
1000 miles in 2024



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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... Well done on the C25K sessions!

    TT... Ah...Galle; the memories come flooding back. Seeing the Tsunami signs, indicating direction to higher ground, the fishermen sorting out their nets, the shopkeeper squatting at the roadside having his morning shave (they don't do that in Chipping Norton) and the fascinating streets around the fort, and views over the Cricket ground.

    Cal... Well done for persevering! (Active recovery is a bit of a 'tight rope'. Take care!)

    Lovely running weather today. Shame my 8 miles didn't do it justice. But happy to fit it in, after a neighbour's funeral, this afternoon.

    YTD: 0138' . 
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Beautiful morning for running today, definitely signs of spring in the air, I even managed to go out without my gloves today 😊.
    16 miles along the canal path which wasn’t as muddy as I expected so bonus of not having to put the trainers in the wash!

    YTD 155 miles.
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    Well done on C25K Hobie, we've tried running some sessions in the past but he attendance just drops of a cliff after a few weeks :(

    Another 25k marathon pace session yesterday, 5x(4k@MP, 1k rec), went swimmingly and the weather at the minute is perfect ! I have the Cardiff 20 miler coming up in a few weeks so hoping for a good result...

    YTD 345km / 214m
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Well done all - great to read and loved the pictures.

    I'm still on 0!!

    Piriformis syndrome is much improved and by any normal measurement I'm not really troubled by any discomfort, its just that I want to run about 25 miles per week.  Some stiffness in that area and also top of the hamstring. 

    Have joined a gym for £17 per month no contract - hoping to mix gym, treadmill and gradually more road running over the next couple of months. Aim is to be back to normal running by end of March.

    I've an entry for Manchester marathon - I can defer until 2025 at a cost of £30 if I act by 4th Feb, its the sensible thing to do. 

    Volunteering at PR tomorrow (back on tokens), will be disappointed if I'm still on 0 miles by this time next week. 
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    Congrats on those over 100 miles and dangeroushamster for the amazing 200 plus.

    8.35 yesterday

    YTD = 153.70 miles.

    I was getting frustrated with some lame excuses from three of the Newbies and have given them an ultimatum - during half term, they will join me to cover the marathon route from mile 3 to the finish.  I can then give more attention to those who are keeping up with the training schedules I have given.

    During February I have suggested an alternative to the even pacing for those who simply cannot stop themselves starting off too fast - the tapered pacing. e.g. for the 5 hour finishers, they will run at 11 minutes/mile for 14 miles, 6 miles at 11:30 minutes/mile and finish off the rest at 12 minutes/mile.  During training runs they can apportion their pace in similar proportions - say a 2 hour run will comprise the first hour at whatever average pace they want to run and the second hour broken into 30 minutes at half a minute/mile slower and the last 30 minutes another half a minute/mile slower still etc. etc.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Donnie, sounds like you have a plan. Hope it works out for you. Keep us updated.

    Harmander, coaches need to know when to use the carrot and when to use the stick. Give them a bit of tough love and it should sort out who is serious. London is not far away.

    DangerousHamster, your mileage is through the roof! Well done! 

    MrC, gloves??? Most guys here are running topless! 

    It was a cracking morning in Melbourne today. It will be 31 later, but I got a half in early with 7km flat, 7km hill repeats and 7km flat return. 

    Need to sign up for another race soon and step up the mileage accordingly.

    YTD - 130 miles (elevation: 9,511 ft).
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Well, adding distance and longer intervals at the same time was overreaching and I definitely paid for that, but recovered enough to manage parkrun (just my local today with the mucky watersplash) though I took the intervals back to 4 run/1 walk. Feel OK now, for the mostpart.

    YTD: 98
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    Great miles DH

    Cal, glad you’re working through the injury

    Donnie, sorry to hear you’re still on the bench. I know you’re a cricket fan, was sitting outside having a few drinks at the golf club the other day when Eoin Morgan was spotted at the 18th, he came for a drink afterwards but don’t think he appreciated us mentioning selling his soul to play for England!

    2.2 4.23
    3.2 4.06 

    YTD 108.36 miles

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC... Fortunate to have the canal to run alongside!

    dangeroushamster...Great 25k session! All the best for your 20miler. (Never done one of those!)

    Donnie... All the best as you prepare to ease back in to the running!

    Harmander...'tapered pacing' sounds like a complicated approach...?

    JackFW... 31 sounds a bit too much of a good thing!

    12 miles banked today; 7 mid-day, and 5 this evening. Both runs were slower than my effort indicated. Rest day tomorrow and start next week refreshed!?

    YTD: 0150' .

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    It’s 38 today. Hottest day of the summer yet. So hitting the beach this morning and then a lazy Sunday afternoon at home. No running today! 

    MrM2, what’s your secret to running twice in a day? Never tried it. Seems a bit much for the body. 
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    Jack it’s freezing in Dubai this morning, 18 degrees at 4am when I was heading to work wrapped up and a hoody on 
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a warm British summer day, Dubairunner!  😂 
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    MrM2,  Basically it is breaking down your planned run distance (or time) into portions of your choice and aim to run at different pre-determined speeds during the distance/time.  

    03/02 - 8.67 - including parkrun
    04/02 - 13.23 - everyone had to do a half marathon or more today)

    YTD = 175.60 miles

    Daughter took 3 hours 40 minutes to do 22km - complained abot not being able to move for hours after. lol

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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone

    Some good miles going on here. Jealous of the 31 in Melbourne and even the 18 in Dubai.

    Shorts and t-shirt for my long run in what I thought was a fairly mild 9 degrees, though there was a pretty strong wind but at least the rain held off. Like MrC I thought that felt a bit spring-like

    Hope you've no ill effects today Cal

    Hope your daughter has recovered Harmander

    Yesterday was 17 miles with 1500ft ascent then a 5 mile headwind to finish.

    YTD 161 miles
    Elevation 9324ft
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    Saturday night was Night Nobbler race....that was a muddy one....glad I entered as "Race it Mate" so I got to start in the first group....by the time nearly 500 people went through the bogs it must have been hard work.
    136 miles YTD
    15,712 ft elevation

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Wow Chalmock, shorts! Still in multiple layers and thermal leggings up here.

    Hobie that is some mud.

    Donnie I do hope the recovery is going to plan and that zero will soon change.

    Out in the dark, wet and cold (how things have changed in the last week).

    YTD: 73.93
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    TM warm up and warm down for a stretching class. Learnt I am including all these this year!

    Everyone else take Monday as a rest day??

    YTD: 77.97
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 6
    No such thing as a rest day, TT! Easy days, yes! And lots of them. You seem to have started this year better than last! Keep it up! And yes also to the multiple layers and thermals, and hat, gloves and waterproof socks!

    YTD: 142.72. Every little decimal helps!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    I normally take every other Monday off - Court sittings get in the way of running  :-1:

    Chamolk, she is moaning about a sore ankle - told her to stop as she has another one to keep going.

    8.34 miles just done

    YTD = 183 94 miles
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Oooh no Hobie, I would definitely not like that. At all.
    Nice 17 chamolk!
    TT - I did yesterday. A full rest, though did some mobility. No running or cardio of any kind. Felt like I needed it. Oddly I felt more sore and worse than when I actually run.
    Did 3 today on the track, again running what I thought was 300m with a 100m recovery, but I found out I was walking to the wrong line so it was actually more like 70m recovery. Never mind. Gets me over 100, FINALLY.

    YTD: 101
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Well done Cal

    TT - it's been shorts all winter, even in the snow. Don't actually own any leggings. I just tend to add more layers on the top half when needed, but have been in shorts/long sleeve t-shirt up until last few days.

    Must have been pretty rough for those at the back Hobie, well done for doing it

    Harmander - lol

    No rest day yesterday, did 10 miles on tired legs (after long run on Sunday). No running today but 30mins row and 30mins cycle in the gym

    YTD 171
    Elevation 9892ft - should get over 10k tomorrow
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie.... Gross! I wouldn't trust myself to stay on my feet in that! Never mind running!

    Cal... Another good track session...and passing 100' ! Great.

    JackFW....Don't do doubles very often but now that things are quite demanding at home there are times when you just need to run!

    Donnie... Hoping to see some miles very soon!?

    Yesterday I managed 7 miles, and today 5 miles. Both very slow! (Almost needed a tow to get me home, yesterday!) 

    YTD: 0162' .
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Wow Hobie that’s not for me I’m afraid.

    TT I only run 4 days a week, weights on Thursday so rest days are the weekend.

    Cal good idea to use the track, it’s much more forgiving on the joints than pavements.

    7 miles this morning with a 5 mile tempo which somehow turned out quicker than half marathon pace, luckily day off tomorrow 😊.

    YTD 174 miles.

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    Think I pushed it too much last week with 2x 25k session in under 40hrs... Hip started aching after an hour of the slow long run. Gave it a few days and tried an interval session yesterday, got to around 10k before it started to come back again :( 

    Going to give myself a few days off before attempting another maybe Friday...

    It's taking all my will power to not go out and do something ! Don't think it's serious, builds up over the course of a run and feels like it's bruised afterwards. Ibro gel, massage gun and deep heat in a cycle to try get it right again :(

    For now benched

    YTD 241 miles / 388km

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    dangeroushamster... Recover well, and go again!

    With such light winds today (for a change!) I decided to do a couple of shorter runs as a sort of experiment. 5 miles this morning and the same route this afternoon. Trying different trainers, and some 'slow breathing' (3-3) miles to start each session.
    Happy with the outcome. Weather tells me that tomorrow will be a rest day!

    YTD: 0172' .
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    DH, careful. My hip is extremely volatile at the moment - it was awful Tuesday night and all yesterday. Hips are tricky. I'd get a physio (not a GP) to check yours out and determine whether it's just a tight, angry muscle or something like gluteal tendinopathy or bursitis. 
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    Great miles being logged, well done.
    Couch to 5k coaching for me last night, then ran home so 9ish hilly miles of back roads.....wonderful head clearer but I really don't like roads.
    147 miles YTD
    16,565 ft elevation
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    With the slower First timer newbies, we managed a LSR of 12.79 miles in the pouring rain today.  It was the easy flat course (I was feeling the need to be kind) and they managed this with a minute shy of 3 hours.  

    My daughter was resting her ankle though.

    YTD = 188.39 miles

    you deserve a (short) break being over two marathon distance ahead.
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    Has anyone done the original marathon in Athens?

    Any feedback would be welcome as it is one of the four marathons left on my bucket list.
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