
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Going well, Birch! Decent session, and as TS says, well backed up. And thanks for the Garmin thoughts, which I look into tomorrow. 

    Yes, cricket was excellent...unless you are an Aussie! The only downside was the poor over rate/time wasting.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    A quick comment re watches, esp F255 vs the new F265.   Have been recent good specials on the F255. 

    However, in addition to the better screen TS already mentioned, the F265 is supposedly about to get some new software features that are not being rolled out to the F255.  Supposedly getting basically the same added features as the more expensive F965. 

    Features coming include:(www.dcrainmaker.com/2023/07/garmin-forerunner-features.html)
    • Adds muscle maps to HIIT, Cardio, and Pilates activities
    • Adds the Endurance Score glance (*not for F255)
    • Adds the Hill Score glance (*not for F255)
    • Adds map types and map data field options
    • Adds weather maps to the Weather glance
    • Adds a Workouts app to the Activities & Apps list
    F255 misses out on Endurance Score & Hill Score glance.  Some not so happy about that.
    Unless price is critical, the newer F265 seems to make more sense now than the F255.  For me, the better screen alone would be reason enough.  May also be other future updates advantaging the 265?

    Personally I'm inclined to the F965 end of the scale but I suspect that probably does not make economic sense given the already impressive features of the F265.  At this point waiting to see if a new model (975?) is likely before the end of the year. 
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    you pays your money.....

    I rarely look at much of the data gathered although, as folk may have noticed I did pay attention to the workout guidelines from time to time and the training load.
    I received an email from Garmin yesterday saying new features were being uploaded to my  255 - cadence, stride length and ground contact time - but I was pretty sure I had those already, maybe they have been upgraded.

    yup good day all round, The Aussies not having a front line spinner certainly knocked their over rate back and knackered the pace bowlers!!

    Hope the rain stays off today

    wordle in four today
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    .. no walk as yet - too busy putting a very complex report together and trying to obfuscate the client's appalling decision making or lack of it!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the advice re watches! I only want the modern day basics: HR, time, distance,   link to phone, not much more! And a slightly larger screen than the 45 that I have. 

    Short run this morning (feed daughter's cat, avoid rain). More this evening when helping at local 5k.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Easy effort 5.5 miles this morning. 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Rest day today as feeling too tired to run so best have one.

    NZD If it was me I would opt for the newer 265 and more chance of more updates than 255.
    I will need to upgrade watch as battery  is not as good as it was and no updates on my Fenix 5 depends on offers will wait for Black Friday deals.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    will it, won't it, will it, won't it.....

    how's the clouds over your way alehouse?

    wordle in six - poor show after getting three letters (2,3&5) in the right place after two !
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Closed the week (will rest tomorrow) with 6 miles including 1x1 mile, 2x400m, 1x1 mile.
    Nicely soaked, but rain of the drizzly variety; no deluge, so never unpleasant.  
    40.5 miles for the week.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Not the greatest of weather for the Saturday of a test...

    Another good week, Birch!

    5.5km. Gentle. Roads, unusually, and stayed dry. 

    Wordle in six. Similar experience, TS!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    yes - it's almost warm rain.
    Good way to finish off the week - more speedwork!

    ditto today :/ - but you staying dry is a good sign.

    Not walking weather here - it's strange I don't mind/actually enjoy running in the rain, but walking in it is not for me at all!!

    Worlde in five 

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Very warm rain I got soaked yesterday  1 hours running as chose not to wear jacket! very much torrential rain.It never stopped all day.

    Today nothing as did not feel right.

    Wordle in 4
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Not the greatest weather here, again. Full wet suit for once. 36 minutes plodded. Brought up 45 for the week. Kilometres that is. 

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Another 11k or so to report. Had to paddle in places plus hold onto railings for about fifty metres where it was too deep. All adds to the fun! Managed to push the rises for once. 

    Wordle in six.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that's ok t take a day off

    full wet suit - and facemask and snorkel :)?

    Disappointing end to the Test match but weather has saved England's bacon more than once in the past.

    I found a small gap in the rain yesterday afternoon and  walked a couple of miles and ditto this morning although it was a lot colder this morning even with some watery sunshine.

    Watched some athletics in the late afternoon - some good performances but the finger of suspicion on all Kenyan athletes remains over their performances - doping there has become industrial.

    Maybe we should all have this different approach to running

    I could manage that :)

    wordle in six again :/
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hope today is a better day, WP . . .
    Very dramatic, alehouse!  
    No running in prospect yet, TS?  Even at "sexy" pace . . . .  
    Was glad of my out and back route today; it meant that I could turn around at an earlier point (3.75 miles), as I felt quite tired. Neither an energy nor a legs issue, simply "tired".
    An accumulation possibly, as fairly late nights Friday & Sat, earlier last night, but awoke at usual Monday time feeling as though another hour was needed.
    So, no double digit, but happy enough with the 7.5 in the circs.  At least I timed my rest day well yesterday !!   
    Wordle in five.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale:  Very good albeit wet metric double digit effort.  Wet end to the cricket will be a disappointment though.
    TS:  Good article.  Thanks.  Have forward the link to one of my younger brothers who I at last encouraged to take up a little running.  Now managing ~1.5 km in two bites but usual beginners mistake of trying to run all at max pace.
    WP: Day off is probably a good thing. You have clocked up a lot of miles recently.
    Dave: Yes, late nights don't help!
    Sounds as though you have all caught our rain bug.  Unfortunately still hasn't left here yet.

    A couple of very similar efforts on Sat and yesterday (8.3 km @ 5:57 & 5:58, the latter with a couple of strides.  Similar but slower this morning with a dozen strides, bringing pace back up to 6:03 (HR 125/158).  Peak pace in some may be a touch on the fast side (3:41 = 4:15 peaks).  Started to feel a bit of a bite in R glute after a couple of the ~3:45 efforts.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hm, NZD - careful with those glutes  . . .
    Mild this morning for a point to point 6.5 miles.  Particularly enjoyed a two mile section through woodland (reasonably flat dirt track) - dappled light through the trees very lovely.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Well done Dave getting out and running wether it is sexy pace or not  :)

    I had a tummy bug yesterday say no more!
    Today I had to really fight to get myself out of the door but an hour running in the dry happened.

    Wordle in Four
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I forget to press enter yesterday!

    NZD watch those glutes

    PT this morning all going well weights are increased gradually 2.5kilos each session  apart from arms we stuck at last weeks weight  till we can pull 12 reps up to 10 at the moment before fatigue sets in.

    Then short run and my fastest run post PT on this course this year! legs just felt good.I so wish I could bottle the feeling for another day.

    Sold my old Garmin so last run tomorrow morning before it goes on her journey....but new watch not arrived as yet ;)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    good missionary work :)

    Max HR looks very toppy on those sessions but still good to get some strides in - apart from glute naggling!

    that's what some rest does for your legs - they are keen to get going when you go out afterwards.

    SOunds a very good outing indeed

    it was nice in Sheffield early on - how do I know? I was there :)

    Meeting in St Paul's Square as we inch towards starting the office refurbishment there - if I can ever get the contractor to sort himself out.

    Poured down on the way out this afternoon ...

    Wordle in four

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    .. dentist visit this morning - less depressing than usual - after 2 mile stroll in brisk conditions!

    Wordle in four 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Wordle in four yesterday, three today.

    Good news with the dentist, TS

    Decent couple of runs, NZD! I never seem to average below 6 minutes per km for a run. 

    Don't worry about pace, WP

    Speed work report, Birch?

    Very pleasant weather here this morning, almost like summer! A short easy  run (26 minutes) to back up yesterday's similar outing. Then off to cricket, like yesterday! Now raining of course. Also tested my "new" watch. I bought a secondhand, but looks like new, 645 Music. Doubt that the music will be used. Looks like new: he said he had used it four times and there were four activities recorded from January 2021. Very basic by today's standards which suits me fine. Will wear both watches for runs until I get used to the new one! Actually it measured exactly 100 metres short compared to the 45 on today's run. HR identical. Fastest pace, identical. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Sorry I missed you, TS!  
    Five in the group, alehouse, including two first timers, a nippy FV60+ and a F58 who decidedly wasn't nippy. However, we tailored the session to include her. Four of us executed 400m, 600m, 800m, 950m, 800m, 600m, 400m.  
    6.5 miles for me, including warmup/down.  Pretty warm, too!  
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Enjoy the new to you watch Ale.

    TS Dentist....shudders

    No new watch as yet but old one packed up and gone on its journey after this mornings run.55 minutes over the hills and a pretty good run.Sadly rain all day and not the drizzle either the heavy stuff.

    Tomorrow the 310 XT will be out for a run....last used in August 2020 and still going strong.Hopefully the new one will be here tomorrow.

    Wordle in 2....I was luck to have all letter in my first word.

    My wrist is bare I keep looking at it for the time....LOL I feel naked without it.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Has the new gadget made its debut, WP?   
    A laboured 7 miles this morning here - legs feeling yesterday's session, plus a late night having an effect I think!  18c at 8:30am too . . . .    
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    you be careful with that summer weather - warmth and cricket :)!

    New watch as well but 100m short is a blow if it's right - that's 30 sec/mile at 10m/m pace!

    I looked out for you :)
    I was very early for my meeting so sat outside Cafe Nero near the Peace Gardens and had a hot choccie in the sun.

    sounds like your F58 latest participant may be at my speed - or at least my former speed.
    Good that you were able to cater for her in the group 

    don't forget to charge it up...

    walked to the baker's this morning - apologies, the artisan baker, and then back via a little rest in the park in very mild and muggy conditions.

    wordle in four - say no more!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Sun, TS? It has not stopped raining since I posted yesterday pm.

    Well banked, Birch!

    Got very wet on my 35 minute or so run. Took me over 100 miles for the month. 

    Wordle in four,  also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: Sorry legs were tired but all banked and worth more on a day like that.

    Ale Wet and warm seems to be the flavour of the day.

    TS:Muggy here as well at 7am 16 degrees.

    New watch still not made an appearance.But 310xt did but so little data,no HR,elevation,TE,Vo2 max the list goes on.But the first mile it had not locked on to satelites so had to re boot it and it worked.5.6  miles .It can not upload to strava etc so will hand write from watch. Back to basics it seems;-) no sure of pace will need glasses on to read it.....LOL
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    morning all

    time and distance are the basic needs - looks like you got one of them!

    Took my wife's car in for service and MOT and walked back home - a no ttoo speedy 2 miles.

    I had just got in when the garage rang - they had already done the MOT and the repeater indicator on the door mirror was not working.
    They thought it would just be a bulb replacement but on examination found it is a LED strip that is in turn fixed to the mirror housing and back of the mirror so the whole mirror housing needs to be replaced with a pre-painted replacement ...... at a cost of £140.00 ... oh and two days delivery!!

    All for the cost of a good old fashioned bulb housing!

    wordle, disgustedly, in five today (that's not a clue!)
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