
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited May 2023
    I suspect yesterday evening's prediction was the end of my good fortune, TS, coming to grief with Wordle today.

    Similar run to your own: Fridays are often easy but today especially so with more digging shortly. Quite heavy rain coming your way; didn't run until it had stopped.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    enjoy the dig - it did rain quite hard here so my planned lawn mowing is on hold - it did wet the new plants nicely though!

    Digging or baby sitting? - Your life is going to be full :)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    parkrun here today for the first time since February due to Covid. Probably would not have done it today but for The Flying Pig passing away last Saturday: he had run today's parkrun 245 times out of his 400+ so several of us attended as our own little tribute. In October he was running a similar time to mine today, but then his health took a rapid downturn having been diagnosed with cancer related asbestosis.
    I have been struggling to get below 6 minutes per km in training yet managed to average about 5:10 today which is difficult to explain! Not the quickest of courses as it starts on rutted grass and then there are more grassy or rutted sections later. 5:32/5:16/5:12/4:57/4:55 for a progressive run feeling reasonably within myself: final time 25:46. Happy with that, but not the circumstances!
    HR was still high for the pace although I did feel reasonably comfortable (need to get used to being uncomfortable again!): ave was 132 with a max of 147. Felt that I could have talked most of the way round so well within my limits. Only 7th in category: lots of younger guys seem to have just turned 65. All beaten by my squash playing M72 friend in just over 23 minutes which be a target for me next January!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ale: Well done on your parkrun and a nice way to remember your friend.

    Wowsers it is hot here finished cutting lawn yesterday 4.5 hours worth I should have got someone in for the first cut as my flymo was struggling but all done .hour yesterday and 40 minutes  today.I cut run short as it was 20 degrees and I was baking.Streak still going for the moment.

    Tomorrow long run and will get up early to beat the heat.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: A good effort for your first parkrun in 3 months. And a very good one by your M72 friend.
    Dave: Hope you are enjoying a decent break away.
    WP: Ouch, 4.5 hours cutting lawns with a flymo!  A flymo sounds a bit underpowered for the task?
    TS: Hope the 'orf' feeling has disappeared.  Back to the previously prescribed '4 x 9 min at 10:00 m/m' medicine?  :) 

    Not that I can talk. Had aimed to do the parkrun on Sat and one of my longer hill runs today.  Alas neither eventuated.  Woke up
    Sat morning with pronounced vertigo.  Quite a bit better this morning but still feeling light headed.  Decided not to chance running in that condition - a bit sensitive about falls after my last experience effectively put me out of action for a month.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    NZD: I can understand you being careful after  your previous fall.Always wise to be cautious rather than being out of action for another month.Hope you feel more up to it tomorrow.

    It was indeed and this flymo is 35-38 years old Mr WP once me to get a new one but whilst this one still works I am loathe to change.especially as the petrol mower he bought is still here only used once so need to advertise it and see if anyone wants a bargain.

    Long run day but on waking I was extremely tired and really not in mood for 96 minute run.So told myself something is better than nothing and I ran 94 minutes I will take that as a win.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Be careful, NZD! Vertigo isn't my favourite condition!

    94 sounds fine WP!

    Yesterday spent two and a half hours in one spot, guarding a bollard to stop the Great Manchester half marathoners running into it. Around 30 minutes afterwards. 

    Today was 35 minutes at conversation pace with M78.

    Wordle in three today.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good bollard keeping :)

    Crunch time tonight unfortunately...

    very nasty condition - good plan to take it easy.
    I normally only get it after too many beverages of a particular kind :disappointed:

    yup - summer may have arrived!
    Chopping down long grass with a Flymo is not an exercise to be happily undertaken. The petrol mower, if powerful enough, doe a ;lot better job. 

     I have a Hyter 41 and it makes short work of long grass as long as it is dry, which it was over the weekend,  thankfully.

    Very hectic weekend starting with what was to be an easy assist to someone moving into a flat and turned into a full redecoration project - so that was Saturday/part Sunday gone.

    I was awake very early on Sunday and tried to ease my aching painting fatigued muscles with a slow plod over woodland trails - beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery through old beech trees, scramble up some rocky bits and a big hill  - nice change from my usual routes - just under 5 miles in all.
    More decorating on Sunday later on, then a dash to see g'daughter on her birthday and eat cake, and then cutting lawns at home which had taken off!!

    Out very early this morning at 0600 - another lovely day and another slow 4 miles on very heavy legs.

    Managed a paltry 23 miles last week - all slow, all short :/

    This week will be worse as several appointments clash with running times.

    Wordle in three, four and five over the last three days  - going downhill like my running!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    My problem is I find the petrol mower too heavy and I can not pull the cord to activate it It just does not work for me.Our garden slopes up hill at the bottom and to the RHS.

    62 minutes recovery run this morning done early but not as early as TS :)

    TS: Blimey that is some cross training you did at weekend! fair play you manage as many miles as you did considering.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    You could say your team were lucky to hang on for a draw, TS...
    Unfortunately The Foxes are dependent on other results on Sunday now. 

    I don't call 62 minutes a recovery run, WP!

    Hope Birch is getting plenty of warm weather training in! 

    Wonder how Mick is doing. 

    40 minutes easy today after going to the tip, fuel, supermarket, an hour gardening at daughter's. Another hour in mine shortly. 

    Wordle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Hi Alehouse,
    I'm doing well, still recovering from all the super antibiotics they pumped into me during my hospital stay. No sign of a fever or chills and I'm back on my daily walks. A big day for me on Friday when I start my final chemo treatment and get to see my critical blood numbers.
    Keep on running and I hope to be posting my first recover run soon.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from you Mick. Fingers crossed for Friday and beyond! And hope Spurs sneak a win on Sunday!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good news on your recovery and I hope that after your last chemo course you are not long delayed in posting that first run  :)

    62 min is a long time on feet!

    My petrol mower is a powered drive version so it's not too much effort and I found out a long time ago that the easiest way to start it is to hold the cord and push the mower away - far less effort required!

    you could say that your team were lucky the woodwork was so wide ...

    Didn't really expect that as I suspect a draw ain't enough for the Foxes -although a defeat would have scuppered them - so t's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    Just back in and catching up - no run and no Hash :/

    Heard the news that Mark Cavendish was retiring after the TdeF - a true legend in his sport and the fastest thing one has ever seen.
    I chatted with him briefly back in 2012 when he was recceing the finish in Harrogate and I was running on the closed roads the day before the race. Really friendly and engaged.

    I had to look up the moment that really stick in my memory of his amazing speed after all the hard graft to get to the end of a stage


    Probably only surpassed by the sight of Wiggins in yellow leading him out on the Champs Eleesye

    .. and he is only half my age :)!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I love Mark  Cavendish  truly amazing man and rider and so honest as well.
    Thanks for clips🙂

    Back tomorrow  as on phone and I hate typing  on phone .
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Mick: Great to hear you are doing well.  All the best for Fri.
    Ale & TS: Some heavy duty x-training efforts by both of you.
    WP:  Many battery mowers are very capable these days if you get one designed for larger lawns.  We tend to go Stihl - a bit expensive but reliable.  Maybe something like an RMA 510 V PRO or RMA 460 V (both self propelled), or equivalents in other brands.  Or if those are overkill, there are plenty of lighter options.  All offering "instant starting, less noise and zero exhaust emissions".  We have a small model (RMA 235?) as a second mower for small areas around the place.  Chosen by OH due to light weight.  Personally would have gone up a notch but have been surprised how capable it is (not ideal for a larger area though).

    The vertigo still persisting here.  Not too bad but sufficient to put me off running due to fall risk :(.
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    very heavy xtraining :/

    I like Stihl as well and I have various cutters, trimmers and blowers from them all with interchangeable batteries. I need the two for most things!

    My petrol mower is old but very efficient - in fact I have just got a maintenance kit for it for the annual overhaul plus a new cutting blade and box collector - so it's a bit like Trigger's broom!

    Up early again this morning and Garmin said VO2 max workout - 10 min warm up/cool down; 5x3min at 8:50 pace; 2 min intervals - oh dear.

    Anyway off I went in glorious sunshine and a light cool breeze clad in vest and shorts to the usual oval spot.

    Managed them quite well, and I was about 10 sec faster on each one than the target, although they all felt a bit forced,  which is the nature of the beast after all, I guess

    although I took a walking recovery before the fifth one as I talked to a friend - and I needed it!
    0.35 miles to each one which is  a strange distance lurking between 400m hard workouts and 800m efforts so pleased to have got it right.

    Garmin actually recorded some anaerobic effort which is a first since I got the new one!

    There is a new Garmin out as well with an OLED screen - same functions as mine but much brighter and easier to read.
    However at £600 I may pass, although my eyesight in very bright sun is not so good nowadays!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Good well controlled workout. 

    Yes, the F965 was one I was considering shortly before it came out. I know it's not something of interest to many (incl you!) but I was disappointed by the limited smartwatch capabilities.  Keen to get a single watch to replace both my sports watch (running) and smartwatch (general day-day use). 
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    feeling it now!

    I'm not much of a smartwatch fan - I need to get away from emails, calls  and texts etc and I never play music on runs so it provides me with a "safe space"  :)
    anyway I can't read the text on the watch screen so my iphone is with me when I need it.

    Wordle in three today
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the recommendations for lawn mowers I will do so looking at the ones mentioned and see what I think would be suitable for me.

    I like my smart watch does all I need it to ( Garmin Fenix 5)never listen to music if I do it is a little ipod shuffle.Never carry phone and do not want calls and texts to annoy me I like it  to be free and easy running no hassles.The few times I have taken phone Mr Wp have rang to see where I am as he forgets  the time or how long I have gone.For me it is clearing my head and setting mme up for the day ahead.

    I may upgrade to the 6 at end of year as this watch is two years old and I find the battery life starts to falter at this stage.

    PT yesterday and short run and usually today is slow like a tortoise but it was not as slow as normal which is good news a nice 50 minute run.Achilles a tad grumbling but think that is after hill on Sunday so watching that.

    New shoes have arrived....I am apprehensive as they have changed then adidas Boston Boost.I have run in these  since coming back after Achilles rupture and suit me so very nervous They look and feel wider in toe box and the bouncyness under forefoot.I am going to take back a pair to my cupboard I only used 4 times as version 9 and these are a 10 and rotate them with the other pairs to see if I can run in them.But too nervous to wear tomorrow unless I pull my big brave pants up :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to see patience being applied, NZD!

    I know nothing much about lawnmowers these days although until about a decade ago I used to use a Webb push mower. Certainly helped with fitness! Not too many generations ago it will have been the only option!

    Decent rep session, TS, and good to see someone using the term intervals correctly!

    Around 15 minutes easy then 2k at a reasonable pace and then eased off. Babysitting first, and again tomorrow at 7 am. Morning only, then cricket. Don't know when I will squeeze a run in.

    Wordle in three, also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited May 2023
    TS: I'm sure the effects will have worn off after a good night's sleep.
    Ale: Yes, you are going to have to schedule in a lot more time on baby/kid minding over the next several years.  And gardening by the sounds of it!
    WP: time I replace my shoes too.  Heel pads have now worn through.  Probably need two pair - one for training, and one for speed/'racing'.  Need to get my parkrun times down!  Any recommendations re that latter most welcome. A bit disappointed my current ones only lasted a year before the heel wore through.  Not as though I have been doing massive monthly totals.  Quite the opposite :(.  That said, Strava started telling me I needed new shoes back in early Jan, when I (theoretically) reached 500 km with these ones.  I hadn't as I often used an old pair for roadside routes with rougher ground (but didn't bother resetting the shoes used each time). 

    A bit more in balance this morning.  Decided it was time to get back on track with a cautious, moderate pace excursion around the estuary (8.16km @ 5:54).  HR 135/146, which I guess was passable for the pace and lack of recent running - even if aided by a distinct c. 8C chill in the air at the start.  No falls(!), though one uncomfortable call with a dog on the loose.

    Looking at my pace profile from this morning, I am starting to think I should be calling these interval sessions :smile:!?

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    admiring the view :)?
    Don't think the algebra for altitude is in scale with the pace graph - it's the same on Garmin when on a screen but not on the watch itself which is strange, so the hills get flattened out!

    That was still a decent pace after your lay off and taking it cautiously!

    If the recommendation required is for faster shoes then the new carbon fibre plates may assist but I believe they are cheating and against the spirit of equal competition!

    I used to race/speed work in Adidas Adizero's in fact I have a box fresh pair sitting on a shelf awaiting the time when I think I can do them justice - they have been there a long time :/

    If it's training recommendations then it's base fitness improvement and VO2 max workouts at varying distances culminating in 5 x 1 mile with 3 min intervals over several weeks - that should do it - and you in :)!!

    Pleased to hear the balance is slowly improving - is it an ear infection that causes it?

    big brave pants time :)
    It's always the same, one finds a pair of shoes that are perfect and the next time one comes to buy the manufacturers have changed them. 
    I run in Adidas Ultraboost and the latest pair are radically different from all previous iterations, and yes they have widened the toe box slightly as well.  
    Still fit ok however and overall its fine and s I am not a heel striker the extra heel width is unused!!

    your time is not your own!!
    Fine day for cricket watching however B)

    I have not so fond memories of trying to cut grass with just such a mower after coming back from holiday to very long grass :/
    One of my friends has one of those remote mowers that runs around the lawn corralled in by a cable set in the lawn - however they don't like slopes!!

    Recovery day today so 5.1 miles in 57:26 (11:14m/m) was more than enough although HR of 120/135 said I wasn't working too hard my legs said different.

    Probably not helped by another lawn mowing task last evening - trying to get rid of the coarse grass growth by more frequent cutting and the weather is ideal for it just now - cutting dry, fresh grass is so much easier!!

    Wordle in five
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    Have to comment on the sad news of Tina Turner's death.

    One of my favourite artists of all time and her Barcelona concert in 1990 is regularly repeated on TV
    Now, who hasn't as some time ran along with "Simply the Best" playing in one's head :)?

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS : Absolutely my favorite female artist of all time so inspirational I was truely saddened by her death.
    She had an amazing voice and those legs are amazing.
    She is on my play list and simply the best is on there every time.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Early start this morning but 5.35 miles run I had hope for 6 miles but I had what i thought was a trapped nerve in leg but felt more hip and just ran down my leg.I did a PT workout in garden yesterday and maybe I was not careful with form.

    We then went to Coppet Hall just past Wiseman Bridge a fab little beach and the water was so clear I rolled my trousers up and had 2 paddles most refreshing.next time i maybe brave and bring a costume to go in the sea.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    ooohhh - beach day :)  I suspect the water wasn't quite as warm s it looked?

    5.35 miles will do very nicely 

    Well I had a rude awakening this morning - another early, beautiful sunny day - as I happily plodded along, maybe with a touch of "The Best" playing in my mind, when a young, slight woman simply blasted past me without even the sound of a breath coming from her!
    Given the rate at which she pulled away she was running at least twice as fast as me and it fair put me off for quite a while :/

    Anyway continued on and did 5 miles in 53:07 (10:43m/m) with HR 135/141 as I pushed on a bit possibly as a response to being so soundly overtaken.

    Garmin was not happy and gave me a demerit mark for my execution of the recovery run which it had set as 12m/m for 40min :)

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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited May 2023
    wordle in 4 - disappointing as I had four letters in the right place after two and only needed the second one to complete - too many options!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS: Not a beach day as I am not one to sit in the sun just a few hours  in the shade on the grass then in the water paddling to cool down.

    Those pesky  youngsters!!

    I took those new shoes out for a spin initial thoughts:
    Tongue too long
    I felt bambi like
    toe box too wide.

    Then we ran for  4 miles when I started I thought I would cut run short but I seemed to settle okay and my legs had more bounce or zip to them on the inclines.In short fastest run for the route and Achilles seems to be okay I was waiting incase a delayed response.

    I shall use on a Friday and Tuesday and see how they bed in but looks okay :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS the water was warm a little cold when you first goo in but after that it really was warm.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Squeezed a run in between baby sitting and cricket...only because I arrived late at the latter! Just 20 minutes yesterday. 
    Then similar today: supermarket then 20 minutes before a couple of meetings: viewing a couple of venues for a sports' dinner in the autumn. Off to lunch for eldest son's birthday now. 

    Cricket was good from a home team's perspective yesterday, although no sunny weather: flood lights all afternoon!

    Wordle in three today.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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