
Sub 3h15



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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Hi all.  Work went a bit batshit crazy the last week, and then I spent the weekend recovering.  Physio review on the knee/calf today, and verdict is unfortunately probably a small meniscal tear.  Calf seems to have resolved, so likely that it had gone into a protective spasm rather than actually torn, or any tear to the calf was extremely mild.  Static bike and swimming (crawl only, with a pullbuoy to protect the knee if needed), plus strengthening exercises.  Lucky I only run for fun these days...!  (It's certainly why I'm not forking out for a private MRI)

    Glad to see others are faring better.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good racing OO. How many weeks til Chicago?

    I had the Hayling Billy trail 5m race weds evening, ended up 15sec slower than last year but i wore my Pegs (As against lighter shoes last yr), so that probably explains the time loss. The surface is very stony and gravelly and my feet were sore last yr afterwards.

    15m easy today, was real hot today. I've swapped next week to the 1/2 and Sept to the full mara, that race has been added for GFA chasers so hopefully will have a bigger field.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Great racing, oo. I wouldn't have been over disappointed if my rival hadn't turned up, giving a free run. 

    That's a shame, jools. Hopefully it'll repair well and quickly. 

    Tr, that sounds sensible. Even with cooler weather coming it'll still be warmer than is likely in September.

    Just under 15 today. Didn't get out until gone 11am and whilst I'd benefited from a cooling head breeze much of run the last 4 were tail wind and the heat hit me like a hammer. That's 52m for week with 2 good sessions and x training so starting to feel like I'm back in swing of things. 

    Got a 10k a week tomorrow and hoping to finally go sub 36 after my 36.00 in January.  
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Hope the physio goes well Jools.
    TR  the 5 miler sounds decent even without the shoe issue it's  a small yoy time loss. 5 milers are a rare thing. I've got one on 4th July, a fast one on road- quite like the distance.
    Sounds like the 10k is a good focus DT, hope it's not too hot for you. Sadly my sub 36 days have passed but definitely in your range.
    I was in Cardiff for the weekend and did the parkrun in Bute Park. It was a cracker of a course and very strong field. 18:11 only got 22nd place. Needless to say I was annoyed not to go sub 18.
    Chicago is 15 weeks TR. I did my first long run of the campaign today 18 miles- nearly killed me but its a start.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - was defo warm today, probably warmer where you are too. A monday 10k?

    OO - well done on the 18, esp at 15 weeks out. 5m is probably a strong distance for you.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Good work on the 18, oo. I'm same distance out from Chester and doubt I'll get to 18 until later in July. 

    Well my sub 36 days are yet to happen, hoping it does in July with 2 x 10k races. 

    Tr, yes it's a 7pm start. Apparently the race has been going years, on first Monday in July. Slightly random but been told it's fast. Worth a go once. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - agreed, could be a yearly staple if you go Well. Weather should  be ok, any windy weather will be the day before.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    OO: Cardiff is one of the oldest parkruns - I used to pop over the bridge occasionally for a tempo run back in the days when you just gave your name to someone with a laptop at the end.  It's a lovely course and pretty fast.  Sounds like a good 5k result there for you.

    Knee-hab continues: I am dutifully doing my exercises as prescribed and am able to walk comfortably, so am trying to get out for at least a 3 mile walk every day, and preferably longer.  Mr Jools doesn't run, but can be persuaded to join me on some walks, so knee-hab might do his general health some good!
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Jools sounds like a slow path to recovery 💗
    I went to Uni in Cardiff and met Mrs OO there. It is always a trip down memory lane when we visit old Uni friends and the wedding was for one of their kids. We stayed on a few days for the parkrun. A real treat for us both. Mrs OO saw the Pope's visit there in the 80s and my adult running career started there in around 1983 🤩. Couldn't imagine I'd be bombing round there 40 years later.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Ran low 1.22 at GW the last 2 July race days, hoped for similar today, but a dose of cough and snotty lurgy id had this week and the wind forecast might prevent that.
    As per in training the lurgy didnt seem to bother me much, but the wind was strong. Possibly a kinder direction in the into wind running being broken up, but multiple laps mean there's no escaping it. Looked like being 1.24 or 5 ish after a  few miles, so thought I'd try to get under 1.24 and use a bit of weighting. Pushed on a bit with 3 then 2 laps to go and had a sniff of a low 1.23, strong last few miles resulted in 1.22 .41, so pretty solid on a windy day, converts to sub 255 form, fitness and mechanics are improving. 10 ish weeks til  I go back for the full Monty in the GFA qualifier they've set up, hope for a kinder wind day.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    That's brilliant TR, really good effort especially the grit towards the end. I'd struggle to hit that over the half M.
    I did a solid parkrun at Isabel trails (Stafford) on Saturday to complete the parkrun alphabet, in 18:06. Another good V60 was there with the same idea to break the V60 course record. After a good tussle I edged it by 10 ses.We had some good craic after and agreed to avoid each other in future. Last night was a windy 3000m in the vets league. It was a tactical race with two top notch v60s in the field, both coming back from injury so a comfortable win in 10:18. Another race tonight. A 5 miler on the Newcastle quayside. My legs actually feel ok, so I will try for the treble with another V60 win, hopefully with a prize this time. 
    My entry is also  in for the Euro masters championships in Pescara in September with 1500 and 5000m chosen. Looking at the early entry list, I'm there for experience rather than medals. It's also 10 days before Chicago marathon so another juggling act.
    A decent 10k DT hope the legs feel OK today?
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Sorry for irregular comments, it's that time of year when kids stuff is at critical mass level and work has just been relentless so when I get a chance to stop and not have a run I just like to stare aimlessly into space! 

    Tr, sounds like a very good run there, particularly in the breezy conditions. Hope things pan out over next 10 weeks. 

    Oo, good work at parkrun. I thought there currently wasn't a parkrun starting with x? Good luck tonight.

    I've been getting on with things however had a reality check last night at the 10k. Nice course and event and stacked with decent runners given its size. However it was pretty breezy and that wind was straight at us I mile 2, also being the only drag uphill. 

    Went out with ambition and a 5.44 mile but just felt flat and like it was too much. Then mile 2 being as described I just lost my head and threw in the towel. Possibly a bit of 'parkrun syndrome' knowing I have another in 16 days so why suffer. Decided to save myself for another day and run it in at 6mm. I think had I known the course I might have dug in as miles 3 and 4 were gently downhill and the remainder were flat with bits of downhill also. 

    Came in 37.11 and managed a 3s negative split. That got me about 37th in a field of circa 300 runners. One positive was my hr stats showed I was a good bit off 10k race effort so I haven't suddenly become shit two weeks after a parkrun pb. 

    Out first thing for an easy 8m and 12m tomorrow. May get to parkrun a few times this month to tempo around as no kids footy and training isn't quite at top level. 

    Struggling to get my head into campaign mode to level I did in January, more so in terms of what I do outside running. Doesn't help that the training isn't feeling all that intense just now, though June's mileage was 30m more than last june and is my 2nd highest june. However January I ran 265m versus 195m in June. I guess it all worked out OK last Autumn however. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - you're on a role, go for the hat trick. You cover a spread of distances very well. 

    DT - unlike you to not be on it, but you can't be on it all year round. You're normally right at it when you're in campaign mode, and Lewis knows his onions, so you'll be ready for the autumn......don't forget you were running in your pub shoes a few weeks ago, not sure it's in any elite training plans.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Tr, June is never a great month for me as I usually spend week 1 on holiday, have a pretty big and boozy work function then it culminates in the last weekend with the local beer festival and daughters birthday. I spent Thursday night at festival, Friday out at pizza place gor birthday dinner and drinks then Saturday dinner at McDonald's then her birthday sleep over. So I wasn't going there off a good build up and I think talked myself out of it. 

    The acid test will be the next 10k as I ran it last year in 36.48 so it'll give me a good comparison. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    DT my yardstick for a good 10k these days is anything that starts with 36. Even if it's a few secs over 37 in my head I'm disappointed whether or not I ran well. Considering the heavy build up with work and socialising, objectively yours is probably a decent performance, but in your head just not what you wanted.
    My 5 miler last night was a similar story. Last year I sneaked a sub 29 and had a blinder of a run, but last night the performance wasn't there. I felt flat and gave up early in the race, battling the wind in the first 2 miles. I did improve on the way back but 45 secs down on last year (29:39) felt slow and under par. I was still 1st V60 but there wasn't any strong competition and I think I just settled for the age cat win rather than going into the hurt locker. The 3000m the day before felt much more significant. Although it was a slow tactical race, there were 2 top quality rivals there and I brought my race game. I think my head wasn't in it last night. Next up is a mile road race on Friday- hopefully I'll be back in the game.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Oo, yes that's exactly it, I'm conditioned now to consider 36.xx acceptable anything less a disaster. I know my build up wasn't great and I think I had that in my mind in build up which led to me starting in wrong mindset. 

    Well done on  the v60 win, its a decent secondary outcome. Good luck Friday.

    Easy 12m today. 'Amazing' how my pace v hr has improved hugely in much cooler temps.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I think you'll bith find thats its difficult to really go hard without much mental investment into a race. A marathon campaign has plenty of it, so it matters on the day. I find small races dont have that investment, it's also difficult to really push as I'm not capable of running fast or on times anymore, so need revised targets etc
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Tr, yes the mental side is definitely a significant factor. When I run my parkrun pb a few weeks ago, I'd decided later last year that I was going tick off parkruns for my 50th to land that weekend to coincide with 10 years after my 1st parkrun and that I was going to run a pb. 

    I went there utterly pumped and geared up to do whatever I needed to, to achieve that. I was wholly prepared to suffer to my limits. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Agree about HR DT mine seems to have dropped lately- hadn't considered it might be the temperature. I'm usually motivated in races but sometimes switch off if there's a lack of competition or things don't go to plan.
    Also correct DT, no X parkrun in the world so it's discounted- a 25 letter alphabet 😉
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    There must be a location in Europe beginning with X that could host a parkrun. Its tourism figures would go through the roof!

    Having spoken with a chap Monday night, I reached out to Welsh athletics this week re their masters teams as they are sending a team to chester half. Had a slightly disappointing response today, firstly telling me my athlete profile and po10 say I'm English (can't recall ticking a box to say that and not sure how relevant that is as even if I was, I could still qualify to run for Wales being English. That I need to send birth cert (fair enough, if I knew where it was, plus my passport states place of birth), that I need to e mail England Athletics to inform them I no longer wish to be considered English (why? My parents could be Welsh and I could very much be English) then I need to join Welsh athletics and can then enter Welsh champs races for selection (fair enough).

    Think I'll just stick with the much more relaxed and straightforward English set up. I'm hardly trying to get to the Olympics through the back door! 
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Decent session yesterday of 10, 8, 6, 4 mins off 2 easy. At 12.30 it was warm and sunny but 5.6m at 6.07mm average. 

    Popped to parkrun thismorning for todays 6m. Came in 18.56 witha 6.05, 6.04, 6.04, and 6.05 pace for scraps. Unintentionally metronomic. It was outrageously humid, I was drenched in the warm up.

    15m tomorrow for 60mweek. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    DT - good couple of days there, nice pace yday. I didn't realise that Wales had rep places too. Can you represent both? Defo was sweaty today, I didn't get out til 11am either, as i was busy first thing.

    Few easy days after last weeks 1/2 then 8 and 5 Thursday, 10 inc 5m steady yday and 10m inc the moose fartlek again today (3min effort, 1min jog, 1min effort, 1min jog x 5). Last yr i did 20m on the Saturday before the Wednesday Brighton 10k and I wasn't fresh on the weds. Av pace for the 3min was 6.18, and for the 1min was 6.10. Still need to push harder on the 1min reps. But it's all money in the bank. 10 wks til GW mara so back on the 20s next week, as i havnt done one for about 4 weeks.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I sacked of the mile race and headed to the Lakes early. Had a parkrun bash today, trying to break the v60 record at my favourite Keswick course. I was miles off with 18:30- it just wasn't there from the word go. 15-18 tomorrow for a 50+ week. 
    Good going TR, shaping up nicely with 10 weeks to go 👍
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Tr, I'm still too hot now after this morning.

    The Welsh masters set up is far ftom as developed and transparent as England. They are sending teams of 6 in each 10 year cat from 35-44. 

    If you qualify you can represent both. The England rules are you can only represent 1 country in a calendar year. I'm not sure if wales want exclusivity though based on what they are asking me to do.

    Looks like you've recovered well and had a decent week. I'm a bit edgy about where I'm at. 13 weeks out but last 2 weeks August on holiday and nothing significant before then as I have a half 10th August. 

    Oo, I did look on strava as I thought I must have missed the mile. 

    As stated above, it was unpleasant today. My hr was way above what I'd expect for 6.05mm. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO- you can't smash them all, you've had a busy race calendar lately. How was yr long run?

    DT - you're fast enough to qualify for England anyway, unless use something like London mara as a qualifier. After no 20s for a while, I have 8 weekends between now and the GW taper, but am away for a week, and have a couple of races planned, so might only get 5 in, but the build up races will provide a stimulus, only 5 will be a change for me. I plan on doing Abo 5 wks after GW too.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Long run went well thanks TR, 19 miles avg. 8:12 pace. My HR was high DT at 160 average. I checked your's for the 15 miler, and you averaged 134 at a faster pace- very impressive.
    Biggest week since London for me with 56 miles. I'm  aiming for 4 * 20 milers, maybe one at 22 for Chicago.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Tr, I'm in same position albeit I have 13 weeks but will miss 2 weekends at end of August and I have a half mara the weekend before hols so I wont get to 18m until very end of August. 

    Though I do feel like having run many back to back cycles, it's not all that important to get loads of long runs in compared to a standalone mara cycle. 

    Oo, same here, 60m last week for first time post London. Re hr, I guess mine is only a relevant comparator if our zones are similar. My mara hr as a gauge for a full mara is circa 160-165 average. 

    Easy 15 yesterday, I am finding these a bit more draining than in winter, not helped by a midday start and have a few beers Saturday  night. 

    I am making early enquiries about Chicago mara which I intend running next year, though I'm still paying off NY.  Particularly to cost it up.

    Hotels generally look cheaper than Boston did however I've literally no idea as to what a good place to stay is? Hoping you're quite advanced in your research, oo? Also are there decent flight hacks that aren't a pain in bum, such as bia Amsterdam or Dublin? 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - good one on the 19m. Impressive that you can still get yr HR up.there, probably helps your racing. I did 11m av 115 tonight (But it's wrist based so reads a bit low), I was only toddling along though.

    DT - good point re the back to back cycles, I run regular long runs, if you look at it like that. I'm always running long a bit dusty after a few beers, just as long as you don't do it race day.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I'm staying downtown in Chicago DT about a mile from the finish. It's an average hotel but the cost is c£300 per night. No cheaper than Boston I'd say. Flights are with BA from London, again not cheap. We've ended up staying just 3 nights as its so expensive. Book early is all I can say.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    DT, I’ve not done it yet as I’m in for 2023, but regarding Chicago hotels, there are loads of hotels within an easy walk of the start/finish in Grant Park. It’ll depend on the weather but I’m even considering not dropping a bag as there are a decent number within a mile or so. Different budgets and prices, but I just chose one and it seems okay with good reviews. Logistics do seem much easier than Boston, which is good as it’s an early race start at 7:30am. 
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