
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    pour encourage les autres ..


    similar experience early yesterday morning - it was still dark and I could hear a tree falling in the woods!

    Brings to mind that old philosophical question -

    if a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one around to hear It, does It make a sound? 

    the answer is yes!!

    Well done to you and alehouse for getting out there in the conditions

    that was a hard task to step into!
    It needed a progressive build up to get anywhere near achieving it so you were right to scale back.

    I used to start with 2 x 1 mile at faster than race pace on levelish ground and gradually work up to 5 or 6 x 1 mile over a period o f6-8 weeks but it needs a stepped approach.

    Wednesday saw me in Dave's city at 0730 and left at 1930 :/

    Yesterday not much different in another spot as matters needed to be resolved pre Christmas close down.

    Wordle in five each day but two today - must be more relaxed :smile:

    Nearly felt ready for a trial run but will keep that until post Christmas.

    It was the Has Xmas lights run on Tuesday evening and i managed a small trot  - to the last pub!!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Impressive (UM's at 80) but I will be sticking to HM's.  About as much as my body could handle (yeah, I know, psychological barriers ...).

    Easy local 43 min this morning (6.3km, with faster last km.  HR 119/133).  Bit of hillwork though, which slowed the ave pace a bit (EG 81m).  Fast finish long run down for tomorrow ...
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Seasons greetings to all for tomorrow 🎄. Alas seems likely to be a wet one here. 

    Fast finish long run this morning: middle at 'marathon' pace, last 2-4 miles at HM pace. Spec called for 12 - 14 miles but taking on board TS and Ales earlier comments, I limited it to 18.8 km (115 minutes). Run as 4.3 @ 6:44, 8.2 @ 6:07, 5.1 @ 5:26, with last 1.1 jogged back to car.  Fast 5 down on what it probably should have been.  Legs a bit tired after the first 12k and about 7 hours in the garden yesterday!

    Started out having no idea what my 'marathon' pace should be, never having thought about it. My 6:07 this morning corresponds to 4hr 18mins. Was probably too comfortable at that pace (HR steady at around 135 over the full 8km) so I guess that pace was on the low side too? Doubt my legs would hold out for 42 km though. 
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    Santa musty be busy down there by now:)

    It's  a big step up to marathon distances despite what those ol' timers are doing so you were fine with pace and distance, The faster bit at the nde just gets the body used to working that bit harder when under some stress.

    You should be able to enjoy Christmas after that effort :)

    Time for me to start preparing for the onrush tomorrow as 10 of the family + 2 dogs are coming here for Christmas Day and some will probably stay on for a while - the g'kids are still attached to my pancakes for breakfast.

    Wordle in two yesterday and four today

    Merry Christmas everyone 

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    Enjoy tomorrow (or today in some parts of the world!)!

    parkrun yesterday to report! Set off at 7:10 to my brother's in Chester, then 20+ minutes walk starting around 8:30 with his wife who regularly runs the Chester event. Only time for a few minutes warm up, the walk apart. A very narrow start and took me over a km to even see the 27 minute pacer who I eventually passed around 2k. Never really got going with quite a few gradients and turns. 26:01 officially having said that I would run around that. 

    Legs were tired on this morning's 36 minutes, whether from the parkrun or standing in the kitchen for four hours baking (mince pies, Florentines, biscotti, two types of Stollen). Many of these are for presents, and some for visitors. Just spent another couple of hours prepping things for tomorrow's lunch for all my offspring and their partners. 

    Wordle in three today, four yesterday. 

    Hope everything is ok, Birch
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Thanks alehouse - mum still in hospital, hopefully discharged on Wed.
    38 mile week here,  32 remain for target . . 
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    Busy here but have run every day.Today speed repeats during torrential rain and wind.I just about hit target so
    1 minute fast,1 minute slow
    30 secs fast ,1 minute jog
    With warm up and cool down.

    Boxing day is a 6k race along a coastal path so will be fun if windy ;-)

    I have been at it for 6+ hours of extreme  baking and cleaning etc I am slightly knackered.

    Wordle in four.

    Merry Christmas all.

    TS yikes a busy day for you!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Tough parkrun course, Ale!
    Hope everyone has had a good Christmas.  Alas, 1.05 kg heavier on the scales this morning :(

    W8D2 "60-70 min easy run".  Did a bit under 66 min (10.14 km).  Got lucky with schedule, meshed in nicely with Christmas.  Rest day yesterday, easy run today, and rest tomorrow.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    69 minutes here, NZD, with my M78 neighbour and his son who I haven't met before (lives the other end of the country). 10.58k, with a fair amount off road.
    Half an hour on the 25th.

    Today's run took me over 100 miles for December and just 16 k from my 2023k target.

    1.5k is very little! Will soon come off! 

    World in three both yesterday and today.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Today's run included this section: river on left, road on right. Photo from November last year.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Almost a snap, Ale. Hope it was drier than it was on that day back in Nov last year! I am a little jealous of your M78 running buddy too.

    There is an M69 from parkrun (not too much faster than me) who I very occasionally get to run a few kms with around the estuary. Does make it more enjoyable, and tend not to notice increased pace as much. We have discussed catching up more regularly. His house backs directly onto the track but about half way around from where I start. Main complication is that I live 10 minutes drive away (15 or so from his side of the track) so it would require more organisation than I am good at! 
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    Would be good to run with someone, NZD! I find it a big help running with M78, albeit once a week at most. And the reason I posted the photo yesterday was that is exactly how it looks at present!

    Finding a route was a little tricky today but gave up on the puddle avoidance in the end and clocked around 43 minutes to take me to needing 9.2k for my 2023 target. 

    Wordle in three
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Hello all 

    hope everyone had a good Christmas - it was very good here and my culinary skills were fully tested including pancakes :)

    trust your Mum was well enough to get discharged today

    I too was tat the hospital today having my next poke in the eye with a sharp needle!
    Lovely friendly staff despite having to come in after a very short holiday period and listen to my bad jokes...

    Weather much like alehouse's here - flooded roads and pavements everywhere.

    I girded my loins and, despite, torrential rain, headed out this morning clad in "running" gear and actually managed 2.2 miles of very slow plod - no twitnessed by many folk, on the basis that the weather couldn't be any worse in the futures so if I could get out today that would be one barrier removed.

    Wait to see what reaction, if any, to it...

    Wordle in three yesterday and today
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    7 miler yesterday  1 degree but perfect to run.

    Today 50mph winds and rain so waited for lull a progressive  run  which was not fast enough but challenging  conditions
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Weather sounds a touch unpleasant for all of you.  TS good to see you are getting back into it at last, despite the weather.  Hopefully no negative reactions.

    W8D4: "60-90 mins, including 3-6 miles at tempo pace". A bit daunted by the spec but in the end maxed it out, clocking up 92 mins (15.4 km), with the mid 10.6k at tempo pace (5:23/km).  Run on footpaths bordering the Millwater side of the estuary reserve to avoid them nasty little hills on the cycle/walkway track.  To little avail though as stiff head/tail winds made it a challenge anyway.  Decided to go the full '6 miles' as will need to dig in come race day so best the body get used to it.  

    Even a 10 km lifetime PB of 53:54 into the bargain!   Hmm, does give away the fact that I didn't start regular running until later in life. 

    Next up is supposed to be a '40-60 min Easy run' on Sat, before a '90-105 min Long run' on Sunday.  But still tossing up whether to do one last pre-race parkrun on Sat & keep the long run on Sun to around 90 mins ...?  Intention being to get an extra 'speed' session in as that is where I have most missed the mark.
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    > @"Torque Steer" said:
    > I answered my own question about the Mature Runner's thread by doing  a search in the box above and found out that that thread is having similar problems as well.

    It's great that you found a solution to your question about the Mature Runner's thread by utilizing the search feature. It seems like others are experiencing similar issues.
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    At least you can tell where the road is. Photo taken by M78 on 23rd; car was still there yesterday although the water had receded enough to get by clinging to the railings!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    NZD: no PBs in training...so find a 10k race a couple of weeks after your half! Personally I am not sure that another long run is necessary now, apart from confidence building. 

    Today's run (34 minutes) took me within 4k of my 2023 target, so should be achieved tomorrow. 

    Wordle shortly! In four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I read that first off as a lifetime 10m PB - pretty impressive in training :)

    Still good going and a nice way to round up preparation.  a final LSR would not come amiss and then taper.

    that's a lot of electricals that will have gone in that car + catalytic converter and other stuff.
    Modern cars like immersion w=even less than old ones!

    Great target for tomorrow :)

    Repeated my run of yesterday - all good until I finished and then knee seized up immediately.  Hamstring seems ok so half a good news story.

    Wordle in four

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    Hope that the knee loosened up, TS

    Just over 5k today brought up the 2023k in 2023. 

    Wonder how Birch is getting on with his target...and more importantly, with mum. 

    Wordle in three
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    well done on reaching your target - impressive overall mile/kiloeage for the year.
    Did that include swimming excursions over the last few days :)?

    I did the same distance but walking this morning - knee seems to like walking :)

    Wordle in three also.

    PS don't know who "Pranav" is or why he/she should pick up on a query I raised about 4 years ago!!!
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    My posts are not posting 😡 

    But ran every day and speed repeats today.
    Race cancelled on nye due to storm.

    Today 1 minute fast ,1 minute slow x6 then 30csecs fast,1 minute sloe x 6 with warm up and cool down.
    Fastest repeats this year.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Wordle in 4
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hello all.
    Well done reaching the target, alehouse.
    Excellent solo training effort, NZD.
    Good consistency, WP - shame re the race.
    TS - good to hear hamstring "ok" - nurse that knee!   
    Odd week here - 3.5 miles fitted in on Christmas Day, none Boxing Day (feeling a little delicate), speed session Wed (4.5 miles with warmups etc). This was attended by Mr G.Beattie of Sale Harriers, alehouse . . .    So, after 3 days only 8 miles towards the 34 required for my target, However, 10 on Thurday in very wet conditions made inroads. None yesterday though (Mum came out of hospital, now safely re-ensconced in care home) made me think I'd miss, but another 10 (wet again!! ) this morning leaves 6 for tomorrow.  Hopefully this will be accomplished without drama . . .   
    Have a great long weekend all.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Ah, I presume you mean Professor Beattie, Birch! Star of the small screen, parkrun and Irish Masters. I hope to be well ahead of him when I move into the new age group shortly! 
    Glad mum is out of hospital and trust that all is well with her. 
    And with you tomorrow, with no running dramas!

    Just a gentle 20 minutes this morning: I had promised the legs that they could have an easy day, and as it was pretty foul (gale rather than rain) they were quite content, as was the rest of me. Probably similar tomorrow. 

    Wordle in three. Remarkably!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dave: well done playing catch up for your target miles especially the weather this week.

    55 minutes for me legs did not want to run it was more a shuffle in the storm but I dodged the rain somehow.

    Ten miles tomorrow for me to end the year on a high.

    Wordle in Three or was it Four one or the other.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Watch the knee. May be better to stick to walking for a few months?
    Ale:  Well done on ticking off year total goal.  Similar targets may become progressively harder to achieve over the next several years though?
    & Dave: I'm sure by the time I wake up tomorrow morning you will have achieved your 70k mile goal, so early congratulations on that!
    WP: Good to be ending the year on a high.  Less so for me (the main high being my weight :( )

    Yesterday shorter easy run prescribed and done (8.3 km @ 6:44)

    This morning, W8D7 "90-105 mins, easy pace long run". Ran it progressively a bit faster but less than tempo pace.  Total 101 mins / 16.36 km (3.95 @ 6:23, 7.45 @ 6:12, 4.95 @ 6:01).  Tentatively in lieu of spec for next Sunday!

    Plan has longer "90-120 min Fast Finish Long Run" next Sun ...  Cutting it close to the wire?  Not certain that is the best idea one week out from race day.  Opinions?

    Week total 50 km. Month 229 km. Year 1,322 km.  Just 2/3rd Ale's year total!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Happy (upcoming!) New Year to all. Mick, I hope your recovery continues smoothly and 2024 is a lot better year for you. 
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    As NZD says, Mick!

    I wouldn't be doing another long run, NZD; in fact I would be just doing short gentle runs from now, although I know some people prefer a more aggressive taper. 
    Whilst you have "only" done 2/3rds of my year's total I would imagine that the last three months you have done more than I have. 

    2024k in 2024, anyone? Easier than 2023 as there is an extra day!

    End of year total: 2032k = 1262.6 miles. Wonder what Birch scored!

    See you all next year!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    ... well I'm not even going to look at my total :/

    too much, too late for that next programmed run! 

     It's the sort of thing I might have done (and did) 30 odd years ago but recovery from a long run was not a problem then - it is now.
    I would scale back the miles but still keep some "sharpeners" in in terms of pace so that the body remains used to the demands of running fast but not to overdo it, don't want any last minute twangs!

    When do you travel as that also affects last minute preparation?

    excellent end to the year - perfect taper  :)

    Looking good for the Foxes as well

    good to hear your Mum is out of hospital and that you are attracting runners to your speed group from far afield - your fame is spreading!

    Hope the 6 mile today is accomplished - set fair weatherwise so far

    .. and even the Owls are improving!

    sounds a great way to finish off a year - you have been doing so well over the past few weeks.

    hope you are looking forward to the New Year and a start to running again.

    I know the knee is done and will need an op in the new year but I have to get Mrs TS sorted first - she is scheduled for her hip replacement in mid January and then the metalwork removed from her knee in mid March so there is some time to wait..

    However I have installed a smart new stainless steel handrail on the short flight of stairs from the kitchen to the rest of the house which has become a much used item for both of us!

    Wordle in two yesterday and four today
    Happy New Year everyone - keep on moving :)
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