
Shades Marathon Training



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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    Cal - well done on breaking the duck, most parkruns were cancelled here too.
    Rcouture - enjoy the warm weather training!  
    Big G - Great to run in difference places, hope all is sorted with Dad and have a good trip
    Shades - sensible choice to not run, it's too easy to slip over out there!
    WP - Hope you're feeling 100% again soon
    Steve 1:26 isn't too shabby place to start a training block from
    Ian - enjoy Anglesea, hope the grief with the leg eases.

    Managed 4.5 miles, the snow was hardpacked on the river, didn't stop me from skidding a few times and fell over landing on my *rse after 100meters.  The only parkrun local was my local one Westmill, but one of my clubmates was doing her 100th so didn't want to gatecrash as I'm on 99 myself. 

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    Aww Rob, why not go and support her?
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    I had considered it, but would have needed to drive and with the 7 closest parkruns off, limited parking I decided to stay clear, I was offered a lift late last night but a few too many beers in then
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    Shades - Things sound much worse where you are. Don’t think we’ve had any further precipitation since the initial snow. 

    Rob - What have you got planned for your 100th?

    Cal - Good luck tomorrow. 

    20 miles earlier around Richmond park and the Thames path. Both were fine ice-wise with the dodgy bits all when running through ‘civilisation’ so took it very slowly there. HR in the second half quite high despite perceived effort being low which might be related to a high RHR I’ve had lately. Probably it’s just the umpteenth bug this season. Nothing major to report niggle wise. Anyway brings up 60 miles for the week and the end of this little base building block which has been solid with 6 weeks above 40mpw and last 4 above 50. Zero miles faster than easy too. Even if I can’t maintain the momentum into Barcelona due to new job and now holidays, it’s all good stuff long term (I hope 😀). 
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    I saw that on Strava, Rcouture - amazing stuff.
    My HR was staggeringly low for the parkrun, though I suspect the cold may have affected my watch or something. It definitely didn't feel like an easy run.
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    Rcouture - you've done well getting that 20 miler in today.   A good week's training.  You've certainly banked some good base training mileage, giving yourself the best chance considering that time will be limited in the New Year.

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas, sounds like it will be a warm one for you.

    Unfortunately it's freezing here again tonight and the roads and pavements haven't dried out so not looking great for running tomorrow morning.

    I did see the weather forecast on telly and looks like the SE will have the freezing rain tomorrow so be careful as will be sheet ice.  
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    Rcouture - will just be westmill, doing set up which happens to be my 50th volunteer as well.  Nice 20!!! Good mileage and hope you can continue with it.

    Shades If I go running tomorrow I’m going off road as don’t want to fall/ slip.

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    edited December 2022
    Robert - definitely no more falls for you.

    Cal - good luck today

    Have stuck my head out the window, air temperature is not so cold as yesterday, but ground still looks frozen, will assess later.   Tonight, during the night, forecast to be 13 degrees 🥵
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Nice run, Rcouture. You’re in a great place to start the new year. 

    Arrived in NL on time, after the planned stop off in Ghent. Very cold this morning, and the canal is frozen as birds are walking around on the ice. Looks like a sleeping swan has been frozen in, but it’s currently wriggling about making room for itself by breaking the ice. Must be an occupational hazard this time of year, I suppose. 

    Hoping to do a run if possible today, but we shall see. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Got out for 6 miles here in Zwolle. Bitterly cold, but no ice on any of the roads or cycle paths, which was a result!
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    Big G - good the rest of your journey went well and you were able to get out for a run today.

    It's amazing how wildlife seems to cope well with the weather.   

    I haven't been out for a run, it's pouring with rain now but I'm still wary of the chance of ice in places.   
    So I've channelled my excess energy to some spring cleaning instead, moving furniture and turning the mattress.  I'm a bit tired now.

    My elderly neighbour's son has just called to see me.  Despite her other son telling her several times not to go out yesterday, she went for a walk and fell and broke her femur.  She won't be able to use crutches so I expect she'll be in hospital a long time.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Nice parkrun and running today.
    Rcouture-That is a great run,looking really good doing that so far out from Barca.
    Big G-Glad you got there OK,the Swan must have been a funny sight.
    Shades-Elderly people are so stubborn sometimes,my nan fractured her arm last week falling in the house because she didn't like the position of a bauble on her tree.
    I went to the Borders league race today with the club,its 2hrs travelling so they put a coach on for us,made it a really fun trip.As for the race I said to myself I'm just taking it as a training run,and I kept it that way for most of it,but when I got to the last km I decided to go for it,managed to overtake 20 people in the last half mile,still finished a lot lower and slower than normal but got through it unscathed.
    Oh and the weather was horrific,40mph winds with hail and snow,the worst weather I've raced in.
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    That's not smart of your neighbour, Shades, but sorry she got hurt. And most wildlife have fur coats. Still, I'd rather not be out on that, coat or otherwise.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip, Big G - saw your run on Stava.

    Mince Pi was more fun than I expected, despite the cold. I got a lift from Morden with my clubmate, Jaz (short for Jasmine) - there was a phenomenal red sky on the way there.
    There was quite a good turn out for the club, most there to honour Rob, the guy who was killed by a bus. It's 3.14 mile laps, approximately, hence the name, but I wasn't sure how many I'd do given the weather and the fact it's quite tough.
    The park (and I use that in the loosest sense, it's a sports field) where it stars didn't have any snow, just hard grass, but there were a few slippery patches along the way. Most of it is on trail, plus a bit of hard path, one stretch of wooden boardwalk and a short bit of road. The one notorious bit is an extremely steep scramble up through trees and then up again to a ruined chapel. First lap I did that on hands and feet, but I gained a bit of confidence and was able to go up on just feet (with the odd bit of holding on to branches) subsequently.
    I did it all at a chatty pace. First lap I ran with a lady called Jane, a V60 who was dealing with cancer a year ago and thus wasn't going to be going fast. Her back was aching a bit so she decided one lap was enough and I continued on to the second alone. I managed to catch up with a trio of ladies from Sussex and had a bit of a chat before ascending the nasty climb again, then saw Jaz as I was coming to the end of that lap and we did one more together before calling it quits (it was drizzling by then and the ground was turning from crispy to muddy.  That and due to the pace, I'd been going for over two hours so I felt that was enough).
    We both decided we'd rather go straight back than sit in a pub with the others but had a great chat on the way home and found we're really very similar in a lot of ways. She said she'll help me pick out an ultra for next year, so we'll see how that goes.
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    Ian - sounds like you really enjoyed the club trip, not so much the weather.  Hope there's no reaction tomorrow from the leg.

    Cal - well done, that's a tough course.   But as a tribute to your club mate, very poignant.
    It's sensible to choose your first ultra by recommendation, I'm pleased you've now got plans again to make your debut.  I think you'll be very good at ultras and you'll enjoy them.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Leg seems fine tonight usual aches.Here is a pic of the racetrack we ran around,right next to the Irish sea so you can imagine how rough it was 

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    Ian, that does look very exposed, yikes. Well done for getting through that. I wouldn't have enjoyed that at all.
    There's a guy in my club who does a lot of crazy races (he's done UTMB and Western States this year, amongst others) and he did Portsmouth Coastal Marathon yesterday, which he described as a miserable experience. And when someone like that describes conditions as miserable, you bet your boots they were.
    I think I got off lightly with the Mince Pi. (I will post a photo of the scramble section when they organisers put them online...it was a bit nuts).
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    Ian - lovely pic, what's not to like, flat fast, scenic, idyllic in the summer  B)    In winter conditions, I would think a headwind in every direction, never mind the hail, sleet and snow.

    Cal - I've heard Portsmouth Marathon is grim in less than ideal conditions.

    Amazing to run in warmer temperature today, a balmy 13 degrees.   40-50 mph winds.  Wind was relentless, I did an out and back and into the headwind the second mile was 2 minutes slower than when I returned and the wind was behind me.   Just one heavy shower, drizzle the rest of the time but it was so nice not to be cold.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Looks like that could be a pretty challenging course, Ian!

    8 miles today and I was totally overdressed, which made it not that enjoyable really!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-In the summer it is probably amazing,18th December not so much.
    That hill looks crazy steep when I zoom in,but it wasn't anything like that running up it.
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    Big G - it's warmed up over there too then.   I expect the swans will appreciate less ice.

    Ian - I thought the hill looked ideal, just enough for a change of cadence but not enough to be tiring.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah the weather site said 4deg, but it felt much warmer than that. I’ve been wearing my new jacket in the recent cold snap, but it was too much this morning.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    7 miles today,first time I've ran back to back on a few weeks,this week I'll just get out when I can depending on work.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That Portsmouth route goes round the east side of city next to the harbour, along a bit of the mainland and on to Hayling Island for a while and back, it's a grim route on a good day, I rarely run on parts of it but most of my running is commutes to the North, I also run North out to the lanes for my long runs as its more rolling.......Brighton have been taken over, 2023 entries are guaranteed, emails have been sent out.
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    Big G - I resisted the temptation to wear my new jacket today as I thought I might be too warm.   Opted for my flimsy one and I was still too warm with the wind behind me.

    Ian - good news on the back to back runs, that's a positive improvement.

    TR - Brilliant news to have your entry confirmed for Brighton.   Have London issued an official statement yet?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Yes it's official
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    TR - good, is there a press release we can read?

    Abingdon have just announced their date for 2023, 22nd October.   Entries open in February.
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    TR - it's OK, I've found the press release.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    From Hugh Brasher himself.

    I could be up for Abingdon, I like that race.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    TR-I take it the ones who bought multi-year passes are not getting them honoured?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    They are honouring 2023 only. They are not liable for any of the debts or prize monies. Some will lose subsequent years from the membership schemes sadly, there cant be too many multi year members though, so possibly a bit harsh ? But the new owners will need to make money back in 2024 and 2025, to make up money they will have to put into 2023.
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