
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, I’m not sure if there is a name, but I would go with Dev-don, too. I remember when I did London marathon the first time in 2010 the shirt said Lon-done and I liked it, except it was a cotton shirt. I still have it somewhere though. I bought the jacket as well, which I still have, but it’s way too big now as I was a lot heavier then. 

    Ian, I’m excited for you!  It seems you’re planning on lighting that credit card up when there :) 

    Rotterdam marathon today and I’m sure it’s been on Eurosport in the recent last but it’s not on there today. Boston is on there next week though.  Also Brighton today and I’ve a few mates in the Tri club there. There’s one guy, Tom, who is about my pace and there’s a bit of friendly rivalry where he’s hoping to beat my time, and it will be very close whether he does it or not.

    Met up with a mate yesterday for a coffee and yesterday, and then on for a few drinks and a meal in town. Haven’t seen him since before Xmas so it was good to catch up. OH and I are going out somewhere nice for a late breakfast today, and I’ve just been on Zwift for an hour. 
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    If he is sending it tody i wouldn't expect til evening being he is on pacer detail at Brighton. Yeah will have a chat with him some point but if i go for the travelodge just north of Bristol thats plenty far enough home for first day. Wake my normal time and i could be home lunchtimeish. Depends on traffic though.
    Semi tempted to do a 50k Sat or Sun as iirc you can switch if you want to but will check that. Some warmer weather would be nice too. Never ran yesterday as it was 6 before i got back from Mothers which was way later than i had intended and i had skipped a morning run cos it was still only 4.
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    Although we have not had the details email yet Shades i have assumed where the route goes (Well i do kinda have local knowledge ;) ) and erm a nice uphill drag for a mile start each lap and around 180 foot climb for each lap so be a fun run ;) No idea what he's doing for the extra 1.5 mile out and back but i would imagine backwards along the lap.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Cal/Big G-I'd go with Devrun
    Shades-Temp is about 13° and humidity has dropped nicely now to low 60's
    Yes I have a few things I'm planning on buying,100% buying the jacket and serm other bits I like the look of.
    Our U17 men won the national 5k team champs yesterday and came 2nd and 3rd individually,but same issue arises to stop us having a great older team,2 who finished that last year have agreed to go to college in America and 3 of yesterday's are already being approached.Thats 4 we will have over theree next year with more to follow.
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    Big G - Rotterdam is, or used to be, considered one of the key spring marathons, odd not on Eurosport, maybe they wanted too much money.

    Keith - most likely tomorrow then by the time Davey gets home, I forgot it was Brighton today.

    I think if you want to do the 50k you have to change races before the start as I believe they start from different places.   I think the marathon is an out and back followed by 7 laps.   Whereas the 50k starts in the same place as the half marathon and is 9 laps.

    You'll have even more local knowledge after the weekend 😉. 180 climb in each lap must be flat for round there.

    Ian - that would be perfect conditions for you.

    Well done to the youngsters in your club.   It's a great opportunity for those that go to the USA to study and train, more racing for them over there too.
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    Just seen that Dewi Griffith's won the Great Welsh half in 1:08
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    It's not an area i am fully knowledgable on BUT part of it is the Launceston half route.
    Strawberry fields itself however er might have been there once or twice
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    Keith - that was a great race, I don't think it's still going?

    I looked at the menu of Strawberry Fields this morning and I'm not surprised you've been there once or twice.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, IAAF used to have Gold, Silver and Bronze level races, but it looks like they complicated all that in 2018 as they’ve changed it to Elite Platinum (the majors and a handful of others like Amsterdam and Valencia), Platinum and Label races. It appears Rotterdam is now in the Platinum (second) category but I know it used to be in the Gold category, because I remember reading about it when I did the race. When I did it, to be a Gold race, one of the criteria was that it had to be televised in at least 5 countries, so maybe that is why it is no longer in the top category, but I don’t know. 
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    Ian looks like the weather is shaping up nicely, hope it doesn’t change too much in the next 8 days! 

    Big G I did Brighton in 2015 they paid big prizes and would attract a couple of quicker runners and it was covered by C4, not surprised Rotterdam not covered as we’re struggling to get the majors covered on TV. Sorry to hear about DD, I’m still trying to get rid of my place.

    shades still not managed to transfer the place, sent 6 emails so far most have replied saying already they have already got a place, will try a couple more then start from the bottom and work my way up. 

    Cal glad the lady who tripped at parkrun was okay… these things have a habit of not being good 😆 

    few rest/ recovery days as legs have been quite tight after Wednesdays longer run, did consider a short run yesterday but opted for a lazy day.

    St Clare hospice 10k today, 14 mile warm up run down the river Lea then a bit along the stort before making my way to the race, final half mile wasn’t pretty as long grass on the side of a dual carriageway.

    arrived at the start with 15 mins to spare, said hello to a few friends, quick loo stop, popped a gel and made my way to the start.  About 300 runners and seemed to be slightly undulating loop.  Started off a bit too quick but managed to get round and felt pretty much okay, finished in 56:11 running 20 miles in total and the 3rd run half marathon distance plus in the last 9 days.  Will get a couple of 10 milers in this week then have an easy week before Dorney.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-JUST the 14 mile warm up 😂
    I normally do 8 at marathon pace 10 days out,as today is 8 days out I lowered it to 7,went fine,pretty consistent on the pace and effort so happy with it.
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    Big G - I expect the pandemic has had an effect too, maybe some countries can't confirm their races will go ahead when plans are being made.   NL had a lot of lockdowns and strict too.

    Robert - you are a true ultra runner, 14 miles and then a 10k, that's class training.   :)

    Re DD transfer, although the transfer system is good, I found it very frustrating as some of the runners on the list were muppets.   One replied to me saying he'd know in a week or so as he wasn't really fit..so what was he doing on the list. 😡 
    I wanted to be fair and work through the list in chronological order and found, as you have, that many are in the process of transfer but hadn't advised the race director so their status which should have been changed to pending was still showing they wanted a place.
    In the end I emailed a load of them and was lucky to do a transfer with a great guy, paid me within the hour and we had done all the paperwork with race director an hour later.   I did offer my place to him at £40, but I was close to the end of the list and I was happy with that.  

    6 miles this morning, no frost 🥰, windy in places but nice and mild.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert/Shades, seems I was quite lucky then. I emailed the first and second guys on the list, and the first one had another contact for a place, and the second one confirmed he wanted mine. He’s paid me although I’ve not seen email confirmation as yet. It’s does seem a strange system these days though - after agreeing with someone on the list it involves printing out a form, filling it in by hand, scanning it back in and emailing it to the person who wants the place. He then has to print/fill out/scan/email the RD, but then also has to pay both me and Trotters in separate transactions. Plus the RD needs to keep the lists/statuses up to date manually, and manage all the emails. Quite time consuming, and I’m sure there must be a more efficient way. I got a place for Seville off of the waiting list and I just got an email saying that a place was available and that I had 2 days to accept/pay electronically, or I’d lose it. 
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    Big G - some race entry systems now operate race transfers, but it's always a logistical nightmare admin wise.   

    I asked for payment via PayPal and had an email within minutes.

    At Seville you wouldn't have been doing a transfer with another runner but an offer of a late place, so just like a normal race entry.

    How's the knee, any running today?
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    Big G - I saw on the news last night that the Larne ferry was sailing again, is that your ferry?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I just saw about that. Yes, that’s the route I’m using, but it’s still very complicated with Dad at the moment, so in a way it would be easier for me if it was cancelled. Knee not right, and if anything getting worse, which is concerning me as well. It feels like something wants to ‘twang’ (technical term) in there. Hoping to find out a bit more about what is going on this week with Dad - last week there was talk of moving him to a care home but when his partner phoned yesterday there was talk of sending him home, but of course all the carers have been stood down so that all needs to be put back in place if that is happening. 
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    Big G - well it's good the ferry is operational again but on this occasion not doing you any favours with the unknown situation with your Dad.

    Strange about your knee, it was less troublesome when you're running.   :/   I'm not suggesting you should run though.  Do you think the Zwift could be making it worse?

    Any luck with Dr Google as to what it could be?
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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭
    Big_G said:
    Shades, sorry to hear that. Any thoughts of squeezing two in next weekend to catch up? ;)

    I made the 1hr trip down the A38 for Plymouth Central parkrun, for their 19th event, and the only one in the city itself (there are some with PL postcodes, but outside the city). I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure their first event was disrupted by the start of Covid, IE that week lockdowns started, or very close to it. 

    Strange one for me as I used to live opposite one of the entrances to the park when a student there, and I left there 20+ years ago. A different life now in many ways, but some great memories there, and I still count my uni mates amongst my closest friends, even though we don’t live near each other now. 

    Anyway, it’s quite a hilly course, all on tarmac, and the volunteers and other runners were all very friendly. Free parking, different coffee shops available very close to the start/finish and today there were nice views from one end of the course out over Plymouth Hoe to the sea. Very pleasant. 

    Central park, parkun is my local one, think I've ran it 10 times now, however, I wasn't there this weekend as we made a trip up to Torbay for the kids to have a go at a flat one; one was aiming for sub 28 but just missed out but still managed a ~40 second PB), not bad for a nine year old. 

    Anyway, your comment about it being quite a hilly course did make me smile as there was a guy there doing a review for his YouTube channel who basically described it as quite flat! He is from Tavistock though so I guess he's used to running up the edge of Dartmoor. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Tommy, Torbay is my local one which I’ve done 96 times and is flat, so compared to that I thought Plymouth was quite hilly. I’ve done a few that are far hillier though :) 

    Shades, not sure if it’s Zwift aggravating it, but I hope not otherwise I’ll be climbing the walls!
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    Big G - I hope not either, Zwift has certainly stopped you getting cabin fever when you've not been able to run before.

    Can you walk pain free?
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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭
    Big  G - yes I'd agree with your assessment that Central is quite hilly! Although it is the fastest course local to me (Tamar Trails, Mt Edgcumbe and Plymvalley all being much slower). 

    Have you done Bolberry Down? I think that's my favourite one in Devon. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Tommy, I’m hoping to do Bolberry Down this weekend, or if not, very soon.  I was over that way for a walk a few weeks ago and it’s stunning.  After lunch at the cafe there, we walked down to a beach called Soar Mill Cove, which was beautiful, and virtually deserted when we were there.  I’ve not done the parkrun there as yet though. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, I can walk pain free….
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    Big G -as you can walk pain free, I would take that as a huge positive. 

    Is this the same leg as you had the hamstring niggle?   If so, may well be connected injury wise.   Trying to protect the hamstring can bring on knee pain/injury.
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    6 miles this morning in a balmy 10 degrees, a little light rain, perfect conditions.

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    Ian great final longer run, always a good feeling when they happen

    Shades - defo the ultra runner within me helped! It's the looks I got when I explained that it seemed a logical thing to do to score championship points but also get a long run in.

    Big G - The transfer system for DD does seem odd, I managed to edit the form and drew a squiggle for my signature as haven't got a printer.  I can't believe how trusting people are to pay money into my bank account just by text or email.  There are more efficient ways but the manual side of things makes the event unique, just a shame they went to electronic payments as now have a redundant cheque book.  Hope the knee sorts itself soon!

    Managed to get shot of my DD place, asked for £40 as feel it was fair to meet half way with the transfer fee.  Rest day yesterday but aiming to squeeze a short run in today between work and uni tutorials.  

    Haven't given Dorney too much though, until a few weeks ago training was pretty poor but managed to get some runs in now.  Think I'll attack similar to last october, 4 laps 59 mins a lap 9min mile pace approx, arrive at the final lap and hope I don't crash and hold on for a sub 4.  4:15:50 was last Octobers time so have a benchmark.
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    Robert - as a fellow ultra runner I can understand perfectly your logic of doing the 10k as the final part of your training that day, I would have done the same.

    Good you've managed to do your DD transfer.  I used PayPal for the transfer of funds as you only have to give your email address.   I hate PayPal but for that type of situation it's brilliant.

    You never got much of a chance to use that cheque book.  ;)    I paid my plumber by cheque, as that's what he wanted, the only cheque I've written in the last year.

    I seem to think you've done more training for Dorney this time round, so a good chance of improving on your previous course best.   :)

    Have had my race info for Strawberry fields, sharing race directorship with one of the RED organisers so still those ridiculous Covid rules.   Says we're going to have our temperature taken on arrival, so irrelevant and pointless.    :#

    But the course looks good, followed a bit of it on Google maps and looks to be mostly narrow country roads which is good for me.

    Keith - I see the bit with the climb in the first part, past the houses.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Robert/Shades, it was committee meeting last night and I did mention the transfer process and the trust involved. Trotters are currently with Eventtrac but aren’t happy with them so are moving over to SiEntries soon, and the DD RD said that SiEntries do a transfer system, although they do charge for that. I’m not sure if she’s considering changing the transfer system next year but she did comment that the current system is a nightmare from her point of view too. Chair, the old RD, said there were something like 80 transfers last year and joked it was a full time job managing just that. I have to say, if it was me, I’d change the system, but I know Chair very much used to enjoy the ‘thud’ of the post being delivered with all the old paper entries, and didn’t really want to move to electronic entries, but eventually relented. 

    The RD of one of our other races, Templer 10, is a Doctor and is currently working/volunteering in the east of Ukraine at the moment…..  He’s a lovely chap and also a 100MC member too. He’s been for runs with his Trotters top out there, apparently, and Chair has asked him to write an article about it, which he has said he will do. I’ll share it here if I see it, if there’s any interest. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that is odd about the temp checks. What a waste of time. I wonder if they’ve been spooked about the person who later tested positive for Covid after their last event?  It’s not their fault that happened though, is it?!  I just reread the pre-race details of their last event and there was no mention of temperature checks, and no one was wearing masks etc at that event, although face coverings were mentioned in the note. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Belated congrats to all the racers lately especially Bradders on a great debut. 

    Got back from hols last night and managed to get on the treadmill for an hour every day bar one while out there so pleased with that. Aside from the tedium they also seemed badly calibrated so pace seemed random depending on the day. I just ran by HR anyway but any other stats were useless. Did 17 miles this morning on hilly route in park near me as had the AM off work as well. Rest tomorrow especially as ITB a bit more moany then usual late on that run. 
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