
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in six, so I must be even more disgusted...as you must be with the price of the part, TS!

    On the spur of the moment decided to do something different so after ten minutes of easy running ran 3 x 2 minutes slightly faster than race pace, whatever that is. Ran to feel and it felt comfortably uncomfortable. Which it should. 3 was enough.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Wowser that was expensive TS

    Our car needed three new tyres yesterday but they did it straight away and similar price!

    Another 310xt run 58 minutes and a good run legs seemed responsive they seem to like less data to fuss over.But new Garmin is out for delivery so I have to stay in and await it.

    Wordle in Three....I got lucky with first two words.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I remember the days when you could fix anything on a car. I always carried my toolkit with me and can recall changing a clutch while on a camping trip with my family.

    A quick update. I have started struggling with the longer term effects of chemo, brain fog and fatigue. I have a couple more months to go on the one drug I'm still on. I getting out for my walks still but cannot handle the heat so it has become difficult to progress my return to fitness. The docs are not concerned so I just have to be patient. My blood work still looks good.
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    good to hear from you and I am sure you ar frustrated by the slow progress post chemo, but it is still progress in the right direction.

    Yup - I can recall doing similar things on cars in the distant past - now if one opens the bonnet all there is are large sheets of black  plastic covering everything!

    Are you still affected by forest fires or have they moved on from your area?

    where is the sloop JohnB - he hasn't dropped in for quite a while?

    oooh goody a new toy to play with when delivered :)
    How will you cope if it tones down your current good legs?

    Walked back to the garage to pick up the car - and pay the bill :'(

    .. and have you seen the price of motor oil nowadays?!

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    There haven't been fires around here, it is a question of which way is the wind blowing. Of late the air has been clear.
    I am shocked at the price of everything in the UK. You seem to pay in pounds what we pay in dollars. My family when they were over here last autumn we impressed with how cheap electricity, gas and petrol were. We spend more on coffee than we do on electricity and natural gas.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Mick: good to hear your prognosis still heading in the right direction, even if frustrating side effects in the meantime.
    TS: Yes, very different from days gone by (prices and fixing cars!)
    WP: Oh, don't jinx it by putting it down to the watch!  Wind is about to change on that score.
    Ale: Good effort.  3x 2 min doesn't sound much until you try it (well, at least until I tried it)!

    Another not so good parkrun this morning (25:03, HR 149/162).  Chilly 5C at start of warm up run but did rise a bit by the time I headed home (~8C).  Fine for first half km or so, then upper legs seemed to tighten up.  Felt strange, kind of achy.  Almost pulled out around that point.  Insufficient blood getting into leg muscles?  'Ache' eased up a little after ~2km.  Second km not the greatest at all.  Third km always slow for me due to 'hills' but unusual for 2nd km to be slowest.  HR not that high, except during final push at the end.

    Tables turned on result from a couple of months ago.  NZC's friend 1 sec behind this time, rather than 1 sec in front (but her AG still higher of course)!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    NZD:Sounds like something is not right with you? maybe something lurking.How was RHR this morning.

    Mick: Good to hear from you and don't get me started on prices! world gone crazy.Everything is so expensive  in fact double in price.

    TS:If new Garmin tones down the legs  the 310 will be  in action again!! Sounds like an expensive walk!!

    Well she arrived around 1500 hours I have charged here tweaked her and taken her for a run this morning.
    New things
    Body battery
    Sleep score
    and a host of other useless things....sorry useful items that really will make you run faster :) .I also have the training recommendations as well.this morning 37 mins easy.
    I have deleted the music and garmin pay as would never se them.

    Body battery I was at 100% this morning on getting up since then a run and walk and I am down to 30% help am i dying :)

    65 minute run this morning nice and easy in the rain but legs felt okay.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Winter running, NZD! Not the time, or temperature, for running quickly. I feel that in those conditions a warm up of at least quarter of an hour is needed. 

    Can't remember what model you got, WP! I find the body battery useful and you can up the % by sitting quietly for half an hour. My lowest was 7%, which did correspond to how I felt! It did respond to sitting relaxing. 

    Not happy with mine if it is going to report as it did today...I was obviously slacking today: the new Garmin described my 8.38 km plod as "detraining". Actually I am sure that it wasn't: deliberately very slow recovery run and felt better at the end than at the start. 

    Wordle in five. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ale: It is a Fenix 6 pro Sapphire.The body battery has kept dropping all day even with me sitting down for an hour I am on 23%

    Oh take no notice of the Garmin it is just plan silly at time.

    Wordle in six this morning......
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    good news about the fires - my friends had flown out to Vancouver and have said there are still plenty on that side of the Rockies

    Yup - it's an expensive time to be alive just now. Fuel prices have dropped quite a bit recently from their peak but £1.40 -£1.50/gallon is still the norm and gas and electric are still at least twice as much as pre the Ukraine war.

    However we do currently have plenty of rain :)!

    odd symptoms there!
    Your HR and pace looked in synch and your time wasn't too far out of line.  Had you been doing something previously like the dreaded gardening to affect your upper muscles?
    I see that HR spike a the end had the desired effect of getting to finish in front o the target!

    never seen a "detraining" message before - that's a first :)!
    Best/worst I have had is "no aerobic benefit at all" so I have a way to go..

    Maybe it was just comparing that run with your previous one with efforts and decide you needed a kick :)?

    'fraid batteries can lose their ability to recharge and hold it over a period of time - sounds like yours is doing just that.
    All those details to sort through - I tende to know when I had had a bad night's sleep anyway without looking it up!

    Hard day's gardening on one leg yesterday left me tired but I managed a pleasant walk this morning for 2.25 miles in showers and sun which eased off some of the stiffness although my knees has decided not bend again 

    wordle in four yesterday and today
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    ...nice effort by the Aussies applauding Broad onto the pitch today after he announced his retirement considering how he has aggravated them over the years!

    Just need him to take 6 for not many now...
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: An interesting if nervous day ahead at Old Trafford - assuming the rain holds off!  Nice 'detraining' effort too!
    WP: Stressing out too much while sitting?  Garmin seems to think so :).  Quite a heavy watch to wear overnight for sleep score?
    TS: Any net improvement in your knee from a week ago?  Time for a physio visit?

    Moderate local run this morning with some reasonably decent hill work, albeit a shortened variation of my usual hill routes (10.68 km @ 6:36, EG 214 m, HR 122/136).   Legs OK-ish but did 'gunge up' a bit during one ~2 min faster section (~5:00 pace, mainly downhill).  Would have been an overall pleasanter experience if nature hadn't decided I needed a pitstop 4 km out from home ...!

    Month total only 123 km.  Well down on Ale's 161 target challenge :(
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    All a bit frustrating Mick, but heading in the right direction overall!

    Not Old Trafford, NZD! The Oval! Part of me wishes that it is rained off: when it rains in the south it might stop people moaning that it always rains in the north. Not that there would be much play at present: currently drizzling in the north. 

    Another detraining effort this morning according to the new Garmin: just over 7 km mainly off road at a conversational pace with my M78 neighbour. 

    Monthly stats: 182.59km run (113.45 miles), 31 days run, 1 parkrun.
    And there is always next month, NZD!

    Wordle in five

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    looks like your legs had recovered from whatever had ailed them on parkrun good bit of hillwork there today.
    aaahh the dreaded bear in the wood attack :)!

    Various appointments booked in for me....

    a double "detraining" effort - well done :)!
    Even my walking results in "some aerobic benefit" and a score of 1.2 out of 5.

    Looks like we may need that rain at the Oval now....

    wordle in four 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Busy weekend , including garden work and sanding of furniture (neither garden nor furniture mine, btw)  :)   but I have read back . . .   
    Nice 3 x 2mins plus "detraining" sessions, alehouse
    Good to hear from Mick.
    Has the wallet recovered, TS?  
    How's the body battery, WP?   
    Good effort to continue in parkrun, NZD, when the "voices" said stop!  
    Final runs of the monthe here completed;  Friday a steady 6.5 miles, Saturday was the longer road efforts. This is usually 6-7 miles including the efforts, but I included a detour to a reservoir, and added 6x350m along the adjacent straight pathway. Legs were complaining on the final mile effort.  10 miles done.   Yesterday was a rest day.
    This morning was a 10 mile steady effort. I had considered shortening this, in the wake of Saturday, but wanted to get back to Monday for the double digit run, so got on with it. Legs pretty tired in the last couple of miles, but pleased to get it done.  Very humid.
    171.5 miles for the month.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Relief now that it wasn't rained out ...!?
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    It has been a few days but Sunday I felt sick so rest day and yesterday an hours running still not right but getting there.Today is PT session and short run.

    New watch is fine wearing to bed as lighter than my old one.But all these silly things are annoying me especially as I lost things I liked .So debating to sell it and buy another 5 as I loved that watch it was the battery after 3 years degrading.I shall ponder on it for another week.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hope the sessions (PT & run) went well, WP!  
    6.25 miles (let's call it 10K) this morning.   Pleasant at 15c.   
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    I am not reporting my July mileage :/

    good way to finish off the month - that must be close to your best monthly total?

    new tech always takes a bit of getting used to when it changes what was an ingrained habit of look up.

    weather - yes it all turned out ok at the Oval in the end :)

    weather here today - atrocious!!
    I woke early to the sound of running water - couldn't make out where it was coming from - looked out window and saw a cascade coming off a gutter.
    So 0630 saw me up a ladder cleaning out an outlet that had been blocked by leaves blown off in the high winds at the weekend.
    As I was already soaked I then went for a walk to test out my knee which had succumbed to another trauma on Monday - climbing ladders hadn't really helped either!

    warm shower was quite pleasant after!

    wordle in four yesterday and six today - a good word that nearly caught me out.
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    Dave Nice 10k run :)

    TS:Blimey that was early for gutter cleaning.Sorry to hear knee is still not happy.Weather is pretty awful here as well.

    PT session went well i really enjoy working on form, technique and lifting heavy weights.Think I am up to 40k dead lift's.Then short run.

    Today I wanted medium long run  and got it done but still feel a little off form as no power up the hills.in pretty awful conditions

    I am giving the watch time to settle in but usually i am so happy straight away but not this time.It has detected my Max hr 177 but no longer gives my recovery HR post run.

    Off to do wordle.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Heroic work, TS, and yes, I'll bet the warm shower was welcome!  
    Indeed so, highest monthly total this year.  
    Well done getting the MLR done in bad conditions, WP
    Wet here, but just gentle drizzle, so not unpleasant for the speed group. Three today for the 400m, 600m, 800m, 950m, 800m, 600m, 400m  session.   5 miles total.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle was a struggle this morning,  but got it done, just; similar tale with my run: a struggle this morning,  but got it done, just.

    A very wet warm up, 4 x 2 mins off 90, warm down.  Rather erratic with some off road and some on harder surfaces.  Anyway,  got it done. Dry now, of course,  but I suspect not for long.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    the weather begets all sorts of problems  :)

    950m is an unusual distance?
    well done for getting them in despite the weather

    just think of it as triathlete training - swimming up hills :)
    40K deadlifts are good!

    dry - how did that happen?
    I imagine some of that run was through water as well !

    early morn walk here in sunshine!! Gone now but no more waterfalls,at least for now.

    Wordle in three today - stopping a run or near last chance results 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Wordle in three today, also! Also have been getting close to failure recently. 

    Dry here today, but have just seen that the Roses cricket in Scarborough has been called off . 

    Cross post yesterday, Birch: another decent session!

    38 minutes of routine running, described by Garmin as a maintenance run, which I would agree with! Probably a little more maintenance this evening when helping at the last of the local 5k series.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    ditto, alehouse - the x-post and the session! 
    the distance simply fits the layout of the paths I utilise, TS.  
    Out and back 7 miles this morning. Sunny and pleasant;legs somewhat tired though.
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    hope i stayed dry for your race duties! Standing in rain is never pleasant

    Maintenance sounds ok - I normally get "this run was of sufficient duration and intensity to maintain aerobic levels" whhc is a mouthful!

    not surprised you had tired legs after the interval session and 7 miles is good going

    I see about the distance - I thought it may have had  a particularly masochistic purpose :)

    Pouring down earlier - one advantage of walking was that I could take a large umbrella - bit tricky when running.
    Stopped shortly after I started and the brolly became a useful walking stick for the remainder

    wordle in four
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    Yesterday an hours running  in the wet and today another hour in the dry.Yesterday the watch told me to run 40 mins ease and today a rest day as I am over reaching!!
    But I gained back 1 vo2 max point back to 40 again.

    TS Sorry to hear you needed a brolly for walking and the weather :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Almost perfect conditions for racing yesterday evening, TS. A little cooler in the shade than I would have liked for my marshalling duties though. 

    I often see a lady with a bright yellow umbrella on the river banks: up when it is raining, up when it is sunny! And she is always running; not sure how she manages it!

    Positive feedback from the watch, WP!  Same here! Today's run was described as "productive" and my vo2 max was up to 48 (usually 50 or 51 before COVID).
    Just over 7k with the middle 5k reasonably hard (for me on a training run). 50% of the 5k section was in zone 3 with an average HR overall of 117, and a max of 128. I had seen the forecast for tomorrow. 100% chance of rain all morning with strong winds. The plan was to go to parkrun then cricket; don't think either are very likely.

    Wordle in three!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    V. late here ... !
    Good to see Vo2max up Ale & WP
    Dave, given all the mileage you have done I am assuming yours is already through the roof!
    TS, hope those appointments do start to make a difference for your knee.

    Faster estuary run this morning ... with correspondingly higher HR (8.3 km @ 5:43 ave, HR 131/148).  Sunny and still but chilly at start - probably down to ~5C in parts around the first half.  About 3 - 4C lower than when I left home so didn't think to bring gloves ☹.  Legs OK ✔

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Nice back to back hours, WP!  
    NZD - key phrase - "Legs OK"  :)   
    similarly alehouse - "productive" !!  
    An umbrella definitely needed, if not practicable tomorrow, TS, looking at the dreadful forecast!  With this in mind, I decided to do some longer efforts today, rather than in the predicted deluge tomorrow. Less in number and total distance than my usual Saturday segments, but went ok. 8.25 miles done, with 0.9 mile flat, 1 mile flat, 0.9 miles uphill. The rest easy/steady effort.   I'll do something tomorrow; but a minimum of  3.25 will suffice, as I'm on 36.75 for the week . . .  
    Oh, Speaking of heart rates etc, I wore my friend's fitbit this morning, according to which my maximum (presumably during one of the "efforts") HR was 182.  
    Further to your remark re the "masochistic" purpose, TS; it does, in a way - the location is on the site of the old Don Valley Stadium, now named "Olympic Legacy Park", and there is a section marked out as a track (see below) the end of which conveniently ends an 800m section (and a 400m one).  Beyond this, however, the path has a gradient for a further 150m up to the actual end (can just be seen at the far end of pic), hence the pyramid we did on Wed has the 950m (with slope to finish) in between the 800s :)   
    100m running track at the Sheffield  Graham Hogg  Geograph Britain  and Ireland
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