
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    ...  oh all right - I peeped!

    566 miles to end of June - 656 miles to the end of year tells its own story
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - nice hour - we can call it that in view of storm :)   10 miler bagged?  
    NZD - good progressive long run; I agree with others - nothing to be gained by the scheduled session one week out.  
    Mick - I look forward to reports of you sporting the training shoes in due course  . . .  
    TS - those stats for latter 6 months of the year do indeed tell the tale.  You show great fortitude . . . 
    alehouse - yes, Prof B it was!  Congrats on reaching your goal!    
    Reached my goal with 5.85 miles this morning (yesterday's 10 was actually 10.3, so I was happy not to continue past the car for 0.15 miles) :)   
    1841 miles for the year,  70,000 miles since first recorded run on 26/01/86.  
    Alehouse in a couple of hours - will have just the one, as out with OH and a couple of friends for curry this evening . . .    
    However you're spending NYE, have a lovely evening and a Happy New Year . . .
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    Well done, Birch, both on the 70,000 and the year's total, which I make 2962.8 kms, so I did about 2/3 of yours!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dave: Yay well done on achieving your targets. 
    I say you ran 600 more miles than me :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    1279 miles for me this year!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year to all and well done on the mileage despite various issues.

    Will your op be a full knee replacement? There has been a lot of discussion of late on partials and various inserts.

    Well I'm off all drugs and am feeling really good so the new year will be exciting for me. I need a couple of weeks to let the side effects subdue and to watch out for withdrawal symptoms then I can start.
    The rower will be first with some short bits of running to add to my walks. There is a 5k that goes past my house in the spring now wouldn't that be a great.

    It is still green here, no snow which is a disaster for the ski resorts and we also need it to protect the garden from the very low temperatures.

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    excellent achievements by one and all recorded for the year and for various milestones - and particularly MIck for running the full gamut of treatments and coming out the other side looking forward to an exciting New Year   :)

    I hope it's nothing more than a cut and tuck on the meniscus via an  arthroscopic procedure

    As I have done for so many long years now I went out and ran this morning, particularly as it was bright and clear.

    Not far,1.43 miles to be exact, but enough to say I had done it!

    In the good ol' days NYD was the Morpeth to Newcastle road race 14.3 miles point to point mainly along the main A1 road but there were not many folk driving on that particular day back then!
    It was always a milestone in the diary and a good indicator for the upcoming spring marathon - so today it was just a matter of moving the decimal point this morning :)

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 1
    Well done on getting out, TS!

    Not the start to the year I had hoped for although very much first world problems. Went to a parkrun, arriving in plenty of time...but then they cancelled at 8:40 which didn't give me time to go elsewhere. Have managed two gentle runs to total just over 6k. Will run 70+ tomorrow: always run my age or more on Jan 2nd!

    Plugged in an old electric fan heater as daughter wanted to borrow it as no heating in the new extension at present; bang...and all my downstairs sockets blew. re-wired heater...and the same happened. I suggest she buys a new one. 

    Must Wordle! Edit: in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good total, WP!  
    Good to feel the positivity, Mick.
    Ditto TS, re the mathematics :)  
    alehouse - "70+"  . . . .   presume there's a missing decimal point there :)   
    Kicked off 2024 with a very sedate 4 miles. In truth, legs ready for a rest day, but logistics (and the desire to record a day#1 outing) dictated I donned the trainers.  I'll take that rest tomorrow.
    Wordle in three.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Birch: no missing decimal...but missing the word "minutes"!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    ...minutes v km :)  Do the latter....

    but it's your heater so it will be down to you to buy an new one!

    proper start to the new year!

    Wordle in four - had it down to two words after two, obviously chose the wrong one!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Started New Year with 5k run on hardly any sleep.But a faster ran than previous  few days.

    Wordle in five.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    were you up carousing until the small hours :)?

    well it was hardly raining this morning - just light drizzle - so I repeated the previous day's "exertions" of 1.43 miles after putting out the recycling materials - far too many bottles :)!

    Added a few to the pile after watching last night's match :/

    Wordle in six - and that's not how I spell it either!!
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    ps - it's now nissing down again!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 2
    Over 70 done and dusted in more ways than one. Very wet throughout, also in more ways than one.

    Glad the knee permitted more play today, TS.

    Wordle shortly.
    Edit: Wordle in three. Appropriate today, despite the spelling.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS: Great start to your running year with two runs:-)
    Sadly not just lack of sleep.I don't normal drink but over christmas I have been having about 1/4 of a sherry glass of sherry and I sleep so well on it.But wanted to see what happened if I did not have a glass.Needless to say back on the sherry and sleeping so well.

    The weather here is awful it has not stopped raining since 1700hrs yesterday and not due to stop till 1500hrs the roads are like rivers it is lashing it down.Not ever seen it this bad,
    Storm whatever his name is arriving tonight so heavy winds.
    Glad PT session today!!

    Wordle in Six!

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    A good positive start to the year, Mick (weather aside).  Great news that you are feeling good.
    Ale: Good start to year. And happy birthday for yesterday (day before?).  Now in the old boys age group!
    Dave, well done on hitting your 70,000 mile target
    TS: positive that you have been able to do a couple of short jogs.  Re your earlier question, I depart Auckland early pm on the 10th, arrive DFW early am on the 10th (five and a half hours before I depart Auckland :))!  Then via Miami to Bermuda, arriving late night on the 10th. Working 11th & 12th (lots of walking between meetings), race on 14th.  Aiming for one short (20-30 min) loosen up run, probably on the 12th. I suspect UK running pals will be angling for longer but best I let body freshen up?

    Yesterday (W9D2 fartlek run). Plan specified that as "6-8 x 1 minute at 5K-10K effort, 1 minute recovery jog between each repetition" . But in line with earlier Ale & TS comments I ran five 'faster' segments of variable, terrain dependent lengths:  3:51 mins @ 5:07, 2:01 @ 5:13, 1:36 @ 5:38 (up steep hill - GAP 4:29), 4:30 @ 5:01, 4:05 @ 5:04.  Plus a few strides towards the end.  Fits with the definition of fartlek discussed here? 

    Plan for tomorrow calls for 10km 'steady state' run + warm up and cool down.  So many different pace specs!  Not certain what my 'steady state pace' should be but will start out aiming for ~6:00 ave pace and take it from there.  May up the pace a bit if comfortable enough over the first half.

    FWIW plan for last two weeks below.  Will aim for more taper over the next 10 days than they seem to be recommending.  Legs feel a bit stressed after all the (unaccustomed!) long runs.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    All I would say, NZD, is keep it easy, particularly in view of the travel.

    Another 49 minutes, largely off road although I am finding it difficult to find routes that aren't too flooded. Had to divert a couple of times this morning and ended up running slightly further than intended. Which is good.

    Wordle in two!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Planned rest day taken - and was I glad!! Torrential rain all day . . .
    Still raining ths morning for the speed group, but fortunately had receded to drizzle.
    400,600,800,950,800,600,400 accomplished;  4.5 miles in total.   Six in the group.  
    No wordle yet.
    ps - Belated Happy Birthday to alehouse!   
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    I hadn't equated taking a run on 2nd January for your years  to your birthday - thought it was just a foible!
    Happy birthday and here's to the next 20 mins or so  :)

    Flood avoidance is a major pastime just now!

    well missed. 
    Big pyramid today - looks like hard work

    you do have to factor in your travel recovery, jet lag etc on arrival so at best a couple of looseners is all that is required, preferably at race start time to try and get your body ready.
    Definitely knock that 12miler on the head and reduce to around 6-7 miles at a steady pace

    The terminology used n that plan is a bit imprecise - that's where HR and prescribed pace is a better guide.

    hope you have got water wings :)

    did the same outing today just to turn over legs after having a fright on the scales - although 1.4 miles doesn't burn many calories!!

    Actually dry and quite nice out and although the woods are completely flooded the tarmac path through them was clear apart from some large shallow stretches.

    Wordle in four 
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the comments, TS & Ale.  And well done on another 1.4 miles, TS.
    Good speed group, Dave.

    W9D4 'Steady State Run' done and dusted, albeit probably a little slower than it should have been: 10.0 km @ 5:55 with usual estuary track hills/gradients included (GAP 5:51).  Pace as steady as hills & wind permitted!  Cut pace back for a half a km or so around midway after lower part of R quad muscle (vastus medialis) tightened up uncomfortably (& stayed that way for ~5 mins). Fortunately the tightening eased after dropping my speed and was able to rebuild pace without further issue.

    Total 74 mins / 12.4km with warm up and cool down.
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    that's enough :)
    a couple more runs like that, but without any muscle issue, should ease you very nicely into your trip and the HM.

    Amazing -opened the door this morning and was greeted with bursts of birdsong from all round the garden and a pale blush in the sky foretold a dry start to the day!

    Encouraged by that I raised the distance to a whole 1.75 miles at a ferocious 12m/m pace  :)

    And then topped it off with wordle in two!

    Has anyone been watching "Mr Bates v The Post Office"?  I binged to the end last night.  I knew something of the background as some years ago I knew my local sub -postmaster quite well in the days when documents etc were sent by post and I was a regular customer.
    He suddenly appeared very unwell and haggard - I asked why and he said the business was losing money and he couldn't sort it out despite him having diversified into all sorts of other lines and the shop was always full.
    A short time later he closed overnight with an apologetic note in the window.  I saw him a short time later as he still lived above the shop and he said it was the losses on the post office business that had driven him to take such drastic action.
    Now I wonder if he too was a victim of that iniquitous process...
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS Water wings are as standard when born and live in Wales :)
    Well done increasing the distance and pace.

    I have not seen Mr Bates V the Post office as yet but plan to today and tomorrow. I also know a little behind it and similar story happened to our  local Post mistress-Never did hear what happened to her in the end as she moved away and closed the business down.

    yesterday an hour run with 30 minutes at race pace which was bloody hard work.I ran over the rec and park as the flatest I can find.

    I have not been out yet as we have only just reached the dizzy heights of 1 degree.I for see a cold few mornings!

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Wordle in Four.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    NZD: Good luck for trip away and half :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Definitely needed your water wings here in recent weeks, WP!
    Good jaunt, NZD - even better that the muscle tightness receded!  
    TS - 1.75 is better than the blanks!   Yes, seen the first episode. Have followed the story in the news in recent times; a truly shocking tale - one can only try to imagine the horror.
    Having a "down" week here - just running when I can/feel like it. Legs needed a break, and lots of *other stuff" to deal with, so it fits. Hence, another rest day today - 8.5 miles so far this year :)   
    No wordle yet (me and OH have fallen into the routine of doing this simultaneously (and slightly competitively :) ), so will be later today).
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    you did a lot of miles towards the end of last year - it's a good time to cut back, recover and get ready to go again.

    Perhaps do something completely different for a few runs like sprint sessions of short distances and moderate intensity so that the body uses different muscle sets and different breathing patterns  mixed in with rest days - I used to find that useful.

    I pushed the mileage up again today to 2.1 miles again at 12m/m which Garmin laughingly described as a tempo run!!
    HR was 131/145 max so I suppose I was working the heart a bit.

    3 dog walkers at different times said "good to see you running again" so I must have given an impression of movement to onlookers :)

    Wordle in four - couldn't see the fit of the letters I had for quite a while

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    tough session with or without water wings!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in five today, four yesterday. 

    Well done on the tempo, TS! Not sure what Garmin said about my runs yesterday and today: wouldn't have been very complimentary! Lethargic at best. And two days in a row without getting wet, feet apart!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Great work TS on your tempo run,I am sure the HR wil low in time.
    Dave I like TS advice to mix things up a little.

    yesterday was 1 hour easy ,although it did not feel so easy a bit of a struggle.But I have bit of a cold so nothing today as could not get myself out .So went for walk to get fresh air.
    Wordle in Four
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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