fire up.   Luckily I have AA cover so I'll call them out later when I get back from the gym or maybe tomorrow.   I walked down to Aldi and then walked round the store only remembering I had to carry all the stuff home when I got to the milk.   Then it rained on the walk home but not too bad, a good work out carrying shopping.   :/
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    edited June 2021
    Shades, that did occur to me...I would have had to be unlucky to catch it given I'd had one jab (just got the second one this morning) but it's not unheard. I did a neg test a few weeks back when SA was doing the rounds in my borough but that was before I started feeling dodgy. 

    I often do my bigger shop up at Lidl in Streatham so I usually walk back a mile with a backpack full of milk cartons and tins. Makes my neck ache a bit but it's strength training eh?

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    Big G - that's a good price for an HRM.   I did a bit of research before replacing mine and still went for the Garmin one as a few too many that had connectivity problems and I don't think that strap is such a comfortable fit.   

    Cal -I suppose you can't have an antibody test now as you'd have antibodies as a result of the vaccination.

    I just carried 8 pints of milk from the local shop on my way home from the gym, that was heavy enough.   But I suppose you do get used to having to lug all the shopping home.

    I've just watched the lunchtime news and 4 day bank holiday announced for next June.   Last time we had an extra BH in June the date of DD was changed to the following week so that may happen next year too.

    Might mean I can go and do Cork marathon again. 😄
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    Big G & Ian -. Are you going to wear your HRMs at DD?

    Just curious.   I never look at HR during DD but afterwards I see that it's the closest I ever get to max HR.  😢
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I am,I'll be interested to see if I keep it as controlled as I want to.
    Big G-What time do you think to get to registration? I'm thinking about 8.30 or is that too early?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I expect I'll get there for around that time, to allow for a certain amount of faffing :)  

    Shades, I wasn't going to take my HRM, mainly because the strap rubs if I'm really sweaty.  (I accidentally wrote "sweary" initially, which I expect I will be at some pointon Saturday....).

    Hopefully you'll get the car sorted soon.  I think some haven't really done enough training at Trotters, but probably have done the best they can in the circumstances.  I did notice a couple got late entries, but hadn't really done much build up so are basically winging it :)  A few of the ladies though have done well, led I think by Jacki W.  I don't know if she's given her group a plan and they're following it, but her group have done well in training and building up the longer runs.  As for me, I'm happy enough with what I've done.  I missed one marathon (Covid vaccine) and I didn't really replace that with a long run of my own, and I had one very reduced mileage week after my third marathon in the build up, but I've done what I can.  I was pleased with two of the three marathons, but I'll try and forget the third one!  Probably I could have done more hilly runs (I had planned to do more....), but I am where I am.

    I did an hour on Zwift a bit earlier and then it's Trotters tonight.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-A lot better prepared than I am,averaged less than 20m/w the last 3 months,could be painful,but it will also help me manage the race properly and not go top fast, windermere has given me a good boost though.
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    Ian - it's very hard to keep HR down/controlled on the steepest hills, even walking.

    Big G - if you've got some Bodyglide or similar, that should stop the chaffing if you want to wear it

    Ha ha at the sweary 😄 you won't be the only one.   One year I passed a Trotter (male) and he was crying, I don't think he realised how tough it can be.

    Ian/Big G - don't dwell on less than perfect preparation for DD, it's your head that will get you round.

    I've cancelled the gym tomorrow and instead will wait for the AA.  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Trotters social run went well and it was great catching up with people I’ve not seen for 12+ months. I picked up my race number and also a hoodie, so hopefully I’ll finish the thing now! :)

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    Big G - nice to have your name printed too.    Good that the Trotters meet up/run went well, you sound motivated again now.   Of course you'll finish, apart from those that don't make the cut-off times DD has a record of very few DNF's.

    6 miles today, nicer morning, not so humid as yesterday.   So good for running early morning at this time of year.  Ankle a bit sore today on road with camber.   No wildlife to speak of except randomly a pair of boxer shorts abandoned in the middle of a road, no houses round there.  :/
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I haven't tried it on, just in case ;)  Don't want to jinx it!  But I thought a memento would be nice as well as the shirt/medal etc, which we get after there race.  £20 so I was happy with that.

    I was running with a chap who is a good runner, but the most he's ever ran is 18-miles.  He's shitting himself, quite frankly.  We were all saying to him "Oh, you'll be fine", or "Get to the marathon point and walk the rest", etc etc etc, but nothing was particularly helping.  He was very keen to know precisely where things were on the course, which I was no use for as I don't really know myself!  We were trying to gee him up but he said his head was all over the place and I think he's regretting some of his life choices ;)  Chair was saying there are 111 first timers, which I think he said is a record.  He was up there yesterday and the day before and he just said it was much busier than usual with traffic etc (staycationers I suppose), but not a lot we can do about that.  Also in my group was Jacki W and the lady who may end up winning it (I think she's finished second one time, and the expected winner has pulled out injured), and Jacki W seemed pleased with her build up although the quick lady not so much, saying she's not raced for 15 months or whatever it's been, and is just a bit nervous about the whole thing.  We do have a non binary runner too (they won it outright a few years ago in 3:48), but she's entered as non-binary and is aware there are no category prizes, although I think Chair's bought some bubbly or something for her.

    Yes, it was a nice run out.  Humid though.  I wasn't able to stay for food unfortunately, but I'm glad I went over.

    Been out with the dog for a walk first thing and it feels a bit cooler and less humid today compared to yesterday.
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    Big G - you'll need something warm to wear post race.   :)

    I suppose lack of marathons this year is probably why that runner has only done 18 miles in training.   He's going to hurt but if he's determined he'll finish OK.   I remember a few years ago talking to a runner at the prize giving at DD and he admitted he'd never run a marathon, or anywhere close to the distance, if the previous RO had known that he wouldn't have been allowed to run, he got round but he was suffering afterwards.

    That's a lot of first timers this year, I expect quite a few are the Running Forever club runners.    Maybe those of us that have done it before are more likely to recognise that we haven't done the training/racing/prep or are mildly injured and realise that a DNS is the sensible route. 

    I'd forgotten about the non binary runner, we'd discussed that before.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    I’m envious of the DD runners. Sounds like fun. Good luck to you both at the weekend and look forward to the race reports. Glute still feels sore so no running for me until all clear even if I’m itching to get out. Legs feel completely fine otherwise which is surprising. 
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    Rcouture - apart from the glute you've recovered really well.   

    Was your sports masseur able to identify what the problem with your glute might be?

    Don't worry I'll remind you when DD entries open just in case you fancy it next year.  :)   It's a stunningly beautiful course and a very special race.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I just read registration closes at 8.45 so I will need to get there a bit earlier.Hoodie looks good,I have one on order also,decided I wanted a nice memento and I've not got a hoodie for races to keep warm in.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited June 2021
    Shades - Masseuse couldn’t come in the end as she’s ill so have postponed it to next week. Glute is now just a dull ache and doesnt impede movement anymore so don’t think it’s anything nasty. Im just thinking I might as well clear it up completely during what should be a recovery period anyway. 

    I would definitely consider DD even if next year might be a bit early. I’ve actually never been to Dartmoor strangely so could even make a family holiday of it. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades, do you need a phone to use the Garmin HRM Run? I never use a phone - I always plug my watch into my PC to upload data.
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    Ian - DD registration always closes fairly early as taking the drinks out to the various places on the course takes ages so they need runners to have put their stuff in the boxes promptly.

    Rcouture - a dull ache doesn't seem so bad, hopefully that will heal quickly.    Your massage should be less painful next week as your legs will have no DOMS left to hurt.

    Entries for DD usually sell out within a couple of hours, only 260 places, but there's an active transfer list.   Big G will tell us when entries will be opening, as it's his club that organise the race.

    Cal - no, you don't need a phone, just plug into PC as you do now.    You just sync the HRM when you get it with the watch, easy to do and switch off the wrist HR option on the watch and that's it.   

    Well I phoned the AA and despite the fact they're really busy, I'm safe at home, not on a dangerous or busy road and I'm not a welfare case they arrived in less than 30 minutes.   Nice guy, he's a runner and we've both run a few of the same races.   New battery fitted and cheaper than price quoted by my garage yesterday.  So all sorted.    :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, I have a feeling you've made it onto Shades list of potential DD casualties....errrm, I mean entrants ;)  You'll love it - it's a great course.  I remember talking to someone who has done it 10+ times ranging from running it in very good times to other occasions when the course bit him on the arse and he struggled.  He said something like "Dartmoor Discovery.  Such a great name.  You discover something about yourself, and Dartmoor".  One of the legends of our club (Smokes, and yes he smokes often out on the course) was at the club last night and even he looked a bit nervous, and he's done it loads of times but I don't think he trains that much these days.  He'll get around, no doubt of that.  He works on road repairs over Devon, and he asked his firm not to put him on Dartmoor over the last couple of weeks, as he said he'd rather not remind himself about what's in store.  I love all these stories!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's great service from the AA.  Good news it was all sorted quickly.
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    Big G - Smokes has to dig deep but he just puts his head down and does it and he's had some tough runs.   It's definitely the mind that gets him round the course, not the training.

    I thought Ian would never forgive me for cajoling him into running in 2019, but he's back for another go this year.    :)

    I'm especially impressed with the AA as this is the free cover I have from my Seat dealer.   :)

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I did a very, very easy ride on Zwift earlier, on a flat course (Paris), so I think that's me done before DD, barring a gentle dog walk or two.  I was going to do a short run today instead, but decided not to bother as nothing to gain really.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-The race beat me in 2019 and I'm a sore loser so had to give it another go,as this won't be my best effort I presume I'll be back another time to give it a good go.
    Shades-Good news on the car.
    Well the news about the lack of green list has really ruined my mood today,I cannot understand the logic,Malta has barely any cases,great vaccination rates,no variants(as far as I can tell) yet its safer for me to be in a store with 30k people a week in than a week outdoors in the sun.This has annoyed me more than pretty much anything the last year,I got the reasoning behind a lot of the other stuff,even If I disagreed,but this I don't. Oh and I'm fully vaccinated so the chances of me getting or passing it on are small anyway.
    Rant over,now to concentrate on packing for the weekend.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Any thoughts on how you're going to try and pace it, Ian?  Or is it more wait and see how you're feeling on the day, and take it from there?  I need to think about it, and still haven't decided to what to leave at what aid stations!  I've gone for cocktail sausages and mini-scotch eggs for a picnic en route, as well as flap jacks and kendal mint cake which I'll probably carry with me, and electrolytes drinks most likely at every other station.   Frustrating about the green list; I know you're really keen to go away for a decent break.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I've got power bars that I'm going to eat on the uphills along with mint cake,will probably carry them,I've also got a carb drink I'm going to carry and leave some at 3 stations and carry it to the next one,I also have some gels in case I'm feeling rough.
    Pace will be aimed around 8.15-30 for the 2% flat and same effort for downs,I will walk uphills when my effort seems too high or HR goes above 155.
    That is the plan,whether I stick to it or it works is another matter.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    The weather for the race looks the best weather to race in,in England tomorrow.Most of the UK is hotter than Devon,which must be a rarity.
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    Ian - Sorry about Malta. will the government make any more announcements re travel in time to save your holiday?    It does seem restricting the overseas travel is their way to try and keep the variants out.   Being vaccinated doesn't stop you catching and transmitting though.   Of course it's not helped that cases are rising here and number of tests have reduced.

    I think you'll can do a good PB at DD this time and in the future even faster. 
    Good luck with trying to keep your HR down to 155, will be interesting to see how that goes.   

    I just looked at my 2017 stats and I know I did see only 5bpm lower than my MHR on my watch during the race, but my highest averages per mile were 90% MHR and one of those was walking that hill out of Ashburton and one was the hill at Badger's Holt, at 10k.   I did a PB that year and I had to run hard to make the cut offs but despite the high HR's I felt good on the way round and I was fine at the finish, not wrecked.  My average HR for the race was 86%.

    Isn't that 2% flat a gross exaggeration  :wink:  

    Big G - I think those savoury options are much more suitable than your choices last time.   I take it you've got someone on the course keeping them safely chilled for you.    I saw on FB that one of the 10 in 10 runners was having sausages delivered to him on the course.   One year at DD Robert Tinnyunt's wife delivered a hot pasty to him halfway up the hill out of Ashburton.

    I'm really enjoying the Dauphine highlights, I so much prefer the ITV commentary team and the way it's filmed rather than the Giro format and commentators.

    6 miles, undulating today.   Ankle OK.   Back to gloves it was only 6 degrees when I went out, lovely sunny morning though.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-No idea, it was meant to be evey 3 weeks originally and a weeks notice to change but the latest change only has 5 days notice so its no good for us as we can't isolate after.We are going to have a break here,not sure where yet,but planning a few days driving somewhere and staying over at a couple of places on the way for a day or so.
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