
Sub 3



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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. most of the major races up here fill up pretty quickly.  The Snake Lane 10 used to take a couple of weeks to sell out, about 3 hours now.

    OO.. not surprised you still have a few sore zones.  I've was planning a bike ride this week but it's either been too wet or windy (17mph winds today).  Sunday looks

    Didn't want to push my luck today so just a steady 4m done.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - i can't be doing with all that, there's probably folks buying into all the hype and entering when they're not sure they want to.

    Woke up a bit lurgified and felt a bit ropey but needed the long run so 10m easy, 10m steady (av 7.21). Another sweaty one. Knee was minimal bother.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. good effort to get through the long run if you were a bit off colour.
    True enough about the race entries, too many folk chasing the marquee events.

    34m on the bike this morning, a bit breezy but not too bad.  Topped that up with a 4m run later.
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    Decent Saturday’s work that chaps.
    I did 9M including parkrun which was a disappointing 21:09 on the same course as last week. Followed that with 9.5M of kayaking down the Wye to Symond’s Yat which was lovely though my bum doesn’t like a straight legged sit for long. I’m far too tight.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TR - Good run and test passed, so imagine your good to go for Abingdon?
    Wardi - Excellent combo.
    Jooligan - Excellent and unusual combo, that's some kayaking. 

    Benched!  The ball of my right foot is painful, where my suspected toe stress fracture was, so probably a SF.  So more cotton wool pad time while it recovers, which should be a month or so which unluckily coincides with the Gran Canaria marathon in mid November, so most likely will opt to run the half marathon instead. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that, OO.  Healing vibes to you and your right foot.

    Jooligan: ah, that's a lovely paddle.  Did the stretch last year, and then as part of our Wye valley canoeing holiday this year.

    I am now up to an exciting 12 x 1m15s run/45s off.  Bit torn about quite how hard to push the progression now.  It all feels ok, but I'm conscious that with 4 months of very little running, even with the gym-based stuff, I can't go mad and start doing loads, but pretty confident I can abandon doing 2 or 3 runs at each stage, and just make a small increase each time until I'm up to 30 minutes steady continuous running.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Jooligan - we kayaked on the Wye 2 years ago, defo remember how uncomfortable it was sitting to paddle.

    Jools - agreed, build up to short blocks of continuous running and then do it more often.

    OO - would a toe SF cause ball of foot pain? Whatever it is you had best listen to it.........I didn't do the mp run yday, 10 easy, 10 steady think I've set myself back though........

    Knee woke me up in the night and is aching today. Maybe cos I ran some 7.1Xs in the 2nd 10m, maybe cos I was in the Pegs rather than the more cushioned Triumphs, mybe from playing catch up a bit last week. But whatever it was its a step back. Going to give up on Abo and drop it back a bit for a bit longer.
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    Belated birthday wishes Wardi. Good news with the running streak. I always recall the BM being super popular back when I first started running with the harriers. 

    Sorry to read the stressy has all but confirmed OO and as a result a slight change of plan for Gran Canaria. I hope heals well. 

    Hopefully you and Mrs TT are now feeling better TT. A lot of lurgy about as well as the covid of course. 

    More positive news Jookska. I can sense you are slightly hesitant to move on to the next phase. I'm sure you will make the right call. 

    Good to read the adductor is on the mend Jooligan. The kayaking sounded very uncomfortable. I sat for over 2hrs at a PJ Harvey gig last week on a hard wooden step. I was shifting positions the whole time. 

    Sorry to read the knee has flared up again TR after and encouraging long run. You had to give it a test with Abo around the corner. I feel your pain, literally as it happens.

    Only a couple of easy runs this week as my right knee has been stiff and sore. I jogged on Friday and it wasnt too bad but woke up yesterday in some discomfort so decided to not run over the weekend.

    I'm hoping it settles down in time for next Sunday. I'm stretching and icing of course. I'll try some easy jogging tomorrow or possibly Tuesday. Missing a few runs now might actually be a blessing in disguise. We'll see I guess. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - hope it settles down for you. I often wonder about travelling further away for races, and then remember that I'm pretty crap at making start lines.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about your knee taking a turn for the worse, TR, and fingers crossed for yours, SJ.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TR - being pretty crap at making start lines is half of the reason why I've agreed to stick to local races for the foreseeable (unless it somewhere, like Seville, that we both wanted to see anyway). Sorry to see about your knee. Frustrating for you!

    sj - sorry to read about your knee too. Fingers crossed it settles down sharpish for you, and as you say it might be a blessing in disguise!

    Jools - I'm glad to see you're continuing to progress. Mrs TT is trying to get back to running (long covid and high hamstring tendinopathy have kept her out) and can't get on board with a structured run/walk schedule so has taken to just running until she needs to stop, walk a bit, then go again. Maybe a similarly unstructured approach might be better for you at this stage?

    OO - bugger with the suspected sf. Though if it is at least it held together until you finished your race! Try rubbing some comfrey into the area.

    Jooligan - that's an epically long kayaking adventure. 

    Wardi - injury site still feeling ok?

    Busy few days for me. Took Jr to his first 2 uni visits. Started with our local, which completely surprised us with the size and layout of it, and then on to Southampton yesterday, which was a little soulless for large parts.
    Not much running due to travelling and not being 100%, so just 37m for the week. Off for a few days the end of this week too, so it's going to be a very stop-start couple of weeks before things get going properly. 

    On the good news side of things though, I am now an officially qualified Level II Lydiard Foundation coach :)
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    SJ - Take it very easy now, missing a few runs will be a blessing as nothing to be gained now and a starting place to lose.  For this weeks runs, maybe only a few miles and make sure on grass/ a softer surface to reduce impacts.  
    TR - That's really bad news.     You've had a tough few months with injuries occuring at the worst possible time for your upcoming races.
    TT - Congratulations - great news.  Life!  Good tip, thanks I'll get some today. 
    Joolska - Good to see injury wise, one of us is going the right way!

    There's no half marathon option at Gran Canaria!  I've paid for everything so as I like to have my monies worth, I will line-up for the marathon, at the moment with no time goals.  At worse its 4 days in the sun and a DNF.  Cycling for the next week or so and then see how things are.  No other marathon in the forseeable until probably Manchester next April so plenty of time to properly heal after that. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Sorry to hear of your setbacks TR/OO.  One of the downsides of late 50's/early 60's I discovered was a more fragile body and longer to recover from hard training and injuries.

    SJ.. sorry to hear about your bothersome knee, hope you can make the start line next weekend.

    TT.. congrats on the coaching qualification, you did well to fit it into your spare time!  Re. my niggle - I can still feel it some days but not painful.  I suspect there's a knot in there so will book another massage in due course.

    Jools.. you are being very patient, keep up the good work.

    5.5m run and 23m on the bike yesterday.  I had to give Mrs Wardi a lift to Harrogate this morning for an appointment  I did a short loop of the town and a few laps of the Stray for 6.5m, quite warm at 8.30am!

    1st LV60 at Chester yesterday was Treena Johnson (Dewsbury) in 2.57.23.  Blimey!
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    You have had some terrible luck in recent times TR. Surely the law of averages will even itself out in the near future. At least I sincerely hope that is the case. 

    I always felt Southampton Uni campus was just that little bit too far out of the city centre to feel connected TT so can appreciate the 'soulless' comment. I used to go to a few gigs there back in the day and it reminded me a little of Warwick with its self contained campus. Great news and well done on the Lydiard coaching qualification. 

    Bummer about the lack of a half option at Gran Canarias OO. A good mindset for the full race however. 

    Nice run-bike double Wardi. I do like how you fit runs in around commitments. Excellent time management. It's very odd weather currently isn't it? It was quite warm with bright sunshine this lunchtime but enough of a breeze to be blowing the dead leaves from the trees. 

    Thanks all for positive comments regarding my sore knee. It has settled down a little over the past 3 days of non running. Enough for me to venture out today for a tester. 4 miles easy-steady felt ok. Fingers crossed it remains settled after today's little run out. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    TT - well done on the qualification.

    OO - see how it goes, you might not have a SF? have you had Morton's before?

    Good its still warm. I'm in North Devon for a week's walking with the SPO in 2 weeks, hope it stays dry until then.

    SJ - sounds positive, fingers crossed.

    Not sure if I damaged my knee, maybe it's just old and worn out, although it felt like damage. Anyway, had best listen and try to manage it with dome easier times.

    Applied for GFA today, had to send in a photo of rear of driving licence too. Maybe ill get put on baggage lorry driving when i submit my DNS in April.
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    SJ - That sounds good news.When do you fly? Any sightseeing plans? 

    TR - it could well be Mortons, as same place though more painful compared to when I had it 18 months ago. Snap  London GFA, as faster codgers we should be OK. Ha ha  your luck is due for a massive change. 

    Lovely weather so 26.2m yday & 32m on the bike today with plenty of climbing. Sounds obvious, but you realise 26m is a bloody long way. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    lol TR, loving the start line optimism.  Similarly I have insured my Barca Marathon place in case of being a DNS. 

    SJ.. good news re.your knee, hope you can push on a bit from here.  

    OO.. decent cycling miles, nice to have another option if a running niggle is present 

    Last warm day for a while so got out on the bike myself this morning.  A bit cloudy to start with but the sun appeared in due course.  35.5m done, around 21 degrees when I got home.

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    Wardi - Nice bike miles. Your right about the niggles being more often/ persistent as you get older.  Then I saw this:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cmj5l612080o 

    9 year old @ Poole parkrun,sets new WR running 17:40!!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. surely a fine running future for that young lad.  Just the small matter of keeping him away from other distractions!  A youth who ran the York Parkrun at age 13/14 was clocking similar times.  He has gone on to wear England vests at XC and track.  Currently sub 14 for 5k as an U23 and finished 7th in the Armagh 5k. 

    A modest but encouraging running double today, 5.5m + 4m.  My local physio has just announced a Nov 1st price rise for a massage so I'll try to fit one in before then.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Wardi - Very impressive young athletes indeed.  A near 10m double is not to be sniffed at, well done.  Yes, insured my Verbier marathon place in July, first time I've taken race insurance. 

    Decided to pad-up my foot/ Mortons toe (?) and do a few runs, so 4m yesterday and 2*4.5m today, 1 with the pooch on the river trail here, and the other along the coastal path between Polzeath and Rock.  A bit painful but very tolerable, so will take care and run 2 days out of 3 to give the injury a chance, so on the bike tomorrow.  Just good to be able to put a pair of trainers on and run.   Anyone else applying for London GFA?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - o can see the GFA adjustment being a bit bigger than this year's 3m 30s, but agreed we have a big buffer..getting into races isn't my problem.......

    Wardi - good one on the double. Maybe stick to once a day some days and make it a bit longer? 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.  the recovery has been very slow but I am getting a bit braver now.  I will up the distance in the coming week assuming no I'll effects.

    OO.. I had intended going for a GFA at Warsaw but injury scuppered that.  I entered Barca after realising I couldn't get into London.  No disappointment though as Barca is a top notch race.
    Good that your runs have been tolerable, enjoy the bike ride tomorrow if you can get out, it looks very wet here tomorrow.

    I wasn't intending to run today but Mrs Wardi wanted a test run after nearly 6 months off running with painful PF in her heel.  She managed 4.3m without any problems so hopefully back on the road. 
    It has been a glorious day here, wall to wall blue skies.  I did take advantage with 31m on the bike this afternoon.  A bit chilly though, proper gloves out for the first time since spring!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - I've had a few early mornings with long sleeves and gloves, starting to get a little frosty round the lanes.

    SJ - how are you doing?

    Still on the ice, exercises, s and c. Pushing the weights a bit heavier on the squats etc
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Seems like you're being thorough with the rehab TR, actually the temps for running are quite pleasant ATM.

    9m today, waited for the rain to blow through and headed out this afternoon.  About 12-13 degrees so managed in t-shirt and shorts.  No niggles and I can push off with the affected leg much better now.
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    Well I'm going start and give it my all. Knee feels ok-ish. Taking in a boat tour trying not to walk so much! Difficult on a city break with family. 

    At least logistics from our hotel are straightforward. 

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    Best of luck SJ. It wouldn't be a marathon without an ache. Have a great time today and tomorrow. 

    Excellent news Wardi. 

    Switched my days around. So a 5m run y'day and a decent bike ride in the sun today. Speaking with my daughter later about entering a HM soon, she's on a high with her 10m OB this morning. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - good progress. I had some of the old sciatic weakness type thing going on below my knee today, maybe from all the s and c type work its getting hit with ? Who knows? Tedious though.

    SJ - hope it goes well. To be fair everything will be hurting after a while anyway.

    OO - good to be out in the sun on the bike.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    SJ.. have a good  run, your prep has been very promising. Conditions look reasonable for Sunday.

    TR.. bad luck with the knee, hope you can run it off.

    OO.. hope the bike ride went well.  A bit too cold (10/11 degrees) and 15mph winds here put me off the cycling option.
    A  short double 4m + 5.5m today.  I'm spectating at the York marathon tomorrow, a few clubmates taking part.  I'll try and fit in a run around it as I know the area.


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    Best of luck SJ. Enjoy the run whatever the outcome 
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    Legs ruined and tough last 5k. 1.26.3x halfway, 2.57.xx finish. Ran by feel mostly as gps went wonky at the start. Happy enough but boy that was tough. Knee survived. 
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