
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    TS: It was liquid chalk you rub hands together so no big chalk powder.G. is a rugby player/coach so really knows his stuff.
    4 weeks for next break with bath but 4 days away so the chance of 8 baths;-)

    I love the showboating great going.

    Dave: It sounds promising with hamstring but go carefully  :)

    Short run due to aches and pains from G and storm Agnes. so 36 minute run all good.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    if you can do 3 miles gentle on it then it probably isn't a tear but could well be a neural spasm?

    But easy does it...

    it's going to be tight - and you may get blown away as well!!

    wordle in five - too many fits  :)
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    well that was a good night's viewing last night :)

    The ol' Ali "rope a dope" technique as applied to football!

    Interesting stat that I collated as th ematch progressed - City committed six fouls in the first half, despite all their possession dominance, and all of them were seemingly innocuous ones but stopped a Toon break.

    I would like to see something like rugby's cumulative process where the ref warns that the next one will be a card to the perpetrator!

    Nice to see the normally (winning!) urbane Pep losing it 

    Buoyed me up for a stroll this morning in warm overcast conditions, resisting the temptation to break into a trot.

    Wordle in three
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    liquid chalk? Who would have thunk it :)
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - nice result!  
    4 miles this morning in 44 mins, an "upgrade" on yesterday's 3 in 38!  Hamstring still tight, but less so than yesterday - I moved with more confidence. If the cause was a neural spasm rather than a strain, would the tightness still result?
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    I know  from a bottle!

    Longest run post covid 70 minutes and all felt fine.I stayed dry and hardly any winds!

    Wordle in three.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    if it was a hamstring tear then, depending upon severity, running four miles would either aggravate it more or at least induce the same reaction. Even a mild Grade 1 tear (pull) is a couple of weeks at least.

    The after effects of a neural spasm will linger but reduce in severity s long as the nerve is not "jangled" again.

    Problem with neural spasms is that it probably doesn't originate in the problem area but somewhere else, typically lower back/pelvis/hip and then provokes a reaction at the end point of the nervous route affected.

    The fact that I had some reoccurrence recently of my neural discomfort of some years ago reminded me!

    great outing - and dry as well!
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    Take care, Birch! No rushing!

    All sounds good, WP!

    Decent footie result, TS

    Just over 5k and just under 29 minutes this evening. First km slow and then pushed on a bit after a day's work and productive sponsorship meeting! Probably quicker due to the rain!
    10.7k to get to the 100 miles over the next two days. 

    Wordle in three.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I am not saying it isn't a hamstring pull/tear but it is strange that you have had one in each leg when you have raced over distance.
    Hamstring tears, although most commonly encountered in explosive events can occur from overwork but that wouldn't normally include less than 10K even when raced.
    Best to get a confirmation of the injury from a physio.

    But rest it up easy walking to maintain blood flow and to stop scarring but nothing else.

    that is a proper race you have on there to the end of the month :)

    A good 5K as well to help you on yourway.

    Footie good - now to make the other half of Manchester suffer!!

    Strange injury to Harvey Barnes - no contact, just pushing off and out for 3-4 months.

    Lovely early autumn morning here and  I did 11 one minute  walk/ run intervals after a 5 min walk start up.
    Garmin gave me a "Tempo" grading for it  :) - mainly due to some downhill stuff.

    Wordle in two today after my first word revealed all the vowels in the right place

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Thanks, TS - apologies though - 5 miles this morning before reading your "walk, nothing else" advice!  Maybe I'll have the weekend off . . .    
    Good to see you achieving a "mini-session" - and Garmin approved  . . .  
    Any inroads towards the century, alehouse?   
    Wordle in four.
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    Rest day today as fatigued but had a bad night.The cat woke me up and disturbed me for a few hours.
    No worries tomorrow will be better I am sure.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    this should send you into a dark place


    5 miles on a dodgy hamstring!!

    I thought the cat had gone?

    slightly amusing tale from this morning's run. I often see two young children, with their mother,  on bikes or scooters riding on the pavement on their way to the prep school around the corner to where I live.
    They are very polite and always say "good morning" in a loud voice sa we pass.

    This morning the youngest one calls back to her mother in the usual loud voice - "Mummy, the old man is running again"  :)
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Dark place; I'm already there, TS, as far as The Owls are concerned.  Not helped by the owner's latest statement, issued today. Going to be "interesting" this evening at Hillsborough !
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    Old man, that made me smile! 

    Birch, my last two hamstring "injuries" were very short lived and I suspect were just from overstretching in the fitness suite. Gradually wore off after four or five days.  The previous hamstring injury was a much longer affair with nine weeks off running completely.  Hopefully yours falls into the  earlier category.  

    Beautiful day here, which was a problem... running into low, bright sunshine after work...and fell, tripping over on a stony part of the river bank. Bruised knee and a couple of fingers. Could have been worse. 

    Wordle in four.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    It was an accurate description - at least the "old" part :)  

    \i normally have that problem in the early morning but it is becoming less so quite rapidly as the days shorten - hope you are recovered enough to get the necessary miles in today.

    the worst possible outcome last night!!

    Wordle in six today and that was down to a guess with two words possible at the last...
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    A nice hour for me  so 3 times this week is promising but only 17.5 miles for the week.

    Wordle in 6 as well.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Wordle in six also!

    161.48k = 100.34 miles for the month; i.e. I managed the 6.16 km needed today to pass the 100. Very gentle: bruised knee, fingers and pride. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - yes, it was all over after 8 minutes! 
    alehouse - good work attaining the 100, despite the tumble.  
    WP - nice hour and you've beaten my miles this week!  
    Just a 3 mile dawdle today (15 for the week) - decided to be gentle with hamstring, and I'll have a day off tomorrow, so 148 miles for Sept.
    Wordle in five. 
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    ...but to S'land :/

    That was a good month despite everything

    Very mild/warm & humid this morning so chanced going out in tee shirt and shorts despite the drizzle and was rewarded when it stopped almost immediately and I was left with just mild/warm and humid!

    Extended the walk run to 12 No of 1 min on/off after the usual 5 min walk warm up - went ok

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    .. although the hill slowed HR recovery

    Garmin awarded it a 3.0 in terms of Training Effect and another tempo run grade despite it not being at all quick.
    However my running form felt surprisingly good and the average stride rate of 186 when running was in the parish.

    Knee stiffened up post run but its bearable

    Wordle in five today
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    Dave: Nice miles for the month :)

    TS: It all looks promising  and you were lucky with weather.

    I on the other hand got very wet .I only ran for 46 minutes easy legs tired and not too happy.pace was 30 secs a mile slower than yesterday.

    I finally have found the recovery HR on watch and what i have to do once I finish a run-yay.

    Wordle in Five.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    46 minutes is fine, WP!

    Hope today represents progress, TS!

    Fitness suite then 38 easy minutes...after the rain had stopped.  

    Wordle in five,  also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    rain - what's that :)?
    nothing wrong with a slower run when legs are tired

    good timing on the fitness suite!

    My "fitness" routine continues slowly - managed to get to 20 push ups yesterday, having increased them at the rate of one per day, but that collapsed this morning and I was back to 12!!

    I could blame it on the Covid jab from Friday but I have had no reaction at all!

    Knee was naggling this morning so it was 2.5 miles of brisk walking which made it feel a lot better

    Wordle in six today - very close run thing
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    Wordle in three!

    I tend not to do push ups these days due to shoulder injuries, but do do planks where the static holds cause less of a problem. Hope the brisk walking does indeed de-naggle the knee!

    79 minutes run with my M78 neighbour; longest since February! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    a very good outing indeed :)

    I do planks first - front and both sides and then the push ups but today I collapsed nose first half way through!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Yesterday was a 3 mile walk - 1.5 miles each way to the alehouse.  Just one pint . . .   
    Hamstring slightly sore this morning, so it was with some caution that I set out, but, as I'd hoped, it seemed to ease off, and I was able to complete a steady 6 miles.  No real reaction since.   
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    don't forget that there are three/four hamstring muscles
    • Semitendinosus.
    • Semimembranosus.
    • Biceps femoris. (short/long head)
    and you could have damage to only one (hope so!) so the others can function normally although each one does a slightly different function
    • Biceps femoris, closest to the outside of your body. The function of this hamstring is to flex your knee, extend the thigh at your hip and rotate your lower leg from side-to-side when your knee is bent.
    • Semimembranosus, closest to the middle of your body. This hamstring flexes your knee joint, extends your thigh at your hip and offers medial rotation for your hip and lower leg.
    • Semitendinosus, between the semimembranous and the biceps femoris. The function of this hamstring matches that of the semimembranosus.
    so that could be why you can move quite well. However you do need to avoid aggravating the tear and scar tissue forming which becomes a future weakness.

    I tore my hamstring quite badly many years ago playing football and it seemed to heal okay with the limited/non-existent after care available but I always had a niggle there and in later life and long distance running it was aggravated.
    My physio at the time sorted it out with an very sharp elbow breaking up the accumulated scar tissue - no wish for that treatment to be repeated :'(

    Lovely morning here - out in tee shirt and shorts, poured down just as I was at the furthest point from home, got soaked :/
    Didn't run home as I was nursing the knee...

    Has anyone seen the drone show the Toon has put on in advance of the match tomorrow?


    Has to be said the bird looks more like a falcon than a magpie!!

    Wordle in four

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    Wordle in four, also. 

    Interesting summary of the hamstring, TS! Will look at the show later!

    Managed to avoid the rain here, but not a chilly breeze. Just over 38 minutes on an out and back, coming back more quickly than I went out by close to two minutes in attempt to lift myself out of a plod!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    You learn so much on this thread;-) Interesting about the hamstring!

    Yesterday was 4 miles but at 10.20am and a good run I even ran on grass(Achilles hates grass normally) village that Mr Wp was doing his circuits class.(I am struggling with fatigue as sleeping poorly)

    Today PT session and we fetched back upper body work with lighter weights and see if using the shoulder helps as it got worse in the weeks we did no shoulder work. Deadlift up to 37kilos.I can also do weighted squats lower than before my legs have got stronger.
    Then first time in 5 weeks a post G session run 31 minutes.

    Wordle in Six
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Not been out for run yet but:

    Wordle in Two!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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