
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    All sounds good, NZD...particularly the spa pool. 

    Just under 7k here to bring up 50k for the week. Very icy in places.

    Difficult choices this pm: cricket, several football matches and rugby.

    Good performance yesterday, TS and Birch. Could do with a Spurs win today for Mick!

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Splendid parkrunning, NZD - and @21K lsr too - must up my game - 4 weeks tomorrow since my last double digit, and these seem to be 10/11 miles . . .   mind you, tomorrow's forecast is 3c with double dot rain and strong winds! Local 10K (Percy Pud) cancelled this morning due to significant overnight snow  . . . .    
    Good k's for the week, alehouse - and good for the Foxes to have injury time joy after the reverse side of that coin at Hillsborough! We certainly have turned a corner performance wise (even in recent defeats), and 4 points from Leicester and Blackburn is an excellent return, but I fear the gap to safety (10 points) is too great . . . .   Nice win for the depleted Mags, TS - and I see Pope has joined the casualty list . . . 
    Circs meant yesterday was down as a rest day, with a run to and from the aforementioned race to record some miles today. However the snow stopped me this morning (wimp, I know), but 1 mile in the diary for yesterday, as I jogged the 1.5 miles from stadium to alehouse. Was so cold I didn't get a sweat on, despite merino base layer woollen jumper and down jacket!  
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    Dave: Good idea to run to alehouse yesterday;) The weather is so unkind at the moment.
    Sorry Percy Pud cancelled I planned to run it this year but sold out(jolly glad)

    No run yesterday another ice day and I know three runners who ended up in A+E falling and breaking bones!
    But today no ice just 2 degrees and rain the persistant stuff but 100 minutes all done.It was a hard run as legs not happy they missed two days training so slow and ploddy but all done.

    November I ran 130 miles I some how think it will be less for December!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Excellent miles, WP - both for the month and today in 2c and rain - gives me no excuse tomorrow!
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    good parkrun and well backed up with your LSR - including following alehouse's advice  :)
    20+ Km is a very solid base and the time doesn't matter - it's getting used to time on feet.

    another 50K week  :)

    all good here thanks - just had a couple of hard days workwise including an 8 am start in Sheffield on Thursday - and I didn't leave until after 6pm!

    Missed the match :/ - visitors!! We now have a complete team out injured!
    Must have been my visit to Sheffield that motivated them :)

    dedicated run to the alehouse - celebrations were in order!

    Hadn't realised that Sheffield had become such a lawless city when I saw this sign in Freedom Gardens


    excellent way to round off a very good month's mileage!

    well I did 180' of climb and descent yesterday getting Xmas decorations out of the loft and carrying them down the stairs :) - there  are a lot of decorations!!

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    woke up this morning to a good covering of snow  - front garden

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    Had a nice walk in crisp, crunchy snow before too many folk had trampled it and managed a decent contrast photo set 

    November 2023

    and December 2023!

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    oh wordle in three today, four yesterday and Friday and three on Thursday - so a good run which is more than I am doing!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Forgot to add, 55k for the week.  Even more than the skewed figure for last week!  Legs still more comfortable post the spa pool (with g'kids snuggled up beside me).

    Great week totals Ale, WP & Dave, even more so given the weather you have been experiencing
    Fantastic photos, TS.  Latter two outstanding - photo competition ready.  Impressive stair climb count too. 

    Yikes, barely thought about Xmas.  Same can't be said about the g'kids though!  At least an elve appeared on schedule on 1 Dec (thanks to OH), which delighted them no end.  Keeps mysteriously moving around too, which delights them even more..  Also a big date with them registering Dec for the first time with great excitement, as the start of summer ... and only 2.5 weeks more school before the start of summer holidays (6 & 7 yrs).  All very big deals!

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    NZChristineNZChristine ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Missed looking in for quite some time but mainly just doing 5 km walks with our dog, but as NZD says still loving the parkruns - some are slow as we have our dog with us and he sits and waits for the slowest in our group or finds a mud hole. He loves the water, so it is always good if a parkrun has a stream or a fountain in it - certainly adds to the over-all time but then we play catch up. It is an extremely hard work-out. Don't think I've posted here since Paris Marathon last year or maybe it was Rotorua Marathon this year. Glad to see you all still going strong.

    Love the pics Torque Steer.

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    Good to see you, NZC!

    Great photos, TS. Always interesting to compare with the weather the other side of the world with NZD lounging around the pool etc!

    73 minutes was a bit of a slog this morning, but at least it was ice free with just the lightest of rain. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that was a good week's total - and a very good way to wind down afterwards :)

    surprised g'kids stayed still long enough!

    Mrs TS is insisting everything is in place before her next op as I can't be relied upon to get it right!

    Hot tub v Snow - now let me think!

    Thanks for photo comments - they are untouched, no editing at all.
    I used to take photography quite seriously, and still have a cupboard full of SLR's and lenses etc, but now I just snap 'em on my iphone as I wander around and file them away. Keep meaning to print some off and frame them up but never do :/

    good to hear from you again 
    Fancy blaming the dog for taking it easy on some parkruns :). Good to see you are still keeping the AG up when you are without dog.

    good news on your ice free run - hope it comes this way as we still have snow & ice lying quite thickly here.

    You have given me an idea - I will try and take a photo a month from the same spot over the next 10 month s and then I can complete a time lapse collage of the year.
    That will keep me out of mischief.

    Wordle in four today
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Baffled by that sign, TS!  
    33 miles here last week.  Kicked off this with 5 this morning. Had to choose route carefully; headed to low ground and slush free pavements next to busy main road, so 5 miles was satisfactory.  
    Wordle in four
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    I love the photo's and like NZD I love the last two which gives me an idea.For next year like yourself a photo a month of the same view I just need to plan which view it is.

    Hope Mrs TS enjoyed putting the decorations up.When is next op after Christmas?

    Dave : A good week total there well done especially with difficult conditions under foot.

    Nice to be ice free again Ale.

    NZC Nice to see you posting.

    NZD Spa pool sounds nice in these cold temps over here.Nice mileage for the week as well.Better get Christmas focus on three weeks to go.

    I backed up yesterday with recovery run of 57 minutes legs felt better than yesterday. Then post run coffee with Mr Wp circuit group no cake or cookie for me but the others had plenty;-)

    Wordle in 6 today.Since going away I downloaded the app on phone so that is easier to use.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS:  'Hot tub in Snow' sounds good.  Time to re-think your Xmas pressy?  May even be cheaper than filling the new wine rack.
    Dave: Snap on week mileage. Must be a first!
    WP: Good back up to your 100 minutes in 2deg rain on Sunday.  And commendable self control eschewing the post-run cakes and cookies.
    Ale: Decent minutes bagged in favourable conditions, though I imagine temperature possibly a bit cooler than "

    Strava training plan w5d2:  "
    1h 20m - 1h 30m · Progression Run ... last 20 minutes at half-marathon pace or faster".  Got close(-ish).  Estuary x1.5 (75 min, 12.4 km), ~17 mins (3.15km) near end at 5:19 ave.  Pulled back over the last km (6:09)  ... from start of a small rise!  Thought I was a bit closer to the 20 mins mark.  Also missed that this one was supposed to be a bit longer than last weeks progression run, so fell a little short on that score too ...!  

    Legs generally OK during run, though a bit of tightness in R glute that I need to watch.  Calves were stiff walking around before and after but oddly that seemed to disappear while running. 

    Perhaps more 'stepped' rather than 'progression' run?

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    NZD - do you do any slow running? Mick will love your graphics!

    Yes Torque Steer - good to be able to blame the dog that I don't do much effort these days. But like this morning I took him to the park and he just wanted to sit down, I was on my own and he only likes it if we have the family together - he is sure they are there somewhere. Had to have some treats with me to keep him going.

    I've been keeping a low key but see Welshpoppy's stuff on Strava so she knows very well about my comings and goings.
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    Sounds like a good run, NZD, but echoing NZC be careful not to rush things.

    Just over 4k this morning with a few quicker sections; pushed for time as am currently at the dentist! Root canal work, I believe, and in the past haven't felt great after it! 

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Another good effort, WP - goodies resistance as well as the run!  
    Fine work (again), NZD.

    Hope you're recuperating after the dentist, alehouse
    Good day for faster efforts. 4c and rain here. Light to begin with, but became heavier as my 7 miler progressed. Tried to push the pace slightly, but by the end I was very wet and cold; revived with hot soup and crusty roll!  
    Wordle in three.
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    Dave: Great work on run and replenishing with hot soup perfect in this weather.
    Alehouse : Dentist....shudders
    NZD: Great job again
    Waves to NZC:-) I have paid a note to your work  :)

    Rest from running today as PT day and first time back in two weeks and do you know the upper body was harder than normal due to time off.The trap bar 52 kilos was fine well you know what I mean ;)

    I have the NHS physio at hospital tomorrow only been over 16+ weeks since injury to shoulder.Will be interesting to see if it is a tear or rotator cuff.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Love the detail of your posts.

    The snow has arrived!
    This is the view from my back deck.

    It probably will not stay as it is predicted to hit +10c this weekend. The local ski resorts have opened and they are making snow.

    My progress continues, I have only a couple more weeks on chemo and my recovery will start.
    Feeling really good.
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    I suspect it may well be a student thing!!

    needed to be very careful underfoot earlier - you did well to get your speed session in yesterday.

    poor dog :) - getting lonely.
    you were struggling with an injury the last time you were on here - has it cleared up now?

    nasty work - hope it went well, or as well as can be expected.

    I'll stick with the wine racks - and filling them :)

    the graph does go up progressively - and it is about effort so if gradients intrude as long as the effort progresses as well the speed is irrelevant.

    Good effort indeed and I wouldn't worry about the few minutes off the total desired time.

    like the way you have a day off from running :)

    that looks more like Canada at this time of year!
    But back to 10C - that's tropical for you at this time of year.

    Great to hear of your continued progress - it's getting closer :)

    Black ice everywhere this morning  and I did a graceful fall on it at one stage. It was so smooth I slid downhill for about 5m befoer coming to a halt.
    Quick look orun dot make sure no one was watching and then decided to get back home - no damage done!

    Wordle in three yesterday and five today
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Great pic, Mick - and great news re your continued progress . . .
    WP - how did physio appointment go? 
    TS - pleased no damage done - just what you wouldn't have needed!  Black ice here too; luckily I'd taken the decision yesterday afternoon to cancel the Wednesday speed group in view of the 0c forecast for 9am to follow the very wet day yesterday. Went out solo early afternoon and managed 8 miles. One of those "just add a loop here, loop there" types of run where one ends up doing more than originally mooted. Kept to lower ground; pavements by then ice free.  
    I have to remain consistent, as I have a goal I'd like to reach by the end of the year . . . 
    Wordle four
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    Mick lovely pics and good to hear your progress.

    TS Be careful out there it could have jarred the knee!

    Dave:Well done on solo effort today.What is the goal?

    Thanks for asking physio was fine at hospital 4 miles away and got a parking space! Looks like I did everything right with lowering load with upper body work and then building the load up. I am to do lateral raises,front raises and shoulder press with 2.5kg weights .5 reps and 5 sets.Holding for 5 secs. When comfortable use heavier weight. every day.

    back in two weeks to check progress as Alex is leaving  this hospital and moving on.It looks like either rotator cuff or frozen shoulder that is unfrozen but on the downward trend so all good just takes time.
    So as G and I thought and they just happen no reason for them either....phew

    I ran before hospital it was an easy short session.
    10 mins warm up 
    20 secs fast running(7am and dark so not that fast)
    45 secs jog
    x 10
    cool down 10 minutes

    I found 20 seconds very short.I did get faster each rep apart from last one for some reason.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Reassuring news re shoulder, WP - and good sharp session beforehand, esp at 7am!! 
    Yet again raining and cold this morning at 8:30.  4c was ok for shorts, but hands frozen despite gloves.  6 miles steady, 3 of them with company. 
    My target is to reach 70,000 "career" recorded miles by the end of the year. First entry was on 27/1/1986. Today's run puts the total at 69,880.  
    Not done Wordle yet - off to "first thursday" lads' lunch now  . . .
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    good news re shoulder and ongoing treatment

    20 secs can be along time at maximum effort!!

    wow - big target to achieve - you should get bonus miles for going out this morning!!

    I had slightly jarred my knee as I skidded down the hill so used that as an excuse not to go out as I listened to the rain lashing against the windows this morning.
    Strange - I could happily go out in the worst rainstorms possible to run but the idea of a walk is such conditions is a complete no no!!

    Wordle in five today.

    Hash dinner tonight - I will be severely mocked for my recent non-attendances!
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    Dave : I agree a tough target this time of year but you can do it as you have been consistantly consistant this year.Well done for going out this morning!

    TS: I do not blame you with a dodgy knee and weather!

    It is a no from me I woke up and felt really rough.Heard the rain and wind and thought no especially as something coming on-I think it is PT's   cold as he had it over a week and still struggling with it.So hoping I can get rid of it ASAP.Jab day so did go out walking to surgery in rough weather.

    Yesterday I went up mountain parked car and walked a mile....my nose froze it was so cold and i needed warmer hat and gloves.Luckily my buff saved the day with my nose-never had that happen before.

    Wordle in four
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Wordle in four but six yesterday. Have worked the last two days so training compromised! 
    Yesterday around 20 minutes off road, working quite hard after the first km, then an hour's stretching. Today just quarter of an hour in torrential rain, dark and paddling in places, and that was on the roads. 
    Great target, Birch! I haven't kept all my old training diaries so no idea what my total was. I first ran on October 9th 1965 in my first term at secondary school, when it was too wet for rugby, and have run ever since! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    it was a bit wet yesterday!

    No after effects rom your dentist's visit?

    I can beat you by some years, in 1960, although a similar introduction to distance running around a sodden playing field ended with me being picked for the xcountry school team, although I was still a sprinter, and to which I kept reverting over the next 15 years of football and rugby!

    exceptional evening last night with the Hash dinner - just about recovered :)

    Wordle in four today

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    Sounds like a good evening, TS!

    Dentist: no real problems without the area feeling quite right.

    Managed to run this morning before the rain arrived. Just under 40 minutes, taking me closer to the 2023 target. 131k to go, so 5.7 a day.

    Wordle in three 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Wordle in Three !

    Felt a wee bit better so 50 minutes in drizzle but happy I felt like running.

    Tomorrow is Santa 5k  for local hospice along Aberafan seafront so that will be blowy;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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