
1000 miles in 2024



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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Mrmr2 you are totally right, it was a big shock.

    Donnie welcome back!!! 

    DR seriously, I would never have expected that in Dubai. 

    Black ice this morning so waited till this afternoon,  still too cold so TM again, this time in the gym so had a little race with the person next to me.

    YTD: 86.47
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭

    JackFW - yeah, there's a track around the ship that's a bit over 0.4 miles for one lap.  5 miles yesterday was 12 laps, 5k today was 7.5 laps 

    At Haiti today though, so was 30 degrees, reasonably humid with no wind - hot enough given that I'm used to temperatures in Ireland

    YTD 206 miles
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Chamolk sounds like a great running track, and one with ever changing views. Anyone else running?

    I found out this morning my waterproof jacket is really waterproof!!!!

    YTD: 94.11
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    JackFW: I've never run an overseas event. My reason for mentioning Tokyo, I've been to Japan and loved it. Loved everything about it. Just think it would be a great running experience. An experience that would be so good that I'd just be happy to be part of it and for once totally ignore any personal time.

    Chamolk: years ago you'd never have got me near a cruise, have to say bits of me now really fancy the experience.

    Mon and Tues back to the gym for 2.5 and 3.2 miles on the treadmill. Should be back outside later this week. 

    Ytd: 9.2
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Chamolk that sounds like the perfect holiday, running track on your door step 😁

    Donnie good to see you are progressing well.

    8 miles today on the track with the main session being a 3 x 2 mile repeat, really pleased with the paces I managed to hold.

    YTD 205 miles.
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    Donnie, good to see you getting some miles in

    Alehouse/TT we average 6 days rain a year, that was exceptional and lucky my villa didn’t flood, unlike some of my neighbours. No drainage of course and one drain in the middle of the road which couldn’t cope, so man with pump and tanker arrived. Discovered the small drain off the master balcony is built at the top of an incline, very helpful, no European building standards here.

    Chamolk, I’ve never fancied a cruise but have been to St Lucia, Antigua and Cuba, all over 20 years ago before kids! I’m also Irish, you do acclimatise eventually, like a few years!
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    JackFW, I have been around a bit longer than most of you young'uns and always combined my holidays to include the local marathon - in fact only organised my holidays around the local marathon.
    Donnie, I did Tokyo in 2019 as the last of my Majors - unless it has changed, the loo facilities on the course were interesting - some were several hundred metres off the course.  Couldn't agree with you more about the hospitality of the people, absolutely wonderful. First night we sought out an Indian restaurant, it was in the basement of the Hilton - a total rip off.  resorted to McDonalds (got served by an Indian student of all people) and mixed cuisine eateries after that. 
    MrC congrats on the 200.
    Chamolk, almost envious but aware that I am easily sea sick - even on the Woolwich Ferry across the Thames.

    Did 8.97 miles (new route) yesterday.
    and my usual 14.2 miles on Valentines day today.


    YTD = 235.36 miles
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Back to the gym treadmill last night for 3.3 miles. Run a bit quicker but still very conservatively. 

    Aiming to go outside tomorrow. 

    Ytd: 12.4
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    13.2 4.86
    14.2 9.75
    15.2 7.34

    YTD 166.27 miles

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    First run since Saturday as I was waiting for my hip to calm the heck down. Did a 6 mile run/walk (short walk intervals now) and ran the whole of the last mile. Waiting to see how my body reacts. Hopefully well because my number for the Winter 10K came through today. 

    YTD: 110
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Harmander running away out in front again 😁

    Cal hopefully no after effects and you are good to go.

    16 miles this morning, a bit of a mud bath in places along the canal. I must have over done it yesterday in the garden shifting 30 concrete blocks from the front of the house, legs felt very heavy!
    But thinking positively a good workout on fatigued legs ☺️.

    YTD 221 miles.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... Good to see you on the move again.

    MrC... Well done on the 16 miles...and the 'cross-training'.

    Thought that I might have had another longish run in me, yesterday...Got that wrong!
    However, managed 9' .
    Looking lovely out there today, but mustn't get sucked in!

    YTD: 0214' .
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    MrC, I think I was 2nd until I did the 10.81 miles yesterday - but also behind the minimum mileage if I am to reach 2000 again. This used to be over 3000 about a decade ago. Not as quick as before either - but can't keep on blaming Covid forever lol.
    Some intense mileage coming up as London looming and then Luxembourg a few weeks later. I might drop down to the Half there to make it my 300th Half as I have decided to take my late daughter's place as a volunteer at the London Landmarks.
    Maybe I am the optimist but overall I think everyone is on the mend with the niggles etc and those still suffering are managing their recoveries well.

    YTD = 246.17 miles.
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    5.06 miles in 31 degrees

    YTD 171.33 miles 

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Progress, Donnie, but don't rush things! You have ten and a half months to catch up!

    Send some heat this way, DR

    YTD: 181.38
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Well sadly there were definitely aftereffects from that run but I was able to go to parkrun today. My friend picked Cranleigh which turned out to be very muddy. I did a run walk but instead of by time, I ran the runnable parts and walked the muddy bits (slowly so as not to slip). Very slow time (36:26) but my hip is OK. Actually the right groin is a bit grumpier than the left.
    Donnie, you'll probably catch up with me at this rate!

    YTD 113
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    A busy day but managed to get out for 10 miles. (Really a 9 mile run, plus a slow, warm-down mile, tacked on.)
    Quite breezy, and some light rain at the end.

    YTD: 0224' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    I’m not sure what sounds more scary, TT’s black ice, Chamolk’s humid and 30 degrees in Haiti, or MrC’s 16 miles of muddy canal running!

    Cal, maybe it’s time to take a few weeks off and rest up? Sounds like your body is screaming for it. 

    Donnie, I have been keen to visit Japan for a long time but never got around to it. It’s on the to do list. Glad to see you back clocking miles.

    A 25 km run for me this morning. Up and back along the promenade. I have signed up for my second Marathon, a trail coastal run from Torquay to Fairhaven in June. There’s nothing like signing up for a race to provide some motivation to get out there for a run.

    YTD - 193 miles
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    Good to see you back Donnie.
    Bit of a rubbish week for me, keeping an eye on family trying to look after mother in law, who's heading for end of life care.
    Managed to finish with a race up North Wales though...Winter Trail Gaeaf...fantastic, hilly, wet race in stunning scenery....near 7 miles with 1200 ft (ish) of climbing.

    177 miles YTD 
    19,717 ft elevation 
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Donnie Japan is on my list too, not the marathon but as a holiday.

    Cal maybe some rest as Jack suggests??

    Hobie that is quite a view. 

    Harmander I am always motivated by your running. 

    DR totally agree with Alehouse, send some heat over!

    It was Snake Lane today, local, extremely well organised 10 mile race. Considering my last race was Jerusalem HM (March 2023) which I walked the hills, my longest run since then has been 7.5 miles, brekkie this morning was a piece of Christmas cake and a banana, and OH flew back from working in Sri Lanka yesterday so is completely out of time sync, I was delighted with 90 mins and 47 seconds!!!!

    YTD: 106.19 (includes today's race, WU and WD).
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     I would but I do have some races I don't want to miss.
    That's a great time, TT.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    TT... Agree with Cal; a great time for your 10 miles! (What happens when the Christmas cake runs out?)

    Hobie... Some of your pictures should come with a warning, especially for Southern Softies! Great running from you. 
    Sounds like you have family demands. (Not far from end-of-life-care for MrsM2; already in touch with the palliative care team and other helpful people. But life goes on!)

    JackFW... Don't need to extend your runs by too much in your marathon prep.? If you're comfortable with 25k you're well on the way.

    Behaved myself today; took a day off! 
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    Progress incrementally Donnie.
    Cal, sounds like some dodgy marathon routes in the winter I have run but aim to avoid in the future. Glad to hear the hip is okay. Is your right groin friends with my missus?
    MrM2 and Hobie, sorry to hear the news. The wife's favourite cousin passed yesterday in her country, in her 50's - I only met her in the 1990's and recall having a few pleasant conversations with her.
    Well done TT.
    JackFW, good advice from MrM2, don't copy me, I am mad. Just making the newbies test themselves by asking them to increase their LSR's by 2 miles each weekend since the 15 miler last Sunday. Reason being some will be fasting from 10 March for a month and I want them to reach 20 miles by 3 March after which I still want them to do at least 8 miles easy when they do run and pick up again after 12 April. The result is everyone is on it and doing well.

    8.35 yesterday including parkrun.
    20.02 today - I have got to lead by example to show it can be done.


    YTD = 274.54 miles

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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie and Mr MM: failing health and old age are a challenge. I've a 95 year old aunt who has had a huge impact on my life who has defide age until the last month. I've been hospital visiting each night for the last two weeks. We take so much for granted. 

    TT: I've holidayed in Japan three times. Love it. Retirement isn't too far away and it'll be the first big trip. 

    My recovery is progressing and I'm trying to follow the 'slow steady gradual' advice. Just about doing it. 

    Fri back on the gym treadmill for 3.1 and Saturday morning 4.1 outside. My first outside run since Sat 30th Dec! 

    Ytd: 19.6
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    A further 4.4 treadmill miles making 

    Ytd: 24.0
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    Good to see the miles adding up Donnie

    Sorry to see about family care issues, wasn’t easy when it was my father in law, my wife seemed to be coming and going on flights all the time. My folks are in their 80s but thankfully in good health for now, glad my brother moved back from Oz a few years ago and is just a short hop away in England. 

    17.2 4.71
    18.2 6.45 and 3.28
    19.2 6.02 and 3.36
    20.2 5

    YTD 200.14 miles

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    And well done on your race TT, haven’t run a race since Dubai marathon Jan 2020, just signed up for the Abu Dhabi marathon in December 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Harmander... Thanks. Sorry to hear of your family loss!
    And a 20 miler, just for fun!!?

    Donnie... Agree; we take a lot for granted...until...
    95 is a good age. I'm not very good at hospital visiting. Hope you do better!
    Glad that you are starting to add a few more miles!

    Dubai...Congrats on passing 200'.
    Glad you've got other family members to share the care.

    Missed the best part of the day (when the winds were light) but always happy to get out and run this very familiar 7 miles, down on the coast. (Back in the Bournemouth area for a little break.)

    YTD: 0231' .
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    Another 3 miles but continuous, as I wanted to test it ahead of the Winter 10K this weekend. It wasn't great but it didn't hurt too much later in the day, which is a positive.

    YTD: 116
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Donnie those miles are starting to add up. You are right we do take much for granted, and I know I fall into the category. 

    DR thank you, is that a road race?

    Mrmr2 you inspire me with the 'happy to get out attitude'

    Just taken on the new role of club championship coordinator. Any ideas? I was thinking of age related rankings for some prizes, overall best improvement, best effort at some distances.

    Out this morning before heading to London, now sitting on a train very glad I went out. 

    YTD: 111.45
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