
Sub 3



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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    TT - Looks like you gave her a good life.  Good weather call and still a decent week.
    SJ - Always the case isn't it, when the training is going so well.  A little cutback period could well be a positive thing with the aim of a good finish at the Manchester marathon. 
    Joolska - Nice to get the trail shoes on.
    TR - A 10m double is still a good day.

    Easy 6m yesterday, and rest day today, to help sort out the OP and a new right knee/ ankle niggle.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - how did you get on today?.........I do a 20m 2 wks out, so 2 more long run weekends

    OO - hope the OP is settling, it takes  while

    Didnt get rained for the first time in a few days  but had to have a paddle though some pretty cold water.........10 i(nc a few 7:0Xs at the end) and 5 today. Few frothies later then long run tomorrow.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. nice double today in the dry skies,  enjoy the frothies.  Hope the long run goes well, looks like a chilly one!

    Not great news for me but wasn't expecting any really.  Under a scan my left hammy tendon is weak & worn at the glute insertion point, it is a fair bit smaller than the RHS tendon.  Classic tendonipathy symptoms.  They didn't want to inject a tendon, bad practice apparently.
    I have a rehab plan with exercises but time is running out for London.  I'll take it day by day and make a decision at some point.  I can still run short to moderate distances which is a bonus.

    OO.. a swift recovery for your niggles.

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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Condolences TT.
    Sorry to hear it’s bad news Wardi
    Likewise SJ. Curse of work striking you down just as you’d trained yourself into decent shape. Ever tried any yoga?
    Sounds like you’re back on the bonnet just in time TR.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Wardi - shame re London, but at least you are allowed to keep running. You need to build that tendon up (somehow?).

    21m today as 7 easy, 14 steady. Pleasing as that brought up a 91m week, on a lumpy and windy route after 15m yday.........Id normally have run a few 22s but CV put paid to those key weeks. But that's an uncontrollable. 21 at the end of a big week is solid enough.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Hope the OP and the new niggles settle down OO. Yes sods law and all that. You could well be right re a little down time won't hurt. Missing 3 days doesn't undo the last 3 months, countless tempo sessions, track efforts and lots of long running. So much more relaxed than I used to be about that. In the past I would have tried to salvage the week once the niggle started getting better. Digging myself into another potential hole. I'm happy to say I don't worry so much these days.

    Hope the long run has gone well TR and as importantly that you enjoyed the frothies. Great you've got back on track at just the right time. Plenty of decent mileage in the legs so similar to myself, perhaps a little r&r will serve you well. Did I miss an update on your Brighton decision? 

    X-post TR, epic big week and a fine long run today. Superb mate. Right in the pocket.

    Not so great news at your end Wardi. Sorry to hear that diagnosis. I hope the rehab has you going well again in the not too distant. Everything crossed for you re London. Great that shorter stuff is still an option.

    Yes I have a little 15 min yoga routine I do a couple of times a day Jooligan. It's one of the few supplementary things that I've managed to stick with. The fizz did declare my back has just chucked the toys out of the pram and is having a moan at having to do all the stabilisation work. Weak core, weak glutes and poor hip mobility. Classic lack of s&c aggravated by some long hours sat in awful positions slouched in a chair. There are only so many hours in the day, I don't need to tell you that being a teacher.

    Better news in that I followed up yesterdays tester 25 mins on the treadmill with 50 mins outside today. Both felt good with good range of motion. My back is sore post running so will have to maintain mobility stretches, the hip ones in particular seem to be hitting the sweet spot.

    Only a medium long run scheduled for tomorrow as a further precaution. Then look to get back going next week all being well.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Good that you're on the mend SJ, that yoga workout is a Good thing for a runner to be doing.........I felt ok today and strong all week, so I'll run Brighton, I seem to have bounced back ok after CV, possibly due to stopping for a week.......I have missed the longest runs, and have done zero mp runs or usual 3min rep sessions, so you'd have thought id be less prepared than normal, so we'll see what happens........the weather gods will have a big say on things anyway.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. great run today and a very impressive week.  Good to hear it's given you a confidence boost to do the full marathon.

    SJ.. never realised that sitting down carried so many perils!  Hope you enjoyed the outside run today.

    Thanks for the sympathies, today's run was probably the most uncomfortable of all so far so I think it's going to be a long road back.  I'll do the recommended exercises for now and see how it goes.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    That's not good Wardi, but the physio session might have stirred it up, same as the exercises.

    15m this morning, so another 2hrs plus into legs that ran 21m yday.

    3 wks til the b of the bang, 1 more long run to go. Hooefully i can find a bit of leg speed too.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Wardi - That's really bad news, and its always a bad time. Is the injury down to wear and tear, or another factor? Good luck with the exercises and as you say play it by ear. 
    SJ - Good the tester runs went well.  Taking it easy this week, sounds the right approach and a cutback week  given your training load wont affect your race much, if at all.  
    TR - Another really strong week/ weekend of training and really positive that as such, you will be able to run Brighton. That marathon speed is just below the surface. 

    13m yday and 20m today but today was a real struggle throughout taking nearly 3 hours to bring up a 50m week, which is OK considering the niggles, which thankfully are easing. Hopefully a bigger and faster week coming up. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    That's a good weekend of exercise OO.  Not surprised the 20m felt like hard work after 13m yesterday.  Hope those pesky niggles continue to improve.

    My LHS hammy tendons are weaker than the RHS.  There was a sign of a previous tear which won't have helped, plus the wear and tear of 35 years of running.  After the initial gutted feeling I've accepted it now so will work on rehab for a while.  Running was uncomfortable at times so less enjoyable.  My hols later this week have probably come at the right time.

    TR.. excellent mileage banking, all good endurance for the marathon day engine.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Commiserations to Wardi and SJ, especially Wardi.  Not great timing.  I'll join you on the bench, if I may: I think that either my trail shoes or walking boots were laced too tightly last week, and I've got a painful point on top of my foot/bottom of my leg which hurts on footstrike.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Jools - I can get that with your Mum. I done similarly the other night when chopping carrots (I used to pile the ends in her bowl - automatically scooped them up, turned around, and realised it wasn't there. Hopefully your neck and shoulder are better now, but tough break on the foot problem. Fingers crossed it eases quickly. 

    sj - tough luck on the benching. I can get the desk problems given my job. There are a lot more standing desks starting to appear in the office. Is that a possibility for you?

    Wardi - I'm really sorry to hear your news. That sucks. It's not dissimilar to what my wife had. She has/had masses of scar tissue on her hamstring and they ended up having to inject under x-ray. It wasn't directly into the tendon, which is probably the difference. Hopefully rehabbing gets you sorted asap!

    TR - you sound like you've got the bit back between your teeth. Some nice heavy duty endurance work there; well done.

    OO - glad to read your niggles are abating.

    I ended up pulling a CNBA both Friday and Saturday. Very emotional few days as we revisited some of the stuff we used to do with the dog, and donated a lot of her stuff to the rescue we got her from. Restarted some of my particularly bad habits, but nipping that in the bud and trying to get back on the horse today. I did manage 2 hours time on feet yesterday - first 30mins c25k with my wife, and then 90mins of jogging. Only brought up 13m (which left me on 37 for the week), but it all counts, right?

    I'd planned a more uptempo run today but the wind looks like it'll put paid to that as it's blowing a proper hooley here!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. very windy & wet up here too, 10k walk for me today.  Congrats on getting out after the emotional stuff.  Thanks for the detail on Mrs TT's condition too.

    Jools.. sorry to hear about your possible lacing problem.  Here's a cat cartoon to cheer you up.. 

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ha!  That's classic catting, alright!  The foot seems a bit better when walking (certainly the walk to choir practice last night was generally OK), but I think it going to need a few more days of rest for the irritation to settle.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    TT - It all counts and that was a quite a week for you,  fine to break the habits of a marathon training virtuous monk for a few days.
    Wardi - Loved that.  
    Joolska - Unlucky. 

    Need to start adding a few faster runs into my week, so 10 today with 4m @ 6.20. Lovely to run in the sunshine, spring like!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - you'll be able to get out on the bike soon, which might help.

    TT - tough weekend for you.

    OO - good pace in that 4m, nice to be able to run in the sun.

    Minimal 5m yday, as legs were tired after last week. 10 and 5 today, first proper session of the year with 12x3min, better late than never. Body groaned a bit, but probably to be expected, and I was able to do all of it.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    TR - good stuff; I'm glad to hear you can manage sessions again!

    OO - you can't break a habit you've not formed yet. Lol. Nice with the 4m!

    Wardi - love the cat poster!

    Back on it a bit more this week. Still not managed to kick the reformed bad habits, but at least I'm running again. Hill reps on Monday and an easy 2.5 hours yesterday (8:13 avg). My usual source of trainers (Keller Sports) has gone bust, but I managed to get a couple of pairs of NB FuelCell Propel direct from NB at a reasonable price. They're probably their version of Pegasus (when compared to their race shoes), so no carbon, but still the same cushioning and a nice ride.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    TR - Well done on getting that key 12*3 minutes nailed, just at the right time for Brighton.  Always good to remind your body what is expected on race day, good mental boost too. 
    TT - Lol! I cooked last night and Mrs 00 and I were going to have a drink, my total 1 G&diet T!  Good to see your back on the horse, with a few good days banked. Nice one of the NBs.  I also did an NB purchase yesterday, lycra running shorts for the upcoming marathons (and next 5 years!)- probably the same price as the shoes!

    Meh day, OO Jr at home due to teachers strike, WFH, grey and pouring down outside so like the good marathon runner I am, just got 80 minutes d&d along the very quiet river trail (av. 7.40) feel soo much better, thank you running. Didn't feel the OP or wobbly right knee niggle. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. that's a decent double with the fast session in, nice one!  Re. the bike I'm definitely a 'fair weather' cyclist so I'm very much hoping it's a warm spring.

    OO.. it always feels very virtuous doing wet runs, good on you for getting out there.  It was lovely here this morning but cold & wet now.  Glad to hear your niggles are on the wane.

    TT.. Sportsshoes often have odd models of the NB range on offer, just a matter of spotting the bargains at the right time.  I've got some NB shorts that glitter in the dark!  Good to see you're back in the training groove.

    8m walk for me yesterday & another 6m today.  The war wound is getting better by the day, much less bothersome now.  I'm hoping that as we're in Palma tomorrow that their pleasant temperatures will aid the healing process. B)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - enjoy the break, very well timed.

    TT- excellent long run, go with the flow for s while. I had some 1080s which are a Peg alternative, decent enough but slways too expensive, when you can get Pegs and Rides much cheaper. Pegs are still great value esp when they are often much reduced.

    OO - well done, it's rare to regret getting out there.

    Minimal 5m today (easing off a bit), slightly sore ankle after yday, probably due to wearing less supportive shoes for the first time in ages (flynits)..........Brighton route was changed late on (possibly due to works etc), but this has delayed race day info, including park and ride info, which i use and will be in demand given its a train strike weekend. It's been promised by weekend so hopefully I'll get a place and not have to make late alternative plans........Parking in the field next to the motor cct at Goodwood does have its positives.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Turns out the new NB trainers have got no grip on a wet track. Throw together all of yesterday and I just pulled a CNBA. Ran a 1600m in 6:12 and then just sacked it off. Chatted for a bit and then Dory'd around to bring up 8m.

    TR - agree on the Pegs. I only picked these up as I wanted something a little softer.

    Wardi - I get enough grief over my shorts as it is; if I threw glitter in the dark shorts into the mix I'd never hear the end of it! Enjoy Palma.

    OO - well done on getting out when feeling meh. Must have been something in the air yesterday. I'm trying to find some new race shorts but having no joy. I'm looking for ideally short-shorts in pink (it was my Dad's favourite colour), but might have to consider lycra if I can find comfortable ones.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    TT - its good to vary shoes of different makes etc........sounds like you need to shop for shorts in the ladies section........I tend to wear 2 in 1 shorts, I have brought a pair of Ron Hill marathon shorts with lots of gel carrying potential, as my gel belt gave up at Goodwood.

    10 (inc 7 progressive steady) and 5 today. 200 up for the month which is solid on 16th......I could put a big month in, if i wasnt about to start easing off from Sunday.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. the finishers t-shirt for last York Marathon I ran was pink!

    TR.. nice double there, almost cotton wool time.

    I intend a 3-4m fitness check in the morning.  If it goes ok I'll probably line up for the half marathon here on Sunday.  If it is still uncomfortable I'm sensible enough to drop out. Mrs Wardi is doing the 10k so I can offer cheerleader support.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Didn't realise it was a racing trip Wardi, thought it was a social. Hope you get to run.

    6m easy today, legs were very tired. Last long run tomorrow. Looked back and I did 20m inc 10 approx mp 2 and 3 wks out from Goodwood in December, as my only mp runs after the chest infection. If i can get moving tomorrow I might try the same run and see how it compares, probably better late than never.......although comparison is the thief of joy......
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    Comparison is the thief of joy.......But it can give some data to gauge fitness..........wasn't sure if the legs would allow an effort today, but went for the usual 5.5, 10m effort, 4.5m. Wasn't pretty but got it done, 10m came out as av 6.46 av 137 max 147, 2 wks before Googwood in November it was av 6.47 av 138 max 147), so similar shape hopefully......I've now run 11m of mp this campaign........sub3 is a possible, depends upon the weather gods. 81m for the week, time to ease off.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Good signs indeed TR, a very encouraging 20m.  Done at the end of an 81m week makes it doubly impressive.

    My 4m test run was not good.  Despite not running at all for the last 7 days it was like having toothache down the back of my left leg.  No way I can run 13m like this so I've had to bin the half tomorrow.  Might get a 2nd opinion when I get home as it seems to be getting worse.  Anti inflammatory drugs have no effect on it either.  Conditions look ideal too, will pop along & wave the pom poms for the Mrs.

    Oh well, I don't fly back until Thursday so will just enjoy the rest of the hols.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023
    TT - Pink - bold!  
    - Thats a really good 20m with Brighton approaching,  a good chunk of MP within a long run within a strong week - you can only get faster and stronger for that.  I am a great believer in muscle memory and you've yonks of fast miles in you, and interesting to see Macca run a 2.55 in Tokyo marathon without much (if any) MP runs in his training for it.  
    Wardi - Damn, sorry to read that.  Have a good holiday and hope it helps massively with the recovery so you can run more normally soon.

    Few decent days for me including 2*8m easy runs and 8.5m @ 6.21 pace on Friday.  Gearing up for a long one this afternoon, after some domestic commitments.  Should be in the sunshine - winner. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Nice MP run, TR.  Cotton wool now, as you say!

    Sorry to hear the leg is no better, Wardi.  I hope Mrs. Wardi has a good run and the sun shines for the spectating duties.

    A couple of gentle 3 mile test jogs.  The foot/ankle area still isn't quite right on heel strike when dorsiflexed, but much better than last weekend. At least I can do a tiny bit of outdoor exercise to stop me going stir crazy :)
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Ah, somewhat jollier news - I'm sure TT will be glad to know that the post race t-shirt here was salmon pink - all the rage in Spain!

    Mrs Wardi was amazed to learn that she was 1st in age group in the 10k.  She's never won anything in an open race before so it's made her day.  They had a proper stage and podiums for the prize giving too.  Her chunky brass trophy reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!

    Hope the long run in the sun went well OO.

    Thanks for the commiserations, I'll decide on a recovery plan when I get home.

    I hope your foot settles down soon Jools.
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