
Sub 3



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    TR - Great spot, on it and just ordered, and return the others. Thanks. 
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    LS21 - sorry to read you've been having a bit of a rough time. Well done on both Abingdon and the 10 miler. Sounds like you're in decent shape!

    Wardi/TR - I've been keeping an eye on Kevin Sinfield's very commendable fund-raising and endurance activities. Very impressive. MND seems to be coming more into the public eye/awareness thankfully.

    TR - fingers crossed the lurgy symptoms come to nothing; that would be incredibly bad luck. I've taken the same tack to the Nike sale - the pair that arrive tomorrow get sent back for the pair I bought today :) I'm very pleased I managed to get a cheap pair with the pink lower as it was my Dad's favourite colour so I was planning on wearing them for my races next year.

    Wardi - the 10m should help bring your legs back to you.

    Felt a bit rough towards the tail end of last week so took a few days off. Finally had my physio assessment/2nd opinion yesterday. Diagnosis of a compressed sciatic nerve, most likely triggered/exacerbated (I'd been having occasional sciatica issues anyway) by the bulk of travel I done over a couple of days in early August - prolonged sitting/sleeping in uncomfortable planes and buses. I've been told I can keep running, but ideally to cut back a bit, so I've dropped intensity (skipped track last night, and xc this weekend), and volume. She doesn't think it'll take long to improve as long as I do my exercises.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    My order arrived at 7.30 this morning, within an hour of reordered and saved another £50.

    TT - good to get that diagnosis. Not surprised after some of the symptoms, but at least you know now and have a rehab path.

    5m easy, coughing no worse.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good shoe bargain spotting chaps, I did manage to find a decent pair of NB trail shoes today reduced from £150 to £80 (my previous trail shoes are about shot).

    TT.. that's an encouraging diagnosis in that you can still run a bit. Re. MND, we have a couple of MND ambassadors in my club who have had family affected, terrible condition.

    5m + 5m double today, breezy but dry this morning but hopped on the treadie this evening due to a heavy deluge outside.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    TT - That diagnosis is positive and good to know you can keep training with some adjustment.  
    Wardi - Nice (and sensible) double.
    TR - Good the cough is not worsening 

    10m here in glorious warm sunshine, ran to Padstow and back along the Camel trail. Choose my moment well as for the previous hour, it was windy with the rain lashing down. Just kept it easy @ 7.45 mm.  Really enjoyed it. Then back to a work Teams meeting on "restructuring and roles" which sounded ominous enough, which was then postponed 5 minutes before it was due to start. The writings on the wall methinks. 
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    TR - good bargain hunting! Even better news that the cough is no worse though. Fingers crossed!

    TT - good that you’ve got a diagnosis and some exercises to do. In my experience I tend to do the prescribed exercises until it stops hurting, then I don’t do them ever again until something else goes - and I get prescribed the same exercises again.....

    wardi - nice double. Good stuff re the shoes. 

    OO - sorry to hear about work. That doesn’t sound good. The run did though! I enjoyed many a mile on the Camel Trail on hol a few years back. Lovely place to run. 

    Interesting chat re MND/Kevin Sinfield. I was running with a woman from my club for a while on Tue and her sister has just been diagnosed with it. Only 42 as well. There’s nothing at all you can say really. Apparently it can start either attacking your muscles/movement first, or your speech first (although it’s gets both eventually). For her it’s her speech. Just very very sad. 

    Also as an aside to the Kev Sinfield stuff. There’s a fella up here (called Gary McKee) who’s running 365 Marathons this year (one a day obviously) - for Macmillan Cancer. He started on 1st Jan so is nearing the end now. He works full time too, has kids etc. A mammoth undertaking, and one that hasn’t really got the profile it deserves really. Some effort that though, particularly given some of the weather we get up here. 

    Speaking of which.... 10 y’day in very blustery wind and biblical rain showers! Just off again now - no rain forecast so we’ll see!
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    LS21 - a Marathon a day for a year is very impressive! Fair play to him. Hopefully your friend's sister has been offered a tablet to record her voice onto to help communication? My Dad refused to use his, which meant that as his speech went it was harder and harder to work out what he wanted.
    I'm even worse with the exercises. I joked with Mrs TT this morning that as I'd managed to do them the first 4 times as scheduled it already made it the longest I'd followed physio advice.

    OO - we had a similar meeting yesterday. I've been here 23 years so am not adverse to taking redundancy.

    Wardi - nice with the shoes.

    TR - positive that the coughing is no worse.

    5+6m easy yesterday. 8m moderate this morning.
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    My mum's friend did the voice recording thing via MNDA.  She found that motor control of her hands stayed pretty good for a long time after she lost her voice, so found it easier to write notes rather than use the tablet until very near the end, but it was good to have that option there.

    No run this morning as had to be in chambers a bit early.  A pity, as for once it wasn't raining!  I also had a sports massage last night, so probably not such a bad thing to let the body settle after that.  I've been told to start doing some strength work on the hammie, so I'll try and match TT's 4 sessions of rehab exercises for starters.

    Nice result, LS21.  I hope the life stress resolves.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Jools- that's a cruel disease. Someone i used to know just withered and was kept going by  respirator for a while, awful, he was an active guy, played in bands, very cruel disease.

    OO - hoping for the best then. You recently had a restructure? I'm with TT ive 27 years service, so I'd be interested if voluntary was there.

    Worth a bit of post office faff to save another £50 On those shoes, but one order came in two separate boxes, which the lady at the post office couldnt deal with, so i had to go buy some tape and make two boxes into one parcel.

    13m today, 5 easy, 6 mp, 2 easy. Av 6.47 for mp but it was breeze assisted so probably should have been quicker, still not 100% though and I was a bit dusty from a few frothies. So who knows?

    One week to get healthier (or worse), but Goodwood is LT 30mins away and I run past the exit to the car park at the end of rack of the 11 laps, so its worth giving it a crack.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Almost forgot........Brighton council have a meeting monday re London Marathon events taking over the marathon. Good idea as they can Probably point a lot of the London ballot rejects at their alternative event.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    LS21 - Chapeau for the 10m and yesterday's early 6 am ish start.  I am 58 shortly so this much trailed restructuring would be good news - even more time to train and race.

    TR - That's a good confidence building run, one week out, especially given today's conditions. Rest up now, plenty of sleep and lots of superfoods and your good to go and get it done.  Good news if London events do take on Brighton, personally would live it if they rescheduled as an Autumn marathon.

    TR/ TT - Hoping we all get the push then. 😂 

    Good few days for me. Easy 13m in the rain this morning, following a 13m Inc 7m @ 6.35 mm yesterday, first time since my last marathon my legs had some zip in them. Malaga marathon negotiations have started, positioning it, as a rather regret the things you did do, rather than the things you didn't do type syance. Wife playing a poker face game at the moment. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - hope the negotiations go well. Superfoods planned........chicken bhuna and some frothies.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. great MLR & a promising MP section if you're not 100% yet.  Just tell yourself the frothies were for medicinal purposes. :) Encouraging news about Brighton, the London bunch might make it a bit more prestigious I suppose.

    LS21.. shame about the run in stormy weather, hope the following run was a dry one.

    OO.. those are decent back to back MLR's, good sign if you can knock out a long tempo during one of them.  Good luck with the Malaga discussions!

    A few years ago I did run with Ben Smith when he was on my patch - he ran 401 marathons in 401 days.  He did get a niggle at one point and had to take a few days off but added the missing miles on to the other remaining days.  From what I remember when it was all over he had to go through a type of rehab with phsyios & medical people!

    10m inc Parkrun today.  Rain was forecast this afternoon but so far it has stayed dry.  My 5k speed is still struggling but at my age I guess I'll just have to be patient in trying to getting it back. 
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    TR - good stuff re the MP MLR - fingers crossed. Those super foods sound good. maybe a bit of mango chutney on your poppadum, and an onion bhaji side - 2 of your 5 a day then :)

    OO - tasty back to back MLRs, especially the one with the 6'35s in! Good luck re the Malaga negotiations. Sounds like you might need it!!

    wardi - nicely done today. Just keep at it and it'll click I'm sure. You know what you're doing.

    Re the Gary McKee/365 Marathons. I think he did 100 consecutive last year, and then followed it up with this this year. The thing is he does it all while working a full 40 hour week. He works at Sellafield and they've given him a shift where he starts in the afternoon. So he gets up, runs a Marathon, gets sorted, goes to work for 8 hours and then home to eat/sleep. Then goes again. x 365 times! I'm not doing down what the likes of Ben Smith or Kevin Sinfield did by any means, but to do all that while carrying on with the rest of your life as normal is nuts really.

    Just the 7 this morn. Was very tough to get out. My slot was up at 5, out by 5:45 (I had to take my daughter to Carlisle at 7:15, and then be back to open the shop). I was absolutely shattered and it was blowing a gale and raining - AGAIN. Seems like it's been like this every day bar about 3 or 4 for the past 7 weeks or so. Still, because I was so short on time I just set off before I could talk myself out of it! Supposed to have been more recovery pace, but I just wanted to get it done really. Longish one planned tomorrow but it'll be at 'Driving Miss Daisy' pace cos out with a mate who's a bit of a wuss and who will moan for the entire time. I can't wait...
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - keep doing a few drills and strides in order to keep looking for a bit of speed.

    LS - there's been plenty of run soakings this Autumn.

    5m easy. Coughed a lot overnight which kept me awake, but hope fully some fresh air has cleared a few tubes for a while.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Good stuff TR - hopefully you can keep it at bay. Must admit I don’t really mind the rain tbh. In fact while I was in the queue for the toilets at Abo (wearing just my vest and shorts) as it absolutely banged it down, somebody offered me a bin bag thing to put on. I politely declined, as I was mostly wet already (and it wasn’t that cold). Someone else in the queue said they don’t normally run if it’s raining. ‘I’d never go out!’ I thought to myself! No, rain is ok. It’s the wind that gets me. And we just seem to have had very windy weather, therefore with non-stop horizontal rain! Living just up the valley from the wettest place in England probably doesn’t help...

    Mostly dry this morn though. Ended up doing 20 for some reason. My moany mate did the middle 15. He was fine for 10, and then it was like he’d got a piano on his back. The pace dropped by about 90 secs a mile and was an absolute death march, but he got it done. Think I’ll fly solo next week though as it was quite hard work. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LS - agreed, it's the getting cold and wet thats the issue. My run times are fixed as commutes so i have no choice, esp if my bike is at the other end......your mate needs to have some breakfast or take a gel or 2 (unless he was running much quicker than he should be).
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    Afternoon all,

    Good to catch back up after a period off the thread for various reasons which I won't bore you all with. 

    Good to read LS21 Abo report. I missed the result at the time so it was great to hear all about it. Well chuffed for you mate after so long out and medical prognosis being so poor. Superb return to running well once more. Glad you are rightly proud after a well executed result. The drive home sounded horrific though. Nice 10 miler recently too. Also, interesting re the shoes and your experiences with the Nike offering. Hope your family are feeling better. Being in that cold shop doesn't sound much fun. 

    Great to read of niggle improvements for you Joolska. Hope you feel better now having mentioned not feeling 100%.

    Noted some impressive shoe savings for OO and TR. Shoes are so expensive now that it's the only way to buy them (in the sales). 

    Sorry to read Mrs TR is struggling once again TR and that you are also up and down. A decent long run shows you are still there or thereabouts. Good to read you are going to give it a go re Goodwood. 

    Sorry to read of some work issues OO. Sounds like you are being positive about it all. You and others with lengthy service history is a crumb of comfort at least. 

    Similarly sorry to read of conversations ongoing for TT too. Also good, in a way, to know what you are facing re recent sciatic diagnosis. Hope you stick with the rehab work. As time passes by I realise more and more that stretching and maintaining things is better than the alternative. Prevention is better than the cure etc. No one likes doing all that of course. I've kept a regular stretching routine going all through the summer. It's just about formed into a good habit. 

    I've missed loads I'm sure but that's what I remember! 

    Still getting out there just about. I had to change things up for the two days in the office as the commute is far worse than I remember it. One particular 2.5 hour journey home had me rethinking my timings. 

    I now get to the office and do my runs before going to the office. Then work until traffic is quieter. It's along day but at least when I get home I don't have to go out on those evenings. It does mean I miss the Tues club session for the foreseeable. Back to solo sessions for now. 

    I have run reasonably well at some recent XC fixtures. Decent training anyway as i ran my last road race of 2022 today and managed a PB at a local 10k. The marathon training still paying dividends it seems. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    SJ - i just looked that up. Very nice, that's some sharp running. That's sub 2.50 leg speed. Good for you, I'm not sure I'll see anything starting with a 36 again. Phil sessemon is in good shape, all that running with his fit dogs.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    LS21.. I did the York Marathon a few years ago, it rained pretty heavily from 07.30 to 4pm.  Poncho before the start to keep dry, t-shirt, vest & shorts chosen for the race with a cap to keep the rain out of my eyes.  I was fine during the run but got cold quite quickly after the finish, changed into warm clothes pretty sharpish.  Nicely done on the 20 miler 👍

    SJ.. I used to think my commute was more stressful than the job!  One of the lads on here had 2 young kids.  He used to arrive at work around 6am and run 12-15m then shower and work until lunchtime.  Run another 5-6m then do the afternoon work.  After that he could spend the evening with his family.
    Congrats on the late season PB!

    Just 7m today. My glute/hamstring has been a bit niggly this week so I'll dial it down for a while.  I'm away in Alicante next weekend so that might encourage me to rest and have a few beers.  54m for the week.
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    Well done on the PB, SJ.  A nice way to end your season!  I often used to run from the office after work pre-Covid.  It meant avoiding busier travel times. 

    Back to continuous running here: hurrah!  5 miles on Saturday, and then 6 miles yesterday and again today.  I've even done hamstring exercises each morning :) (I'm realistic, and generally just aim to do 2 or 3 simple exercises daily rather than pretending I'm going to do 30 minute sessions a few times a week)

    I hope the hamstring improves, Wardi.

    TR: I hope the cough eases off.  Take it easy if needs be: can't have you back on the antibiotics again!

    LS21: company is fine, but the 90s/mile drop in pace sounds hard work.  Although commiserations to the slower runner, too: it's horrible feeling you're holding someone else up!
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    Ullo folks.  Just stopped by to read the exploits of LS21 on his Abo marathon.  Quality indeed mate.  Special race for us both that one.  We shared our first man love at that race a few years back and then remember him winning the meat raffle in the local boozer and tossing half a dead cow over his shoulder before drifting off into the sunset.

    Hope all is well with everyone.  I’m still soldiering on.  Lucky enough to win the ballot on my second claim club so will be back in the big smoke (all being well fitnesswise!) in April.. Be nice to have a few pints after and see some old faces.

    Few half maras lined up but just enjoying running.  Did X Country yesterday and it was so wet my shoe did a George Michael.  George Michael ?  Got sucked off in a bog !  Not for me, that…I just like a nice piece of road. :)

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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭
    LS21 said:
    TR - yep, I entered London (via GFA) at the weekend. Staying in an apartment with njord again (same one as 2017, which was my last time there). 

    Are you?

    I need to have a chat with the other half to see if she has booked something without letting me know!

    Glad you're back at FLM or whatever it's called these days.  You'll be at the Red Lion half an hour ahead of me.  Pint of Gamma Ray please.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Nicely done on the raffle win Jock Itch & good to see you popping in.  George Michael once got a chocolate bar stuck up his rear, turned out to be a careless whisper.🙂

    Njord.. can I stay in the apartment too?  Just think of the money we'll all save.  Might be able to afford a few beers now it's about £9 a pint down south.  I should make the Red Lion eventually if the old legs hold out.

    A fair old pea souper this morning, didn't help when a vehicle belching exhaust fumes went past me reducing visibility to nil!  5m done, nice to get a dry day at last.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    Blimey, jock! How's it going chap? Great news re London. Be great to see you again. And yes, Abo 2012 was a great day. The meat raffle! hahaha! That was a proper random post-race celebration. 

    And likewise njord! Having spoken to you quite extensively since you posted the above, then it seems weird replying to you here. Not sure where the confusion came about exactly - I think it was something Caz said on a Facebook post re me getting back to London, (something about getting the old gang back together), so me and Rich just assumed we were all doing the usual and staying in the same spot. Glad it's been sorted anyway. You've got an excellent PA there :smiley:

    SJ - just looked up that result. Superb stuff! As TR says, that's sub-2'50 form there. Cracking stuff. Sorry to read the commute thing is a grind at the mo. I can't commute per se (I go into town every morning to the bakery, butchers and deli so need my car at work) - but I get to the shop about 6:30am every day and run before work. It's just a habit now. I tend to go out that time on a Sunday now too, just cos I'm up and it's quiet. I hope things work out for you anyway.

    wardi - sorry to read the glute/hammy is bothering you. Hopefully a few days r+r and a few Cruzcampos sorts you out!

    joolska - great to see a bit of a mini streak going. Hopefully there are no issues and you can keep at it! Fingers crossed.

    Not much to report here. I was absolutely knackered this morn but dragged myself for 3 loops of the village (it's a 2.3 mile loop). Obviously added the 0.1 on to make it 7, cos I'm a twat. Just steady away.Hoping to double up tomorrow if I can. Easy am and then club pm. Cracking weather (cold, calm, sunny) so trying to make the most of it.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Chapeau SJ, a 10K and pretty hot time too.  Marathon training the gift that keeps on giving though bet the XC helped too. 
    Those George Michael jokes did crack me up - thanks Wardi & Jock
    Cold enough for you on Sunday TR, gloves & buff to start?  Good with a multi-lapper you can drop off layers as you warm-up/ round around.
    Back to back sessions - good stuff Joolska. 
    Some bloke that Gary McGee, no fuss, just gets it done.  Day after day is mightly impressive. 
    Strava and the desire to round-up makes twats of us all. 

    And saying that 5 miles lunchtime @ 6.27 mm. Malaga marathon not looking good as logistics difficult (Exeter airport to fly out but back into Bristol!).
    Better news the Brighton marathon is saved, might run it one day.

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    JI - great to see you back in here. Shame I missed you at the last xc, but I'm hoping to do the next few so might see you at one of those.

    And blimey, an appearance from Njord too! Hopefully I'll see you both at the Red Lion next year!

    Jools - how's the hammie strength work going?

    TR - you're sounding like the lurgy is clearing just in time? Fingers crossed for you. It would be interesting if London take over Brighton too.

    OO - lol. Good luck with the negotiations!

    LS21 - I'm with you on the wind/rain combo. Either are fine, but both together are a pita. Sounds like fun with your mate!

    sj - good to see you, and congrats on the 10k pb!!! Bloody well done! I agree on the 'extras' being a necessary evil nowadays. I just struggle with finding the time for that and running!

    Wardi - I hope your hamstring is improving?

    Been carrying on with my rehab, though not as diligently as the first few days. Been keeping a lid on my running. 50m last week, all relaxed. Started this week with a 5+6 yesterday and 9m today. Expecting a little more volume than last week, but not back to normal levels.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Retro posters ! Good to see Njord and Jock
    Didnt see you at IoW this year Jock.

    OO - I looked at weather today, NE wind with neg wind chill, joy, its so exposed over there. Hat, gloves, full tracksuit, puffa jacket......need to work out a gloves strategy as i struggle with cold hands and need to be able to take gels.

    London have been given a 3 yr (plus option of 2 more) licence to run Brighton, they have to honour 2023 entries, but will get to recoup money on subsequent years. They will be able to point all the London rejects at Brighton. Secures my 2023 entry anyway.

    5m commute home yday, 6m inc 2 approx mp today, mp was way too slow at av 6.57, thought i was smacking it too. Not 100%, resigned to not going to be now, but will give it a bash, if im struggling ill stop, I don't have to travel far to get there. Think it would do my legs good to run the distance though, even if I have to do it a bit slower. Time will tell, ideally i can snooze for 7 laps and then smack 4 laps. Which worked ok last time there.

    As above, my Brighton entry is secure, going to do North Dorset 4 wks after, as i had to miss that this year due to CV. Need to find an Autumn target for next yr, could be How as its always been a "one day" race.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Jools.. consecutive days is encouraging, long may it continue.

    TR.. no wind is a definite bonus given your usual marathon weather. FWIW my merino wool gloves are very warm but quite thin so good for finger functionality.

    TT.. hope your mileage rebuild goes to plan.  Thanks re. hamstring, it is a slight tweak rather than a pull so lower miles and a bit of intermittent rest should hopefully sort it.

    OO.. 2 different airports sounds like tricky logistics!  Nicely done on a brisk 5m today.

    5.2m today without any traumas.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. another George Michael funny.  When he crashed his car into a Happy Snaps store, some shining wit couldn't resist scrawling this at the point of impact. 🙂

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