
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian  - you've done well to get your mileage up to 50mpw.

    I would give a lot to be able to do a 50 mile week right now. 😥

    Walk didn't go that well, more discomfort than hoped for.    But I am definitely better than I was.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I went to see Dad yesterday and got his weekly shop on the way over, from Lidl. They had boxes of 12 mince pies for half price, but I managed to resist. However, Dad had a box of 6 unopened that he told me to take, and I couldn’t resist that either. 

    Full disclosure, when I knew there as a good chance I wouldn’t need the 8 days to do my cycling challenge, I was considering the NYE marathon that Fizz and Paul are doing for their 100th. However, legs very heavy on this morning’s parkrun, so I have decided I’m definitely not running it.

    That is my 50th parkrun event this year, so I’m pleased to have done that. 7.5 miles in total today, and rest day tomorrow. HR was showing as basically a random number generator though, so presumed it was reading from my watch sensor and not strap. When I got home I saw the strap wasn’t connecting to the watch but a change of battery sorted that. Glad I noticed it before Madeira. 

    Speaking of which, I don’t know what I was thinking but I thought we were flying from Bristol to Madeira and I had booked the parking accordingly. Got an email to check in and it said Gatwick…oooops. Fortunately Bristol parking is refundable and we’ve sorted parking for Gatwick now, which is cheap as there is a sale on - £50 for the 5 days isn’t too bad, but of course it’s a longer drive. 
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    Big G  - well you could hardly say No to your Dad's mince pies.   Would have been rude  ;)

    I was going to ask you whether you were going to run at Fizz's 100th, so I'm not surprised you considered doing it. 🤔 

    Ha, ha at the logistical error on the airport parking.    Good you could get a refund.   Bristol are good like that.   I couldn't get a refund when I missed my plane in August as I was too late, I did try.

    I've had the same battery in my HRM since April 2022.  I bought better quality batteries and they're certainly lasting well.   I'm using the old 305 chest strap.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    As I’ve done my last run of the year, it’s a good time to look back and also look ahead. 

    Hasn’t been a great year in terms of fast times, and getting back to being close to my best is a long way off still. But I’ve had a couple of brilliant events too, although my training has been sporadic at best.  

    I think the highlight has to be Boston. I was very worried about my foot, and my Dad, and there was this doubt in my mind wondering if I’d even get there. But once I was eventually on the start line I knew I’d finish it, and I loved it. Probably my favourite event I’ve ever done, as that sense of relief of being there, plus the iconic course, support, atmosphere, point to point nature of the route, logistics, how the whole city seems to embrace the race. It was just brilliant, and whole trip sightseeing was great. Also managed to do Salzburg and Chicago marathons, which both great too. But for me Boston was the highlight. 

    I’ve done a few different parkruns abroad too, with events in Poland (very cold), Austria (very scenic), Italy (very hot), Germany (very friendly) and Chicago (a great event to do prior to the marathon). Parkrun has at least given me the motivation to try and keep going with running, and I’ve enjoyed them. I reached 250 parkruns, 50 locations, 50 in a year so it’s been a big year for that. Hope to do more volunteering as I think I’ve only helped 3 times this year, at Juniors. But I do volunteer elsewhere so my ‘volunteer time budget’ is a bit limited. 

    Training has been poor, but I’ve enjoyed the events I’ve done. Haven’t done any smaller races and my speed, fitness, endurance isn’t there but I hope 2024 is better in that regard. 

    Odd moment was being recognised at Central Park in NYC, by a Torquay based runner who over took me, who said he recognised my running style…. Or being in the Dolomites but getting a rare place for the NYC virtual, which guaranteed me a place for 2024s race. 

    In terms of 2024, it’s a bit hard to make plans as it feels like 2 steps forward and then immediately 1 back with the foot. But I know it feels better than this time last year, so that is a positive thing that I’m taking into 2024.  Whether it’ll ever be totally right again I’m not sure though and any quicker stuff and it gets worse, so it’s difficult to come up with realistic but challenging time goals. I’d love to get back in touching distance of GFA but being realistic I’m not sure it’ll happen next year, and I’m way off at the moment - I mean 45mins+ off. But I’ve got firm plans for marathons though, and others pencilled in, so we’ll see how things progress and if I can get up to 40 miles a week consistently that would be brilliant, and I’d take that right now.  I’ve no goals in terms of marathon numbers or marathon times either. 

    Running club related I’ve been doing the membership secretary role for almost a year. It’s actually quite a big job, and when I started it involved lots of manual paperwork, but I’ve automated all that and it’s easier now. I’m planning on putting my name forward at AGM on Feb to continue in the role.  
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    Big G  - considering you've been nursing your injury all year you've coped really well and still managed to have some memorable experiences. 

    I do hope for 2024 you are finally able to ditch that persistent PF.

    For me, a diabolical year, 3 marathons run, 12 cancelled.  Eleven due to injury and one because I sat on the  M5 for over 6 hours and missed my flight. 😭

    For 2024 I just want to get back to running,  50mpw would be perfect and then run as many marathons as I can 🤣.
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    2023 been a bit of a disaster so would make sense to finish on a low point.  Positive Covid test a few moments ago! Had a couple of bad nights with temperature but not feeling too bad just shattered. 

    Big G some going getting to 50 parkrun a in a year.

    Shades hope you’re able to build back up soon.

    training for me since April has been pretty cold, 9 marathons inc 2 ultras.  Really enjoyed Halstead and The Fox Ultra but my high of the year was Beachyhead, loved the character building/ awful conditions to start with mixed in with a few glimpses of sun by the Seven Sisters.  

    Contemplating it could be my last marathon, it wouldn’t be a bad one to hang my shoes up on.   
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    Robert  - I hope that's the misery of Covid that's making you consider giving up marathon running. 

    You know how much you enjoy particular events and the sense of satisfaction and achievement that you gain from them. 

    Can't believe you've got Covid again, but it does seem to be doing the rounds again.

    Hope you hadn't planned a mega night out on the town to celebrate New Year. 
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Popping in to say a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year!

    Remind me never to train for a marathon in December. The combination of that, work and trying to organise Christmas have nearly broken me. I have managed to keep doing all the long runs and am quite pleased with 20 miles today in the driving rain. Still have 11 to do tomorrow in theory, but aiming for a shorter recovery run. I do wish it would stop raining though. 

    Shades - I'm really sorry to hear you are still on the injury bench :-(  

    Robert - fingers crossed that COVID passes quickly. I know loads of people had it before Christmas. 

    BigG - have you thought about changing trainers? A friend with PF tried all sorts of things and that is what did the trick. I think she changed to Hokas. Enjoy the mince pies! 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Good summary for you and a lot to look forward to in 24,culminating in NYC.
    Rob/Shades-Pity your years haven't gone as planned,hopefully next is an improvement.
    Louey-Which race are you doing?
    As for me,I've never felt truly fit this year.It was a jump start every few months with no major injuries just lots of niggles.
    Obvious highlight was Tokyo and my 6*,helped by having a very enjoyable race and everything around it.
    Disappointed that I never broke 90 in a HM,first year since 2016 I was surprised to see,didn't even think I'd be running that long.
    On a positive I'm leaving the year in good shape and feel ready to attack fast times again.

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    Louey - you're doing well to do those long runs at this time of year, weather, limited daylight, never mind the work involved with a family for the build up and during the festive season.

    Ian - you have the promise of a very good 2024 for running.

    I think Louey is doing Seville too. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that Robert.  Fingers crossed you get through it quickly and out the other side.  I too hope you don’t hang up your marathon shoes just yet - you do enjoy your trail events in particular, I think. 

    Louey, well done for keeping the training going over the busy period. Yeah, I’ve tried different shoes, although I’ve not tried Hoka as yet. 

    Ian, yeah, great year for you too, what with your six star completion. Let’s hope you can have some consistent training throughout 2024, as you definitely sound ready to give it a crack. 

    Shades, missing that many marathons isn’t nice to read. Same with you - let’s hope you can get back to training in the near future. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Just realised I also went to India this year which was obviously a highlight along with the weddings.
    Also got a 16m run in today,felt decent enough apart from the end which was to be expected as its my longest run for quite a while.
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    Happy new year all and hope 2024 is easier on the injury front

    Ian - Good to hear you’re feeling optimistic about the training. What races are you thinking aside from Seville?

    Rob - Hope you get your mojo back

    Big G - Ex the blasted PF that sounds like a great year ticking off Boston and Chicago 

    Shades - Fingers crossed for improvement on the sciatica 

    Louey - Well done maintaining the training in spite of Xmas/the weather

    In terms of my year on the running side it’s been solid. Consistent in both mileage and strength work and with a PB, which were the main targets going into the year and will be again for 2024. I didn’t race much in 2023 but that’s by design and am not likely to change that yet. Being this close to sub 3 means that I’d love to have a proper crack at that once or twice in 2024 but that will obviously depend on OH. Notwithstanding that I’m focused on Cambridge half then Manchester full, although I know I race better in the autumn post a hot summer of training so perhaps the big sub 3 effort at Berlin or Chicago. 

    Have also been going to junior parkrun with my eldest which has been great, even if every one so far has been a mud fest. The fact she’s still keen to go must be a good sign, even if it might just be the usual smoothie afterwards. I’ve still never been to a Saturday one and am unlikely to given taxi commitments with the girls (and deep dislike of short stuff!).  

    Back from Wales and ticking along with the running albeit with a few less miles than I’d like due to Xmas which is fine. Did a session on Friday which was 6x1k with 3 minute rest which was fun even with mad headwinds. Hoping for a nice long run tomorrow with fairer weather. 

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    Fantastic running everyone - I am also keeping my fingers crossed for everyone's various ailments and situations. 
    Rcouture - Wimbledon Park isn't too muddy, is it? Though that one would be on hard path.

    I suppose my biggest achievement this year was my first ultra, the UltraLondon 55. Did enjoy it. Probably won't do another in 2024 as I want to try and get faster again, if that's even possible. But I have two marathons booked.
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    Cal - It’s actually mainly run on the central grassy area which is currently a bog. Presumably because the hard paths are quite narrow so tricky with other park users. 
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    Happy New Year Shadies.

    Big G - I've read many times the same comment that Louey made about Hoka shoes and PF.   However, I'm sure you've read endless reams of advice on PF and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for others.   But if you're ever near a Hoka retailer worth trying on a few as they do feel different than other shoes, due to the rocker feel of them.   I was able to continue running in 2014 when I had a forefoot problem, thanks to Hokas.

    Ian - you're forgiven forgetting your daughter's wedding, after all we were reminiscing on running related stuff.  ;)

    Rcouture - welcome back from Wales.   Hope you managed to avoid those nasty hills  ;)

    Great news your daughter is enjoying her running.

    Cal - a short ultra or two certainly won't damage your plans for a faster marathon if they fit into your race schedule.

    Put out my running shoes last night in anticipation of a little run today.   Unfortunately I had a really bad night with my sciatica, very little sleep and couldn't wait to get up as I couldn't get comfortable.   So reluctantly no run today, but I will walk down town later.   Hope to have a good night's rest tonight and then perhaps a little run tomorrow morning.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 1
    Happy New Year everyone.  

    Shades, not good news about your sciatica again :( Doesn’t seem to be much pattern to it. I’m sure you’ve checked it out, but there is nothing a GP can do in terms of pain relief is there?

    Rcouture, it’s nice your daughter is getting into Junior parkrun.  You’ve had a great running year, and I reckon faster times still to come. 

    Robert, I hope Covid hasn’t hit too hard for you.  

    Cal, I’d say it’s definitely possible for you to get some speed back. Best of luck with it.  

    Ian, that’s funny that you forgot your daughter’s wedding…

    Louey, best of luck to you you too. Seville will soon be here. I saw a few yesterday who are going.  Kind of made me wish I was also going but I’ve other plans really. 

    Keith, what about your plans?  Any ultras or anything?  Quadzilla?

    Steve, I see you’re still chipping away nicely on strava. I hope all is well.   

    I had a full rest day yesterday, but went along to spectate at the final stages of a small marathon here as two friends were doing their 100th. Paul has been going 34 years I think he said, and Fizz less time, but since being married they’ve done quite a lot of events together, more often than not running together.  Fizz’s son was there and did his first marathon off of no training, and her daughter did a few laps.  Loads of Trotters there, some running various distance, and others like me who turned up for the last couple of hours or so. They were both emotional at the finish and it was nice being there. They asked Chair to present their shirts etc and it was a good few hours.  Trotters will do a presentation on Wednesday and those who are 100MC members will come along in their shirts for a pic.  

    On the way back I noticed my headlight was blown so I nipped into Halfords and sorted that.  2 or 3 others in the car park with their bonnets up fitting bulbs as well!  Can’t easily do it on my OH’s car as the wheels have got to come off which is just ridiculous, but I was in my car so all fine.  

    Parkrun planned this morning, plus running there and back to kick off the year. I didn’t even stay up until midnight as there wasn’t much on TV so I was in bed around 11pm. We’ve enjoyed our Xmas and New Year though. Relaxed but seeing friends etc, and my cycling challenge for me whilst OH was working, so it’s been nice. Dad a constant worry, but we work around that as best we can, and made it as nice for him as we could in the circumstances. Need to get back on it now though as despite the cycling I’ve put on a few pounds…..again!
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    Big G  - I'm using ibuprofen as as when I need it.   But can't take it in the middle of the night as a good few hours since I've eaten.   Don't think painkillers alone would allow me to sleep.   I had to have sleeping tablets last time, but I was much worse then. 

    I saw the photos etc of Fizz's 100th.   Looks like they had a great day.   IMHO i couldn't think of a worse event to do a special marathon but obviously they wanted as many from the club to be there.
    I coached her for her first marathon many years ago. 

    Thank heavens for your Zwift challenge.    Just think how much weight you might have put on without it 🤔 
    Fabulous food in Madeira so you'd better get back to race weight before then. 😉

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Great year running.wise for you,I hope the family side improves in 24.
    Big G-I have definitely put weight on over the last few weeks,got 7 weeks now to lose it all again.
    Legs feel sore today,but will go out later.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I agree about that course. Chair was there after he finished and he said to Jen and Tim that he was never doing it again…. But it was nice for Fizz and Paul - they really appreciated everyone being there. Jen said it was their largest every entry list, with 66 I think she said. She had to amend the layout of her lap checking list to accommodate. They also presented Fizz and Paul with a plaque of some sort (I didn’t see exactly what it was). 

    Really nice conditions for running here today (sorry Shades!), and did 8 miles including putting in a bit of effort at parkrun. Don’t know my exact time as I don’t restart my watch for the event, but I was doing 7min/miles on the track and felt okay, although I’d have slowed I on the muddy path towards the finish. Probably around 21:30 I am guessing, which is a nice benchmark to start the year off. I reckon I could potentially squeak under 21 in a proper race based on today’s effort and how it felt on the tarmac, which isn’t too bad I suppose. Not where I’d prefer to be, but not bad. Had a really enjoyable run, regardless. 

    Loads of Trotters there again including Fizz and Paul, although I didn’t get to speak to them as I ran straight home afterwards as I didn’t want to get cold hanging around. 
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    Big G - since I've had this bloody sciatica the weather has been perfect for running, as far as it can be at this time of year.   Not a single morning with ice 😪 

    I've just cleaned the kitchen and no more than a mild 1/10 pain wise.   Don't want to spend my life cleaning, I want to be running 😩 

    I an tired though, expecting a much better night's sleep tonight. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Weather is really good here this morning,down to be wet and windy this afternoon though so got out before.
    7 done,legs felt a little achey but were fine when I got going.I'm taking some hours back over the next couple of weeks before I move so hoping to have some higher mileage weeks.
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    I havn't fully made my mind up yet as to plans for the year but yes i have some and yes there is an Ultra planned once more. As per usual i trio blog this sort of thing on Fetch so first one is last years goals so i'lll C+P it below albeit some of you are on Fetch as well ;)

    So then my goals for the year were as follows

    2023 goals

    Walking 500 miles
    Biking 1000 miles
    Running 1000 miles
    Blogging every day
    Again aiming for 50 books read over the year albeit it's 50 books and/or 20,000 pages as if you go for a long book takes longer to get thru

    Well then the outcome is as follows

    Walking was 359 which was going ok then tailed off like usual. Really need to get the mileage in earlier in the year to allow for lower distance later months in the dark.

    Biking was 492 miles in the end which isn't too bad. Had dropped it down to 1000 km but then that was still nowhere near doable but i purchased Zwift Hub One early December so knocked up 211 miles last month which got me my 200 miles in a month biking badge and also got the Cold Turkey Badge. (100 miles between xmas eve and new years eve on foot/bike)

    Running was 702 miles which was a tad shit really but had several spells of illness and CBAness. Then later on a wonky hip as well. Still not resolved that one. Still aches on and off but it's manageable and rarely hurts out running.

    Book reading well er 66 books and 26,503 pages in the end. goodreads.com

    Finally bogging every day, well i smashed the previous attempt which never made it out of January but failed in late August this year but almost failed 2 days before my birthday on a night out with people from work when i failed to go home sensible time and ended up blogging 11:57pm some how.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year all! 
    Shades I really hope you can turn a corner with this sciatica. Literally a pain in the bum.

    While trains are running today, I didn't really want risk them for the sake of getting to a parkrun I'd not done before (which would also mean an early start...not that I stayed up because I was in bed at 10 with earplugs deployed). It's also my 250 in two weeks so I'd rather save my travel budget for that. So anyway, I opted to revisit Thames Path in Woolwich as I'd enjoyed it very much before. And I enjoyed it just as much this time. I finished in 27:56 which is a bit slower than last time, but give my recent ailments I was pleased to be back under 28. That's something I can build on.
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    Ian - it's wet and windy here now too, just been out for a walk.  Surprised to see quite a few shops open, no customers though. 

    Keith  - that's not too bad for 2023 goals.  If you achieved all of them then they aren't challenging enough. 

    Cal - it's nerve spasms in my back occasionally and more my leg than bum for referred pain.  It is a bloody nuisance. 

    You're definitely over your bug/virus and back on form. 

    I'm pretty sure there's no public transport around here today. 

    I've got ostrich for dinner...not a whole one  😉
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I haven't had that for a while but I remember enjoying it. Ostrich, not sciatica.  :D
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Is that a typo re the ostrich? If not, what’s the taste like? Sandy 🙂?

    Just under 18 miles earlier with some progression throughout. Had a nice run though went out late as family stayed overnight at the house so the Thames path was teeming with runners, families on their new year walk and the usual idiots with ultra long dog leashes across the path chatting on the phone. I’ve been trying a new electrolyte gel called HUMA to replace my usual SIS and pair with my maurten gels. The SIS sit well but are bulky, have less electrolytes than I’d like and have a tendency to split into a mess at times. These huma ones taste nice and are all natural but I needed a desperate pub loo stop which is rare for me so will need more testing. 
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    Rcouture - I just googled the HUMA gels and see that they say they have a better fructose/glucose balance so should cause less gastric distress.   You'll have to try them again.   I wouldn't worry too much about when manufacturers quote 'natural' ingredients, that's meaningless really and sugar is a natural ingredient anyway.  As are many poisons  ;)
    There are plenty more gels on the market for you to try, but not so many that have electrolytes I guess.

    No ostrich was not a typo 

    They're nice, a bit gamey but I like that.   Probably needs a bit of plum sauce or redcurrant jelly to counteract the slight taste as they've been cured/treated in brine.   Very lean, you never see a fat ostrich.  :)  High protein 26g/100g, the steaks are quite small but a hefty 32g of protein each.   Very filling, I wouldn't want any bigger.

    I have run.  :) A very slow and careful 3 miles but was good to be out.   Lovely mild morning, 12 degrees.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Well done for the run. Re the gels I just generally prefer to avoid artificial preservatives and sweeteners of which SIS have plenty. So do the maurten mind, but they’re worth it 😉. Interesting re the ostrich. Didn’t realise they were so readily available here, I know it’s popular in South Africa. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Great news on the run,how does it feel now compared to after you ran last time?
    Went out this morning and for the first time in a long time I had stomach issues,had to head home so only got 3 done,then done 2 on the mill,weather is nasty now so may be it for the day.
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