
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope you went ok SJ

    Neck, hip thing was manageable, but tummy was a bit off and I felt a bit weak, maybe due to 11.30 start. So took a gel at start and one at 6m. In 2019 i did 1.27.38 and went on to run 2.55 at Abo and 81 at Gosport, so 1.27 seemed a decent target. With loads of hills and about 3m of stone paths this race comes out around mp and is tough due to all the hills, so whilst you could run quicker at times, im not sure it'd improve your finish time.......anyway 1.26.45 for 16th and 1st M50 (and m55), 3m wu and 2m wd, so decent run.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Wardi - Excellent long run and weekly total. Glad to hear the wound is not troubling you too much. 

    TR - Congrats on yet more AG prizes. Sounds like a well judged race with your pre race prediction. Bodes well for London if the Abo conversion is replicated. 

    Race today went better than hoped/predicted. Achilles grumbles didn't trouble me during the run so got into a decent rhythm early doors and basically stayed there. 2:18 and some change. So much for a steady first 10 miles! 

    So basically a smidge outside 3hr pace. Felt good with the exception of a tired mile or so at 15 miles. Kept it going so job done and fingers crossed no reaction next week. I might keep the faster stuff on the low down if all good for another week just to edge my bets. 

    Met LS21 and his buddy just as my warm down concluded with 5 mins before the start. Great to get a shout from them in the latter stages and meet up afterwards for a bite to eat and a natter on all manner of subjects. Well run today mate. Strong running. 

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    TR - Great run and time there. Promising for the Autumn's racing. Congrats on the prizes, assuming there were some?
    SJ - Good going. Despite not being quite your plan it sounds like it was well judged. Again sets you up nicely for the Autumn.

    Shade under 7 miles today. My longest run since November 2021. Aim was HR in the 130s but that would have been a shuffle so had to settle for high 140s, low 150s. My weight is still tracking downwards so just need to keep getting myself out the door and hope that the rest will come. Down in London this week so will see what I can fit in. 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Joe - good PR and always good to avoid PT! Confidence boosting 7m. 
    SJ - That's a really spot on 20 mile run/ race. Chapeau. 
    TR - The AG win streak continues, fantastic stuff. Strong time too. 

    All settled into our chalet in Le Lavencher went for a nice hilly 5K yesterday and knee felt fine. Win double bonus today as had a family walk to and from Argentiere which was along the Petit Balcon Nord which was the course used by today's 40km MCC race, so able to see and cheer on the runners, and had a 100 m sprint chasing one who was going the wrong way.  Currently sitting in the garden looking up the valley to Le Tour and seeing the runners coming down the valley.

    Chamonix has a great buzz about it now the races have started, UTMB things going on everywhere, all the major trail brands hosting runs around the town and trails, runners everywhere and hikers, climbers, mountaineers, mtbs, it has a real adventure feel about it. Will do another 5k later, then that's it until race day. Carbo loading starts tomorrow. 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Moments after posting, got stung on my left inside quad by a wasp, so today's not all win win.  :smiley:
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Joe.. progress is progress, hope you can find some decent routes in London.

    TR.. that's a very decent performance on a lumpy course. Congrats on 1st V50 and nice work getting the extra miles in either side.

    OO.. sounds a great atmosphere over there.  Bad luck on the wasp sting..

    SJ.. a well executed 20m by the sound of it.  Funnily enough my PB from the Hull 20 from many years ago is 2.18!  
    BTW my clubmate who was hoping to scrape under 2hrs did it comfortably with 1.57.

    2 x 4m today.  TBH with tired legs after yesterday I wasn't going to bother with the 2nd run.  Then I got a call from an old filly training partner who was passing through town so enjoyed the 2nd run.& chat.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - bodes well that, good stuff.  How's the achilles now?

    Joe - nothing wrong with a shuffle, i have easy runs with approx av 110 at times.

    OO - Sounds great, enjoy yourself.

    Wardi - smoking jacket and cravat for that 2nd run?

    Think that's my last prize for the year, next races are London, Abo and Gosport 1/2 with about 3 wks between each, so ill be wrecked by the end of that.

    Legs were ok today,  probably due to the warm down, then walk back to ferry (the pier is 1/2 mile long let alone the prom) and dog walk when i got in. Just 5m today, but the sniff of a sub3 is there if i get a few more long runs in as only have 4 or 5 20s.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - that sounds like a really positive race. Well done!

    joe - that sounds like a good parkrun to me given the circumstances. It'll come back; don't rush it.

    Wardi - nice 18/week. 

    sj - job done. Decent pace long run bagged with no drama. Well done on staying sensible.

    OO - when do you start? Good luck and enjoy the carb loading. 

    Finished off last week with a 50min+ acceleration run. 10mins @ 7:32, 7:02, 6:43, 6:24, 6:17, plus 4mins @ 5:54 pace. Paces were unsurprisingly a little off after the 18 the day before, but it left me just over 70 for the week so I'll take that.

    Started this one off with a 3m jog/Aussie Quarters session yesterday. Poor route choice for the efforts (road crossings, gates, etc), plus easing myself into it meant I clocked 18:07 for the 4.8km, but it's a marker for the next time (which I'll probably do on track to do it properly).
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - good week that. Maybe you need to find something like a cricket pitch to run round for that session.

    Legs were feeling ok so declared it time to get some marathon work in with 15m today but the legs did groan in the last few miles, dont feel smoked though so hopefully Sunday was nearer mp.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Ow do all,

    I hope everyone is well - certainly sounds like it (OO being attacked by Monsieur Wasp aside)

    TR - that's a cracking result, well done old chap! Given previous race times/conversions then that bodes very well for the Autumn. Hopefully your niggles are calming down a bit too. Good work on the 15 today too - I've got similar planned for tomorrow.

    wardi - good LSR and a solid week there. Hopefully the issue with the scab thing is nothing serious too. Fingers crossed.

    joe - good work that mate. As others have said, just be patient and sensible. I think most/all of us posting on here have had some major lay-offs with injury. I personally was out for over 2 years. Just be consistent, patient and trust the process. It'll come good. And just outside 20 for the parkrun is decent and gives you an immediate target to gauge progress.

    TT - good week there and some solid sessions. Never heard of Aussie quarters. Does the 'Aussie' bit mean you have to be mildly racist and misogynistic as you're running? Good work anyway.

    OO - good luck mate! Chamonix sounds like it's buzzing (an unintended wasp pun). Enjoy the occasion! 

    And SJ - obviously I saw you in person, but well done on Sunday! How's the achilles now? And have you a run in the Rincons yet? 
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    So, as SJ said I was at Trimpell on Sunday. I ran this exact course in March and ran 2'23 - I wouldn't say I full-on raced it then, but I was flagging quite badly at the end so I'm not sure I could have gone any quicker. I do feel a bit fitter now and I've got a Marathon under my belt since then, so I was hoping to go sub 2'20, maybe 2'15 if I had a good day. The plan was to run it quite hard but not go daft. I normally go progressive for a 20, but I wanted to try and run it evenly if I could. So the plan was to set off at 6'45-6'50 and go from there.

    As it turned out I'm probably fitter than I thought! I tend to go on HR more than pace really, and I ended up clipping along at 6'35-6'40s. Halfway in 66'40ish, then a minute quicker for the second half - so I ran 2'12'22. Really pleased with that, cos I've done a couple of 10ks recently where I've been a bit underwhelmed by my performance (but big picture and all that). I felt ok at the end too - not sure I could have gone much quicker, but I could have carried on and done another mile or two I think, so bodes well.

    Then as SJ said we went to the pub after for a spot of lunch and a good natter. Lovely bloke is SJ - I had a cracking afternoon in his company. So all in all a really enjoyable day, and it's given me a little boost that the hard working is paying off and I'm getting back to it, slowly but surely :)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good to see that amount of progression since March then, you are in sub3 shape then. Still got about 9 wks to get fitter too. I've had some ordinary 10k times this year too, but have gone better over 1/2 mara.

    TT - the boys have put up the Shaun Creighton interviews again (due to popular demand), they are a top listen.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    LS21.. I always reckon a long race/marathon will bring you on for the next one.  Very good progression since March and a decent pointer for Abingdon.  A well earned lunch too!  Must feel good after all those years of injury.

    TR.. yes indeed, the top tailoring gear was out - a bit too warm for the smoking jacket so made do with a cummerbund and cravat. :) Nice work getting that 15m done.

    TT.. that's a good week with the quality built in.  My club use the track at the local school occasionally.  It is chargeable but works out at around £4 per head with a decent turn out.

    9m today, very humid but I must be getting used to it by now.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Top 20 racing at Trimpell SJ LS21.
    Cracking performance that TR - that's another race you've gone slightly quicker than last year. Should mean sub2:55 unless the weather's agin ya.
    More than decent week that TT. Condolences on the loss of your Dad - particularly tough that you weren't able to make it in time.
    Definitely moving in the right direction RJR - you'll be low 19s (at least) for parkrun in a couple of weeks for sure.
    Ticking along nicely Wardi.
    Best of luck on Thursday OO. You managed that niggle extremely well. The final mile in that 5K tester!! Shows your enforced taper hasn't done your speed any harm & endurance lasts a lot longer.
    Slack week post BoomTown (may have over indulged on the cider :D ) Just 2 short MLRs & a parkrun (20:25 for 3rd)
    Started at Shambala Friday but got out for 13.1 yesterday before a day of graft. Home for a couple of days now so 11.6 on Forest fire tracks. Same run 6 days ago felt like a right slog despite being 32s/mile slower. Similar effort for the first 5 (largely DH) but a minute quicker then upped the effort for the climb back up & knocked another 5 minutes off B) 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    LS21 - That's a really well raced and paced run, and always a great sign to run the second 10m at a faster lick. And a few beers with SJ, sounds like you both had a really good day out.

    TT - It is Thursday morning, most likely 8.15 am, if I as most likely try abd start with the 1st wave and not the 2nd wave in which I am allocated.

    Lovely hike upto the Mer de Glacé today and 5k run, possibly a bit too much. Complete rest day tomorrow bar kit inspection and bib collection. Looks like being warm on race day, topping at 28C, should be a bit cooler a few thousand feet up in the mountains. Good news it's just the Basic kit thats required, so do not need most of the stuff I've brought with me, the sting in the tail!  
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR - I'm just about to restart the first Shaun Creighton one as it happens - I was halfway through when I went back home so have forgotten most of what I'd already heard. My initial plan was indeed to do it around some playing fields, but it had been spitting rain on and off and I figured it would be too greasy for decent traction. Good stuff getting 15 in so soon after IOW!

    LS21 - lol. Plus probably chugging a tinnie and throwing some more shrimp on the barbie? Great stuff on the 20m!

    Wardi - my local track allows payg, but charge £6, which seems a little wasteful for such a short session. I'm still driving Mrs TT to work most days (long covid) so could use the one near her work which is more reasonably priced.

    Jooligan - thank you. Sounds like you've recovered from one festival just in time for another!

    OO - cool. Good luck with both the race and getting off with the first wave!

    Very easy 12m yesterday evening. Felt slightly more comfortable than the same run last week.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jooligan.. nice work getting the training back on track, sounds like we indulged in similar cider consumption. 🍺

    OO.  best of luck with the race, hope the heat doesn't cause too much grief.

    TT.. good work getting that MLR done.  Sorry to hear Mrs TT is suffering long covid.

    10m today, still quite hot & muggy.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Cheers Wardi. It has been 8 months now since she tested positive and though she has improved the effects are still noticeable. The overall trend is positive though, but it's scary to see the impact of a milder variant on somebody so fit and healthy. 
    Well done on the 10m; it was very muggy here yesterday.

    Had a bit of a sh!t track session. I've had a rough few days emotions wise, and if Jr, and a mate rejoining, hadn't said they were going I'd have probably just stayed home tbh. Session was set as: 1m, 2 sets of (800, 600, 400, 200) + 4 x 100).

    Figured I'd try for 80s laps (current 3km pace??), but compared to feeling cruisy and relaxed at 76s/lap pace for the 300s last week I just felt uncoordinated, tight, and tense, so opted to stop after the first 600m. After a break I decided to jump back in with Jr for his second set, and ended up running the 800 and 600 with him before easing away.

    Final scores were: 1m (5:22), 800 (2:39), 600 (2:01)
    800 (2:52), 600 (2:10), 400 (79), 200 (32) + the 4 x 100m as 2 laps of 'straights' (hitting around 15s +/- for the 100s).

    I'll take that as a win given it was a struggle just to get to track. Onwards.
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    Thanks all for the encouragement. Planned to run this morning but woke up to torrential rain so decided to skip it. At my current low mileage I can make up for it elsewhere.

    TT - understandable not to be at your best but that's still a quality session. Opening with a 5:22 mile is good going. Agreed that £6 is a bit much on a PAYG basis.
    OO - sounds lovely. you've got to enjoy it as much as its about running well on the day. unlucky on the wasp sting!
    Jooligan - impressive improvement over a week. maybe there's something to cider as a performance enhancer...
    LS21 - very promising 20 miler bodes well for the marathon. with the carb load and taper and all that should find extra seconds.
    SJ - similarly good run by you. one man's steady is another man's...

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - good to see you, a top mix of running, festivals and cider. You have some great adventures.

    Hope OO is going well

    TT - we had CV in the house in Nov 20 before vaccinations, my wife was real poorly, still suffers now, they gave her breathing exercises to help get her lungs going again.

    8m yday, 12 today inc 10x5min, supposed to start mp ish and progress a bit. Same time last yr i averaged 6.28 for the 10, today it was 6.33 but i started a bit slow with a 6.48, 39 and then 10 av 6.30, so comparable esp as av and max Hrs were a few beats lower. Slow start might have been due to the pissing rain that kept up all run.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Great miles TR, good pace in the 12m intervals.

    Joe.  a bit damp here too this morning.

    An easier day today so a single 5m done this afternoon.  Legs did feel more energised than earlier in the week.  
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Good work TR - takes a little while for the old locomotive to get chugging! Top session that though, especially after IoW and the longish one on Tue.

    TT - yep I'd take that as a moral victory. Take the positives etc. It's not easy churning it out day on day on day. You do what you can on the day. You'll have got some decent benefits from that session for sure, even if it wasn't exactly what you'd planned.

    jooligan - top festivaling! And well done for getting out at all by the sounds!

    wardi - good consistency from you as well.

    joe - keep at it mate, small steps etc. You'll get there!

    Hope OO is going well.

    Not much to report here. Took it pretty easy Monday and Tuesday (2 x 7 milers), and then a 15 Wed morn. 10 this morn, possibly 12ish tomorrow. Nothing quick, just having a steady (pace-wise) week whilst trying to hit 75ish miles. Just being careful post-race and trying to keep my feet on the ground type thing. A little niggle in my shin which seems to have settled down, but I'm not sure there's too much to gain pushing things too hard this week.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Thanks for your comments guys. Brief report : Job done, 3rd  in age category, I am now the proud owner of a cow bell and was on the podium in Chamonix, loved it. Far harder than I thought/trained for, took 8 hours and 32 minutes. At 2 hours, 50 minutes still had 21 hard  miles to run. Miles 15 & 16 over the highest parts of the route involving climbing chains, clambering over lots of rocks  took an hour. Got myself into wave 1, with my running bib cunningly safety pinned to my shorts rear.  Think that's the end of my trail running adventures for a while. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Wow, well done, OO, that's a fantastic result (although rather you than me: it sounds incredibly gruelling!).  I hope you're going to enjoy some well earned rest and relaxation now.  And hang on to that cowbell: always useful if you enjoy playing Mahler symphonies ;)
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - stunning result. Well done!!

    TR - yep, my wife has breathing exercises to do too, plus on anti-histamines, b12, and vitamin D which are all supposed to help.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LS - wise to be careful after a 20m race, i moved my session back to Thursday to give an extra day, but felt ok, probably regret not doing it weds when my legs ache in tomorrow's long run.

    OO - great work, one for the memory banks making the podium. It sounds horrible to me, your prep obviously worked well. That cow bell is a great prize, and will remind you of the podium.

    TT - sounds familiar, forgot to add that the booster jabs seem to help recovery too.

    7m easy today, back on the much needed long runs tomorrow hopefully, only done 1 in the last 4 weekends.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Great stuff OO, good to see you made the A/G podium.  I guess you were grateful at times for all the ascending you've done in training in recent weeks.  Re. Cow bell.. at my local 10k course there is an uphill drag from 8-9k.  One group of spectators gather at the top of this hill armed with a cow bell to encourage the runners on the ascent!  Enjoy the rest and celebration.

    TR.. hope the long run goes well tomorrow.

    TT.. one of our club girls had long covid, very fit & late 30's.  Took her nearly 6 months to be rid of it.

    LS21.  that's pretty decent ticking over the week after a 20m race.

    Legs have been a bit cranky at times this week so did 21m on the bike today for a change.  Will probably get to Parkrun tomorrow and add a few miles on.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - i thought that was going to be a 21m run for a mo, on cranky legs too.

    Chugged out a slow 21m today, found it a shock as expected due to a big week and missing a few recent long runs. Probably be my lowest amount of long runs before a mara, but ive raced lots so we'll see what happens on race day. 3 of my running days this week totalled 20m, the other 4 totalled 66m. 4 good days with an easy day between each.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Ha!  Sadly not at my age TR, recovery gets slower particularly in late 50's onwards.  Thought I'd give the bike a spin to avoid pounding the legs for a day.  That's a well grounded out 21 miler during a big week, good mix of miles too.

    10m for me inc Parkrun.  No wind at all this morning which helped a close but got the cigar 21.56.  Had to do a bit of gurning and a sprint at the end but just got there.

    I spotted Lord Dids ran the East Cheshire 5k last night, always a stacked field.  17 48 got him 293rd!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done on the parkrun/10m combo

    Just an easy 6m here.
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