
New Mature Runners Thread



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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    I didn't get out for an early walk this morning as there was grocery shopping needed to be done for tomorrow's family 'invasion' (ie. lunch). I thought I was cooking dinner but apparently, Margaret enjoys doing vegetables and wants to do them .. so I'm just in charge of the roast lamb tomorrow.

    And obviously, no chance of an early walk tomorrow either as I'll be busy getting the dining room ready (extra table needs moving in), 'hiding' eggs in the garden for the granddaughters to find when they do an easter egg hunt (very easily no doubt!). So maybe Monday will be the next chance to stretch my legs.

    A knock on the door and the delivery driver had scarpered by the time I got there (about 10 seconds later). It was an M&S Afternoon Tea .. a box full of biscuits, cakes and tea bags. We suspect Margaret's sister is the culprit but there was no sender address. Margaret and her sister usually swap cheques and buy our own easter eggs - so we're unsure why we've received it in the first place. Margaret will have to broach the subject because she did wonder if her sister selected the wrong delivery address (we suspect it may have been destined for one of her sister's children, not us).
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, good that you had a nice trip to Tring, and that your mum was pleased to see Margaret.

    I hope you make a good job tomorrow, roasting the lamb.

    That's a good game for the grandchildren, searching for the hidden Easter Eggs.

    Delivery drivers "don't hang about." I hope Margaret will be able to solve the mystery of who sent the M&S afternoon tea.

    I didn't run yesterday, but did the usual Friday Farmers Walk. Today, we did the Bartley Park parkrun, as the Brockenhurst one, which should have been back in the college grounds, was closed because of the Bank Holiday. It was course D, the 4 hilly laps, finishing at the top of a hill. 

    I'm having a rest day tomorrow, as we are running on the Solent Half Marathon course on Monday. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    You are a talented chap Wtnmel, I bet the roast lamb is delicious.
    Hillstrider I've suffered with Blepharitis for many years but was equally baffled when it was diagnosed. Must say I've never heard of the hot mask treatment? For me the main thing is never to rub my eyes. Occasionally mild eye drops help too. Hope it's not too awful but you soon learn to be cautious around the eyes.
    We did Denton Dene, a new patkrun a few miles away. Very enjoyable if somewhat hilly. I got the V60 record which was fairly achievable given the newness of the course. Today is the North Tyneside 10k, but there is a flu bug in the famlily so my wife is having to miss. I feel a bit under the weather, but will do it anyway along with two of my daughters.
    Happy Easter all and enjoy the eggs.

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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    00, you are the only person I know that has heard of Blepharitis. I'm surprised that you have never been recommended the heat mask treatment. I didn't have any symptoms, and it was only during my routine eye checkup that it was discovered. The heat loosens the blocked material making it easier to clean. I will definitely take care not to rub my eyes. 

    Well done for setting the MV60 record at the Denton Dene parkrun. Good luck with today's 10k to you and  two  of your daughters. I hope that your wife soon recovers from the flu bug. 

    I'm having a running rest day today, as I'm running, not racing, the Club's Solent Half Marathon course tomorrow with the Monday Group. 
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon all, 

    This mornings 13.1 mile with the Monday Group didn't quite go to plan. I knew that I would find it tough, as my previous longest this year was just under 8 miles. I had to resort to run/walk on several occasions. The others were very good and we shortened the distance to 10.96 miles. I still managed to finish though with my trademark sprint. 😁
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    On my phone so attempting to remember what's been posted. Thought I'd better post now as I'm busy tomorrow and Wed and off to Tring again on Thu.

    HS - well done re the 'almost' HM. Margaret checked with her sister and the afternoon tea WAS for us. Margaret is still none the wiser though why we got upgraded from a £10 cheque to buy Easter eggs. That road looks a bit damp!

    OO54 - the roast lamb was delicious, even if I do say so myself. I had some of the leftovers tonight for dinner- Margaret is very good at using leftovers to produce good meals.

    I was too good at hiding the easter eggs in the garden. There were 32 in total but only 31 were found. The granddaughters enlisted me, their dad and their uncle, but none of us could find the missing one. Maybe our gardener will stumble across it.

    Haven't heard from Aquarius lately- I hope she is just busy and hasn't left us.

    I did a 4ml fast walk this morning. Hoping to get out again tomorrow, then heading over to see my son. 

    It's my birthday on Wed, so Margaret is treating me to lunch in town at a restaurant we like.

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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, thanks, yes that road was flooded. 

    I'm glad that the lamb was delicious, and that you had some left overs for last nights dinner.

    The mystery of the missing Easter egg.

    I was wondering about Aquarius. She is still running and I see her posts on Strava.

    Well done for yesterdays 4 mile fast walk.

    Happy birthday for tomorrow. I hope that you have a lovely day.

    No running today for me, just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - I've been out but apparently, our gardener was here earlier. I told Margaret she should have let her know there's a missing easter egg somewhere to see if she could find it! Mind you, it has rained so I hope the wrapper is intact ;) I see you've done your regular Farmer's Walk today.

    As it was a nice afternoon, my son suggested we go for a walk. Not as brisk as my solo ones, but reasonably fast. I didn't have my Garmin and couldn't get my 'Outdoor Active' app working on my phone. We were out for 95 minutes so I'm guessing we did between 4 and 5 miles.

    There'll be a bit of 'ambling' tomorrow. We'll get the bus into the town centre and walk to the restaurant which is a 20-25 min walk. Getting the bus means I can have a drink and not worry about parking or driving :)
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Margaret struggling a bit this morning so we're getting a taxi into town for our meal rather than the bus.

    I saw on BBC Breakfast a report of a parkrun appealing for volunteers as they don't get enough, despite it attracting 800 people regularly. What is the matter with these selfish ********? Who are happy to turn up, but incapable of putting themselves forward to help from time to time?
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all, 

    WtnMel, well done for yesterday afternoons walk with your son.

    A good idea getting a taxi into town, meaning that you can have a drink without the worry of driving and parking. 

    Most parkrun organisers email each week for volunteers as they need many more than you would think. They often rely on the same people week after week, which isn't fair, as it  means that they can't run themselves. I've officially volunteered 25 times, but it is more than that as I've often done more than job, such as marshalling and collecting the flags etc after the last runner and walker had finished. 

    Today was an interval session with the Wednesday Group comprising 5 x 100 metres, 5 x 200 metres with 30 seconds recoveries and 4 x 400 metres with 60 seconds recoveries. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - my son plotted the route from yesterday and it was just under 5 miles. Well done re that interval session.

    As you know, I've never been one for doing parkrun. I was just amazed that with such a well-attended parkrun, the organisers were having to resort to an appeal on the local BBC news programme to try and persuade more people to put themselves out every now and then and not expect the organisers and 'regular volunteers' to carry on. I thought they should probably use 'shock tactics' - just tell everyone the parkrun has had to be cancelled due to lack of helpers.

    We enjoyed my birthday meal out - the food was just as good as we remembered. We walked back into the ton centre and got a bus home from there.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone, 

    WtnMel, two of the local parkruns have emailed with details of outstanding voluntary duties. I  think that it is a fairly widespread problem. They do sometimes advise that the session could be cancelled unless more helpers come forward. I think that there are also less parkrunners since the rules were changed. It all started because transgender men were running as women and claiming event records.  These records are no longer allowed to be published. 

    I'm glad that you enjoyed the birthday meal out, and caught a bus home without the hassle of driving. 

    This morning was a solo 5 miles on roads. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    HS - it's always the same isn't it .. people don't seem to want to step up and help. Well done re the 5ml road run this morning.

    I'm staying in the Premier Inn in Tring and went for a fast walk after seeing my Mum this afternoon. The forecast had promised rain and that's exactly what I got. It started 5 minutes after I set out and didn't let up. I was soaked through so I've cranked up the heating and have hung all the sports gear up to try and dry it out. If I was at home I could have stuffed the trainers with newspaper.

    I ate in the Beefeater next door tonight but instead of the usual 'meal deal' I just had a main course and a lime & soda instead of a pint of beer. And I've got some instant porridge for the morning rather than having the usual 'full English' which is what I often have.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone,

    WtnMel, that's very true, some never volunteer.

    Well done for walking in the rain and getting soaking wet. That reminds me of a song!

    Sounds like you are trying to lose weight?

    No running today, just the usual Farmers Walk.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - yes, I've been trying to lose the post-xmas weight in readiness for my walking holiday in June. Trying to be a bit lighter so there's less flab to carry around and up and down hills! :) I'm slowly getting there and for some moral support, have joined a 'flab fighters' thread on Fetch. No walking today as I was driving back from Tring. But as its the garden waste collection tomorrow, so I cut the lawns this afternoon. So a bit of exercise for me ..

    The wet gear from yesterday evening was still damp when I packed to come home - it went straight in the wash after I'd unpacked.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, that's a good plan; I didn't know that fetch had a "flab fighters" thread.

    Cutting the lawns is good exercise. Do you have a petrol mower?

    It's surprising how long kit stays damp when kept in a bag.

    Yesterday was more or less a non event; it was 3.38 miles, mainly walking. I had to abandon my intended course because of flooded fields and deep mud. I was so p....d off that I turned round and walked home 🏡 

    I took today as a rest day, but walked briskly to the supermarket to buy a paper and back. Total distance 0.69 mile, average pace 16.22 minute miling. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - I knew about the flab fighters thread as I was posting on a version of it a few years ago. This is the latest (2024) version. I have an electric mower (Flymo style). Shame your planned run turned into a walk .. I don't blame you for giving up given the conditions!!

    I thought I would walk this morning but I slept badly, so turned over and went back to sleep when the early alarm went off. Hopefully I'l sleep better tonight and be able to walk in the morning.

    I thought it was coffee & chat (and walk) tomorrow as we missed last Monday due to Easter. But the leader is away and she thought we would give tomorrow a miss as well so we stick to the same schedule. However, I do have country dancing tomorrow afternoon.

    It's very quiet in here - we seem to have lost Aquarius and OO54??
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Seems like we are the sole survivors 😪
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning HS - I've just had a notification on Garmin Connect .. will send you a private message.

    I got out for a fast walk this morning (just under 4 mls). Hope my legs are okay for dancing later :)
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    The message disappeared before I could read it  
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    I've got it now, thanks 😃
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Forgot to add - our decorator is back. I think I mentioned we mistakenly had the downstairs toilet done in eggshell paint, which is a shiny finish. We didn't like the look of it so we've got him back to go over with the same colour but in a matt finish. He's done one coat and it's looking better already ..
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Hi all, sorry for radio silence  :) I've just been really busy and we're now at Center Parcs so may not have time to post again for a while. Haven't yet read back over your posts, will do so as soon as I have a few spare minutes.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Welcome back Aquarius, we thought that "we had lost you!"

    WtnMel, good that you now have your downstairs toilet painted to your satisfaction.

    I ran a very enjoyable 10k yesterday in Deerleap Inclosure with Sarah F and Mike. Several deer crossed over in front of us, just as we were about to start running. The only snag was that it was about a 20 minute drive to get there. The Inclosures near to home are still too wet and muddy for respectable running. 

    It is Sarah H's birthday today, and she is celebrating in Birmingham, which is where she is from.

    This morning was the usual Farmer's Walk, and we are doing hill reps tomorrow.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Welcome back Aquarius - as HS said, we thought we'd lost you. Look forward to hearing from you when you've settled in again back home and aren't snowed under.

    HS - the downstairs toilet ended up having three coats of matt paint. Glad to hear you had an enjoyable 10k run in the Deerleap Inclosure with Sarah F and Mike  .. and how nice that it lived up to it's name and you saw some deer just before you started.

    I thought I might walk again this morning but decided against it. I'm having my hair cut tomorrow but not until 10am - so I'll aim to do an early walk before breakfast. Tomorrow afternoon I'm having a hot stone massage (birthday present from Margaret) - I may have to apologize beforehand in case I nod off after my early start! :) We've decided that after my massage, we'll go for a meal at a nearby Prezzo which will make a nice change, so Margaret will meet me there.
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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    Good afternoon all, 

    WtnMel,  I'm not surprised that the downstairs toilet needed 3 coats of paint. The original colour does tend to gradually show through after a few years. 

    Did you manage to fit in a walk this morning, before you had your haircut?

    This afternoon sounds good, a hot stone massage, followed by a meal at Prezzos with Margaret. 

    There was a good turnout this morning by the Wednesday Group. We did a hill reps session in the forest, comprising 6 reps with 20 metres sprints over the top on the gravel track. 

    I'm collecting my new spectacles (reading and driving) this afternoon. 

    My sister had a hearing test recently and was offered hearing aids for 5k which also had Bluetooth. She could try them for 6 weeks and if they were not effective, she could return them with no charge. There were cheaper options which I suppose she might opt for if she wasn't happy with them. How much were yours, if you don't mind me asking?
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    No matter how good they are £5000 seems ridiculously expensive for hearing aids Hillstrider. The margins being made here must be excessive surely. Sorry to be critical, but this sort of thing feels so wrong.
    Nice to hear from you Aquarius I hope you are having fun at Centreparks.
    I've never had a hot stone massage WtnMel, you'll have to enlighten us. I think they rest stones on you. But just how hot and how comfortable I'm intrigued to know.
    I'm running the Boston marathon on Monday, flying Saturday so busy packing etc. Very relaxed about it, more so than Poland but will let you know how it goes. I'm with a few running friends so should be fun. 

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    hillstriderhillstrider ✭✭✭
    00, I checked with my sister and she advised that it was actually 4k, but still ridiculous.

    I've never had a stone massage either.

    Good luck with the Boston Marathon on Monday. I hope that you enjoy the long weekend.

    This morning was a solo hilly road 4 miles, working hard on the hills. 
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